• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Public Health in 2019

Sin volver atrás: Observando el pasado by Calvo Merino, Diego
La insoportable inocencia del culpable by Calvo Merino, Diego
Métodos de recuperación by Calvo Merino, Diego
Sicker, Fatter, Poorer: The Urgent Threat of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals to Our Health and Future . . . and What We Can Do about It by Trasande, Leonardo
Contemporary Issues in Pharmaceutical Patent Law: Setting the Framework and Exploring Policy Options by
A Fine Line: Painkillers and Pleasure in the Age of Anxiety by Dertadian, George C.
Pflege an Der Grenze: Entwicklungen - Fragestellungen - Herangehensweisen by
Vital Bodies: Living with Illness by Bates, Charlotte
Substance Abuse Prevention: A Multicultural Perspective by
Contemporary Narratives of Dementia: Ethics, Ageing, Politics by Falcus, Sarah, Sako, Katsura
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Knowledge Production and Social Transformation by
When Role-Play Comes Alive: A Theory and Practice by Heinrich, Paul
Survive and Thrive! How Cancer Saves Lives: Inspiring Stories of Courageous Cancer Thrivers by Spicer, Jo
How Neighborhoods Make Us Sick: Restoring Health and Wellness to Our Communities by Squires, Veronica, Lathrop, Breanna
Oncology Self-Esteem: 21 Priorities for 21 Days by Valentino, Fabrizio Maria
Health Care Transformation in Contemporary China: Moral Experience in a Socialist Neoliberal Polity by Tu, Jiong
Japan's Shifting Status in the World and the Development of Japan's Medical Insurance Systems by Sugita, Yoneyuki
The Palgrave Handbook of Ageing and Physical Activity Promotion by
Ethics in Public Health Practice in India by
Health Inequities in India: A Synthesis of Recent Evidence by
Selected Papers from CUBANNI 2017-The Fourth International Workshop of Neuroimmunology by
Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery: Deviance, Desire and the Pursuit of Perfection by Nurka, Camille
Ethnographies and Health: Reflections on Empirical and Methodological Entanglements by
Global Applications of Culturally Competent Health Care: Guidelines for Practice by
12 Steps for Climbing Out of the Dark Place: Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time... by Gardner, Lynn
Anthropology of Tobacco: Ethnographic Adventures in Non-Human Worlds by Russell, Andrew
Setting Limits: Gambling, Science and Public Policy by Cisneros Ornberg, Jenny, Sulkunen, Pekka, Babor, Thomas F.
Managing the Global Health Response to Epidemics: Social Science Perspectives by
Systems Leadership in Health and Social Care by Edmonstone, John
Systems Leadership in Health and Social Care by Edmonstone, John
The New Media Epidemic: The Undermining of Society, Family, and Our Own Soul by Larchet, Jean-Claude
Ultimate Guide to Cancer Support for Patients and Caregivers: A Companion to Survive and Thrive! How Cancer Saves Lives by Spicer, Jo
Teaching AIDS: The Cultural Politics of HIV Disease in India by Das, Dilip K.
I, Robot - I, Care by
ABC's of Alzheimers Disease: A Shared Reality by Me and My Shadow by Bauer, Bruce
Eating Disorders in America: A Reference Handbook by Newton, David E.
Communicating during Humanitarian Medical Crises: The Consequences of Silence or "Témoignage" by Hasian, Marouf
Legacy: Trauma, Story, and Indigenous Healing by Methot, Suzanne
The Intimate Lives of Disabled People by Liddiard, Kirsty
Sociology, Health and the Fractured Society: A Critical Realist Account by Scambler, Graham
Case Studies and the Dissemination of Knowledge by
Fatness, Obesity, and Disadvantage in the Australian Suburbs: Unpalatable Politics by Zivkovic, Tanya, Warin, Megan
Practical Justice: Principles, Practice and Social Change by
Geld Im Krankenhaus: Eine Kritische Bestandsaufnahme Des Drg-Systems by
Play and playfulness for public health and wellbeing by
State of Health: Pleasure and Politics in Venezuelan Health Care Under Chávez by Cooper, Amy
State of Health: Pleasure and Politics in Venezuelan Health Care Under Chávez by Cooper, Amy
A Waldorf Guide to Children's Health: Illnesses, Symptoms, Treatments and Therapies by Michael, Karin, Glöckler, Michaela, Goebel, Wolfgang
Play and playfulness for public health and wellbeing by
Global Health Governance and Policy: An Introduction by Pacileo, Guglielmo, Tediosi, Fabrizio, Missoni, Eduardo
Sickle Cell and the Social Sciences: Health, Racism and Disablement by Dyson, Simon M.
Global Health Governance and Policy: An Introduction by Missoni, Eduardo, Pacileo, Guglielmo, Tediosi, Fabrizio
Child Pain, Migraine, and Invisible Disability by Honeyman, Susan
Anti/VAX: Reframing the Vaccination Controversy by Hausman, Bernice L.
Disease and Discrimination: Poverty and Pestilence in Colonial Atlantic America by Hutchinson, Dale L.
Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer by Ehrenreich, Barbara
ABC's of Alzheimers Disease: A Shared Reality by Me and My Shadow by Bauer, Bruce
Death Matters: Cultural Sociology of Mortal Life by
Drug Abuse: Foundation for a Psychosocial Approach by Wingard, Joseph, Huba, George, Eiseman, Seymour
Towards the Humanisation of Birth: A Study of Epidural Analgesia and Hospital Birth Culture by Pincombe, Jan, Newnham, Elizabeth, McKellar, Lois
The Wild and the Toxic: American Environmentalism and the Politics of Health by Thomson, Jennifer
The Wild and the Toxic: American Environmentalism and the Politics of Health by Thomson, Jennifer
Nature RX: Improving College-Student Mental Health by Eells, Gregory T., Rakow, Donald A.
Language, Dementia and Meaning Making: Navigating Challenges of Cognition and Face in Everyday Life by Hamilton, Heidi E.
Wie wirkt sich die Alkoholabhängigkeit suchtkranker Eltern auf ihre Kinder aus? by Gebhardt, Neele
Glücksspielpolitik im Rahmen des neuen Glücksspielstaatsvertrages: Spielhallen im Fokus der gesetzlichen Neuregelungen by Voß, Georg
The Public and Private Management of Grief: Recovering Normal by Pearce, Caroline
Heroic Struggle: Coping with Chronic Illnesses: Personal Eczema Experiences by Matama, Christine
The Future in Plain Sight: Nine Clues to the Coming Instability by Linden, Eugene
Banking on Milk: An Ethnography of Donor Human Milk Relations by Cassidy, Tanya, Dykes, Fiona
The Public and Private Management of Grief: Recovering Normal by Pearce, Caroline
Respectable Deviance and Purchasing Medicine Online: Opportunities and Risks for Consumers by Sugiura, Lisa
Syphilis and Subjectivity: From the Victorians to the Present by
Racist Logic by Murchet Al, Donna
Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America by Otto, Mary
Disclosure in Health and Illness by
The Public Shaping of Medical Research: Patient Associations, Health Movements and Biomedicine by
Health, Food and Social Inequality: Critical Perspectives on the Supply and Marketing of Food by Mahoney, Carolyn
Bodily Exchanges, Bioethics and Border Crossing: Perspectives on Giving, Selling and Sharing Bodies by
Complaints, Controversies and Grievances in Medicine: Historical and Social Science Perspectives by
Rauchen: Hausverstand Band by Lauber, Karlheinz
Global Indigenous Health: Reconciling the Past, Engaging the Present, Animating the Future by
Qualitative Research on Illness, Wellbeing and Self-Growth: Contemporary Indian Perspectives by
Narkomania: Drugs, Hiv, and Citizenship in Ukraine by Carroll, Jennifer J.
Narkomania: Drugs, Hiv, and Citizenship in Ukraine by Carroll, Jennifer J.
Drogenpolitik und Exklusion: Von der Wirkung akzeptierender Drogenarbeit auf die Inklusion der KonsumentInnen by Oberländer, Frauke
Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy, and Premature Birth by Davis, Dána-Ain
Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy, and Premature Birth by Davis, Dána-Ain
Emerging Infectious Disease So by Williams, Angela L.
Well-Being as a Multidimensional Concept: Understanding Connections among Culture, Community, and Health by
Flatlining: Race, Work, and Health Care in the New Economy by Wingfield, Adia Harvey
Flatlining: Race, Work, and Health Care in the New Economy by Wingfield, Adia Harvey
The Gendered Landscape of Suicide: Masculinities, Emotions, and Culture by Cleary, Anne
Sustaining Courage in the Face of Chronic Illness: Daddy, are you Going to be Okay? by Nwangburuka, Okey
Negotiating Insanity in the Southeast of Ireland, 1820-1900 by Cox, Catherine
Rethinking Diabetes: Entanglements with Trauma, Poverty, and HIV by Mendenhall, Emily
Rethinking Diabetes: Entanglements with Trauma, Poverty, and HIV by Mendenhall, Emily
Bodies in Transition in the Health Humanities: Representations of Corporeality by
Achieving Justice in the U.S. Healthcare System: Mercy Is Sustainable; The Insatiable Thirst for Profit Is Not by Dyck, Arthur J.
Living in the Shadows of China's HIV/AIDS Epidemics: Sex, Drugs and Bad Blood by Torcetti, Shelley
Epidemics and the Health of African Nations by Mistra
New Dynamics of Disability and Rehabilitation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Mejor médico Jesús by Dávila, Luis
Suff von A - Z: von A wie abhängig bis Z wie zugedröhnt by Kostmas, Leif
Sdg3 - Good Health and Wellbeing: Re-Calibrating the Sdg Agenda by
Alkaline Diet: Alkaline Diet For Beginners The Ultimate Alkaline Diet Guide With Over 60 Recipes by Kelvin, Andrew
A Portrait of Assisted Reproduction in Mexico: Scientific, Political, and Cultural Interactions by González-Santos, Sandra P.
Belastungen Und Ressourcen Von Volksschulleitungen: Eine Triangulative Analyse Der Bedeutung Des Sozialen Netzwerks Am Arbeitsplatz by Szabo, Barbara
Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company That Addicted America by Macy, Beth
Alcohol...So, You Want To Hear The Truth?: with Cheryl's story by Apple, Joseph
BorderlinePersonality Disorder: The Ultimate Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide: How To Live With Someone With BPD With Your Sanity Intact by Jacob, Sylvia
Body Problems: Running and Living Long in a Fast-Food Society by Agger, Ben
Body Problems: Running and Living Long in a Fast-Food Society by Agger, Ben
Cruel tricks of the heart by Jonez, C. E., Jonez, Cheeba
Routledge Handbook of the Medical Humanities by
Between Sickness and Health: The Landscape of Illness and Wellness by Ward, Christopher D.
Towards a Sociology of Nursing by Ayala, Ricardo A.
Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Emerging Infectious Diseases in Africa: An Indigenous Response to Deadly Epidemics by
Socialising the Biomedical Turn in HIV Prevention by Kippax, Susan, Stephenson, Niamh
Contagious Diseases Sourcebook by Williams, Angela L.
Special: Antidotes to the obsessions that comes with a child's disability by Dimmitt, Melanie
The Vaping Controversy by Hillstrom, Laurie Collier
Egg Freezing, Fertility and Reproductive Choice: Negotiating Responsibility, Hope and Modern Motherhood by Baldwin, Kylie
The Strange Case of Dr. Couney: How a Mysterious European Showman Saved Thousands of American Babies by Raffel, Dawn
Between Sickness and Health: The Landscape of Illness and Wellness by Ward, Christopher D.
Mental Health Homicide and Society: Understanding Health Care Governance by Horton, David P.
Geohumanities and Health by
American Overdose: The Opioid Tragedy in Three Acts by McGreal, Chris
Contemporary Topics in Graduate Medical Education by
Molecular Research of Endometrial Pathophysiology by
You Got This: How to Wean Off Opioids, Street Drugs and Prescription Medication With Little to No Withdrawal Symptoms by Knudsen, Dan
You Got This: How to Wean Off Opioids, Street Drugs and Prescription Medication With Little to No Withdrawal Symptoms by Knudsen, Dan
Mass Vaccination: Citizens' Bodies and State Power in Modern China by Brazelton, Mary Augusta
Rhetorical Ethos in Health and Medicine: Patient Credibility, Stigma, and Misdiagnosis by Molloy, Cathryn
Retinitis Pigmentosa 101: How to Understand, Accept, and Live Your Best Life with Retinitis Pigmentosa by Howexpert, McCoy, Katie
Dyslexia 101: How to Understand, Accept, and Live Your Best Life with Dyslexia by Heiderscheit, Lucy, Howexpert
Storytelling Encounters as Medical Education: Crafting Relational Identity by Warmington, Sally G.
Medical Misinformation and Social Harm in Non-Science Based Health Practices: A Multidisciplinary Perspective by
Structural Approaches to Address Issues in Patient Safety by
Everyday Citizenship and People with Dementia by Nedlund, Ann-Charlotte, Bartlett, Ruth, Clarke, Charlotte
Demenz in Medien, Zivilgesellschaft Und Familie: Deutungen Und Behandlungsansätze by Grebe, Heinrich
Taking Immunization Safely: Quick Read by Ryan, Kerri
...And the Diamonds Were Taken...: Female Genital Mutilation and Its Global Ramifications by Eda, O. Mark
...And the Diamonds Were Taken...: Female Genital Mutilation and Its Global Ramifications by Eda, O. Mark
Three Seconds Until Midnight by Coullahan, Robert J., Hatfill, Steven, Walsh, John J., Jr.
Pops by Josephine, Charlie
All Secure: A Special Operations Soldier's Fight to Survive on the Battlefield and the Homefront by Satterly, Tom, Jackson, Steve
Assisted Reproduction: Conceptions, Controversies, and Community Sentiment by Miller, Monica K., Sigillo, Alexandra E.
Frontier Nursing in Appalachia: History, Organization and the Changing Culture of Care by West, Edie
Journey Home: Essays on Living and Dying by Gaffney, Dan
Reproduction, Health, and Medicine by
Diseases That Are Preventable by Vaccination: Polio, Tetanus, Measles, and Mumps by Miller, Mary E.
Raising a Vaccine Free Child second edition by Lydall, Wendy
Dementia as Social Experience: Valuing Life and Care by
Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research in Global Development: A Concise Guide by Haenssgen, Marco J.
The Politics of Drugs: Perceptions, Power and Policies by MacGregor, Susanne
Substance Misuse and Young People: Critical Issues by
Public Health, Personal Health and Pills: Drug Entanglements and Pharmaceuticalised Governance by Dew, Kevin
Medicine, Health and Being Human by
Women's Health and Complementary and Integrative Medicine by
A Visual History of HIV/AIDS: Exploring The Face of AIDS film archive by
Alcohol: A dangerous love affair by Seber, George A. F.
Globalization and the Health of Indigenous Peoples: From Colonization to Self-Rule by Ullah, Ahsan
Culture, Migration, and Health Communication in a Global Context by
Latin American and Iberian Perspectives on Literature and Medicine by
Family, Culture, and Self in the Development of Eating Disorders by Haworth-Hoeppner, Susan
Navigating Private and Public Healthcare: Experiences of Patients, Doctors and Policy-Makers by
Person-centred Primary Care: Searching for the Self by
Biomedicine, Healing and Modernity in Rural Bangladesh by Shah, MD Faruk
Social Support and Health in the Digital Age by
One Man's Journey Through Prostate Cancer by Nielsen, Budd
Organizing Patient Safety: Failsafe Fantasies and Pragmatic Practices by Pedersen, Kirstine Zinck
A Puff of Smoke by Lippett, Sarah