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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Public Health in 2022

Psychology of Behaviour Restrictions and Public Compliance in the Pandemic: Lessons from Covid-19 by Gunter, Barrie
Psychology of Behaviour Restrictions and Public Compliance in the Pandemic: Lessons from Covid-19 by Gunter, Barrie
If There Are Any Heavens: A Memoir by Montemarano, Nicholas
Until Proven Safe: The History and Future of Quarantine, from the Black Death to the Space Age by Manaugh, Geoff, Twilley, Nicola
What Really Happened in Wuhan: A Virus Like No Other, Countless Infections, Millions of Deaths by Markson, Sharri
The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe by Belich, James
The Kissing Bug by Hernández, Daisy
Cultures of Oral Health: Discourses, Practices and Theory by
Fistula Diaries by Khisa, Westone
The Rights of Unaccompanied Minors: Perspectives and Case Studies on Migrant Children by
The Cure for Herpes: Completely Eliminating the Virus from Your System by Jackson, Rene
Explaining Mental Illness: Sociological Perspectives by Brossard, Baptiste, Chandler, Amy
Explaining Mental Illness: Sociological Perspectives by Brossard, Baptiste, Chandler, Amy
Natural Alkaline Diets, Water & Medicinal Herbs for Herpes: Detoxify, Cleanse and Nourish Blood, Organs and the Entire Body to be Completely Free from by Gbemy, Esther
Legislating Fatness: Current Debates in Weight Discrimination, Policy, and Law by
Remaking HIV Prevention in the 21st Century: The Promise of Tasp, U=u and Prep by
The Coronation: Essays from the Covid Moment by Eisenstein, Charles
Public Health, Humanities and Magical Realism: A Creative-Relational Approach to Researching Human Experience by de Andrade, Marisa
Um casal de idosos no tempo do vírus: Um caso de isolamento social na pandemia Covid-19 by Conceição, Washington Luiz Bastos
Cabin Fever: The Harrowing Journey of a Cruise Ship at the Dawn of a Pandemic (Large Print Edition) by Smith, Michael, Franklin, Jonathan
Surviving COVID-19: How did I get here? by McKanstry, Jameel
The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide by Thrasher, Steven W.
A Letter to Liberals: Censorship and COVID: An Attack on Science and American Ideals by Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.
Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice by Patel, Raj, Marya, Rupa
Celebrity in the Time of Covid: Fandom and the Influence of Pandemic Messaging by Beck, Christina S.
Our Veterans: Winners, Losers, Friends, and Enemies on the New Terrain of Veterans Affairs by Craven, Jasper, Gordon, Suzanne, Early, Steve
Our Veterans: Winners, Losers, Friends, and Enemies on the New Terrain of Veterans Affairs by Craven, Jasper, Gordon, Suzanne, Early, Steve
HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe: A Review on the Relationship Between Perception of Masculinity amongst Unmarried Young Men and their Sexual Behaviors by Muvhiringi, Lucas K.
Monkeypox: What we should know about the rapidly spreading virus by Lawton, Susan W.
How the Black Death Gave Us the Nhs by Breitnauer, Jaime
Interview-June 22, 2022 by Coffman, Ken, Moric, Hrvoye
Stuck: How Vaccine Rumors Start--And Why They Don't Go Away by Larson, Heidi
My Journey with God: A twisting, turning tale of tragedy and triumph! by Ford Thm, Rachel E.
Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Beginners: The Complete Guide Quick & Easy Recipes to build healthy habits by Brown, Olivia
The Preventorium: A Memoir by Currie, Susan Annah
Making Sense of Diseases and Disasters: Reflections of Political Theory from Antiquity to the Age of Covid by
Affect, Alienation, and Politics in Therapeutic Culture: Capitalism on the Skin by Salmenniemi, Suvi
Pandemic India: From Cholera to Covid-19 by Arnold, David
On the Rocks: Straight Talk about Women and Drinking by Stewart, Susan D.
Voices from the Pandemic: Americans Tell Their Stories of Crisis, Courage and Resilience by Saslow, Eli
The Global Old Age Care Industry: Tapping Into Migrants for Tackling the Old Age Care Crisis by
Losing Sleep: Risk, Responsibility, and Infant Sleep Safety by Harrison, Laura
Slenderman: Online Obsession, Mental Illness, and the Violent Crime of Two Midwestern Girls by Hale, Kathleen
Losing Sleep: Risk, Responsibility, and Infant Sleep Safety by Harrison, Laura
Parkinson's Disease for Dummies by Horne, Jo, Tagliati, Michele
PsychoPolitics by Sedgwick, Peter
Virus: Vaccinations, the CDC, and the Hijacking of America's Response to the Pandemic: Updated and Revised by Burleigh, Nina
Reconsidering Patient Centred Care: Between Autonomy and Abandonment by Pilnick, Alison
The Work of Living: Working People Talk about Their Lives and the Year the World Broke by Alvarez, Maximillian
The Doctor and the Algorithm: Promise, Peril, and the Future of Health AI by Graham, S. Scott
Undoing Drugs: How Harm Reduction Is Changing the Future of Drugs and Addiction by Szalavitz, Maia
Handover of Power - Health: European Version - Volume 15/21 by Seidl, Andreas
Conflict, Culture and Identity in GP Training by Johnston, Jennifer L.
Medizinische Soziologie in Deutschland: Entstehung Und Entwicklungen by
From Loneliness to Solitude in Person-Centred Health Care by Buetow, Stephen
Drugs and Public Health in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Soviet-Style Health Management by Turaeva, Muyassar
Screening Out: HIV Testing and the Canadian Immigration Experience by Bisaillon, Laura
Routledge Handbook of Health and Media by
Just Dope: A Leading Attorney's Personal Journey Inside the War on Drugs by Margolin, Allison
The Deadly Intersections of Covid-19: Race, States, Inequalities and Global Society by
Hearing Loss for Dummies by Reed, Nicholas, Lin, Frank
Righteous Rebels [Revised Edition]: AIDS Healthcare Foundation's Crusade to Change the World by McDonald, Patrick Range
Facilitating Trade in Vaccines and Essential Medical Supplies: Guidance Note by Asian Development Bank
Health and Care in Old Age in Africa by
Recovering Assemblages: Unfolding Sociomaterial Relations of Drug Use and Recovery by Sultan, Aysel
Me vs. Us: A Health Divided by Stein, Michael D.
Black Women and Public Health: Strategies to Name, Locate, and Change Systems of Power by
Architectural Factors for Infection and Disease Control by
Architectural Factors for Infection and Disease Control by
Shadows and Light: A Physician's Lens on Covid by Patterson, Heather
Indigenous Public Health: Improvement Through Community-Engaged Interventions by
Forensic Mental Health: Framing Integrated Solutions by Bratina, Michele P.
The Eroticizing of HIV: Viral Fantasies by García-Iglesias, Jaime
Voices in the Code: A Story about People, Their Values, and the Algorithm They Made by Robinson, David G.
Forensic Mental Health: Framing Integrated Solutions by Bratina, Michele P.
The Political Economy of Organ Transplantation: Where Do Organs Come From? by Boas, Hagai
Healthcare Technology in Context: Lessons for Telehealth in the Age of Covid-19 by Taylor, Alan
Gene Tierney: Star of Hollywood's Home Front by Scheibel, Will
What You Need to Know about Measles by Clayton-Levasseur, Patricia
Opioid Reckoning: Love, Loss, and Redemption in the Rehab State by Sullivan, Amy C.
Opioid Reckoning: Love, Loss, and Redemption in the Rehab State by Sullivan, Amy C.
Migration, Health, and Inequalities: Critical Activist Research Across Ecuadorean Borders by Villalón, Roberta
Mad Knowledges and User-Led Research by Rose, Diana Susan
Lifelines: A Doctor's Journey in the Fight for Public Health by Wen, Leana
Il Potere Invisibile Dei Microrganismi by Chelazzi, Guido, Gallori, Enzo
Off the Chart: A Nurse's Journey of Heart and Humor by Tipton, Jennifer
Covid and Custom in Rural South Africa: Culture, Healthcare and the State by Sharpley, Nelly, Bank, Leslie
Off the Chart: A Nurse's Journey of Heart and Humor by Tipton, Jennifer
Boost Your Immunity: Essential techniques for greatly boosting immune system strength. by Bradley, Donald
Viangamizi Vya Mtanduko by Ramirez, Eddie, Haus, Cari
Covid-19 and the Media in Sub-Saharan Africa: Media Viability, Framing and Health Communication by
Plagues and Their Aftermath: How Societies Recover from Pandemics by Jenkins, Brian Michael
Plagues and Their Aftermath: How Societies Recover from Pandemics by Jenkins, Brian Michael
Sepsis: Strategies for Management by
With Different Eyes: A Covid Waltz in Words & Images by Smart, Paul
Malaria: New Insights by
Leishmaniasis: Pathogenesis and Management by
Plagues and Their Aftermath: How Societies Recover from Pandemics by Jenkins, Brian Michael
The Virus and the Host: Protect Yourself from Infectious Disease by Reducing Toxicity, Improving Immunity, and Minimizing Chronic Illness by Chlebowski, Chris
Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies by
Fighting for Recovery: An Activists' History of Mental Health Reform by Vine, Phyllis
Trans Health: Global Perspectives on Care for Trans Communities by
Dengue Virus: Diagnosis and Treatment by
Influenza: Diagnosis, Prevention and Management by
Sexually Transmitted Infections: Advances in Diagnosis and Management by
Reading for Life by Davis, Philip
World War C: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic and How to Prepare for the Next One by Gupta, Sanjay
Health Communication and Disease in Africa: Beliefs, Traditions and Stigma by
Frontline Workers and Women as Warriors in the Covid-19 Pandemic by
Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health by
Injektionsmord: Geschichte der medizinischen verschwörung gegen amerika by Mullins, Eustace
Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health by
Prisons and Health in the Age of Mass Incarceration by Uggen, Christopher, Schnittker, Jason, Massoglia, Michael
Handbook of Research on Herbal Liver Protection: Hepatoprotective Plants by Ramaiah, Maddi, Pullaiah, T.
Life Indoors: How Our Homes Are Shaping Our Bodies and Our Planet by Wakefield-Rann, Rachael
The Covid-19 Crisis: From a Question of an Epidemic to a Societal Questioning, Volume 4 by
Water and Sanitation as Human Rights: Have They Strengthened Marginalized Peoples' Claim for Access? by
Psychosocial Analysis of the Pandemic and Its Aftermath: Hoping for a Magical Undoing by Boccara, Bruno
Conflicted Care: Doctors Navigating Patient Welfare, Finances, and Legal Risk by Nelson, Hyeyoung Oh
Conflicted Care: Doctors Navigating Patient Welfare, Finances, and Legal Risk by Nelson, Hyeyoung Oh
Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America by Frank, Joshua
School Based HIV Education Affecting Girls in Selected Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa by Charmaine, Ivainesu Musa
Community Intervention: Clinical Sociology Perspectives by
Covid-19: A History Volume 1 by Duffin, Jacalyn
Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin -- Much Maligned Super Drugs by Kelly, Brian W.
Africanizing Oncology: Creativity, Crisis, and Cancer in Uganda by Mika, Marissa
Health Communism: A Surplus Manifesto by Vierkant, Artie, Adler-Bolton, Beatrice
Accidental Kindness: A Doctor's Notes on Empathy by Stein, Michael
Accidental Kindness: A Doctor's Notes on Empathy by Stein, Michael
Esperar En Urgencias: Acceso a la Salud En Hospitales Publicos de Mexico by Lutz, Bruno
Never Say Invisible: A Memoir of Living and Being Seen with ALS by Schreiber, Jeremy
Health Communism: A Surplus Manifesto by Vierkant, Artie, Adler-Bolton, Beatrice
The Spanish Flu Outbreak by Evans, Manu
Music by Beresin, Eugene
The First Shots: The Epic Rivalries and Heroic Science Behind the Race to the Coronavirus Vaccine by Borrell, Brendan
Opioid Reckoning: Love, Loss, and Redemption in the Rehab State by Sullivan, Amy C.
Disease & History: From Ancient Times to Covid-19 by Biddiss, Michael, Cartwright, Frederick F.
Disease & History: From Ancient Times to Covid-19 by Cartwright, Frederick F., Biddiss, Michael
Profiles of the Vaccine-Injured: A Lifetime Price to Pay by Children's Health Defense, Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.
After Life: A Collective History of Loss and Redemption in Pandemic America by
Saving Our Own Lives: A Liberatory Practice of Harm Reduction by Hassan, Shira
Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment by Seneff, Stephanie
The Epidemics of the Middle Ages by Hecker, J. F. C.
Cancer Data for Good: A History of the Victorian Cancer Registry by Kehoe, Thomas
The Epidemics of the Middle Ages by Hecker, J. F. C.
Beast Of Main Street: America's Main Street Speaks Out On Covid by Comerford, Michael Sean
Flu: Staying And Keeping Your Family Safe This Holiday Season by Philip, Rachael
Connie Willis's Science Fiction: Doomsday Every Day by
Gut-Brain Secrets: Causes and Solutions to Gut, Brain and Body Dysfunction by Lee, R. D.
Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America by Frank, Joshua
The Accidental Plague Diaries, Volume II: COVID-19 Variants and Vaccinations by Duxbury, Andrew
After Life: A Collective History of Loss and Redemption in Pandemic America by
Health Security Interventions for Covid-19 Response: Guidance Note by Asian Development Bank
The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth by Quinones, Sam
Social Media Ethics and COVID-19: Well-Being, Truth, Misinformation, and Authenticity by
Covid-19, the Global South and the Pandemic's Development Impact by
The Long Covid Survival Guide: How to Take Care of Yourself and What Comes Next - Stories and Advice from Twenty Long-Haulers and Experts by
Back To Eden: Poetry Through the Pandemic by Toan, Jess
Spirits in the Consulting Room: Eight Tales of Healing by Bouznah, Serge, Lewertowski, Catherine
Spirits in the Consulting Room: Eight Tales of Healing by Bouznah, Serge, Lewertowski, Catherine
Fundamentals of SARS-CoV-2 Biosensors by
Dancing in the Forest: Korean Shamans in the United States by Hong, Helen
Dancing in the Forest: Korean Shamans in the United States by Hong, Helen
The Long Haul: Solving the Puzzle of the Pandemic's Long Haulers and How They Are Changing Healthcare Forever by Prior, Ryan
Presidential Takedown: How Anthony Fauci, the CDC, Nih, and the Who Conspired to Overthrow President Trump by Alexander, Paul Elias, Heckenlively, Kent
Wellness, Social Policy and Public Health: Bridging Human Flourishing with Equity by Setiffi, Francesca, Maturo, Antonio
Covid-19 and Risk Society Across the Mena Region: Assessing Governance, Democracy, and Inequality by
Substance Use, End-of-Life Care and Multiple Deprivation: Practice and Research by
Covid-19 and Risk Society Across the Mena Region: Assessing Governance, Democracy, and Inequality by
Global Pandemics and Media Ethics: Issues and Perspectives by
Nursing a Radical Imagination: Moving from Theory and History to Action and Alternate Futures by
Obese or Not: Causes and implications of Children Obesity by O. I., J.
Mindfulness for Real Life Resiliency: A Practical Journal to Reach Your Goals and Win at Life by Ramdas, Rae
Culture in the Clinic: Miami and the Making of Modern Medicine by Mas, Catherine
Culture in the Clinic: Miami and the Making of Modern Medicine by Mas, Catherine
Reva: A Tale of Love, Lithium, and Loss by Prosnitz, Howard
Reva: A Tale of Love, Lithium, and Loss by Prosnitz, Howard
Psycho-Social Approaches to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Change, Crisis and Trauma by Koutantou, Eirini Efsevia, Chalari, Athanasia
Inequality Kills Us All: Covid-19's Health Lessons for the World by Bezruchka, Stephen
Inequality Kills Us All: Covid-19's Health Lessons for the World by Bezruchka, Stephen
Spiritual Care: The Everyday Work of Chaplains by Cadge, Wendy
Psychopath: The Case of Patrick MacKay by Clark, Tim, Penycate, John
Lockdown by Le Grand, Chip
Color Your Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A CRPS Awareness Coloring Book for Teens and Adults: 81 Inspirational and Stress-Relieving Pages for Mindfu by Smile, Unbroken
The Power of Parasites: Malaria as (Un)Conscious Strategy by Iskander, Dalia
Digital Healthcare and Expertise: Mental Health and New Knowledge Practices by Egher, Claudia
Making Sense: Markets from Stories in New Breast Cancer Therapeutics by Mützel, Sophie
This Will Remain With Us by Mendelson, Melissa R.
Bioethics Reenvisioned: A Path Toward Health Justice by Churchill, Larry R., King, Nancy M. P., Henderson, Gail E.
Making Sense: Markets from Stories in New Breast Cancer Therapeutics by Mützel, Sophie
Bioethics Reenvisioned: A Path Toward Health Justice by Churchill, Larry R., King, Nancy M. P., Henderson, Gail E.
Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming by Malone, Robert W.
The COVID-19 Pandemic of Fear by Stevenson, Margaret
Evidence-Biased Antidepressant Prescription: Overmedicalisation, Flawed Research, and Conflicts of Interest by Hengartner, Michael P.
Alone Together: And Other Pandemic Lies by Neidlinger, Julie R.
Signs of Disability by Kerschbaum, Stephanie L.
Signs of Disability by Kerschbaum, Stephanie L.
In the Midst of the Storm: COVID-19 by Milner, Monique M.
Communication and Health: Media, Marketing and Risk by
Domestic Tourism and Hospitality Management: Issues, Scope, and Challenges Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic by
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