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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Public Health in 2024

Mumps Misery Origins, Signs: Remedies Explored by Sheroy, Ehsan
The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide by Thrasher, Steven W.
Pandemic Effects - Mental Health in Young Children by Hansen, Araceli
Respirator Blues by Adams, Elaine Parker
Makeup Mastery: A Step-by-Step Guide to Flawless Beauty by Sreekumar, V. T.
Til COVID Do Us Part by Fischer Pointer, Sarah
No Estoy Vacunado ¡Y Está Bien! by Kroner, Shannon
Making Health Public: A Manifesto for a New Social Contract by Hunter, David J., Littlejohns, Peter, Weale, Albert
Post-Covid Tourism and Hospitality Dynamics: Recovery, Revival, and Re-Start by
The Politics of Potential: Global Health and Gendered Futures in South Africa by Pentecost, Michelle
The Politics of Potential: Global Health and Gendered Futures in South Africa by Pentecost, Michelle
Religion, Society and the Pandemic by Hirji, Karim F.
Alienation and Wellbeing by Yuill, Chris
Muzzled Truth: How The California Dept. of Public Health Rejected COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Health Risks Warnings by Owens, Ronald F., Jr.
Assessing Social Science Research Ethics and Integrity: Case Studies and Essays by Perlstadt, Harry
Young People, Violence and Strategic Interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa by
The Cancer Factory: Industrial Chemicals, Corporate Deception, and the Hidden Deaths of American Workers by Morris, Jim
Weathering: The Extraordinary Stress of Ordinary Life in an Unjust Society by Geronimus, Arline T.
The Impact of Covid-19 on Prison Conditions and Penal Policy by
Global Health Communication for Immigrants and Refugees: Cases, Theories, and Strategies by
Post-AIDS Discourse in Health Communication: Sociocultural Interpretations by
Legislating Fatness: Current Debates in Weight Discrimination, Policy, and Law by
Covid-19, Older Adults and the Ageing Society by Chatterjee, Debolina, Chatterjee, Suhita Chopra
Experiment Perilous: Physicians and Patients Facing the Unknown by Fox, Renee C.
Global Health: Geographical Connections by Gatrell, Anthony C.
Global Health: Geographical Connections by Gatrell, Anthony C.
Young Black Women and Health Inequities in the United States: A Social Determinants Approach by Orr Bueno, Caroline, Tangerose Orr, Suezanne
Pandemics by Treacy, Patrick
Fragile Futures: Ambiguities of Care in Burkina Faso by Samuelsen, Helle
The COVID Fight: Why It Matters & Other Essays by Renz, Tom
Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas in Social Science Interventions: Careful Engagements in Healthcare, Museums, Design and Beyond by
Rumplestiltskin Rabies by Selvin, Marjory
My Brilliant Boobs by Harding, Sara Jane
Post-Pandemic Economy, Technology, and Innovation: Global Outlook and Context by
Higher Powers: Alcohol and After in Uganda's Capital City by Namirembe, Sarah, Scherz, China, Mpanga, George
Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America's Heartland by Metzl, Jonathan M.
Health Literacy from a Health Ethnology Perspective: An Analysis of Everyday Health Practices of Migrant Youth and Families by Islertas, Zeynep, Sahrai, Elias, Bittlingmayer, Uwe H.
Humbled: The Journey To Understanding Life And Chronic Lyme Disease by Bugenhagen, David
Design and Covid-19: From Reaction to Resilience by
Prescription for Inequality: Exploring the Social Determinants of Health of At-Risk Groups by Duquaine-Watson, Jillian M.
Sars Stories: Affect and Archive of the 2003 Pandemic by Kong, Belinda
Sars Stories: Affect and Archive of the 2003 Pandemic by Kong, Belinda
Verlust, Abschied Und Trauer in Der Physiotherapieausbildung: Evaluation Eines Unterrichtskonzeptes VOR Dem Ersten Patientenkontakt by Roden, Adrian
Dynamics of the Tourism Industry: Post-Pandemic and Post-Disaster Perspectives and Strategies by
Surviving the Pandemic: The Post Covid-19 Church by Martin, D. Min Eric Tate
2020: One City, Seven People, and the Year Everything Changed by Klinenberg, Eric
Rebel Health: A Field Guide to the Patient-Led Revolution in Medical Care by Fox, Susannah
The Rich Flee and the Poor Take the Bus: How Our Unequal Society Fails Us During Outbreaks by Tassier, Troy
Regressive Movements in Times of Emergency: The Protests Against Anti-Contagion Measures and Vaccination During the Covid-19 Pandemic by Della Porta, Donatella
Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics by Kelland, Kate
Gardening Behind Bars: Clinical Sociology and Food Justice in Incarcerated Settings by Everhardt, Sharon Lindhorst, Carmody, Stephen B., Jauk-Ajamie, Daniela
Ethnomedicine and Tribal Healing Practices in India: Challenges and Possibilities of Recognition and Integration by
Languishing: How to Feel Alive Again in a World That Wears Us Down by Keyes, Corey
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Global Preparedness by Hazel, Alina
Higher Education Implications for Teaching and Learning during COVID-19 by
Injections Covid-19 - Ce que revele le microscope by Bousquières, Guillaume, Iozzia, Sébastien
The Red Pill Food Revolution by Hunt, Ben
Prognosis: Disaster: How Climate Change and Disease Will Ruin Your Life UNLESS...Second Edition by Arieti, David
Prognosis: Disaster: How Climate Change and Disease Will Ruin Your Life UNLESS...Second Edition by Arieti, David
Migration, Health, and Inequalities: Critical Activist Research Across Ecuadorean Borders by Villalón, Roberta
The Filth Disease: Typhoid Fever and the Practices of Epidemiology in Victorian England by Steere-Williams, Jacob
Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 & 2023 by Dowd, Ed
Berberine Weight Loss Guide Book: Berberine for weight loss: the ultimate guide and top secret on how to use it, possible risks and who it is meant fo by Williams, Kate
The Journey from Student to Paramedic in the UK Ambulance Service: Social and Cultural Issues in Paramedic Development by Waller, Diane, Donaghy, John
Pathogenesis: A History of the World in Eight Plagues by Kennedy, Jonathan
The Hidden Zoo Inside You: An illustrated guide to pesky organisms and pandemics by Jones, Allen
The Hidden Zoo Inside You: An illustrated guide to pesky organisms and pandemics by Jones, Allen
Agency and Bodily Autonomy in Systems of Care by
Alergia, La Nueva Epidemia: Una Guía Para Entender, Prevenir Y Combatir Las Enfermedades Alérgicas / Allergies, the New Epidemic by Ribó, Paula
The Medicine Chest: A Physician's Journey Towards Reconciliation by Boan, Jarol
The Medicine Chest: A Physician's Journey Towards Reconciliation by Boan, Jarol
Crónicas de Una Venezuela En Cuarentena: La Verdadera Historia del Coronavirus en Venezuela by Madrid, Eduardo Ignacio
How the Pandemic Changed Work in Japan: Bearing Witness through Data by
Caring in Context: An Ethnography of Cancer Nursing in India by Lebaron, Virginia
Inequalities, Youth, Democracy and the Pandemic by
Inequalities, Youth, Democracy and the Pandemic by
Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics: Mental Illness and Homelessness in Los Angeles by Gong, Neil
Ora: Healing Ourselves by
The Dignity of Labour?: A Study of Childbearing and Induction by Cartwright, Ann
Breathless: Tuberculosis, Inequality, and Care in Rural India by McDowell, Andrew
Breathless: Tuberculosis, Inequality, and Care in Rural India by McDowell, Andrew
Cuando El Mundo Se Detiene. Cáncer: del Mito a la Esperanza / When the World Sto P S: Cancer. from Myth to Hope by Fueyo, Juan
Diagnosis in Social Fields and Networks: Theories and Practice in Complex Social Contexts by Miller, Demond S., Chtouris, Sotirios
Guarding Human Health: At a time when environmental pollution and noncommunicable diseases like obesity are on the rise. by Kadkhodayan, Abbas
We Need to Talk: A Memoir of Leadership and Loss: The Medical Officer Who Guided Ireland Through the Covid 19 Pandemic by Holohan, Tony
Managing Risk During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Global Policies, Narratives and Practices by Alaszewski, Andy
The Human Disease: How We Create Pandemics, from Our Bodies to Our Beliefs by Sholts, Sabrina
Facing the Unseen: The Struggle to Center Mental Health in Medicine by Tweedy, Damon
Burnout: The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat by Proctor, Hannah
A Journal of the Plague Year: Being Observations or Memorials, Of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, as Well Public as Private, Which Happened in Lond by Defoe, Daniel
Case Study Methodology for Nursing: Exploring the Lived Experience of Those with Chronic Health Problems by Zucker, Donna M.
Family Planning and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Empowering Marginalized Communities in Asian Contexts by Islam, M. Rezaul
Vaccine Hesitancy in the Nordic Countries: Trust and Distrust During the Covid-19 Pandemic by
The Outbreak Atlas by Katz, Rebecca, Moore, MacKenzie S.
The Outbreak Atlas by Moore, MacKenzie S., Katz, Rebecca
The Rich Flee and the Poor Take the Bus: How Our Unequal Society Fails Us During Outbreaks by Tassier, Troy
The Rich Flee and the Poor Take the Bus: How Our Unequal Society Fails Us During Outbreaks by Tassier, Troy
The Emergency Diaries: Stories from Doctors Inside the Er by Northwell's Staten Island University Hospital
An Unmitigated Disaster: America's Response to Covid-19 by Schneider, Robert O.
DiseaseX: Why It Matters & Other Essays by Renz, Tom
Incommunicable: Toward Communicative Justice in Health and Medicine by Briggs, Charles L.
Incommunicable: Toward Communicative Justice in Health and Medicine by Briggs, Charles L.
Deadly Encounters: How infectious disease helped shape Australia by Curson, Peter
Capitalism, Health and Wellbeing: Rethinking Economic Growth for a Healthier, Sustainable Future by Noonan, Rob
El Viejo Malestar del Nuevo Mundo: Ensayo Sobre Las Emociones Tristes En América Latina, Sus Desafueros Y Sus Pesares / The Old Malaise of the New Wor by García, Mauricio
Consequences of Covid-19: A One Health Approach to the Responses, Challenges, and Lessons Learned by
The Psychology of Vaccination by Yzerbyt, Vincent, Klein, Olivier
The Psychology of Vaccination by Klein, Olivier, Yzerbyt, Vincent
Viral Times: Reflections on the Covid-19 and HIV Pandemics by
The Logic of Vegetarianism: Essays and Dialogues by Henry S Salt
The Afterworld: Long Covid and International Relations by
The Afterworld: Long Covid and International Relations by
Slow Now with Clear Skies by Weaver, Julene Tripp
Sociology of Mental Disorder by Cockerham, William C.
Sociology of Mental Disorder by Cockerham, William C.
About Canada: Health and Illness by Raphael, Dennis
The Intruder by Nancy, Jean-Luc
Health Promotion Planning: Learning from the Accounts of Public Health Practitioners by Hall, Scott S., Place, Jean Marie S., Thaller, Jonel
The Intruder by Nancy, Jean-Luc
A Teachers Quest 2.0 Serving Students and Saving the Schools by Murphy, Brian
Taking Care: The Story of Nursing and Its Power to Change Our World by DiGregorio, Sarah
Unpacked: A psychiatrist explores and unpacks our collective experience of the COVID-19 pandemic by Coffey, Sara
Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits and Disturbing Risks of the New Weight-Loss Drugs by Hari, Johann
Unpacked: A psychiatrist explores and unpacks our collective experience of the COVID-19 pandemic by Coffey, Sara
Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits and Disturbing Risks of the New Weight-Loss Drugs (Large Print Edition) by Hari, Johann
The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour by Gonot-Schoupinsky, Freda, Neal, Merv, Carson, Jerome
Disability Politics and Theory by Withers, A. J.
Day Brought Back My Night: Aging and New Vision Loss by Ainlay, Stephen Charles
The Third Net: The Hidden System of Migrant Health Care by Park, Lisa Sun-Hee, Hoekstra, Erin, Jimenez, Anthony M.
The Third Net: The Hidden System of Migrant Health Care by Park, Lisa Sun-Hee, Hoekstra, Erin, Jimenez, Anthony M.
Nigeria in Focus: An X-ray of Burning Issues and the Way Forward by Opara, Kemdi Chino
Illness Politics and Hashtag Activism by Diedrich, Lisa
Social Media Ethics and COVID-19: Well-Being, Truth, Misinformation, and Authenticity by
The Pandemic Workplace: How We Learned to Be Citizens in the Office by Gershon, Ilana
The Pandemic Workplace: How We Learned to Be Citizens in the Office by Gershon, Ilana
Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Health System Sustainability by
Creative Approaches to Wellbeing: The Pandemic and Beyond by
Knowing Covid-19: The Pandemic and Beyond by
Physicians of the Future: Doctor-Influencers, Patient-Consumers, and the Business of Functional Medicine by Vega, Rosalynn A.
Physicians of the Future: Doctor-Influencers, Patient-Consumers, and the Business of Functional Medicine by Vega, Rosalynn A.
The Resilience Myth: New Thinking on Grit, Strength, and Growth After Trauma by Chemaly, Soraya
Cuerpos Extraños: Pandemias, Vacunas Y Salud de Las Naciones / Foreign Bodies: P Andemics, Vaccines, and the Health of Nation S by Schama, Simon
Reset or Renaissance: Life, Liberty, and the Quest for Enlightenment in a Post-Covid World by Polikoff, Daniel J.
The 14 Day Rule and Human Embryo Research: A Sociology of Biological Translation by Jackson, Emily, Franklin, Sarah
The 14 Day Rule and Human Embryo Research: A Sociology of Biological Translation by Franklin, Sarah, Jackson, Emily
Substance Use, End-Of-Life Care and Multiple Deprivation: Practice and Research by
Making Sense of Diseases and Disasters: Reflections of Political Theory from Antiquity to the Age of COVID by
Poetry in the Clinic: Towards a Lyrical Medicine by Neilson, Shane, Bleakley, Alan
From Loneliness to Solitude in Person-centred Health Care by Buetow, Stephen
The Political Economy of Organ Transplantation: Where Do Organs Come From? by Boas, Hagai
Connie Willis's Science Fiction: Doomsday Every Day by
The Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Europe: Variation, Convergence and Trends by
Cultures of Oral Health: Discourses, Practices and Theory by
Frontline Workers and Women as Warriors in the Covid-19 Pandemic by
Routledge Handbook of Critical Obesity Studies by
Nursing a Radical Imagination: Moving from Theory and History to Action and Alternate Futures by
The Rise of Mental Vulnerability at Work: A Socio-Historical and Cultural Analysis by Väänänen, Ari
The Rise of Mental Vulnerability at Work: A Socio-Historical and Cultural Analysis by Väänänen, Ari
Hiv, Gender and the Politics of Medicine: Embodied Democracy in the Global South by Mills, Elizabeth
Covid-19 and the Right to Health in Africa by
Covid-19 and the Right to Health in Africa by
Covid-19 and Public Health: Global Responses to the Pandemic by
The Routledge International Handbook of Disability and Global Health by
Vaccines in Society by Anderson, Alistair, Douglass, Tom
Pandemic Crossings: Digital Technology, Everyday Experience, and Governance in the Covid-19 Crisis by
Navigating the Inequitable U.S. Healthcare System: In Search of Critical Care by Craig-Henderson, Kellina
Capitalism and Covid-19 Volume 2: Time to Make a Democratic New World Order by Chellan, Noel
Spectacles of Waste by Anderson, Warwick
Spectacles of Waste by Anderson, Warwick
Pandemic Perspectives: Praxis, Policy and Pedagogies by
Viral World: Global Relations During the Covid-19 Pandemic by Bui, Long T.
Viral World: Global Relations During the Covid-19 Pandemic by Bui, Long T.
The Unfortunate Truth About Vaccines: Exposing the Vaccine Orthodoxy by Canerot, Leon
We Are Electric: Inside the 200-Year Hunt for Our Body's Bioelectric Code, and What the Future Holds by Adee, Sally
Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates by Rempfer, Thomas L.
The Health Humanities in German Studies by
Criminalized Lives: HIV and Legal Violence by McClelland, Alexander
Pandemic Modeling and Management by Yee, Wendy
Criminalized Lives: HIV and Legal Violence by McClelland, Alexander
On the Rocks: Straight Talk about Women and Drinking by Stewart, Susan D.
From Skepticism to Competence: How American Psychiatrists Learn Psychotherapy by Craciun, Mariana
The Art and Science of Connection: Why Social Health Is the Missing Key to Living Longer, Healthier, and Happier by Killam, Kasley
Avian Influenza Epidemic: Insights into Its Causes, Transmission, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention by Heiser, Robert C.
Wandering the Wards: An Ethnography of Hospital Care and Its Consequences for People Living with Dementia by Northcott, Andy, Featherstone, Katie
Wandering the Wards: An Ethnography of Hospital Care and Its Consequences for People Living with Dementia by Northcott, Andy, Featherstone, Katie
Living with Epidemics in Colonial Bengal by Samanta, Arabinda
The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe by Belich, James
Healing Has Come by Hughes, L. M.
Exploring the Importance of Mental Health: Awareness and Support Systems by Hawthorne, Jude
Germs at Bay: Politics, Public Health, and American Quarantine by Vidich, Charles
Sociological Theory and Medical Sociology by
The Family Life of Sick Children: A Study of Families Coping with Chronic Childhood Disease by Burton, Lindy
Disease and Urbanization by
Care of the Child Facing Death by
India's Historical Demography: Studies in Famine, Disease and Society by Dyson, Tim
The Social Life of Health Data: Health Records and Knowledge Production in Ghana by
Health, Disease and Society: A Critical Medical Geography by Jones, Kelvyn, Moon, Graham
Fighting an Invisible Enemy: The Story of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases by Schoub, Barry
Fighting an Invisible Enemy: The Story of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases by Schoub, Barry
To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate Your Child? by B, Sandeep
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