• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Regional: Middle Atlantic in 2017

The Sharpshooters: A History of the Ninth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War by Longacre, Edward G.
Killing the Poormaster: The Depression-Era Murder That Put America's Welfare System on Trial by Metz, Holly
West Jersey Pioneer Marriages and Deaths 1863 - 1865 Volume IV by Hollinger, Thomas F.
Interesting History of the Schuylkill River by Stehr, Emily
Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution by Opie, Frederick Douglass
Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution by Opie, Frederick Douglass
Suspect Freedoms: The Racial and Sexual Politics of Cubanidad in New York, 1823-1957 by Mirabal, Nancy Raquel
Suspect Freedoms: The Racial and Sexual Politics of Cubanidad in New York, 1823-1957 by Mirabal, Nancy Raquel
Directory of Iron Industry and Related Workers, 1700-1810: Data related primarily to the early Pennsylvania Iron industry. by Lefebvre, Shannon
Williamson College of the Trades by Miller, Andrew
Philadelphia Trolleys: From Survival to Revival by Dupuis, Roger, II
Cape May Spray by Tomlin, Charles
A Landmark History of New York by Ulmann, Albert
Pennsylvania Railroad to the Columbian Exposition by Pennsylvania Railroad Company
The Economic History of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: 1827-1853 by Reizenstein, Milton
Ed Bolden and Black Baseball in Philadelphia by Smith, Courtney Michelle
Who Owns America's Past?: The Smithsonian and the Problem of History /]crobert C. Post by Post, Robert C.
Union Power: The United Electrical Workers in Erie, Pennsylvania by Young, James
Union Power: The United Electrical Workers in Erie, Pennsylvania by Young, James
A Harmony of the Spirits: Translation and the Language of Community in Early Pennsylvania by Erben, Patrick M.
Roots of Urban Renaissance: Gentrification and the Struggle Over Harlem by Goldstein, Brian D.
New Netherland Connections: Intimate Networks and Atlantic Ties in Seventeenth-Century America by Romney, Susanah Shaw
Brooklyn's Promised Land: The Free Black Community of Weeksville, New York by Wellman, Judith
House of Truth: A Washington Political Salon and the Foundations of American Liberalism by Snyder, Brad
A Challenge Was Given: The Duels of John Mason McCarty and William Page McCarty by Fox, Brendan P., Cooper, Jean L.
Biography of a Tenement House in New York City: An Architectural History of 97 Orchard Street by Dolkart, Andrew S.
Secrets of Garrett County: Little-Known Stories & Hidden History of Maryland's Westernmost County by Rada Jr, James
Westchester County Airport by Patterson, Kent
Boonton by Boonton Historical Society
Around Binghamton by Maggiore, Jim
Archaeology, Narrative, and the Politics of the Past: The View from Southern Maryland by King, Julia A.
Southwest DC by Alexander, Gregory J., Southwest Neighborhood Assembly, Williams, Paul K.
Babylon Village by Village of Babylon Historical and Preser
The Statue of Liberty by Moreno, Barry
The Statue of Liberty by Moreno, Barry
The Statue of Liberty by Moreno, Barry
Delaware River Reflections by Daniel, Will
New York City History by Swacker, Bob
Macho Row: The 1993 Phillies and Baseball's Unwritten Code by Kashatus, William C.
An Unlikely Union: The Love-Hate Story of New York's Irish and Italians by Moses, Paul
Interesting History of Niagara Falls by Stehr, Emily
Burleith by Starlin, Dwane, Schipper, Ross
Burleith by Schipper, Ross, Starlin, Dwane
Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America by Dieterich-Ward, Allen
Eisenhower S Gettysburg Farm by Birkner, Michael J.
Strasburg Rail Road by Barrall, Steve, Conner, Eric S.
Who Should Rule at Home?: Confronting the Elite in British New York City by Goodfriend, Joyce D.
Suburb: Planning Politics and the Public Interest by Hanson, Royce
The Jockey Club and its Founders: In Three Periods by Black, Robert
Curiosities of Elmira: The Last Labrador Duck, Professor Smokeball, the Great Female Crime Spree & More by Huggins, Kelli L.
Ellis Island by Moreno, Barry
In Old Narragansett: Romances and Realities by Earle, Alice Morse
Moraine State Park by Shaw, Polly
Baseball in Buffalo by Langendorfer, Paul, Buffalo History Museum
Girard and Lake City Through Time by Domowicz, Geoffrey
Pittsburgh Drinks: A History of Cocktails, Nightlife & Bartending Tradition by McDevitt, Cody, Enright, Sean
Bridging the Chesapeake: A 'Fool Idea' That Unified Maryland by Guth, David W.
Joseph Gast & His Descendants by
The Philadelphia Magazines and their Contributors 1741-1850 by Smyth, Albert Henry
Lost Amusement Parks of the North Jersey Shore by Geffken, Rick, Severini, George
Lost Amusement Parks of the North Jersey Shore by Severini, George, Geffken, Rick
Murder of a Herkimer County Teacher: The Shocking 1914 Case of a Vengeful Student by Webster, Dennis
Murder of a Herkimer County Teacher: The Shocking 1914 Case of a Vengeful Student by Webster, Dennis
The Levittowners: Ways of Life and Politics in a New Suburban Community by Gans, Herbert J.
Kitchen Table Politics: Conservative Women and Family Values in New York by Taranto, Stacie
Repertory Movie Theaters of New York City: Havens for Revivals, Indies and the Avant-Garde, 1960-1994 by Davis, Ben
Making Good Neighbors: Civil Rights, Liberalism, and Integration in Postwar Philadelphia by Perkiss, Abigail
History of Lykens Township Volume 2 by Historical Society, Gratz
Whose Harlem Is This, Anyway?: Community Politics and Grassroots Activism During the New Negro Era by King, Shannon
Whose Detroit?: Politics, Labor, and Race in a Modern American City by Thompson, Heather Ann
City on a Grid: How New York Became New York by Koeppel, Gerard
Whose Detroit?: Politics, Labor, and Race in a Modern American City (With a New Prologue) by Thompson, Heather Ann
Bay Shore by Verga, Christopher, Buffett, Neil
Bay Shore by Buffett, Neil, Verga, Christopher
Bay Shore by Verga, Christopher, Buffett, Neil
A Culinary History of Cape May: Salt Oysters, Beach Plums & Cabernet Franc by Howard-Fusco, John
Reading Publics: New York City's Public Libraries, 1754-1911 by Glynn, Tom
A Culinary History of Cape May: Salt Oysters, Beach Plums & Cabernet Franc by Howard-Fusco, John
Cape May County by Salvatore, Joseph E., Berkey, Joan E.
Montville Township: Celebrating 150 Years by Township, Patricia Florio for the Montville
Scotland School for Veterans' Children: An Enduring Legacy by Bair, Sarah
Montville Township: Celebrating 150 Years by Township, Patricia Florio for the Montvi
Scotland School for Veterans' Children: An Enduring Legacy by Bair, Sarah
Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality: Progress and Poverty in the Gilded Age by O'Donnell, Edward
Down the Up Staircase: Three Generations of a Harlem Family by Haynes, Bruce, Solovitch, Syma
Race and Real Estate: Conflict and Cooperation in Harlem, 1890-1920 by McGruder, Kevin
Cornell '77: The Music, the Myth, and the Magnificence of the Grateful Dead's Concert at Barton Hall by Conners, Peter
Reordering the Landscape of Wye House: Nature, Spirituality, and Social Order by Pruitt, Elizabeth
Maryland in World War I by Armstrong, William M.
Maryland in World War I by Armstrong, William M.
Magnetic City: A Walking Companion to New York by Davidson, Justin
Secrets of Catoctin Mountain: Little-Known Stories & Hidden History of Frederick & Loudoun Counties by Rada, James, Jr.
No North, No South...: The Grand Reunion at the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg by Rada, James, Jr.
Looking Back II: More True Stories of Mountain Maryland by Rada, James, Jr.
A Strong and Sudden Onslaught: The Cavalry Action at Hanover, Pennsylvania by Krepps, John T.
Meridian Hill Park by Clem, Fiona J.
The Five Mile Woods: A History by Osborne, Peter
Wooden Boats of the St. Lawrence River by Kunz, David, Simpson, Bill
A Lenape Among the Quakers: The Life of Hannah Freeman by Marsh, Dawn G.
New York Amish: Life in the Plain Communities of the Empire State by Johnson-Weiner, Karen M.
Washington Whig Marriages and Deaths 1815 - 1821 Volume I by Hollinger, Thomas F.
Kean University by Esposito, Frank J., Hyde, Elizabeth, Alghandoor, Erin
Kean University by Alghandoor, Erin, Esposito, Frank J., Hyde, Elizabeth
Washington Whig Marriages and Deaths 1822 - 1824 Volume II by Hollinger, Thomas F.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Cecil County & Durham County. Liber 18: 1734; Liber 54: 1738-1759; Liber 18: 17 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
John Apperson's Lake George by Brown, Ellen Apperson
John Apperson's Lake George by Brown, Ellen Apperson
Fire Island Lighthouse: Long Island's Welcoming Beacon by Bleyer, Bill
Fire Island Lighthouse: Long Island's Welcoming Beacon by Bleyer, Bill
Along the Erie Canal with the Municipal Seals of the Cities, Towns and Villages of New York by
The Untold Journey: The Life of Diana Trilling by Robins, Natalie
The Handy New York City Answer Book by Barsanti, Chris
Camp Merritt by Bartholf, Howard E.
Camp Merritt by Bartholf, Howard E.
A Description of the New York Central Park by Cook, Clarence C.
High Tide, Full Moon and Fading Memories by Rumbold, Julie Ann
Local Tales and Historical Sketches by Bailey, Henry D. B.
Around Elmont and Rosedale by Florio, Bill
Route 6 in Pennsylvania by Roseman, Elizabeth Mercer, Roseman, Curtis C., Patrick, Kevin J.
Route 6 in Pennsylvania by Patrick, Kevin J., Roseman, Elizabeth Mercer, Roseman, Curtis C.
Around Elmont and Rosedale by Florio, Bill
Building Grand Central Terminal by Dilorenzo, Frank, Bilotto, Gregory
Heaven's Ditch: God, Gold, and Murder on the Erie Canal by Kelly, Jack
Historic Landmarks of Old New York by Museyon Guides
Digging Sand: The Story of the Warren Silica / Ross Hills Silica Companies and Railroad at Torpedo, PA by Peterson, David K.
The Adirondack Architecture Guide, Southern-Central Region by Null, Janet A.
Columbia at 50: A Memoir of a City by Lazarick, Len
Storied Bars of New York: Where Literary Luminaries Go to Drink by Cabe, Delia
I Hear My People Singing: Voices of African American Princeton by Watterson, Kathryn
The Annals of Binghamton: And of the Country Connected with it, From the Earliest Settlement by Wilkinson, J. B.
Delaware Valley Railway: 1901-1937 by Beljean, Michelle Jacques with John
Hurricane Agnes in the Wyoming Valley by Glahn, Bryan
Did You Know: Fascinating Facts and the Civil War in North Carolina by Knowles, J. C.
On Eagle's Beak: A History of the Montauk Point Lighthouse, A National Historic Landmark by Osmers, Henry
Trafford by Trafford Historical Society
Trafford by Trafford Historical Society
Cumberland Township and Carmichaels by Anderson, Shelley McMinn
Squirrel Hill: A Neighborhood History by Wilson, Helen, Squirrel Hill Historical Society
Northeast Forest Fire Supervisors by Compact, Northeastern Forest Fire Protec
Some Pennsylvania Women During the War of the Revolution by Egle, William Henry
Chenango Canal: The Million Dollar Ditch by Lallier, Wade Allen
New Hartford by Oneida County Historical Society, New Hartford Historical Society
Miller Cornfield at Antietam: The Civil War's Bloodiest Combat by Phd, Phillip Thomas Tucker
New Hartford by New Hartford Historical Society, Oneida County Historical Society
Hudson Valley Murder & Mayhem by Amelinckx, Andrew K.
Haunted Fells Point: Ghosts of Baltimore's Waterfront by Carter, Mike, Dray, Julia
Chenango Canal: The Million Dollar Ditch by Lallier, Wade Allen
Haunted Fells Point: Ghosts of Baltimore's Waterfront by Carter, Mike, Dray, Julia
Miller Cornfield at Antietam: The Civil War's Bloodiest Combat by Phd, Tucker, Phillip Thomas
The Dying City: Postwar New York and the Ideology of Fear by Tochterman, Brian L.
The Dying City: Postwar New York and the Ideology of Fear by Tochterman, Brian L.
Plain Meetinghouses: Lancaster County Old Order Mennonites Gather to Worship by Oberholtzer, Beth
Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition by
Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition by
Cursed in Virginia: Stories of the Damned in the Old Dominion State by Nesbitt, Mark
Spooky New Jersey: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore by Schlosser, S. E.
The Jefferson Memorial Through Time by Waters Yarsinske, Amy
The Old and New Monongahela by Van Voorhis, John S.
Maurice River Township by Rumbold, Julie Ann
Hudson Valley Wine: A History of Taste & Terroir by Edick, Tessa, Willcox, Kathleen
Disasters of Onondaga County by MacMillan, Neil K.
Maurice River Township by Rumbold, Julie Ann
Disasters of Onondaga County by MacMillan, Neil K.
Hudson Valley Wine: A History of Taste & Terroir by Willcox, Kathleen, Edick, Tessa
Historic Tales of Seneca County, New York by Gable, Walter
New Jersey Central's Blue Comet by Puzzilla, Anthony
The Descendants of Johann Peter Klinger and Catharina Steinbruch by Klinger, Max E.
SoJourn 2.1, Summer 2017: A journal devoted to the history, culture, and geography of South Jersey by
Plainview-Old Bethpage by Carr, Thomas
Kings Park by Ruff, Joshua, Howard, Marianne, Harris, Bradley
Lost British Forts of Long Island by Griffin, David M.
Conowingo Dam by Paulson, Erin E., Paulson, John R.
Kings Park by Harris, Bradley, Ruff, Joshua, Howard, Marianne
Lost British Forts of Long Island by Griffin, David M.
Plainview-Old Bethpage by Carr, Thomas
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Queen Anne's County, Volume I: Liber 36: 1734, 1747, 1754, 1756, 1757; Liber 37 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Volume II: Liber 37: 1757 (2nd Version); Liber 38: 1758, 1763, 1765, 1766, 1767 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Miracle at Quecreek Mine by Arnold, Bill
Forest County by Pavlansky, Joseph, Hanahan, Paula In Association with the
Millhunks and Renegades: A Portrait of a Pittsburgh Neighborhood by Kulina, Anita
Ghost Towns of New Jersey: A Tour of Our Forgotten Places by Regan, Timothy
The Historic Barns of Southeastern Pennsylvania: Architecture & Preservation, Built 1750-1900 by Huber, Gregory D.
Buffalo and the Presidents: An Account of the American Presidents' Connections to the Queen City, Including their Visits to the Area by Nowak, Martin S.
New York City Coffee: A Caffeinated History by Meister, Erin
Laurel Hill Cemetery by Yaster, Carol, Wolgemuth, Rachel
Lost Coal Country of Northeastern Pennsylvania by Beniquez, Lorena
The CBS Murders: A True Account of Greed and Violence in New York's Diamond District by Hammer, Richard
South Plainfield in the 20th Century by Veit, Richard
South Plainfield in the 20th Century by Veit, Richard, Miele, Dorothy
A Thread in the Fabric: The Chautauqua-Erie Region to 1865 by Ludes, III Jacob
Historic Theaters of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley by Posey, Sean T.
Hudson Valley Curiosities: The Sinking of the Steamship Swallow, the Poughkeepsie Seer, the UFOs of the Celtic Stone Chambers and More by Marchese, Allison Guertin
Hudson Valley Curiosities: The Sinking of the Steamship Swallow, the Poughkeepsie Seer, the UFOs of the Celtic Stone Chambers and More by Marchese, Allison Guertin
Greenport: The Right Place at the Wrong Time by Borrelli, Roselle
Greenport: The Right Place at the Wrong Time by Borrelli, Roselle
Haunted Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland Counties by Gallagher-Roncace, Kelly Lin
Black Men Built the Capitol: Discovering African-American History in and Around Washington, D.C. by Holland, Jesse
Historic Crimes of Long Island: Misdeeds from the 1600s to the 1950s by Brosky, Kerriann Flanagan
Historic Crimes of Long Island: Misdeeds from the 1600s to the 1950s by Brosky, Kerriann Flanagan
Gilded Suffragists: The New York Socialites Who Fought for Women's Right to Vote by Neuman, Johanna
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