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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Regional: Middle Atlantic in 2018

Echoes of the Past: Annals of the Town of Greene, New York 1867-1967 by Folsom, Mildred English Cochrane
Mayor: The Best Job in Politics by Nutter, Michael A.
A Time to Stir: Columbia '68 by
Detective in the White City: The Real Story of Frank Geyer (Large Print Edition) by Crighton, Jd
Oneida by Wayland-Smith, Ellen
Classical Architecture and Monuments of Washington, D.C.: A History & Guide by Curtis, Michael
Secrets of the C&O Canal: Little-Known Stories & Hidden History Along the Potomac River by Rada, James, Jr.
Borough of Anglesea: 1885-1906 by Jett, W. Scott
The Imperial Season: America's Capital in the Time of the First Ambassadors, 1893-1918 by Seale, William
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Kent County, Volume I. Liber 27: 1733, 1734-A, 1734-B, 1734-C, 1734-D, 1735-1; by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Kent County, Volume II. Liber 28: 1738, 1739, 1740; Liber 29: 1741, 1742, 1743; by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Kent County, Volume III. Liber 54: 1749-1759; Liber 30: 1752, 1753; Liber 31: 1 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
The Washington Whig of Bridgeton, New Jersey, Lists of Letters Remaining in the Post Office: 1815 - 1826 by Batcho, Andrea E.
Milton, New York: A New Town in a New Nation by McCartney, Kim, Richmond, James E.
The Jumel Mansion: Being A Full History Of The House On Harlem Heights Built By Roger Morris Before The Revolution. With Illustrations by Shelton, William Henry
New York State Folklife Reader: Diverse Voices by
The Statue of Liberty (German Version) by Moreno, Barry
Hinsonville's Heroes: Black Civil War Soldiers of Chester County, Pennsylvania by Phd, Cheryl Renée Gooch
The Statue of Liberty (German Version) by Moreno, Barry
Hinsonville's Heroes: Black Civil War Soldiers of Chester County, Pennsylvania by Gooch, Cheryl Renee
Radiation Nation: Three Mile Island and the Political Transformation of the 1970s by Zaretsky, Natasha
Radiation Nation: Three Mile Island and the Political Transformation of the 1970s by Zaretsky, Natasha
The Diaries of Gouverneur Morris: New York, 1799-1816 by Morris, Gouverneur
Scottish Rite Cathedral by Cummings, Rob, Perelman, Dale
Breaking the Appalachian Barrier: Maryland as the Gateway to Ohio and the West, 1750-1850 by Hrastar, John
Hannah Mary Tabbs and the Disembodied Torso: A Tale of Race, Sex, and Violence in America by Gross, Kali Nicole
The Millers Rest in Peace: Descendants of John George Miller (Johann Georg Müller) by Bell, Carol J.
Long Island Rail Road: Oyster Bay Branch by Morrison, David D.
Long Island Rail Road: Oyster Bay Branch by Morrison, David D.
Middle Atlantic Prehistory: Foundations and Practice by Wholey, Heather A., Nash, Carole L.
Front Stoops in the Fifties: Baltimore Legends Come of Age by Olesker, Michael
The Restless City: A Short History of New York from Colonial Times to the Present by Reitano, Joanne
The Ministers' War: John W. Mears, the Oneida Community, and the Crusade for Public Morality by Doyle, Michael
Graves of Upstate New York: A Guide to 100 Notable Resting Places by D'Imperio, Chuck
The Ministers' War: John W. Mears, the Oneida Community, and the Crusade for Public Morality by Doyle, Michael
Graves of Upstate New York: A Guide to 100 Notable Resting Places, Second Edition by D'Imperio, Chuck
My Walks Through Philly's Black Bottom by Darrisaw, Diana Harvey
Schoharie County One-Room Schoolhouses: Also referred to as little red or white schoolhouse, district school, common school, rural school or first six by Cuccinello, Karen McLaughlin
US Route 1: Baltimore to Washington, DC by Marcavitch, Aaron
Dagger John: Archbishop John Hughes and the Making of Irish America by Loughery, John
Dangerous Guests: Enemy Captives and Revolutionary Communities During the War for Independence by Miller, Ken
Frontier Country: The Politics of War in Early Pennsylvania by Spero, Patrick
Hempstead Village by Bethany, Reine Duell
Philadelphia Mansions: Stories and Characters Behind the Walls by Nickels, Thom
Hempstead Village by Bethany, Reine Duell
Sunny's Nights: Lost and Found at a Bar on the Edge of the World by Sultan, Tim
Road to Rust: The Disintegration of the Steel Industry in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio by Perelman, Dale Richard
The Irish at Gettysburg by Tucker, Phillip Thomas
Road to Rust: The Disintegration of the Steel Industry in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio by Perelman, Dale Richard
The Irish at Gettysburg by Tucker Phd, Phillip Thomas
George Washington's Washington: Visions for the National Capital in the Early American Republic by Costanzo, Adam
Adriaen van der Donck: A Dutch Rebel in Seventeenth-Century America by Van Den Hout, J.
Revolting New York: How 400 Years of Riot, Rebellion, Uprising, and Revolution Shaped a City by
George Washington's Washington: Visions for the National Capital in the Early American Republic by Costanzo, Adam
Revolting New York: How 400 Years of Riot, Rebellion, Uprising, and Revolution Shaped a City by
Idlewild: History and Memories of Pennsylvania's Oldest Amusement Park by Sopko, Jennifer
Most of 14th Street Is Gone: The Washington, DC Riots of 1968 by Walker, J. Samuel
Idlewild: History and Memories of Pennsylvania's Oldest Amusement Park by Sopko, Jennifer
Gettysburg Eddie: The Story of Eddie Plank by Knorr, Lawrence
Wales by Zeigel, Dee
Wales by Zeigel, Dee
Mets in 10s: Best and Worst of an Amazin' History by Wright, Brian
Lost Farms and Estates of Washington, D.C. by Williams, Kim Prothro
Mets in 10s: Best and Worst of an Amazin' History by Wright, Brian
Fear City: New York's Fiscal Crisis and the Rise of Austerity Politics by Phillips-Fein, Kim
Shenandoah Iron: A History of Mining, Smelting and Transporting Iron in the Virginia Counties of Clarke, Frederick, Page, Rockingham, S by Scott, Norman H.
Secret Philadelphia: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure by Dixon LeBeau, Mary
Franco-Americans in the Champlain Valley by Licursi, Kimberly Lamay, Paquette, Celine Racine
Huntington by Novak, Patricia J.
Franco-Americans in the Champlain Valley by Licursi, Kimberly Lamay, Paquette, Celine Racine
Huntington by Novak, Patricia J.
Forest Hill Cemetery by Azzarelli, Margo L., Azzarelli, Marnie
Ten Days in a Mad-House by Bly, Nellie
Long Island: Illustrated 1900 - As Published By The Long Island Railroad by Stuy, Timothy O., Long, Joel
The Great Book of New York: The Crazy History of New York with Amazing Random Facts & Trivia by O'Neill, Bill
Abandoned Tracks: The Underground Railroad in Washington County, Pennsylvania by Mainwaring, W. Thomas
Jones Beach by Theodosiou, Constantine E.
That Field of Blood: The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862 by Vermilya, Daniel
Activist New York: A History of People, Protest, and Politics by Jaffe, Steven H.
Declared Defective: Native Americans, Eugenics, and the Myth of Nam Hollow by Jarvenpa, Robert
New York Exposed: The Gilded Age Police Scandal That Launched the Progressive Era by Czitrom, Daniel
The Third Degree: The Triple Murder That Shook Washington and Changed American Criminal Justice by Seligman, Scott D.
Hallissey!: The Incredible Life and Times of Haverford Township's First Chief of Police by Hufnal, A. Matthew
Mechanicsburg by Bone, Beverly J.
Together, They Made Lancaster, PA, Great by Frick, Robert a.
Mechanicsburg by Bone, Beverly J.
Stronger Than Steel: Forging a Rust Belt Renaissance by Parks, Jeffrey A.
Coast Guard Cutter Taney by Ketenheim, Bob
Trouble in Lafayette Square: Assassination, Protest & Murder at the White House by Klein, Gil
Historic Theaters of New York's Capital District by Miller, John a.
Trouble in Lafayette Square: Assassination, Protest & Murder at the White House by Klein, Gil
Coast Guard Cutter Taney by Ketenheim, Bob
Saving Central Park: A History and a Memoir by Rogers, Elizabeth Barlow
Embattled River: The Hudson and Modern American Environmentalism by Schuyler, David
Built with Faith: Italian American Imagination and Catholic Material Culture in New York City by Sciorra, Joseph
Ten Days in a Mad-House (Annotated) by Bly, Nellie
Stamford & Vicinity: People, Places & Things by Cuccinello, Karen McLaughlin
Walking Harlem: The Ultimate Guide to the Cultural Capital of Black America by Taborn, Karen
The Cape May Navy: Delaware Bay Privateers in the American Revolution by Stites, Daniel P., Hand, J. P.
The Cape May Navy: Delaware Bay Privateers in the American Revolution by Stites, Daniel P., Hand, J. P.
Detective in the White City: The Real Story of Frank Geyer (Large Print Edition) by Crighton, Jd
The Going Places Club: A Memoir of Youth by Baldan, John
DC Jazz: Stories of Jazz Music in Washington, DC by
Beach Haven by Coyle, Gretchen F., Whitcraft, Deborah C.
Montgomery County Trolleys by Szilagyi, Mike
Beach Haven by Whitcraft, Deborah C., Coyle, Gretchen F.
Ten Days in a Mad-House by Bly, Nellie
Montgomery County Trolleys by Szilagyi, Mike
Lithuanians of Schuylkill County by Voie, Anne Chaikowsky La
Beach Haven by Whitcraft, Deborah C., Coyle, Gretchen F.
Sag Harbor by Roth, Tucker Burns
How the Other Half Looks: The Lower East Side and the Afterlives of Images by Blair, Sara
Archeology in the Adirondacks: The Last Frontier by Starbuck, David R.
Smarter Growth: Activism and Environmental Policy in Metropolitan Washington by Spiers, John H.
Italians of Brooklyn by Randazzo, Marianna Biazzo
Long Island and World War I by Welch, Richard F.
Italians of Brooklyn by Randazzo, Marianna Biazzo
Port Norris Pickings 1885 by Hollinger, Thomas F.
Detective in the White City: The Real Story of Frank Geyer by Crighton, Jd
The Story of the City of New York by Burr Todd, Charles
Justice Perverted: The Molestation Mistrial of Richard Charles Haefner by Sherwood, Derek J.
Standard History of The City of Washington: From a Study of the Original Sources by Tindall, William
Lighthouses and Life Saving at Oswego by Panayotoff, Theodore J., Pittavino, Michael R.
Peoples of the Inland Sea: Native Americans and Newcomers in the Great Lakes Region, 1600-1870 by Nichols, David Andrew
The Jersey Shore: The Past, Present & Future of a National Treasure by Mazzagetti, Dominick
New Jersey: A History of the Garden State by
New Jersey Originals: Technological Marvels, Odd Inventions, Trailblazing Characters and More by Barth, Linda J.
Muncy by Rymsza, Maggie S., Smith, M. Earl
New Jersey Originals: Technological Marvels, Odd Inventions, Trailblazing Characters and More by Barth, Linda J.
Pittsburgh's Inclines by Doherty, Donald
Pittsburgh's Inclines by Doherty, Donald
Play Ball! The Story of Little League Baseball by Van Auken, Lance, Van Auken, Robin
Play Ball! The Story of Little League Baseball by Van Auken, Robin, Van Auken, Lance
Building the Skyline: The Birth and Growth of Manhattan's Skyscrapers by Barr, Jason M.
Finding True North: A History of One Small Corner of the Adirondacks by Yardley, Fran
Moorestown: Where rich men's dreams came true and poor men's sons went to Vietnam to die by Edwards, Richard Thomas
Seabreeze Park by Futrell, Jim
George Washington's 1790 Grand Tour of Long Island by Grasso, Joanne S.
George Washington's 1790 Grand Tour of Long Island by Grasso, Joanne S.
Seabreeze Park by Futrell, Jim
Sugar, Cigars, and Revolution: The Making of Cuban New York by Pérez, Lisandro
Counter Institution: Activist Estates of the Lower East Side by Bagchee, Nandini
Empire of Water: An Environmental and Political History of the New York City Water Supply by Soll, David
Hidden History of the Finger Lakes by Unvericht, Patti
Wall Street: A History by Geisst, Charles R.
Hidden History of the Finger Lakes by Unvericht, Patti
History of Lansingburgh, N.Y. from the Year 1670 to 1877 by Weise, Arthur James
The Scots Irish of Early Pennsylvania: A Varied People by Ridner, Judith A.
Legends and Lore of the Hudson Highlands by Kruk, Jonathan
Beyond the Battlefield: Stories From Gettysburg's Rich History by Rada, James, Jr.
Scribblin' for a Livin': Mark Twain's Pivotal Period in Buffalo: Expanded Edition by Reigstad, Thomas J.
Hidden History of Queens by Panchyk, Richard
Howard University in the World Wars: Men and Women Serving the Nation by Matthews Jr. Phd, Lopez D.
Hudson River State Hospital by Rightmyer, Lynn, Hudson River State Hospital Nurses Alumn, Galante, Joseph
Howard University in the World Wars: Men and Women Serving the Nation by Matthews, Lopez D., Jr.
Hudson River State Hospital by Hudson River State Hospital Nurses Alumni Association, Galante, Joseph, Rightmyer, Lynn
The Haunted History of the Omni Bedford Springs Resort and Spa by Sabol Jr, John G.
Buddy Boys: When Good Cops Turn Bad by McAlary, Mike
Chinatown No More: Taiwan Immigrants in Contemporary New York by Chen, Hsiang-Shui
Nuclear Summer: The Clash of Communities at the Seneca Women's Peace Encampment by Krasniewicz, Louise
South Philadelphia High School by Evangelisto, Tony
1777: Tipping Point at Saratoga by Snow, Dean
Ten Days in a Mad-House by Bly, Nellie
New York: Persons and Places by Ozer, Mark N.
From Breslau to Lindenhurst: 1870 to 1923 by Lindenhurst Historical Society, Jaeger, Anna, Cascone, Mary
Haunted Ellicott City by Wygant, Shelley Davies
New York After 9/11 by
New York After 9/11 by
Classical New York: Discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham by
History In Our Attics: Photos and Documents of Brunswick, Maryland: Volume III by Castle, James R.
A Sheltered Song in Baltimore by Lee, Se
New Jersey Marriage Records, 1665-1800. by
An Index to the Will Books and Intestate Records of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1729-1850. by
Early Pennsylvania Births, 1675-1875. by
Northport by Reid, Teresa, Hughes, Robert C.
Northport by Reid, Teresa, Hughes, Robert C.
Engineering Pittsburgh: A History of Roads, Rails, Canals, Bridges and More by Asce Pittsburgh Section 100th Anniversary Publication Commit
Engineering Pittsburgh: A History of Roads, Rails, Canals, Bridges and More by Asce Pittsburgh Section 100th Anniversar
Well-Behaved Taverns Seldom Make History: Pennsylvania Pubs Where Rabble-Rousers and Rum Runners Stirred Up Revolutions by McCormick, M. Diane
Brooklyn Before: Photographs, 1971-1983 by
An Empire of Print: The New York Publishing Trade in the Early American Republic by Smith, Steven Carl
Moses Hazen and the Canadian Refugees in the American Revolution by Everest, Allan S.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Anne Arundel County, Volume I. Calvert Papers: 1750; Liber 1: 1753, 1754, 1755, by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Anne Arundel County, Volume II. Liber 2: 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763; Liber 3: 1764, by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Anne Arundel County, Volume III. Liber 3: 1767, 1768; Liber 4: 1769, 1770, 1771 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
The Dustman Family of Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, Ohio by Ritter, Roy C., III
The Dustman Family of Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, Ohio by Ritter, Roy C., III
Patents and Deeds and Other Early Records of New Jersey 1664-1703. by
Calendar of Kent County, Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800. by de Valinger, Leon, Jr.
Slavery in the North: Forgetting History and Recovering Memory by Ross, Marc Howard
Camden County, New Jersey Marriages, 1844-1909. by
Cumberland County, New Jersey Marriages, 1742-1878 by
Salem County, New Jersey Marriages, 1683-1878 by
Salem County, New Jersey Wills, 1804-1830. Vol. #1: (Recorded in the Office of the Surrogate at Salem, New Jersey) by
Burlington County, New Jersey Marriages, 1681-1930 by
Cumberland County, New Jersey Wills, 1747-1861, Genealogical Data from. by
Keystone College: 150 Years by
The South Precinct of Dutchess County New York 1740-1790: divided into Philipse, Fredricksburgh, and South East Precincts in 1772 renamed Philipse, Fr by Paschke, Pamela Ricciardi
The South Precinct of Dutchess County New York 1740-1790: divided into Philipse, Fredricksburgh, and South East Precincts in 1772, renamed Philipse, F by Paschke, Pamela Ricciardi
House of Refuge: Origins of Juvenile Reform in New York State, 1815-1857 by Pickett, Robert
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