• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Regional: New England in 2019

The Vermont Brigade in the Seven Days: The Battles and Their Personal Aftermath by Zeller, Paul G.
Skinny House: A Memoir of Family by Seely, Julie L.
Dark Tide: The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 by Puleo, Stephen
Genealogy of William Allis of Hatfield, Mass. and Descendants 1630-1919 by Allis, Horatio D.
Now Show Them What Rhode Island Can Do! An Annotated Bibliography of Rhode Island Civil War Sources by Grandchamp, Robert
Darkness Falls on the Land of Light: Experiencing Religious Awakenings in Eighteenth-Century New England by Winiarski, Douglas L.
Lyrics by Cheney, John Vance
The Poetical Works of Charles Lamb by Lamb, Charles
The Poetical Works of Charles Lamb by Lamb, Charles
Strathearn Lyrics: And Other Poems by Edwards, Thomas
An Old Man's Musings and Other Verses by Mills, William Hathorn
Earth and New Earth by Rice, Cale Young
Harp of the North by Hewitt, Arthur Wentworth
Roadside Harp by Guiney, Louise Imogen
Arizona and Other Poems by Cabot, Elise Pumpelly
The Great Remembrance, and Other Poems by Gilder, Richard Watson
The Little Poem Book by Reese, Sarah Simons
Arizona and Other Poems by Cabot, Elise Pumpelly
Iona and Other Verses by Bright, William
Boston's Twentieth-Century Bicycling Renaissance: Cultural Change on Two Wheels by Finison, Lorenz J.
The history of Guilford, Connecticut, from its first settlement in 1639 by Smith, Ralph D.
Forest and Crag: A History of Hiking, Trail Blazing, and Adventure in the Northeast Mountains, Thirtieth Anniversary Edition by Waterman, Laura, Waterman, Guy
Documentary History of the State of Maine (Volume XII) Containing the Baxter Manuscripts by
Abstracts of Death Notices (1833-1852) and Miscellaneous News Items from the Maine Farmer (1833-1924) by Young, David C., Keene, Benjamin Lewis
Boston's Massacre by Hinderaker, Eric
Echoes of the Past, Present, and Future. With Other Poems by Smith, W. Watman
The Golden Hynde, and Other Poems by Noyes, Alfred
Jeremiah Hacker: Journalist, Anarchist, Abolitionist by Pritchard, Rebecca M.
Astral Weeks: A Secret History of 1968 by Walsh, Ryan H.
Mystery on the Isles of Shoals: Closing the Case on the Smuttynose Ax Murders of 1873 by Robinson, J. Dennis
Sowams: with Ancient Records of Sowams (Rhode Island) and Parts Adjacent by Bicknell, Thomas Williams
The Queen of Orplede by Stork, Charles Wharton
A Discourse Delivered in the First Church of Dover by Spalding, George Burley
Poems and Ballads by Gwynne, Pryce
Lilies by Adams, H. S.
Religio Poetæ Etc by Patmore, Coventry
At Home: Historic Houses of Eastern Massachusetts by Luey, Beth
Moxie: Maine in a Bottle by Baumer, Jim
Genealogical Abstracts from Palmyra, Wayne County, New York, Newspapers 1810-1854 by Van Alstine, S. D., Wiles, Harriet
Adventure Guide to Maine's Abandoned Locomotives by Quintal-Snowman, Angela
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Custom House Reconstruction: 22 Dec 1719 - 7 Jan 1724 by Easter, William Taylor
New York, New York Custom House Reconstruction, 9 Dec 1719-31 Dec 1723 by Easter, William Taylor
A Modest Enquiry Into the Nature of Witchcraft by Hale, John
Rhode Island Trolleys by Soares, Janice, Soares, Joseph
The Boatman: Henry David Thoreau's River Years by Thorson, Robert M.
The Hub of the Gay Universe: An LGBTQ History of Boston, Provincetown, and Beyond by Lopez, Russ
New England Myths and Legends: The True Stories behind History's Mysteries by McCain, Diana Ross
Lost Restaurants of Providence by Stone, David Norton
Hidden History of New Haven by Hubbard, Kathleen, Hubbard, Robert
Lost Restaurants of Providence by Stone, David Norton
Hidden History of New Haven by Hubbard, Robert, Hubbard, Kathleen
Lexington and Concord: The Battle Heard Round the World by Daughan, George C.
The Gritty Berkshires: A People's History from the Hoosac Tunnel to Mass MoCA by Seider, Maynard
Wicked Salem: Exploring Lingering Lore and Legends by Baltrusis, Sam
Connecticut in Transition, 1775-1818 by Purcell, Richard Joseph
Danville, New Hampshire Residents, 1760-1992 by Collins, Gus
The City-State of Boston: The Rise and Fall of an Atlantic Power, 1630-1865 by Peterson, Mark
History of Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, from the Year 1800 to the Year 1876 by Smith, Ralph D.
Southbury Through Time: Remnants of Our Past by Elliott, Melinda
Maine at War Volume I: Bladensburg to Sharpsburg by Swartz, Brian F.
Temperate Empire: Making Climate Change in Early America by Zilberstein, Anya
Ships, Swindlers, and Scalded Hogs: The Rise and Fall of the Crooker Shipyard in Bath, Maine by Hill, Frederic B.
Abraham Willett (c1735-c1805) of Onondaga County, New York by Willett, Albert James, Jr.
A Genealogical Dictionary of Wright Families in the Lower Hudson Valley to 1800 by Cruger, Douglas W.
A Travel History of Martha's Vineyard: From Canoes and Horses to Steamships and Trolleys by Dresser, Thomas
How Three Rivers (Connecticut, Hudson, and Delaware) Revolutionized Transportation, Travel and Trade in America by Bernardo, John
Rediscovering the Maine Woods: Thoreau's Legacy in an Unsettled Land by
The Courage to Surrender by Whalen, John F.
Nantasket, Paragon, and Other Non-Fiction: A Variety of Articles to Motivate You by Pepe, William J.
Roll of New Hampshire Men at Louisburg, Cape Breton, 1745 by Pearson, Edward
Acoaxet Club: The Journey to 100, An Historical Visit by Cummings, John B. Red, Jr.
Moxie by Sasseville, Dennis, Lewis, Merrill
Forgotten Tales of Down East Maine by Harnedy, Jim
Reading by Blodgett, Everett A., Blodgett, Virginia D.
Moxie by Sasseville, Dennis, Lewis, Merrill
Forgotten Tales of Down East Maine by Harnedy, Jim
Reading by Blodgett, Everett A., Blodgett, Virginia D.
The Litchfield Law School: Guiding the New Nation by Hicks, Paul DeForest
What's Next? The Continuing Journey of the Wake Robin Life Care Community by Weinstock, Jacqueline S., Bond, Lynne a.
Bar Harbor Babylon: Murder, Misfortune, and Scandal on Mount Desert Island by Landrigan, Dan, Landrigan, Leslie
Death in Acadia: And Other Misadventures in Maine's National Park by Minetor, Randi
Black Walden: Slavery and Its Aftermath in Concord, Massachusetts by Lemire, Elise
The Leaders of Rhode Island's Golden Age by Conley, Patrick T.
The Leaders of Rhode Island's Golden Age by Conley, Patrick T.
Those Turbulent Sons of Freedom: Ethan Allen's Green Mountain Boys and the American Revolution by Wren, Christopher S.
On Whitcomb Hill: Land, House, and History in Rural Vermont by Myers, E. J.
On Whitcomb Hill: Land, House, and History in Rural Vermont by Myers, E. J.
The Flume Gorge at Franconia Notch by Maddigan, Michael J.
Revolutionary Boston, Lexington, and Concord by Andrews, Joseph
East Haddam by Shaddox, Russell C.
Weir Farm National Historic Site by Xiomaro
Clinton by Adler, Peggy
The Gay Metropolis: The Landmark History of Gay Life in America by Kaiser, Charles
Puritan Family and Community in the English Atlantic World: Being "Much Afflicted with Conscience" by Manchester, Margaret
The Keen Family and the Mayflower Beginning by Bloss, Dorinda W.
The Town Crier by Di Vece, Phil
Cape Cod Nights: Historic Bars, Clubs and Drinks by Setterlund, Christopher
Manchester Historic Association Collections: Volume 1, 1896-1899 by Unknown
Beyond Acadia: Exploring the Bold Coast of Down East Maine by Bard, Rich
God, War, and Providence: The Epic Struggle of Roger Williams and the Narragansett Indians Against the Puritans of New England by Warren, James A.
English History: A Concise Overview of the History of England from Start to End by Brown, Eric
New England UFOs: Sightings, Abductions, and Other Strange Phenomena by Plumb, Taryn
Colonial Ecology, Atlantic Economy: Transforming Nature in Early New England by Roberts, Strother E.
Hidden History of the New Hampshire Seacoast by Nelson, Terry
Hidden History of the New Hampshire Seacoast by Nelson, Terry
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island: Comprising Three Generations of Settlers Who Came Before 1690. With Additions and Corrections by John Osborne by Austin, John Osborne
The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts by Mirick, Benjamin L.
Inside the Combat Zone: The Stripped Down Story of Boston's Most Notorious Neighborhood by Schorow, Stephanie
Historic Tales of Oak Bluffs by Finley, Skip
Connecticut Softball Legend Joan Joyce by Renzoni, Tony
Historic Tales of Oak Bluffs by Finley, Skip
Connecticut Softball Legend Joan Joyce by Renzoni, Tony
Mayflower Lives: Pilgrims in a New World and the Early American Experience by Whittock, Martyn
Vital Records of Gray, Maine to the Year of 1930 by Black, Howard G., Jr.
The Case of the Slave-Child, Med: Free Soil in Antislavery Boston by Weierman, Karen Woods
Black Lives, Native Lands, White Worlds: A History of Slavery in New England by Hardesty, Jared Ross
Northern Vermont in the War of 1812 by Barney, Jason
Northern Vermont in the War of 1812 by Barney, Jason
Garden Cemeteries of New England by Scee, Trudy Irene
Flight Calls: Exploring Massachusetts Through Birds by Nelson, John R.
Documentary History of the State of Maine, Containing the Baxter Manuscripts Volume IX by Baxter, James Phinney
Keene on Red Beach: An anthology of articles written by F.W. Keene about Red Beach, Maine by St Croix Historical Society, The
Counterculture in Boston 1968-1980s by Giuliano, Charles
English History: A Concise Overview of the History of England from Start to End by Brown, Eric
Stafford by Rebecca Stocking Kraussmann for the Stafford Historical Soci
Stafford by Kraussmann, Rebecca Stocking for the Sta
Sandwich A Cape Cod Town by Lovell, R. a.
At Home: Historic Houses of Central and Western Massachusetts by Luey, Beth
The Mayflower Pilgrims: Sifting Fact from Fable by Wilson, Derek
Maria Baldwin's Worlds: A Story of Black New England and the Fight for Racial Justice by Weiler, Kathleen
Ghost Writers: The Hallowed Haunts of Unforgettable Literary Icons by Baltrusis, Sam
Apostle of the East by Lawson, Russell M.
Apostle of the East by Lawson, Russell M.
Hanson, Henson, Hinson, Hynson, and Allied Family Names, Volume 1: Early Records of the Midwest and Southwest United States by Miner, Ethel N.
Nahauntus: Accounts of Unexplained Occurrences in Nahant, Massachusetts by Butler, Gerald W.
The John Fresolo Saga: Political Conspiracy Exposed Inside Massachusetts State House by Wright, Richard F.
Life in a Small New England Town - Remembrances Told in Short Stories and Verse by Mygatt, Philip Sherman
The Atlas of Boston History by
Untold Stories from World War II Rhode Island by McBurney, Christian, Desmarais, Norman, Karentz, Varoujan
Untold Stories from World War II Rhode Island by McBurney, Christian, Desmarais, Norman, Karentz, Varoujan
New London Police Department by Keating, Catherine, Keating, Lawrence Michael, Keating, Lawrence
Crumbling Castles: The Lost Asylums at Worcester and Danvers by Kirsch, Tom
Home Now by Anderson, Cynthia
The In-Betweens: The Spiritualists, Mediums, and Legends of Camp Etna by Ptacin, Mira
Hunting for Witches, Second Edition by Hill, Frances
Terror in the Cradle of Liberty: How Boston Became a Center for Islamic Extremism by Feoktistov, Ilya
Borderland Smuggling: Patriots, Loyalists, and Illicit Trade in the Northeast, 1783-1820 by Smith, Joshua M.
Black Radical: The Life and Times of William Monroe Trotter by Greenidge, Kerri K.
Sola Scriptura and Sectarianism: The Rise of the Rogerenes in Colonial New London, 1664-1721 by Lim, Susan
Sola Scriptura and Sectarianism: The Rise of the Rogerenes in Colonial New London, 1664-1721 by Lim, Susan
Boston's Abolitionists by Greenidge, Kerri
Rocky Hill by Herron, Robert C.
Rhode Island's Civil War Dead: A Complete Roster by Grandchamp, Robert
A Yankee Regiment in Confederate Louisiana: The 31st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the Gulf South by Lowenthal, Larry
FINAL MISSION The North Woods by Wax, Joseph R.
Vexed with Devils: Manhood and Witchcraft in Old and New England by Gasser, Erika
Retracing Baptists in Rhode Island: Identity, Formation, and History by Lemons, J. Stanley
Retracing Baptists in Rhode Island: Identity, Formation, and History by Lemons, J. Stanley
The British Raid on Essex: The Forgotten Battle of the War of 1812 by Roberts, Jerry