• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Regional: South in 2003

Fateful Shapes of Human Freedom: Transnational Mayan Identities by Colapietro, Vincent
History for All the People: One Hundred Years of Public History in North Carolina by Wegner, Ansley Herring
For Free Press and Equal Rights: Republican Newspapers in the Reconstruction South by Abbott, Richard H.
Divine Agitators: The Delta Ministry and Civil Rights in Mississippi by Newman, Mark
Searching for the Roanoke Colonies: An Interdisciplinary Collection by
The North Carolina State Fair: The First 150 Years by McLaurin, Melton A.
The Papers of James Iredell, Volume III: 1784-1789 by
North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster, Volume 15: Infantry (62nd, 64th, 66th, 67th, and 68th Regiments) by
Orlean Puckett: The Life of a Mountain Midwife by Smith, Karen Cecil
Jewish Community of Shreveport by Brock, Eric J.
Dead Towns of Georgia by Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr.
Dead Towns of Georgia by Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr.
The French Quarter: An Informal History of the New Orleans Underworld by Asbury, Herbert
Making Waves: Female Activists in Twentieth-Century Florida by
Glynn County, Georgia by Allen, Benjamin
Where There Are Mountains by Davis, Donald Edward
West Virginia and Captains the Captains of Industry (Revised) by Williams, John A.
The Appalachian Frontier: America's First Surge Westward by Caruso, John Anthony
A Short History of Florida Railroads by Turner, Gregg
Mammoth Cave and the Kentucky Cave Region by Thompson, Bob, Thompson, Judi
Seminole and Miccosukee Tribes of Southern Florida by West, Patsy, Locomotive History, Southern Railway Historical Association
Clash of Loyalties: A Border County in the Civil War by Shaffer, John W.
Saving Monticello: The Levy Family's Epic Quest to Rescue the House That Jefferson Built by Leepson, Marc
Virginia Reconsidered: New Histories of the Old Dominion by
Cracker Times and Pioneer Lives: The Florida Reminiscences of George Gillett Keen and Sarah Pamela Williams by
South Carolina Negroes, 1877-1900 by Tindall, George Brown
Monroe and West Monroe, Louisiana by Ouachita Parish Historic Interest Group
Las Tejanas: 300 Years of History by Acosta, Teresa Palomo, Winegarten, Ruthe
Felix Longoria's Wake: Bereavement, Racism, and the Rise of Mexican American Activism by Carroll, Patrick J.
A Sphinx on the American Land: The Nineteenth-Century South in Comparative Perspective by Kolchin, Peter
Texian Odyssey: The Life and Times of a Forgotten Patriot of the Republic of Texas: Colonel Eleazar Louis Ripley Wheelock by Hutchinson, Mary Foster
Edgecombe County: Along the Tar River by Fleming, Monika S.
The War the Women Lived by Sullivan, Walter
Madison Parish by Sevier, Richard P.
Acworth by Acworth Society for Historic Preservation Inc
Coral Springs by Wangberg, Wendy, Knutson, Kevin
Waters of Life from the Conecuh Ridge: The Clyde May Story by Hall, Wade
A Walk Through the Past - People and Places of Florence and Lauderdale County Alabama by McDonald, William Lindsey
Black Like Me by Griffin, John Howard
Eyes in a Storm: How One Community Weathered Life After a Deadly Tornado by McNew, Jessica Gregg
Baseball in Norfolk, Virginia by Shampoe, Clay, Garrett, Thomas
Texas and the Mexican War by Stephenson, Nathaniel W.
Pioneers of the Old Southwest by Skinner, Constance Lindsay
Cotton Kingdom: Chronicles of America Part 27 by Dodd, William E.
The Biography of a River Town: Memphis: Its Heroic Age by Capers, Gerald M.
Historic Indian Towns in Alabama, 1540-1838 by Wright, Amos J.
Richwood by Baker, Luther D.
Fort Lee by Anders, Steven E., O'Gorman, Tim
Norfolk and Western Railway by Harris, Nelson
Rousseau: The Last Days of Spanish New Orleans by Martinez, Raymond J.
Robeson County by Tyner, K. Blake
Statesboro by Banks, Smith C., Presley, Delma E.
Thomas D. Clark of Kentucky: An Uncommon Life in the Commonwealth by
The Georgia Florida Contest by Searcy, Martha C.
Parker by Houpt, Ann Pratt
Tallahassee by Robinson, Erik T.
Wheeling in the 20th Century by Dunham, Tom
Leesburg by Fishback, Mary
Boone by Akers, Donna Gayle, Warmuth, Donna Akers
Richmond Burning: The Last Days of the Confederate Capital by Lankford, Nelson
Steamboats and the Cotton Economy: River Trade in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta by Owens, Harry P.
Sanford by The Sanford Historical Society, Inc, Sanford Historical Society Inc
Covington by Kenton County Public Library
Greenville by Peters Aheron, Piper
Greer by Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce
Atlanta Scenes: Photojournalism in the Atlanta History Center Collection by Rose, Michael, Blass, Kimberly S.
Worth County by Worth County Historical Society
Sarasota by Elder, Amy A.
The Kentucky River by Ellis, William E.
The Heart of Confederate Appalachia: Western North Carolina in the Civil War by McKinney, Gordon B., Inscoe, John C.
Knoxville by Hooper, Ed
Rutherford County in WWII by Walker, James M., Davis, Anita Price, Price Davis, Anita
Villages By An Emerald Sea by Baughman, James Keir
Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights by Webb, Clive
Raleigh and Wake County Firefighting by Legeros, Michael John
The Through Survivors' Eyes: Wittgenstein and Santayana on Contingency by Bermanzohn, Sally Avery
Quantrill in Texas: The Forgotten Campaign by Petersen, Paul R.
Villages By An Emerald Sea by Baughman, James Keir
Beaufort by Collins, Betty Wylly, Cooper, Polly Wylly
Charting Louisiana: Five Hundred Years of Maps by
Scottsboro, Alabama: A Story in Linoleum Cuts by Perez, Tony, Khan, Lin Shi
Savannah Impressions by Helfrick, Robb
Through Survivors' Eyes: From the Sixties to the Greensboro Massacre from the Sixties to the Greensboro Massacre by Bermanzohn, Sally Avery
Summers County by Robinson, Ed
Harrisonburg by Suter, Scott H., Lyon, Cheryl
Rebellion in the Temple of Justice: The Federal and State Courts in South Carolina During the War Between the States by Moise, Warren
Rebellion in the Temple of Justice: The Federal and State Courts in South Carolina During the War Between the States by Moise, Warren
World War II in Atlanta by Crater, Paul
Fort Benning by Thomas, Kenneth H., Jr.
Railroads of Chattanooga by Walker, Alan A.
Folklife Along the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River by Howell, Benita J.
Downer's Grove Revisited by Dunham, Montrew
Bowling Green by Jeffrey, Jonathan, Kentucky Library
Claims of Kinfolk by Penningroth, Dylan C.
Fort Pierce by Williams, ADA Coats
Sturgis South Dakota: 1878-1960 by Pechan, Bev, Pechan, Beverly, The Sturgis Area Arts Council
Generations: An American Family by Egerton, John
Orange Journalism: Voices from Florida Newspapers by
Foul Means: The Formation of a Slave Society in Virginia, 1660-1740 by Parent, Anthony S.
Reconstruction of White Southern Womanhood, 1865-1895 by Censer, Jane Turner
Tar Heel Catholics: A History of Catholicism in North Carolina by Powers, William F.
Tar Heel Catholics: A History of Catholicism in North Carolina by Powers, William F.
Death in the Everglades: The Murder of Guy Bradley, America's First Martyr to Environmentalism by McIver, Stuart B.
A Wonderment of Mountains, the Great Smokies by Brewer, Carson
Blacksburg by Straw, Richard A.
Charlotte and the Carolina Piedmont by Levine Museum of the New South, Sumner, Ryan L., Hanchett, Tom W.
Houston County: The First 100 Years by Dothan Landmarks Foundation, Inc, Dothan Land Marks Foundation
Petersburg by Durham, Suzanne K.
Hertford County by Stephenson, Frank
Granville County Revisited by Bowling, Lewis
Perquimans County by Perquimans County Library
Hertford County by Stephenson, Frank, Stephenson, E. Frank
Delray Beach by Credle-Rosenthal, McCall
Palm Coast by Dycke, Arthur E.
American Slavery, American Freedom by Morgan, Edmund S.
St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, Heirship Series: Selected Annotated Abstracts of Court Records, 1811-1837 by Sanders, Mary E.
Bath County, Virginia by Oxendine, Margo
St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, Heirship Series: Selected Annotated Abstracts of Marriage Book 1, 1811-1829 by Sanders, Mary E.
St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, Heirship Series: Annotated Abstracts of the Successions, 1811-1834 by
West Virginia: A History by Williams, John A.
The Battle Rages Higher: The Union's Fifteenth Kentucky Infantry by Jenkins, Kirk C.
Orlando: City of Dreams by Dickinson, Joy Wallace
Deland by Hall, Maggie, Holder, Michael Justin, West Volusia Historical Society
St. Simons Island by Morris, Patricia, Morris, Pat
St. Simons Island by Morris, Patricia
Origins of the New South Fifty Years Later: The Continuing Influence of a Historical Classic by
The Negro and Fusion Politics in North Carolina, 1894-1901 by Edmonds, Helen G.
Union County by
Slavery and the American South by
Lachlan McIntosh and the Politics of Revolutionary Georgia by Jackson, Harvey H.
American City, Southern Place: A Cultural History of Antebellum Richmond by Kimball, Gregg D.
Illegal Odyssey: 200 Years of Kentucky Moonshine by Ellison, Betty Boles
Boca Raton by Thema, Cynthia, Thuma, Cynthia
Jupiter by Drake, Lynn Lasseter, White, William Carlin
The Papers of Jefferson Davis: September 1864-May 1865 by Davis, Jefferson
Mississippi Women: Their Histories, Their Lives, Volume 1 by
Mississippi Women: Their Histories, Their Lives by
This Business of Relief by Green, Elna C.
Washington County by Washington County Historical Society
Tales from Kentucky Lawyers by Montell, William Lynwood
Southern Histories: Public, Personal, and Sacred by Goldfield, David
Garner by Whaley, Kaye Buffaloe
Lincoln County Revisited by Harpe, Jason L.
Mount Vernon by O'Neill, Patrick L.
Mount Vernon by O'Neill, Patrick L.
Newport News by Carter Webb, Jane, Webb, Jane Carter
Paynes Prairie: The Great Savanna: A History and Guide by Andersen, Lars
Wheeling by Carney, William, Carney, Brent
Creek Country: The Creek Indians and Their World by Ethridge, Robbie
Way We Lived in North Carolina by
Germantown by Hall, Russell
Kingsmill Plantation, 1619-1800: Archaeology of Country Life in Colonial Virginia by Kelso, William M.
Rock Art of Kentucky by Coy, Fred E., Fuller, Thomas C., Meadows, Larry G.
George Washington's South by