• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Regional: West in 2017

Waikiki: An Illustrated Pocket History by Allan Seiden
Liliuokalani a Royal Album by Allan Seiden
Gold Miner's Daughter: A Memoir of Boom, Bust and Bliss in the High Sierra by Thomas, Mabel W.
Explosion of Deferred Dreams: Musical Renaissance and Social Revolution in San Francisco, 1965-1975 by Callahan, Mat
Pulsating Patriotism: The CARR family, pioneers and patriots of Longmont, Colorado by Hargrove, Sandy
Great Ocean: Pacific Worlds from Captain Cook to the Gold Rush by Igler, David
Scotty's Castle by Palazzo, Robert P.
Makers of American History: The Lewis and Clark Exploring Expedition, 1804-06 by Upham, Charles, Adam, G. Mercer
Scotty's Castle by Palazzo, Robert P.
Brands of Calaveras County, California: 1854-1880 by Van Zant, Shannon Dixon, Manna, Salvatore John
Getting Started by Allen, David
Knights of the Broadax: The Story of the Wyoming Tie Hacks by Pinkerton, Joan Trego
Knights of the Broadax: The Story of the Wyoming Tie Hacks by Pinkerton, Joan Trego
Pueblo by Simms, Charlene Garcia, Tucker, Maria Sanchez, Deherrera, Jeffrey
Pueblo by Simms, Charlene Garcia, Tucker, Maria Sanchez, Deherrera, Jeffrey
Empire Maker: Aleksandr Baranov and Russian Colonial Expansion into Alaska and Northern California by Owens, Kenneth N.
News Clippings from Manti, Utah: 1851 - 1910 by Canfield, Kaylene, Andersen, David
Historic Tales of La Jolla by Daly-Lipe, Patricia
Notable Southern Californians in Black History by Johnson, Robert Lee
Historic Tales of La Jolla by Daly-Lipe, Patricia
The Lost Treasues Of Montana: Custer Country by Netzel, Peter
Out of the Neon Closet: Queer Community in the Silver State by McBride, Dennis
Sam Maverick's Trail: The Story of the First American Exploration of the Texas-Mexico Border by Lane, Daniel McNeel
Sacramento: The Commercial Metropolis of Northern and Central California by A J Johnston & Co
Salt Lake City by Sidney W Darke and Co
South Temple Street Landmarks: Salt Lake City's First Historic District by Oliver, Bim
Oakland and Surroundings by Elliott, W. W.
South Temple Street Landmarks: Salt Lake City S First Historic District by Oliver, Bim
A History of Ranching Families in La Plata and Archuleta Counties by La Plata-Archuleta Cattlemen and Cowbell
Unpopular Sovereignty: Mormons and the Federal Management of Early Utah Territory by Rogers, Brent M.
Unpopular Sovereignty: Mormons and the Federal Management of Early Utah Territory by Rogers, Brent M.
The History of Olympia Washington Coloring Book by Holland, William D.
Hosea Stout: Lawman, Legislator, Mormon Defender by Prince, Stephen L.
News Clippings from Marysvale, Junction, Antimony, Kimberly, Coyote, Utah: 1872 - 1900 by Canfield, Kaylene, Andersen, David
Redlands in World War I by Deegan, Ann Cordy, Colato, Maria Carrillo, Gonzales, Nathan D.
Redlands in World War I by Colato, Maria Carrillo, Gonzales, Nathan D., Deegan, Ann Cordy
The Picture Man: From the Collection of Bay Area Photographer E. F. Joseph by Reid, Careth, Beckford, Ruth
La Nueva California: Latinos from Pioneers to Post-Millennials by Hayes-Bautista, David
La Nueva California: Latinos from Pioneers to Post-Millennials by Hayes-Bautista, David
Bachelor, Colorado: History of a San Juan Mining Ghost Town by Harbert, Charles a.
Yellowstone and the Smithsonian: Centers of Wildlife Conservation by Smith, Diane
Yellowstone and the Smithsonian: Centers of Wildlife Conservation by Smith, Diane
The Boy Nevada Killed: Floyd Loveless and the Juvenile Capital Punishment Debate by Oberding, Janice
Hidden History of Elko County by Wines, Claudia
Montrose by Montrose County Historical Society & Museum
The Boy Nevada Killed: Floyd Loveless and the Juvenile Capital Punishment Debate by Oberding, Janice
Hidden History of Elko County by Wines, Claudia
Crackin Pine Nuts in Historical Angels Camp After the Gold Rush by Heintz, Jacqueline L.
Montrose by Montrose County Historical Society &. Mus
West of Eden: An American Place by Stein, Jean
Sacramento Baseball by McPoil, William D.
Sacramento Baseball by McPoil, William D.
News Clippings From Mt Pleasant, Utah 1851 - 1906: Spring City, Moroni, Fairview, Chester, Milburn, Freedom, Indianola, Utah by Canfield, Kaylene, Andersen, David
Eternity Street: Violence and Justice in Frontier Los Angeles by Faragher, John Mack
Trees in Paradise: The Botanical Conquest of California by Farmer, Jared
The Vanishing Cowboy by Bertoglio, Chris
The Laws Pocket Guide to the Birds of the Sacramento Valley: Birds of the Sacramento Valley by Laws, John Muir
Native Seattle: Histories from the Crossing-Over Place by Thrush, Coll
Still The Right Place: Utah's Second Half-Century of Statehood, 1945 - 1995 by Allen, James B.
Native Seattle: Histories from the Crossing-Over Place by Thrush, Coll
General Alonso de Leon's Expeditions into Texas, 1686-1690 by Norris, Lola Orellano
Journal of a Trapper: Nine Years in the Rocky Mountains, 1834-1843 by Russell, Osborne
Boulder County, Colorado Surveys and Mineral Claims at the General Land Office, 1859-1876: An Annotated Index by Carson, Dina C.
Galt by Tarnasky, Daniel
Galt by Tarnasky, Daniel
Californio Lancers: The 1st Battalion of Native Cavalry in the Far West, 1863-1866 by Prezelski, Tom
The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life by Parkman, Francis
An Overland Journey: From New York to San Francisco in the Summer of 1859 by Greeley, Horace
An Overland Journey: From New York to San Francisco / Summer 1859 by Greeley, Horace
Deadwood In My Blood: Boone May, Gale Hill, Shotgun Messengers on the Deadwood Stage, and Their Historic Families by Campbell, Patricia a.
Before The Gold Rush: The Sinclairs of Rancho del Paso 1840-1849 by Stapp, Cheryl Anne
Northern California's Lost Coast by Durston, Tammy
Northern California's Lost Coast by Durston, Tammy
The King and Queen of Malibu: The True Story of the Battle for Paradise by Randall, David K.
Mudeater: An American Buffalo Hunter and the Surrender of Louis Riel by Pihach, John D.
California by Royce, Josiah
Mines and Minerals of Siskiyou County California by Mines, California Bureau of
The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie And Rocky Mountain lLfe by Parkman, Francis
Handcart Pioneer News Clippings in Utah Newspapers: 1856 - 1905 by Canfield, Kaylene, Andersen, David
The Springs: Resort Towns of Sonoma Valley by Acker, Michael
Utah Sport Climbing: Stories and Reflections on the Bolting of the Beehive State by Edwards, Darren M.
The Springs: Resort Towns of Sonoma Valley by Acker, Michael
Citizen Internees: A Second Look at Race and Citizenship in Japanese American Internment Camps by Kaatz, Kevin W., Ivey, Linda L.
Home Team: The Turbulent History of the San Francisco Giants by Garratt, Robert F.
A Cross of Thorns: The Enslavement of California's Indians by the Spanish Missions by Castillo, Elias
Vigilante Days and Ways; The Pioneers of the Rockies (Vol 1): The Makers and Making of Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming by Langford, Nathaniel Pitt
Louie, Take a Look at This!: My Time with Huell Howser by Fuerte, Luis
Louie, Take a Look at This!: My Time with Huell Howser by Fuerte, Luis
A Colorado Civilian Conservation Corps Enrollee Name Index: Over 26,000 Names Compiled from Colorado and Camp Newspapers and Annuals by Audretsch, Robert W.
Badger Thurston and the Trouble at the Rodeo by Brackett, Gus
City of Elko: The First 100 Years: The People Who Helped Make Elko What It Is Today by Elko Daily Free Press
South of Pico: African American Artists in Los Angeles in the 1960s and 1970s by Jones, Kellie
South of Pico: African American Artists in Los Angeles in the 1960s and 1970s by Jones, Kellie
To Hell with Honor: Custer and the Little Big Horn by Sklenar, Larry
Trails West and Men Who Made Them by Dorian, Edith, Wilson, W. N.
San Diego Lowriders: A History of Cars and Cruising by Reyes
San Diego Lowriders: A History of Cars and Cruising by Reyes, Rigoberto Rigo, Pulido, Alberto Lopez
Crime, Justice and Retribution in the American West, 1850-1900 by Agnew, Jeremy
The Wilder Muir: The Curious Nature of John Muir by
An Overland Journey: From New York to San Francisco in the Summer of 1859 by Greeley, Horace
Living with Lead: An Environmental History of Idaho's Coeur d'Alenes, 1885-2011 by Snow, Bradley D.
Whither the Waters: Mapping the Great Basin from Bernardo de Miera to John C. Frémont by Kessell, John L.
Santa Cruz's Seabright by Brown, Randall, Associ Traci Bliss with the Seabright Neighborhood, The Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History
Yellowstone National Park (French Version) by Whittlesey, Lee H., Watry, Elizabeth A.
San Jose's Japantown by Nagareda, James
Yellowstone National Park by Watry, Elizabeth A., Whittlesey, Lee H.
Santa Cruz's Seabright by Associ Traci Bliss with the Seabright Ne, The Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, Brown, Randall
Hard-Boiled Hollywood: Crime and Punishment in Postwar Los Angeles by Lewis, Jon
Hard-Boiled Hollywood: Crime and Punishment in Postwar Los Angeles by Lewis, Jon
Big Dams of the New Deal Era: A Confluence of Engineering and Politics by Billington, David P., Jackson, Donald C.
Jersey Gold: The Newark Overland Company's Trek to California, 1849 by Hiles, Gwendolyn J., Bowen, Margaret C.
Elfin Forest Community Profile by Council, Elfin Forest Town
Riverside County Chronicles Vol 16 by Lech, Steve
40 Years in the Wilderness by
News Clippings from Gunnison, Utah: Centerfield, Mayfield, Fayette, Sterling, Axtell, Dover, Utah 1853 - 1910 by Andersen, David L., Canfield, Kaylene
The Denver Dry Goods: Where Colorado Shopped with Confidence by Barnhouse, Mark A.
Los Angeles Potpourri by DiMarco, Tony
Saddleries of Montana: Montana's Makers from Territorial Times to 1940 by Reynolds, Bobby R., Sage, E. Helene, Lyndes, Jay C.
Lefty O'Doul: Baseball's Forgotten Ambassador by Snelling, Dennis
Hidden History of the Upper Rio Grande by Wagner, Sandra, Wetherill, Carol Ann
Gold Rush Stories: 49 Tales of Seekers, Scoundrels, Loss, and Luck by Noy, Gary
Regular Army O!: Soldiering on the Western Frontier, 1865-1891 by McChristian, Douglas C., Utley, Robert M.
Against The Grain: Views From A Different Angle by Yeager, C. G.
News Clippings from Nephi, Levan, Mona, Utah: 1851 - 1889 by Canfield, Kaylene, Andersen, David
Idaho State University by Isu Management 4499/5599 Honors Class
Canyon Village in Yellowstone: The Model for Mission 66 by Gilmore, Lesley M.
Army and Navy Academy: History of the West Point of the West by Mui, Alexander
Gunnison and San Juan: A late reliable Description of the wonderful Gold and Silver Belts and Iron etc. by Strahorn, Robert E.
The Oregon trail: Vol. II by Parkman, Francis
Mountain Meadows Massacre: Collected Legal Papers, Selected Trial Records and Aftermath by
The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life by Parkman, Francis
Mountain Meadows Massacre: Collected Legal Papers, Two-Volume Set by
Santa Maria Country Club and Its History by Kirby, Ollie M.
The Power of the Steel-Tipped Pen: Reconstructing Native Hawaiian Intellectual History by Silva, Noenoe K.
The Power of the Steel-tipped Pen: Reconstructing Native Hawaiian Intellectual History by Silva, Noenoe K.
Idaho State Parks by Just, Rick
Selling Sex in the Silver Valley: A Business Doing Pleasure by Branstetter, Heather
Idaho State Parks by Just, Rick
Selling Sex in the Silver Valley: A Business Doing Pleasure by Branstetter, Heather
Frontier Army Sketches by Steele, James W.
Chasing the Harvest: Migrant Workers in California Agriculture by
The Latter Days: A Memoir by Freeman, Judith
The Life and Death of ACT UP/LA by Roth, Benita
The Lost Treasures Of Montana: Missouri Country by Netzel, Peter
Meadow Lake: Gold Town by Fatout, Paul
How the U.S. Cavalry Saved Our National Parks by Hampton, H. Duane
Rocky Mountain Mining Camps: The Urban Frontier by Smith, Duane a.
Frank Little and the IWW: The Blood That Stained an American Family by Botkin, Jane L.
Home Free Home: A Complete History of Two Open Land Communes by Gottlieb, Lou, Wheeler, William
The Pioneers, Preachers and People of the Mississippi Valley by Milburn, William Henry
Lgbt Salt Lake by Anderson, J. Seth
I Want to Come Home Tonight: The Haunting Story of Marion Parker by Taylor, Troy
Historical Archaeology Through a Western Lens by
It Happened in the Old West: Remarkable Events that Shaped History by
Ellen Browning Scripps: New Money and American Philanthropy by McClain, Molly
The Great Northern Railway in Marias Pass by Jones, Dale W.
America's Best Female Sharpshooter: The Rise and Fall of Lillian Frances Smithvolume 2 by Bricklin, Julia
Eldorado: Or, adventures in the path of empire, comprising a voyage to California, via Panama; life in San Francisco and Montere by Taylor, Bayard
Cantina Confidential by Castro, Rafaela G.
The View from God's Country: A Historical Novel by Lee, Marie
Great Register of El Dorado County, California, 1867; with Supplemental List of 1868 by Standeford, D. W.
Fort Collins Beer: A History of Brewing on the Front Range by Hoffman, Brea D.
Boulder City: The Town That Built the Hoover Dam by Papa, Paul W.
Boulder City: The Town That Built the Hoover Dam by Papa, Paul W.
The Columbia by Holbrook, Stewart H.
Gardena Poker Clubs: A High-Stakes History by Votolato, Max
Butte County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, Caliornia Bureau of
Kern County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Inyo County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Calaveras County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Lake County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
The Bolinas-Fairfax Road: The History of One of Marin's Most Scenic Roads by Crawford, Brian K.
A Way Across the Mountain: Joseph Walker's 1833 Trans-Sierran Passage and the Myth of Yosemite's Discovery by Stine, Scott
Beyond Mile Zero: The Vanishing Alaska Highway Lodge Community by Gontard, Lily, Kelly, Mark
California's Deadliest Earthquakes: A History by Hoffman, Abraham
The Life and Death of ACT UP/LA by Roth, Benita
An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873 by Madley, Benjamin
Tim Neale My Life of Adventure: An oral history of adventure, misadventure, and living fully as told by Timothy F. Neale by Campbell, Bonnie L.
Tim Neale My Life of Adventure: An oral history of adventure, misadventure, and living fully as told by Timothy F. Neale (Large Print Edition) by Campbell, Bonnie L.
Rudy Mudra Master Saddlemaker by Ogle, Kathy Muller
Lesser Known Outlaws Of Wyoming by Netzel, Peter
Santa Barbara County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Mariposa County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Plumas County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Trinity County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Nevada County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
San Diego County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Placer County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
San Bernadino County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Shasta County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Tolumne County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Yuba County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
Sierra County, California Mines and Minerals: California Register of Mines and Minerals by Mines, California Bureau of
News Clippings From St. George, Utah: 1861 - 1896 by Canfield, Kaylene, Andersen, David
Sparks by Cox, Joyce M.
Sparks by Cox, Joyce M.
Forgotten Colorado Silver: Joseph Lesher's Defiant Coins by , Ken Hallenbeck, Jr., , Robert D. Leonard, Jr.
Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School & Camp: A History of Art in Nature by McKinley, Dagny
Right Out of California: The 1930s and the Big Business Roots of Modern Conservatism by Olmsted, Kathryn S.
Utah's Hidden Treasure: Outlaw Loot in Every County by Shaffer, Stephan
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