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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Regional: West in 2019

Idaho Politics and Government: Culture Clash and Conflicting Values in the Gem State by Licalzi, Jasper M.
Skagway: City of the New Century by
Justice in Plain Sight: How a Small-Town Newspaper and Its Unlikely Lawyer Opened America's Courtrooms by Bernstein, Dan
The Gateway to the Pacific: Japanese Americans and the Remaking of San Francisco by Oda, Meredith
Magnificent Oasis by Woodruff, David, Woodruff, Gayle
Connecting California: Selections in Early American History by Gastil, George, Harris, Bonnie, Purcell, Edward
Connecting California: Selections in Early American History by Gastil, George, Harris, Bonnie, Purcell, Edward
Guardians of Angels: A History of the Los Angeles Police Department Anniversary Edition by Bultema, James a.
Guardians of Angels: A History of the Los Angeles Police Department Anniversary Edition by Bultema, James a.
Razor Clams: Buried Treasure of the Pacific Northwest by Berger, David
The Tao of Raven: An Alaska Native Memoir by Hayes, Ernestine
The Kemptons by Dana, Trudy
King County, Washington, Deaths, 1891-1907 by South King County Genealogical Society
The Oregon Trail: Sketches of prairie and Rocky-mountain life. Vol. 7 by Parkman, Francis
Colorado: A Historical Atlas by Noel, Thomas J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 1: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 2: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 3: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 4: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 5: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
African Americans of San Jose and Santa Clara County by Adkins, Jan Batiste
Pass the Bark: A Chemist's View of the Lewis & Clark Expedition by Dickison, Ros
The Cattle Kings: Legendary Ranchers of the Old West by Atherton, Lewis
Hawaiian Monarchy by Mrantz, Maxine
News Clippings from Elko, Nevada: 1869 - 1888 by Canfield, Kaylene, Andersen, David
Hot Rods and Custom Cars of the Sacramento Delta by Callahan, John V.
The Texas Rangers: A Registry and History by Ivey, Darren L.
Conquest of Texas: Ethnic Cleansing in the Promised Land, 1820-1875 by Anderson, Gary C.
Black Americans and the Civil Rights Movement in the West: Volume 16 by
From the Valley to the Summit: The Inseparable Connection Between the Sacramento Shops and the Transcontinental Railroad by Nemeth, Stephen
Mexican American Baseball in Sacramento by Mark a Ocegueda Christopher Docter Richard a Santillán Ernie
Bay Area Coffee: A Stimulating History by Trobits, Monika
Italy in Hollywood by Ricci, Stefania
Ronald Carnaquay: A Commercial Clergyman by Gilman, Bradley
Memoirs of Joseph W. Pickett: Missionary Superintendent in Southern Iowa And by Salter, William
History of the United States: From Aboriginal Times to Taft's Administration by Ridpath, John Clark
History of the State of Colorado (Volume III) by Hall, Frank
Abandoned San Diego by Johnson, Jessica
Housing the City by the Bay: Tenant Activism, Civil Rights, and Class Politics in San Francisco by Baranski, John
Housing the City by the Bay: Tenant Activism, Civil Rights, and Class Politics in San Francisco by Baranski, John
Slaughter on the Otter: The Kendrick Sheep Raid by Dunning, Forest B.
Going Abroad Overland by Steele, David M.
School History of Nebraska by Beattie, James a.
The Central Pacific Railroad Co by Haymond, Creed
Colorado by Baggs, Mae Lacy
Return to Kahiki by Cook, Kealani
The Alphabet Bomber: A Lone Wolf Terrorist Ahead of His Time by Simon, Jeffrey D.
Story of the Session of the California Legislature of 1915 by Hichborn, Franklin
Tilden Regional Park: A History by Langs, Richard
Hidden History of Napa Valley by Brown, Alexandria
Life and Times of John Pierce Hawley: A Mormon Ulysses of the American West by Johnson, Melvin C.
Life and Times of John Pierce Hawley: A Mormon Ulysses of the American West by Johnson, Melvin C.
A Shark Going Inland Is My Chief: The Island Civilization of Ancient Hawai'i by Kirch, Patrick Vinton
Index to the Superior Court Records of Sonoma County, California, 1880-1889 by Genealogical Society, Sonoma County
Speaking American: Language Education and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century Los Angeles by Gutfreund, Zevi
Story Of The Session Of The California Legislature by Hichborn, Franklin
The Lost Treasures of Wyoming-Northwest Region by Netzel, Peter
Surfing in Huntington Beach by Zambrano, Mark
Frontier Army Sketches by Steele, James W.
Davy Crockett Day by Day: A Popular Culture and Historical Calendar by Chemerka, William R.
Davy Crockett Day by Day: A Popular Culture and Historical Calendar (hardback) by Chemerka, William R.
Leo Calder and Lucile Hacking Calder's Letters: 1940-1948 by Ricks, Marie Calder
Shades of the Old Wild West by Jackson, Rex T.
The New Eldorado by Ballou, Maturin M.
Iron Mining and Manufacturing in Utah: A History by Jones, Evan Y., Jones, York F.
Decent, Orderly Lynching: The Montana Vigilantes by Allen, Frederick
The Mule Men: A History of Stock Packing in the Sierra Nevada by Jackson, Louise A.
The Sierra Nevada Before History: Ancient Landscapes, Early Peoples by Jackson, Louise A.
Political Hell-Raiser: The Life and Times of Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana by Johnson, Marc C.
Index to the Public Official Bonds of Sonoma County, California, 1850-1892 by Lovejoy, Steven
The Lost Treasures of Wyoming-Southwest Region by Netzel, Peter
Santa Barbara County History 1543-1917 by Bingham, Kenneth E.
California Continuum, Volume 1: Migrations and Amalgamations by Hier, Grant, Brantingham, John
The Banditti of the Plains: Or The Cattlemen's Invasion of Wyoming in 1892 by A. S. Mercer, A. S.
Almost Yankees: The Summer of '81 and the Greatest Baseball Team You've Never Heard of by Herman, J. David
Home Team: The Turbulent History of the San Francisco Giants by Garratt, Robert F.
Aviation in Northern California 1910-1939: Volume II: Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties by Herr, Allen
America's Social Arsonist: Fred Ross and Grassroots Organizing in the Twentieth Century by Thompson, Gabriel
The Gold Hunters by Borthwick, J. D.
Being and Becoming Ute: The Story of an American Indian People by Jones, Sondra G.
Lake City by Houston, Grant, Vandenbusche, Duane
Frank Little and the IWW: The Blood That Stained an American Family by Botkin, Jane L.
Gateway State: Hawai'i and the Cultural Transformation of American Empire by Miller-Davenport, Sarah
Guide to the Hall of History of North Carolina by Olds, Fred a.
The photographic history of the Civil War (Volume I) The Opening Battles by Miller, Francis Trevelyan, Lanier, Robert S.
Rosebud, June 17, 1876: Prelude to the Little Big Horn by Hedren, Paul L.
Historic Nevada Waters: Four Rivers, Three Lakes, Past and Present by Janin, Hunt, Carlson, Ursula
Fearless: Farris Lind, the Man Behind the Skunk by Just, Rick
Volcanoes, Palm Trees, and Privilege: Essays on Hawai'i by Prato, Liz
Collisions at the Crossroads: How Place and Mobility Make Race Volume 53 by Carpio, Genevieve
Collisions at the Crossroads: How Place and Mobility Make Race Volume 53 by Carpio, Genevieve
How Chiefs Became Kings: Divine Kingship and the Rise of Archaic States in Ancient Hawai'i by Kirch, Patrick Vinton
Thirsty: William Mulholland, California Water, and the Real Chinatown by Weingarten, Marc
Urethane Revolution: The Birth of Skate--San Diego 1975 by O'Malley, John
Urethane Revolution: The Birth of Skate--San Diego 1975 by O'Malley, John
Leo Calder and Lucile Hacking Calder's Letters: 1949-1952 by Ricks, Marie Calder
The Mormon Handcart Migration: Tounge Nor Pen Can Never Tell the Sorrow by Moulton, Candy
Secret Inland Empire: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure by Burns, Larry
The Forgotten Terrorist: Sirhan Sirhan and the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Second Edition by Ayton, Mel
Homesteading the Plains: Toward a New History by Edwards, Richard, Friefeld, Jacob K., Wingo, Rebecca S.
Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson: Lawmen of the Legendary West by Markley, Bill
Brigham Young and the Expansion of the Mormon Faith: Volume 31 by Alexander, Thomas G.
Montana's DAR Markers: Honoring Where History Was Made by Genovese, Cheryl a., Hand, Janice S.
Sailing for Salmon: The Early Years of Commercial Fishing in Alaska's Bristol Bay 1884-1951 by Troll, Tim
Colorado's Historic Churches by Wommack, Linda
Historic Mysteries of Western Colorado: Case Files of the Western Investigations Team by Bailey, David P.
Colorado's Historic Churches by Wommack, Linda
Historic Mysteries of Western Colorado: Case Files of the Western Investigations Team by Bailey, David P.
Black Death at the Golden Gate: The Race to Save America from the Bubonic Plague by Randall, David K.
The Promise of the Grand Canyon: John Wesley Powell's Perilous Journey and His Vision for the American West by Ross, John F.
Fighting Invisible Enemies: Health and Medical Transitions Among Southern California Indians by Trafzer, Clifford E.
The Mirage Factory: Illusion, Imagination, and the Invention of Los Angeles by Krist, Gary
Secret San Francisco: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure by Carlson, Ruth
The Battle for People's Park, Berkeley 1969 by Dalzell, Tom
Proud To Call Laramie, Wyoming Home: Laramie (WY) Note Book by Unitednoted, Proudamerican
Sinatra-The Vegas Way by Knepp, Jay
Theodore Roosevelt & Bison Restoration on the Great Plains by Aune, Keith, Plumb, Glenn
Theodore Roosevelt & Bison Restoration on the Great Plains by Aune, Keith, Plumb, Glenn
Butte and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic by Olberding, Janelle M.
Butte and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic by Olberding, Janelle M.
The Lost Treasures Of Wyoming: Northeast Region by Netzel, Peter
The Life of Robert Noble Burgess by Moore, James Rolph, Jr.
Historic Buildings of Downtown Carmel-By-The-Sea by Dramov, Alissandra
The Transcontinental Railroad in Utah by Kirkpatrick, Kathy
California Dreamin' Along Route 66 by Sonderman, Joe
Garden of the Gods Trading Post by Messier, Pat, Messier, Kim
Historic Buildings of Downtown Carmel-By-The-Sea by Dramov, Alissandra
Conifer by Steinle, John
California Dreamin' Along Route 66 by Sonderman, Joseph R.
Garden of the Gods Trading Post by Messier, Kim
Conifer by Steinle, John F.
Cripple Creek, Bob Womack and The Greatest Gold Camp on Earth by Wommack, Linda
Where Spirits Linger: Huntsville's Haunted Past by Reeves, Jacquelyn Procter
The Never-Ending Lives of Liver-Eating Johnson by Herda, D. J.
Leo Calder and Lucile Hacking Calder's Letters: 1953-1956 by Ricks, Marie Calder
Legacies of Dust: Land Use and Labor on the Colorado Plains by Sheflin, Douglas
Fight To The Finish: The Battle of the Barge: "Gentleman" Jim Corbett, Joe Choynski, and the Fight that Launched Boxing's Modern Era by Jackson, Ron J., Jr.
Fight To The Finish: The Barge Battle of 1889: "Gentleman" Jim Corbett, Joe Choynski, and the Fight that Launched Boxing's Modern Era by Jackson, Ron J., Jr.
A Brief History of Cooke City by Hartman, Kelly Suzanne
Camarillo State Hospital by Taylor, Evelyn S., Holt, Mary E.
A Brief History of Cooke City by Hartman, Kelly Suzanne
Transnational Sport in the American West: Oaxaca California Basketball by Rios, Bernardo Ramirez
Switchback: Fifty Years in Glacier and the West by Yenne, W. J.
Switchback: Fifty Years in Glacier and the West by Yenne, W. J.
Camarillo State Hospital by Taylor, Evelyn S., Holt, Mary E.
Charros: How Mexican Cowboys Are Remapping Race and American Identity Volume 54 by Barraclough, Laura R.
Charros: How Mexican Cowboys Are Remapping Race and American Identity Volume 54 by Barraclough, Laura R.
Treasure State Tycoon by Russell, John C.
The Bonanza King: John MacKay and the Battle Over the Greatest Riches in the American West by Crouch, Gregory
THE LOST TREASURES OF WYOMING-Southeast Region by Netzel, Peter
News Clippings From Spanish Fork, Utah 1851 - 1896: Including: Salem (Pond Town), Benjamin, and Mapleton, Utah by Andersen, David, Canfield, Kaylene
A History of the Wyoming Capitol by Fabian, Linda Graves, Talbott, Starley
A History of the Wyoming Capitol by Talbott, Starley, Fabian, Linda Graves
Contest for California: From Spanish Colonization to the American Conquest by Hyslop, Stephen G.
The Red Coast: Radicalism and Anti-Radicalism in Southwest Washington by Snider, Roger, Goings, Aaron, Barnes, Brian
A Fleet History of the San Francisco Municipal Railway by Bignardi, Paul
Sacramento by Special Collections of the Sacramento Pu
Sacramento by Special Collections of the Sacramento Public Library
Wicked Sacramento by Burg, William
Lifeguarding Laguna by
Wicked Sacramento by Burg, William
Spooky California: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore by Schlosser, S. E.
The Life & Times of Lafayette Head: Early Pioneer of Southwest Colorado by Smith, P. David, Becker, Cynthia S.
World War II in Alaska by Cohen, Stan
Hotels of the Old West by Van Orman, Richard A.
Following In Their Footsteps: Historical Hikes of the Northern Front Range by Turnbaugh, Kay, Tillotson, Lee
Maui Pineapple: Golden Legacy of the Crowned Fruit by Tenbruggencate, Jan
Coronado Confidential: It Can't Happen Here by Ditler, Joe
Shadowlands: Fear and Freedom at the Oregon Standoff by McCann, Anthony
Six Hundred Generations: An Archaeological History of Montana by Davis, Carl M.
Inside Montana Politics: A Reporter's View from the Trenches by Dennison, Mike
Montana Horse Racing: A History by Wahler, Brenda
Montana Horse Racing: A History by Wahler, Brenda
Growing Up in La Colonia: Boomer Memories from Oxnard's Barrio by Porras, Sandra, Porras, Margo
Inside Montana Politics: A Reporter's View from the Trenches by Dennison, Mike
Growing Up in La Colonia: Boomer Memories from Oxnard's Barrio by Porras, Margo, Porras, Sandra
Chicano Communists and the Struggle for Social Justice by Buelna, Enrique M.
Regular Army O!: Soldiering on the Western Frontier, 1865-1891 by McChristian, Douglas C.
City of Dreams: Dodger Stadium and the Birth of Modern Los Angeles by Podair, Jerald
California Madams by Monahan, Sherry
First Rangers: The Life and Times of Frank Liebig and Fred Herrig, Glacier Country 1902-1910 by Guthrie, C. W.
How Crested Butte Became a Tourist Town: Drugs, Sex, Sports, Arts, and Social Conflict by Kahn, Roger
South Central Is Home: Race and the Power of Community Investment in Los Angeles by Rosas, Abigail
South Central Is Home: Race and the Power of Community Investment in Los Angeles by Rosas, Abigail
The Girl Guards of Wyoming: The Lost Women's Militia by Lyon, Dan J.
The Girl Guards of Wyoming: The Lost Women's Militia by Lyon, Dan J.
Abandoned Colorado: Capturing the Beauty of the Abandoned by Gearhart, Vincent, Nichols, Lex
Ernest Hemingway in the Yellowstone High Country by Warren, Christopher Miles
The Paradise of Texas, volume 2: Clarksville and Red River County, 1846-1860 by Marrin, Richard, Sheppard, Lorna Geer
Sometimes My People Get Mad When the Blackfeet Kill Us: A Documentary History of the Salish and Pend d'Oreille Indians, 1845-1874 by
Forgotten Tales of Carson Valley and nearby settlements by Dustman, Karen
The Delegates of 1849: Life Stories of the Originators of California's Reputation as a Bold and Independent State by Emerson, Laura
Conversation with Church Historian: Elder Steven Snow by
San Geronimo Valley by Clapp, Owen
San Geronimo Valley by Clapp, Owen
Weird Wild West: True Tales of the Strange and Gothic by McQueen, Keven
Weird Wild West: True Tales of the Strange and Gothic by McQueen, Keven
Historic Rocky Mountain National Park: The Stories Behind One of America's Great Treasures by Minetor, Randi
Becoming America's Playground: Las Vegas in the 1950s by Gragg, Larry D.
Ravage and Renewal: A complete environmental history of the Truckee River And anything and everything else about it by Bledsoe, Bruce
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