• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religion General in 1978

Bible Meditations for Every Day: A Guide to Living the Year in the Spirit of the Scriptures by Kersten, John C.
Abraham Isaac Kook: The Lights of Penitence, the Moral Principles, Lights of Holiness, Essays, Letters, and Poems by
Ministry and Music by Mitchell, Robert H.
Die Erscheinungen Der Jahre 1971 Und 1972 by
Creative Preaching & Oral Writing by Hoefler, Richard C.
Religion and Culture in Canada by Slater, Peter
Beiträge Zur Wissenssoziologie, Beiträge Zur Religionssoziologie / Contributions to the Sociology of Knowledge, Contributions to the Sociology of Reli by MILIC, Vojin
Hellenistic Mystery-Religions by Reitzenstein, Richard
Ex-Nuns: A Study of Emergent Role Passage by Sangiovanni, Lucinda, Unknown, Riley, Matilda W.
Dickens and Charity by Pope, N. F.
Persons and Life After Death by Lewis, Hywel D.
The Millionaire Joshua: His Prosperity Secrets for You! (Millionaires of the Bible Series) by Ponder, Catherine
Wizards That Peep: A Journey Into the Occult by Becker, Siegbert W.
The Passion for Life: A Messianic Lifestyle by Moltmann, Jürgen
The Study of Religion and Its Meaning: New Explorations in Light of Karl Popper and Emile Durkheim by Barnhart, J. E.
The Angels: God's Messengers and Our Helpers by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
Creative Preaching & Oral Writing by Hoefler, Richard C.
God's Will Is Prosperity by Copeland, Gloria
A Short History of Christian Doctrine by Lohse, Bernhard
Der Götterglaube Im Alten Agypten by Kees, Hermann
Stories of the prophets (Qiṣaṣ al-Anbiya): from Adam to Muhammad by Ibn Kathir
Sainte-Beuve by Nicolson, Harold George, Unknown
Protestant Worship Music: Its History and Practice by Etherington, Charles L., Unknown
The Age of the World: Moses to Darwin by Haber, Francis C., Unknown
Expose` of Jehovah's Witnesses: Things you never knew about Jehovah's Witnesses by Grieshaber, Erich and Jean
Syntax of New Testament Greek by Brooks, James a., Winbery, Carlton L.
Reason and God: Encounters of Philosophy with Religion by Smith, John Edwin, Unknown
Catholic Revivalism: The American Experience, 1830-1900 by Dolan, Jay P.
Catholic Revivalism: The American Experience, 1830-1900 by Dolan, Jay P.
Agende - Anselm Von Canterbury by
The Name of Jesus: The Names of Jesus Used by Early Christians and the Development of the Jesus Prayer Volume 44 by Hausherr, Irénée
The Many Faces of Murukan: The History and Meaning of a South Indian God. with the Poem Prayers to Lord Murukan by Clothey, Fred W.
The Last Things by Ladd, George Eldon
Lo Que Dices, Recibes: Tus Palabras Están Cargadas de Dinamita by Gossett, Don
The Hebrew Scriptures: An Introduction to Their Literature and Religious Ideas by Sandmel, Samuel
Reflections on the Study of Religion by Waardenburg, Jacques
When God Was a Woman by Stone, Merlin
Religion and Ethnicity by Kawamura, Leslie
Job- Everyman's Bible Commentary by Zuck, Roy B.
The Religion of Iuppiter Dolichenus in the Roman Army by Speidel, Michael
The Books of Jeu and the Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex by
Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis by Katz, Steven T.
Church Life in Norway: 1800-1950 by Unknown, Molland, Einar
Deep Is the Hunger by Thurman, Howard
Occult ABC: Exposing Occult Practices and Ideologies by Koch, Kurt E.
Fox's Book of Martyrs: A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs by Zondervan
Religion, the Courts, and Public Policy by Drinan, Robert F.
The Lost Art of Disciple Making by Eims, Leroy
The Reader's Bible, a Narrative: Selections from the King James Version by Frye, Roland Mushat
Temptations of Jesus by Thurman, Howard
Structure and Creativity in Religion: Hermeneutics in Mircea Eliade's Phenomenology and New Directions by Allen, Douglas
Panorama of Evil: Insights from the Behavioral Sciences by Unknown, Doob, Leonard William
Behold Your God: Studies on the Attributes of God by Alexander, Myrna
Theology in a New Key: Responding to Liberation Themes by Brown, Robert McAfee
Mother of Christ by Houselander, Caryll
New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate by Hasel, Gerhard
The City of the Gods: A Study in Myth and Mortality by Dunne, John S.
The City of the Gods: A Study in Myth and Mortality by Dunne, John S.
The Way of All the Earth: Experiments in Truth and Religion by Dunne, John S.
Way of All the Earth by Dunne, John S.
American Catholic Leadership: A Decade of Turmoil 1966-1976. a Sociological Analysis of the National Federation of Priests' Councils by Stewart, James H.
Interpretation and Dionysos by McGinty, Park
Divine Commands and Moral Requirements by Quinn, Philip L.
Community and Abbot in the Rule of Saint Benedict: Volume 1 Volume 5 by de Vogue, Adalbert
Sermons on the Song of Songs, Volume 1: Volume 14 by Gilbert of Hoyland
Redemptive Suffering in Islam: A Study of the Devotional Aspects of Ashura in Twelver Shi'ism by Ayoub, Mahmoud M.
The Gospel According to St. John, Second Edition: An Introduction with Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text by Barrett, C. Kingsley
Twenty Centuries of Catholic Church Music by Nemmers, Erwin Esser
But I Didn't Want a Divorce: Putting Your Life Back Together by Bustanoby, Andre
Psychic and Religious Phenomena Limited: A Bibliographical Index by King, Clyde S.
The Church and Secular Education by Whittemore, Lewis Bliss, Whittemore, James R., Winchell, Carol A.
The Problem of War in the Old Testament by Craigie, Peter C.
Solidarität mit den Leidenden im Judentum by Rosenzweig, Rachel
Super Secundum (Dist 1-5) by
The Enduring Word: A Centennial History of Wycliffe College by
Brains and Numbers: Elitism, Comtism, and Democracy in Mid-Victorian England by Kent, Christopher
Reformers and Babylon: English Apocalyptic Visions from the Reformation to the Eve of the Civil War by Christianson, Paul Kenneth
Myth and Meaning by Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Religion Behind the Iron Curtain by Shuster, George Nauman, Unknown
Science and Religion in America, 1800-1860 by Hovenkamp, Herbert
Leben Im Glauben: Marbacher Predigten by Ratschow, Carl Heinz