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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religion General in 1979

Rank Among the Canaanite Gods: El, Ba'al and Rephaim by L'Heureux, Conrad E.
Apocalyptic Spirituality by
Pamprepii Panopolitani carmina by Pamprepius Panopolitanus
Geld, Glaube, Gesellschaft: 240. Sitzung Am 20. Juni 1979 in Düsseldorf by Weber, Wilhelm
Embodiment Paper Edition by
Principles of Integral Science of Religion by Schmid, Georg
All Things Are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in Modern America by Harrell, David Edwin, Jr.
The Millionaire from Nazareth: His Prosperity Secrets for You! (Millionaires of the Bible Series) by Ponder, Catherine
The Joy of Meditation by Addington, Jack Ensign
Origen: Selected Writings by
Teresa of Avila: The Interior Castle by
Richard of St. Victor: The Book of the Patriarchs, the Mystical Ark, Book Three of the Trinity by
Athanasius: The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus by
Christian Meditation by Clowney, Edmund P.
Episcopacy and the Royal Supremacy in the Church of England in the XVI Century by Davies, Ebenezer Thomas, Unknown, Davies, E. Tegla
Finality of Faith by Unknown, Ferre, Nels Fredrick Solomo, Ferre
Perfection of Wisdom by Unknown
Lectures on Philosophical Theology by Kant, Immanuel
The Challenge of the Times: (Cw 186) by Steiner, Rudolf
The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society by Nouwen, Henri J. M.
What Is Sanctification?: Understanding the Meaning of Entire Sanctification by Parrott, Leslie
The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structure of Alchemy by Eliade, Mircea
Pulpit Under the Sky: A Life of Hans Nielsen Hauge by Unknown, Shaw, Joseph M.
Buddha, Marx, and God: Some Aspects of Religion in the Modern World by Ling, Trevor
A Passion for the Divine by Lambek, Ruth
Marks Story of Jesus by Kelber, Werner H.
Sermons on the Song of Songs Volume 3: Volume 31 by Bernard of Clairvaux
The Challenge of Existentialism by Wild, John Daniel, Unknown
The de-Romanization of the American Catholic Church. by Wakin, Edward, Scheuer, Joseph F., Unknown
Freedom, the Essence of Life by Penn, Gregory E.
Springtime of the Liturgy by Deiss, Lucien
The Greek Mythology: A Reader's Handbook by Duthie, Alexander, Unknown
Reformation and Catholicity by Aulen, Gustaf, Unknown
Repression of Heresy in Medieval Germany by Kieckhefer, Richard
The Religious Dimension of Socrates’ Thought by Beckman, James
The Natural Depth in Man by Van Dusen, Wilson
Science of Religion. Studies in Methodology: Proceedings of the Study Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions, Held i by
Super Secundum (Dist 6-18) by
The Precious Blood: The Price of Our Salvation by Faber
Teología Bíblica del Nuevo Testamento = Biblical Theology of the New Testament by Ryrie, Charles C.
Israel Y Las Naciones by Bruce, F. F.
The Death of al-Hallaj: A Dramatic Narrative by Mason, Herbert
Shiʿite Islam by Ṭabāṭabā'ī, Sayyid Muḥammad
Jeremias y Lamentaciones by Jensen, Irving L.
Official and Popular Religion by
Perspectives on Pentecost: New Testament Teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Gaffin, Richard B.
Thomism and Aristotelianism: A Study of the Commentary by Thomas Aquinas on the Nicomachean Ethics by Jaffa, Harry
The Strategy of Satan by Wiersbe, Warren W.
The Works of John Dryden, Volume XIX: Prose: The Life of St. Francis Xavier Volume 19 by Dryden, John
Na-khi Religion by Jackson, Anthony
Foundations of Christian Doctrine: A Practical Guide to Christian Belief by Conner, Kevin J.
A Short History of the Western Liturgy by Klauser, Theodor
From Lordship to Stewardship by Vasallo, Mario
Lateinische Schriften II: Libellus de Executione Aeternae Praedestinationis - Ein Büchlein Von Der Entlichen Volziehung Ewiger Fürsehung by Staupitz, Johann Von
1979 Book of Common Prayer, Economy Edition: Burgundy by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church by
1979 Book of Common Prayer: Economy Edition by
Book of Common Prayer Chancel Edition: Blue Hardcover by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Book of Common Prayer Deluxe Chancel Edition: Black Leather by Church Publishing Incorporated
Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Book of Common Prayer Basic Pew Edition: Red Hardcover by Church Publishing Incorporated
1979 Book of Common Prayer Vivella Edition: Green by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Book of Common Prayer Basic Pew Edition: Black Hardcover by Church Publishing Incorporated
Studies in Islamic Mysticism by Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne, Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne, Nicholson, R. a., Nicholson, R. a.
Arkandisziplin - Autobiographie by
Native Religious Traditions by Prithipaul, K. D., Waugh, Earle H.
Waters of Siloe by Merton, Merton, Thomas
The Integration of Psychology and Theology: An Introduction by Carter, John D., Narramore, S. Bruce
The Apocalypse by Collins, Adela Yarbro
The Discovery of Dura-Europos by Hopkins, Clark
The Mirror of Faith: Volume 15 by William of Saint-Thierry
A Glimpse Into Glory by Kulhman, Kathryn, Kuhlman, Kathryn
Three Rastell Plays: Four Elements, Calisto and Melebea, Gentleness and Nobility by
From Temple to Meeting House by Turner, Harold W.
Primal Myths: Creation Myths Around the World by Sproul, Barbara C.
Timeless Pearls of Advice: Moses Pearls of Wisdom by Ibn Kathir