• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religion General in 1980

Feminist Perspectives on Biblical Scholarship by
Pachomian Koinonia 1: The Life of Saint Pachomius Volume 45 by
The Ordination of Women: An Essay on the Office of Christian Ministry by Jewett, Paul King
Die Erscheinungen Der Jahre 1973 Und 1974 by
Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe by
The Psalms: Structure Content & Message by
Adventure Inward by Kelsey, Morton T.
Vedantic Approaches to God by Lott, Eric
Introduction to the Reformed Tradition: A Way of Being the Christian Community by Leith, John H.
Blythburgh Priory Cartulary Part One by
Islam and Colonialism by Peters, Rudolph
Reaching for Rainbows: Resources for Creative Worship by Weems, Ann
Catherine of Siena: The Dialogue by
Train the Young Women by Thompson, Ruth
Nine Faces of Christ: Quest of the True Initiate by Whitworth, Eugene
Rose from Brier by Carmichael, Amy
Conversation with Christ: The Teachings of St. Teresa of Avila about Personal Prayer by Rohrbach, Peter Thomas
Edges of His Ways by Carmichael, Amy
Hadewijch: The Complete Works by
Symeon the New Theologian: The Discourses by
Timeless Seeds of Wisdom and Advice: Path to Spiritual Growth (Book #2) by Ibn Kathir
Timeless Seeds of Wisdom and Advice: Secrets of Worship (Book #3) by Ibn Kathir
WhasWasa: The Whispering of the Shaytan (Devil) by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Juziyyah
Stories of the Prophets: Prophet Joseph by Kathir, Ibn
Don't Be Sad! Be Happy! by The Hope Seeker
You Can Be the Happiest Person in the World by Dr Al-Qarni
Wissen Gegen Glauben: Der Beginn Des Kampfes Des Wissens Gegen Den/Das Glauben Im Alten Indien Und Griechenland by Ruben, Walter
When We Grow Up by Nakhjavani, Bahiyyih
Cretan Cults and Festivals by Willetts, R. F., Unknown
Prophecy and Society in Ancien by
Timeless Seeds of Wisdom and Advice: Purification of the Soul (Book #4) by Ibn Kathir
Symbols of Ancient Egypt in the Late Period by Goff, Beatrice L.
Themes in Old Testament Theology by Dyrness, William A.
Protestant and Roman Catholic Ethics: Prospects for Rapprochement by Gustafson, James M.
Early Christian Interpretations of History. by Milburn, R. L. P., Milburn, Robert Leslie Pollington, Unknown
Lo que nos dice la Biblia by Mears, Henrietta C.
The Ultimate Destination by Cooper, W. Norman
Die nichtpriesterliche Josephsgeschichte by Schmitt, Hans-Christoph
The Plays of Henry Medwall by
Arktouros by
Doubt and Dogmatism: Studies in Hellenistic Epistemology by
Changing of the Gods: Feminism and the End of Traditional Religions by Goldenberg, Naomi
Computer-Konkordanz Zum Novum Testamentum Graece: Von Nestle-Aland, 26. Auflage Und Zum Greek New Testament, 3rd Edition by
Orthodoxie religieuse et sciences humaines by Deconchy, Jean-Pierre
Autokephalie - Biandrata by
Step Further: Growing Closer to God Through Hurt and Hardship by Tada, Joni Eareckson, Estes, Steve
Inerrancy by Geisler, Norman L.
Einführung in Das Neue Testament Im Rahmen Der Religionsgeschichte Und Kulturgeschichte Der Hellenistischen Und Römischen Zeit by Köster, Helmut
The Ancient City: A Study on the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome by Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, de Coulanges, Numa D. F., Fustel de Coulanges
Sixteen Cowries: Yoruba Divination from Africa to the New World by Bascom, William W.
The City of God and the Politics of Crisis by Brookes, Edgar Harry, Unknown
In Search of the Way by Hughes, Gerard W.
The Mystic Spiral: Journey of the Soul by Purce, Jill
Encountering New Testament Manuscripts: A Working Introduction to Textual Criticism by Finegan, Jack
Super Secundum (Dist 24-44) by Oberman, Heiko A.
Don't Be Sad: Part (2) Jesus Calling You by Noah
Mehinaku: The Drama of Daily Life in a Brazilian Indian Village by Gregor, Thomas
The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 3: The Growth of Medieval Theology (600-1300) by Pelikan, Jaroslav
England's Earliest Protestants, 1520-1535 by Unknown, Clebsch, William A.
The Critical Way in Religion by Howlett, Duncan
Liturgies of the Western Churc by Thompson, Bard
The Radical Empiricism of William James by James, William, Wild, John Daniel
The Problems of Theology by Hebblethwaite, Brian L., Brian, Hebblethwaite, Hebblethwaite, Brian
Paul The Apostle by Beker, J. Christiaan
The Faith of Our Fathers: A Plain Exposition and Vindication of the Church Founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ by Gibbons, James
Life and Miracles of St. Benedict (Book Two of the Dialogues). by Zimmermann, Odo John
The Invisible War: The Panorama of the Continuing Conflict Between Good and Evil by Barnhouse, Donald Grey
A History of Greek Religion by Nilsson, Martin P.
Bibel - Böhmen Und Mähren by
Thomas Merton on Saint Bernard: Volume 9 by Merton, Thomas
Seeds of Destruction by Merton, Thomas
Sermons on the Song of Songs Volume 4: Volume 40 by Bernard of Clairvaux
Self and Non-Self in Early Buddhism by Pérez-Remón, Joaquín
The Alternative Tradition by Thrower, James
Das heilige Land der Montanisten by Strobel, August
Thomistic Bibliography, 1940-1978. by Miethe, Terry L.
Basile de Césarée: La Tradition Manuscrite Directe Des Neuf Homélies Sur l'Hexaéméron. Étude Philologique by Mendieta, Emmanuel Ámand de, Rudberg, Stig Y.