• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religion General in 1982

Teilhard's Vision of the Past: The Making of a Method by O'Connell, Robert J.
Register of Robert Hallum, Bishop of Salisbury, 1407-1417 by
The Bible in American Education: From Source Book to Textbook by
Enlightenment Without God by Rama, Swami
Evil and a Good God by Reichenbach, Bruce
Martin Luther Und Die Juden: Ein Quellenbuch Mit Zeitgenössischen Illustrationen, Mit Einführungen Und Erläuterungen by Bienert, Walther
Pañji, the Culture Hero: A Structural Study of Religion in Java by Rassers, W. H.
Register of Robert Hallum, Bishop of Salisbury, 1407-1417 by
Konfrontation Oder Kooperation?: Das Verhältnis Von Staat Und Kirche in Der Sbz/DDR 1945-1980 by Dähn, Horst
Suffering: A Test of Theological Method by McGill, Arthur C.
Born Againism: Perspectives on a Movement by Gritsch, Eric W.
Cómo Desatar Su Fe: (How to Turn Your Faith Loose - Spanish) by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Studien Zum Problem Der Identität by Scherer, Georg
La Autoridad del Creyente: (The Believer's Authority - Spanish) by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Early Dominicans: Selected Writings by
Exodus by Ellison, H. L.
Genesis by Gibson, John C. L.
Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and Ss. Fabian and Sebastian in the Parish of St. Botolph Without Aldersgate by Basing, Patricia
Grafting Old Rootstock: Studies in Culture and Religion of the Chamba, Duru, Fula, and Gbaya of Cameroun by
God Has Many Names by Hick, John
Homilies on Genesis and Exodus by Origen
Kölner Papyri by Römer, Cornelia, Kramer, Bärbel, Köln, P.
White Eagle on Divine Mother, the Feminine & the Mysteries by White Eagle
The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics by Aitken, Robert
Augustine on Romans: Propositions from the Epistle to the Romans/i and /iUnfinished Commentary on the Epistles to the Romans by Saint Augustine of Hippo, Landes, Paula
I & II Samuel by Payne, David F.
Homilies on Genesis, 46-67 by St John Chrysostom
Introducing Spirituality into Counseling and Therapy by Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat
La Passion de Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie par Aumeric by Aumeric
Sécularisation et Religions Politiques by Sironneau, Jean-Pierre
Eighty-Three Different Questions by St Augustine
The Love of Learning and the Desire God: A Study of Monastic Culture by LeClercq, Jean
John Climacus: The Ladder of Divine Ascent by
Gregory Palamas: The Triads by
Foundations of Christian Faith An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity by Rahner, Karl
Don't Be Sad by Aededan
Reclaim Your Heart by Salwa Aededan
A Study in Anti-Gnostic Polemics: Irenaeus, Hippolytus and Epiphanius by
Myth, Religion and Society by Gordon, R. L.
Contemporary Approaches to Christian Education by Miller, Donald E., Seymour, Jack L.
Super Primum (Dist 7-17) by
Islam: Essays in the Nature and Growth of a Cultural Tradition by Unknown, Grunebaum, Gustave E. Von, Von Grunebaum, Gustave E.
Comparing Religions: A Limitative Approach: An Analysis of Akan, Para-Creole, and Ifo-Sananda Rites and Prayers by Platvoet, J. G.
Syntaktische Klammerbildung in Notkers Psalter by Borter, Alfred
Saint Thomas Aquinas by McInerny, Ralph
The Intelligible Universe: A Cosmological Argument by Meynell, Hugo A.
Rhinoceros Bound: Cluny in the Tenth Century by Rosenwein, Barbara H.
Myth, Symbol, and Reality by Olson, Alan
The Church in Brazil: The Politics of Religion by Bruneau, Thomas C.
Einführung in das Alte Testament by Schmidt, Werner H.
Por Qué Creo by Kennedy, D. James
Atrévete a Ser Diferente: Cómo Afrontar Las Presiones de Los Iguales by Hartley, Fred
Religion in Sociological Perspective by Wilson, Bryan
Mbari: Art and the Life Among the Owerri Igbo by Cole, Herbert M.
Essays in Religion and Morality by James, William
Man and the World of the Stars: The Spiritual Communion of Mankind (Cw 219) by Steiner, Rudolf
Michaelmas and the Soul-Forces of Man: (Cw 223) by Steiner, Rudolf
Toward Reunion in Philosophy by Unknown
Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte by
Worship as Pastoral Care by Willimon, William H.
Vom Amt des Laien in Kirche und Theologie by
Studien zum Kranz bei den Griechen by Blech, Michael
The Practice of the Presence of God by Lawrence, Brother
The Royal Way of the Cross by Fenelon, Francois
Festivals, Family, and Food: A Guide to Seasonal Celebration by Large, Judy, Carey, Diana
Political Theology in the Canadian Context by
Foundations of Religious Tolerance by Newman, Jay
The Art of Preaching: Volume 23 by Alan of Lille
The Worship of God: Some Theological, Pastoral, and Practical Reflections by Martin, Ralph P.
Religiones, Sectas y Herejias by Cabral, J.
The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam
Dionysius Exiguus - Episkopalismus by
Evil The Shadow Side of Reality by Sanford, John
Candles in the Dark by Carmichael, Amy
Lourdes: A Modern Pilgrimage by Marnham, Patrick
Centering Prayer: Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form by Pennington, Basil
Los Grupos Familiares y el Crecimiento de la Iglesia by Cho, David Yonggi
A History of Anglican Liturgy by Cuming, Geoffrey
Augustinian Bibliography, 1970-1980: With Essays on the Fundamentals of Augustinian Scholarship by Miethe, Terry
Four Views of Christ by Jukes, Andrew
The Church and the Work by Nee, Watchman
Mystical Experience and Religious Doctrine by Almond, Philip C.
Religion and Societies: Asia and the Middle East by
The Divine Relativity: A Social Conception of God by Hartshorne, Charles
La Mystique Cosmologique Juive by Sed, Nicolas
Man's Eternal Quest by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Abba by Underhill, Evelyn
Typos: The Typological Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New by Goppelt, Leonhard
Apocalipsis: El Drama de Los Siglos by Lockyer, Herbert
Book of Gomorrah: An Eleventh-Century Treatise Against Clerical Homosexual Practices by Damian, Peter
The Threefold Garland: The World's Salvation in Mary's Prayer by Von Balthasar, Hans Urs
The Prophets, Volume 1: The Assyrian Period by Koch, Klaus
Metaphorical Theology by McFague, Sallie
Penthos: The Doctrine of Compunction in the Christian East Volume 53 by Hausherr, Irénée
The Theological and Practical Treatises and the Three Theological Discourses: Volume 41 by Symeon the New Theologian
Ezra & Nehemiah- Everyman's Bible Commentary by Laney, Carl
Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many by Hornung, Erik
Erasmus - Fakultäten, Theologische by
The Firm and the Formless: Religion and Identity in Aboriginal Australia by Mol, Hans
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion by Neilson, K.
Millennialism, Utopianism, and Progress by Olson, Theodore
The Sectarian Spirit: Sectarianism, Society, and Politics in Victorian Cotton Towns by Phillips, Paul T.
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by James, William
The Light Has Come: An Exposition of the Fourth Gospel by Newbigin, Lesslie