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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religion General in 1991

Marxian and Christian Utopianism by Marsden, John Joseph
Visions of a Future: A Study of Christian Eschatology by Hayes, Zachary
Church and State: The English Experience by Hastings, Adrian
Speaking The Word: Scriptures For The Speaking Choir by Allen, Robert A.
Is the Cross Still There?: Ten Baptismal Sermons by Bass, George M.
A History of Bible Translation and the North American Contribution by Orlinsky, Harry M., Bratcher, Robert G.
El Cristiano Intercesor: (The Interceding Christian - Spanish) by Hagin, Kenneth E.
The Difficult Saint: Bernard of Clairvaux and His Tradition Volume 126 by McGuire, Brian P.
Shaped by the Bible by Willimon, William H.
Marxian and Christian Utopianism by Marsden, John Joseph
Books and Grace: Aelfric's Theology by Grundy, Lynne
Abrasax: Ausgewählte Papyri Religiösen Und Magischen Inhalts. Band 2: Gebete (Fortsetzung) by
Coming Out to God: Prayers for Lesbians and Gay Men, Their Families and Friends by Glaser, Chris
Antisemitismus Im Mediendiskurs: Die Affäre "Waldheim" in Der Tagespresse by Gruber, Helmut
Both Literal and Allegorical: Studies in Philo of Alexandria's Questions and Answers on Genesis and Exodus by
Gertrud the Great of Helfta: The Herald of God's Loving-Kindness Books 1 and 2 by Gertrude
Issues in Contemporary Judaism by Cohn-Sherbok, Daniel
Moral Scepticism by Dore, Clement
Religious Ethics in Africa by Kasenene, Peter
The Living Journal: A Way Toward Freedom in the Service of Life by Koontz, Christian
The Origins of Dispensationalism: The Darby Factor by Crutchfield, Larry
Searching for Shalom: Resources for Creative Worship by Weems, Ann
The Teaching Minister by Williamson, Clark M., Allen, Ronald J.
Clergy Self-Care: Finding a Balance for Effective Ministry by Oswald, Roy M.
Cherokee Psalms by
Faith Under Fire: How the Bible Speaks to Us in Times of Suffering by Simundson, Daniel J.
The Puzzle of the Cross: Sermons for Lent and Maundy Thursday by Burrall, Elmer E.
What Is Narrative Criticism? by Powell, Mark Allan
Black Christians: The Untold Lutheran Story by Johnson, G. Jeff
The Lonely House by Erdahl, Lowell O.
My First Prayerbook by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
The Goddess Anat in Ugaritic Myth by Walls, Neal H.
The Pagan Middle Ages by
Obadiah and Jonah: Continental Commentaries by Kohl, Margaret, Wolff, Hans Walter
Do the Right Thing: A Guide to Christian Morality by Digiacomo, James
Romanistische Computerlinguistik by
Zweihundert Jahre Homer-Forschung: Rückblick Und Ausblick by
Theurgie und Philosophie in Jamblichs De mysteriis by Nasemann, Beate
GOD, DREAMS, and REVELATION by Kelsey, Morton T.
Saint Anthony of Padua: Our Franciscan Friend by Gianopoulos, Janet E., Miles, Cassian A.
The Trinity by Augustine, St
Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts: Building Up the Body of Christ through the Gifts of the Spirit by Bryant, Charles V.
Reformed spirituality by Rice, Howard L.
El Libro de Los Abrazos by Galeano, Eduardo H.
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross by
The Holy Spirit and His Gifts by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Celebrating Advent with the Jesse Tree by Winkler, Jude
Miracle Hour: A Method of Prayer That Will Change Your Life by Schubert, Linda
Ignatius of Loyola: Spiritual Exercises and Selected Works by
St. Irenaeus of Lyons Against the Heresies by
Targum Neofiti 1: Genesis: Volume 1 by McNamara, Martin
The Lonely House by Erdahl, Lowell O.
The Trinity by Augustine, St
Gadamer and Practical Philosophy: The Hermeneutics of Moral Confidence by Foster, Matthew
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 19: The Caliphate of Yazīd b. Muʿāwiyah A.D. 680-683/A.H. 60-64 by
Order of Christian Funerals Study Ed by International Commission on English in the Liturgy
Meaning and End of Relgn by Smith, Wilfred Cantwell
Bultmann: Towards a Critical Theology by Jones, Gareth
The French Reformation by Greengrass, Mark
Theology, Death and Dying by Anderson, Ray S.
Creating the Old Testament: The Emergence of the Hebrew Bible by
Culture and Belief in Europe 1450 - 1600: An Anthology of Sources by Englander, David, Norman, Diana, O'Day, Rosemary
Jesus and the Judaism of His Time by Zeitlin, Irving M.
Theology and Feminism by Hampson, Daphne
Luther's Theology of the Cross: Martin Luther's Theological Breakthrough by McGrath, Alister E.
What the Cults Believe by Robertson, Irvine
What Demons Can Do to Saints by Unger, Merrill F.
Discovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context by Meyers, Carol
The Problem of Evil by
Christian Theology by Jones, Gareth
The German Reformation: The Essential Readings by
Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Study of the Faith by Berkhof, Hendrikus
Two Visions of the Way: A Study of the Wang Pi and the Ho-shang Kung Commentaries on the Lao-Tzu by Chan, Alan K. L.
Augustine's Conversion: A Guide to the Argument of Confessions I-IX by Starnes, Colin
Gift from the Sea: 50th-Anniversary Edition by Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
A Community of Character: Toward a Constructive Christian Social Ethic by Hauerwas, Stanley
Outward Sign and Inward Grace by Staples, Rob L.
The Medieval Mediterranean: Cross-Cultural Contacts Volume 3 by
Josef Van Ess: Theologie Und Gesellschaft Im 2. Und 3. Jahrhundert Hidschra. Band 1 by Ess, Josef Van
There Is a Balm in Gilead: The Cultural Roots of Martin Luther King Jr. by Baldwin, Lewis V.
Old Testament an Introduction by Rendtorff, Rolf
This Is the Place by Taves, Ernest H.
Cerdos en la Sala: Una guía práctica para la liberación = Pigs in the Parlor by Hammond, Frank, Hammond, Ida Mae
Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective by Plaskow, Judith
Confronting Omnicide: Jewish Reflections on Weapons Mass Destruction by Landes, Daniel
The School of Charity by Underhill, Evelyn
The Moon Under Her Feet by Kinstler, Clysta
Proverbs and Ecclesiastes: Who Knows What Is Good? by Farmer, Kathleen
Pilgrimage in Latin America by
Old English Poetry in Medieval Christian Perspective: A Doctrinal Approach by Garde, Judith N.
Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet VII by
Religion in Contemporary Japan by Reader, I.
Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety: Some Aspects of Religious Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Constantine by Dodds, Robert, Dodds, E. R.
Carnivals, Rogues, and Heroes: An Interpretation of the Brazilian Dilemma by Damatta, Roberto
The Spirit of the Counter-Reformation by Evennett, H. Outram
Spirit of the Counter-Reformation by Evennett, H. Outram
The Transcendental Temptation by Kurtz, Paul
Walk to Jerusalem by Hughes, Gerard W.
The Simple Gospel: Reflections on Christian Faith by Kerr, Hugh T.
Calvin's Ecclesiastical Advice by Calvin, John
Essential Papers on Judaism and Christianity in Conflict by Cohen, Jeremy
Category Formation and the History of Religions by Baird, Robert D.
The Song of the Sea: Ex 15:1 - 21 by Brenner, Martin L.
What Paul Really Said about Women: The Apostle's Liberating Views on Equality in Marriage, Leadership, and Love by Bristow, John T.
Let Go and Let God: Steps in Victorious Living by Cliffe, Albert
The Millennium by Boettner, Loraine
The Parables: Understanding What Jesus Meant by Inrig, Gary
The Day Christ Died by Bishop, Jim
It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It by Fulghum, Robert
Bold as a Lamb: Pastor Samuel Lamb and the Underground Church of China by Anderson, Ken
The England of Piers Plowman: William Langland and His Vision of the Fourteenth Century by Boulay, F. R. H. Du
The Sikhs: History, Religion, and Society by McLeod, W. H.
Ifa Divination: Communication Between Gods and Men in West Africa by Bascom, William W.
Woman as Healer by Achterberg, Jeanne
The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries: Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World by Ulansey, David
Atonement and Incarnation: An Essay in Universalism and Particularity by White, Vernon
Church-State Constitutional Issues: Making Sense of the Establishment Clause by Drakeman, Doanld, Drakeman, Donald L.
The Many-Sided Cross: Sermons and Orders of Service for Lent by Cowen, Cynthia E.
The Greatest Wonder of All: Sermons for Lent and Easter: Gospel Texts: Cycle C by Braaten, John M.
German Mystical Writings: Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Jacob Boehme, and Others by
From Father to Son: Kinship, Conflict, and Continuity in Genesis by Steinmetz, Devora
Sermons for the Summer Season: Volume 53 by Bernard of Clairvaux
The Investiture Controversy: Church and Monarchy from the Ninth to the Twelfth Century by Blumenthal, Uta-Renate
Share My Pleasant Stones: Daily Meditations for Every Day of the Year by Price, Eugenia
Prophecies of Jesus by Sours, Michael W.
Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. de Coelesti Hierarchia, de Ecclesiastica Hierarchia, de Mystica Theologia, Epistulae by
African Origins of Major "Western Religions" by Ben-Jochannan, Yosef A. a.
City of God, City of Satan: A Biblical Theology of the Urban City by Linthicum, Robert C.
A New Heart: A Commentary on the Book of Ezekiel by Vawter, Bruce, Hoppe, Leslie
The Advent of Sun Myung Moon: The Origins, Beliefs and Practices of the Unification Church by Chryssides, G.
Guide to Thomas Aquinas by Pieper, Josef
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Boettner, Loraine
African Traditional Religions in Contemporary Society by
Time and Eternity by Leftow, Brian
The Theology of John Fisher by Rex, Richard
A Bibliographic Guide to the Comparative Study of Ethics by Jurgensmeyer, Mark, J. Rgensmeyer, Mark, Carman, John
Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer by Peterson, Eugene H.
Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination by Peterson, Eugene H.
Religion and Politics in Latin America: Liberation Theology and Christian Democracy by Lynch, Edward A.
God with Us: A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament by Barth, Christoph
Genesis and Apocalypse: Atheology Voyage Toward Authentic Christianity by Altizer, Thomas J. J.
The American Search for Peace: Moral Reasoning, Religious Hope, and National Security by
Psychology from a Christian Perspective by Koteskey, Ronald L.
The Taste of Blood: Spirit Possession in Brazilian Candomble by Wafer, Jim
To Pray and to Love by Bondi, Roberta C.
Releasement Spirituality for Ministry by Fiand, Barbara
Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (1991): A Commentary by Roberts, J. J. M.
Dance of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Women's Spirituality by Harris, Maria
Der Drohende Untergang: Schöpfung in Mythos Und Ritual Im Alten Orient Und in Griechenland Am Beispiel Der Odyssee Und Des Ezechielbuches by Auffarth, Christoph
On Christianity by Gibbon, Edward
Tracing Back the Radiance: Chinul's Korean Way of Zen by Buswell, Robert E.
The Covenant for Young People by Tanyi, Enoch T.
Religious Convictions and Political Choice by Greenawalt, Kent
Just War and Jihad: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on War and Peace in Western and Islamic Traditions by Kelsay, John, Johnson, James
The Noah Paradox: Time as Burden, Time as Blessing by Ochs, Carol
The Theology of the Second Letter to the Corinthians by Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome
The Theology of the Second Letter to the Corinthians by Murphy-O'Connor, J., Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome
A New and Improved Jesus?: Sermons for Lent and Easter: First Lesson Texts: Cycle C by Brokhoff, Barbara
Living on the Edge: Cycle C First Lesson Sermons for Sundays After Pentecost (Middle Third) by Hammer, R. Keith
Lectionary Preaching Workbook, Series III, Cycle C by Bass, George M.
Rosicrucian Emblems of Daniel: The True Society of Jesus and the Rosy Cross by Cramer, Daniel
Prophets, Pioneers And Possibilities: Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third) First Lesson Text by Hasler, Richard A.
Until The King Comes: Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third) Gospel Texts Cycle C by Schneider, Theodore F.
AIDS to the Psalms: Exploring the Message, Cycle C by Drennan, Hugh H.
A Manual for Acolytes: The Duties of the Server at Liturgical Celebrations by Michno, Dennis G.
God's Gift: Sermons For Advent, Christmas And Epiphany: Gospel Texts, Cycle C by Garrett, James T.
The Once and Future Church: Reinventing the Congregation for a New Mission Frontier by Mead, Loren B.
Tales of Elijah the Prophet by Schram, Peninnah
Blow the Silver Trumpets: Gospel Lesson Sermons for Pentecost First Third, Cycle C by Powell, Larry D.
Pastoral Theology by Harris, James Henry, Bledsoe, Wanda Scott
A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament by
The See of Peter by Shotwell, James T., Loomis, Louis
The Way of Perfection by Avila, Teresa Of
Memory Offended: The Auschwitz Convent Controversy by
A Handbook for Christian Philosophy by Bush, L. Russ
Memory Offended: The Auschwitz Convent Controversy by
Will it Liberate ?: Questions About Liberation Theology by Novak, Michael
Images and Symbols: Studies in Religious Symbolism by Eliade, Mircea
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion by Harrison, Jane Ellen
Religion and Twentieth-Century American Intellectual Life by
Sacrifice and Redemption: Durham Essays in Theology by
Death and Dying: A Bibliographical Survey by Southard, Samuel
Fictional Akkadian Autobiography: A Generic & Comparative Study by Longman III, Tremper
Faith and Faithfulness: Basic Themes in Christian Ethics by Meilaender, Gilbert C.
Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictionary by Bell, Robert E.
An Anthology of Christian Mysticism by Egan, Harvey D.
The Celebration of Life: A Dialogue on Hope, Spirit, and the Immortality of the Soul by Cousins, Norman
How Like an Angel Came I Down by Alcott, A. Bronson
A General Introduction to Hymnody and Congregational Song by Rogal, Samuel J.
Early Will I Seek You by Augustine
Myth and the Polis by
Pilgrimages by Barber, Richard
Butler's Lives of the Saints: Concise Edition, Revised and Updated by Walsh, Michael
How to Think about God: A Guide for the 20th-Century Pagan by Adler, Mortimer J.
David Wilkerson Exhorta a la Iglesia by Wilkerson, David
God, Creation, and Revelation: A Neo-Evangelical Theology by Shuster, Marguerite
Faith on Earth: An Inquiry Into the Structure of Human Faith by Niebuhr, H. Richard
Aboriginal Religions in Australia: A Bibliographical Survey by Swain, Tony
Philosophy and Biblical Interpretation by Addinall, Peter
The Sacred Void by Parkin, David
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