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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religion General in 1996

Men Stand on Shoulders. by Mitchell, John D.
The Next Step with Spirit: Extraordinary Events That Happens to Ordinary People by Sommer, Charles
The Liturgical Witness of the New Testament: 14 Worship Services Drawn from the New Testament by Mountain, Charles M.
Lectionary Worship AIDS, Series IV, Cycle B by Wilson, James R.
Religion - eine Macht des Widerstands: Der Kontemplationsbegriff Thomas Mertons in einer Welt der Gewalt by Karwath, Sophia
Pattern of Doctrines: Volume 1: God and Christ by Vass, George
Towards a Renewed Priesthood by Middleton, Arthur
Religion in the Making by Whitehead, Alfred N.
Hesed Ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs by
Dictionary of Christianity by
Social Justice in the Hebrew Bible: What Is New and What Is Old by Malchow, Bruce V.
Psalms Were Made for Lent: Six Lenten Sermons by McCreight, Robert G.
The Book of Sacraments by Gold, E. J.
Watch And Pray: Meditations In Dramatic Form For The Season Of Lent by Orts, Neil Ellis
Behold the Man: Sermons and Object Lessons for Lent and Easter by Pilgrim, Thomas A.
Abrasax Ausgewählte Papyri Religiösen Und Magischen Inhalts: Band 4: Exorzismen Und Jüdisch/Christlich Beeinflusste Texte by Merkelbach, Reinhold
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved by Johnston, Mark D.
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved by Johnston, Mark D.
On the Existence and Relevance of God by Dore, Clement
Africa for the African by
Kant and Theology: Was Kant a Cloest Theologian? by Galbraith, Elizabeth C.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,: Made Easier to Read by Edwards, Jonathan, Fanella, John Jeffery
Urantia-Kirja: Selvitetään Jumalaa, Universumia, Jeesusta Ja Itseämme Koskevat Mysteerit by
The Bush Was Blazing But Not Consumed by Law, Eric H. F.
Religious Humor by Buescher, Walter M.
You Have Stept Out of Your Place: A History of Women and Religion in America by Lindley, Susan Hill
A General Doctrine of the Sacrament by Auer, Johann
Congregational Megatrends by Woods, Charles Jeffrey
Come to the Waters: Baptism and Our Ministry of Welcoming Seekers and Making Disciples by Benedict, Daniel T., Jr.
Gathered in the Word: Praying the Scripture in Small Groups by Vest, Norvene
Riding with the Lion: In Search of Mystical Christianity by Markides, Kyriacos C.
Preaching Mark's Gospel by Jensen, Richard a.
Prayers for Every Day by Hoagland, Victor
Understanding Christian Spirituality by Downey, Michael
56. St. Justin Martyr: The First and Second Apologies by
Los Secretos de la Santeria by Efunde, Agun
Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte by
Religious Liberty in Western Thought by
The Celtic Monk: Rules and Writings of Early Irish Monks by
Anago by Cabrera, Lydia
Comfort in Sorrow by Newman, John Henry
Yemaya y Ochun by Cabrera, Lydia
Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri by Muktananda, Swami
In God's Presence by Suchocki, Marjorie Hewitt
Favorite Catholic Prayers by Hoagland, Victor
Favorite Catholic Novenas by Hoagland, Victor
Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity by
The Heaven Book: What the Bible says about Heaven by Clemente, R. J.
Roots of Relational Ethics: Responsibility in Origin and Maturity in H. Richard Niebuhr by Keiser, R. Melvin
Better Than Wine: Love, Poetry, and Prayer in the Thought of Franz Rosenzweig by Greenberg, Yudit K.
Newman and Gadamer: Toward a Hermeneutics of Religious Knowledge by Carr, Thomas K.
Explaining Religion: Criticism and Theory from Bodin to Freud by Preus, J. Samuel
Hegel's Speculative Good Friday: The Death of God in Philosophical Perspective by Anderson, Deland S.
God, Philosophy and Academic Culture: A Discussion Between Scholars in the AAR and APA by
Thru the Bible Vol. 17: Poetry (Psalms I-41): 17 by McGee, J. Vernon
Jesus the Crucified People by Song, Choan-Seng, Song, C. S.
C. S. Lewis: Readings for Meditation and Reflection by Lewis, C. S.
Nurturing Silence in a Noisy Heart by Oates, Wayne E.
In My Father's Garden: A Daughter's Search for a Spiritual Life by Chernin, Kim
Way of the English Mystics by Miller, Gordon C.
A New Dictionary of Religions by
National Faith of Japan by Holtom
Christian Feminist Theology: A Constructive Interpretation by Carmody, Denise L.
Women Struggling For a New Life: The Role of Religion in the Cultural Passage From Korea to America by Kim, Ai Ra
Reconstructing Eliade: Making Sense of Religion by Rennie, Bryan
Auxiliar Bíblico Portavoz = Willmington's Guide to the Bible by Willmington, Harold L.
God: Myths of the Male Divine by Leeming, David Adams, Page, Jake
God and the Philosophers: The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason by
Words for Worship by
Hijrat: The Flight of the Faithful: A British File on the Exodus of Muslim Peasants from North India to Afghanistan in 1920 by Reetz, Dietrich
The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side Is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate by Ratzsch, Del
Modern American Popular Religion: A Critical Assessment and Annotated Bibliography by Lippy, Charles H.
Embracing the Beloved: Relationship as a Path of Awakening by Levine, Ondrea, Levine, Stephen
Death of the Church by Regele, Mike, Schulz, Mark
The Philosophy of Religious Language: Sign, Symbol and Story by Stiver, Dan
Xodus - An African American Male Journey by Baker-Fletcher, Garth Kasimu
Reclaiming the Urban Family: How to Mobilize the Church as a Family Training Center by Richardson, Willie
Breaking Strongholds in the African-American Family: Strategies for Spiritual Warfare by Walker, Clarence
The Hastening That Waits: Karl Barth's Ethics by Biggar, Nigel
Sexuality in the Confessional: A Sacrament Profaned by Haliczer, Stephen
Telling God's Story: Bible, Church and Narrative Theology by Loughlin, Gerard
Lay Confraternities and Civic Religion in Renaissance Bologna by Terpstra, Nicholas
Power, Gender and Christian Mysticism by Jantzen, Grace M.
The Margins of Orthodoxy: Heterodox Writing and Cultural Response, 1660 1750 by
Religion and Political Culture in Britain and Ireland: From the Glorious Revolution to the Decline of Empire by Hempton, David
Isaiah 1-39: An Introduction to Prophetic Literature by Sweeney, Marvin a.
From Beginning to End: The Rituals of Our Lives by Fulghum, Robert
The Heart's Journey-10 Copy Counter Display by Pelikan, Judy
Pastoral Care Revisited by Wright, Frank
The Practice of Kindness: Meditations for Bringing More Peace, Love, and Compassion Into Daily Life by Conari Press
Super-Human Men in History and Religion by Besant, Annie Wood
Masonry and Medieval Mysticism: Traces of a Hidden Tradition by Cooper-Oakley, Isabel
Studies in Theosophy: Historical and Practical by Coleville, W. J., Colville, W. J.
Avataras by Besant, Annie Wood
Primer on Postmodernism by Grenz, Stanley J.
Faith of a Physicist by Polkinghorne, J. C., Polkinghorne, John C.
A Still Small Voice: Women, Ordination, and the Church by Jr, Frederick
Mysticism: Holiness East and West by Carmody, Denise Lardner
Homosexuality and Christian Community by
Confirmation by Osmer, Richard Robert
The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians by Calvin, John
The Domestication of Transcendence: How Modern Thinking about God Went Wrong by Placher, William C.
The New Complete Server by Heller, Christopher
The Magnetic Music Ministry: Ten Productive Goals (Effective Church Series) by Owens, Bill
Seven Principles of Man by Besant, Annie
People of the Blue Mountains by Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna
Lord, Teach Us by Hauerwas, Stanley, Willimon, William H.
In the Middle of This Road We Call Our Life: The Courage to Search for Something More by Jones, James W.
Restoring At-Risk Communities: Doing It Together and Doing It Right by
Secret Strength: For Those Who Search by Tada, Joni Eareckson
Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic by Currie, David
The Story of Layla & Majnun by Nizami
See How I Love You: Meditating on the Way of the Cross with Julian of Norwich by Obbard, Elizabeth Ruth
God Creation and Contemporary by Worthing, Mark William
The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English by Martinez, Florentino Garcia
Como Creer En Mi Mismo (Believing in Myself): (Believing in Myself) by Larsen, Earnie, Hegarty, Carol
Iohannes Scottus Eriugena: The Bible and Hermeneutics--Proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriu by Steel, Carlos, Van Riel, Gerd, McEvoy, James
Augustine and the Limits of Politics by Elshtain, Jean Bethke
Religion and Social Formation in Korea by Lee, Sang Taek
Adolf Von Harnack ALS Zeitgenosse: Reden Und Schriften Aus Den Jahren Des Kaiserreichs Und Der Weimarer Republik. Teil 1: Der Theologe Und Historiker. by Harnack, Adolf Von
God Who Looks Like Me: Discovering a Woman-Affirming Spirituality by Reilly, Patricia Lyn
Mission and Conversion: Proselytizing in the Religious History of the Roman Empire by Goodman, Martin
Johann Salomo Semler: Studien Zu Leben Und Werk Des Hallenser Aufklärungstheologen by Hornig, Gottfried
Shamanism and Northern Ecology by
Kierkegaard as Religious Thinker by Gouwens, David J. Holmer
Religion in Japan by Kornicki, Peter F.
Dialogue of Life: A Christian Among Allah's Poor by McCahill, Bob
Sin, the Savior, and Salvation by Lightner, Robert P.
Toward Universal Religion: Voices of American and Indian Spirituality by Chandler, Daniel R.
Virgins of God: The Making of Asceticism in Late Antiquity by Elm, Susanna
The Evangelical Rhetoric of Ramon Llull: Lay Learning and Piety in the Christian West Around 1300 by Johnston, Mark D.
Ten Sermons on the Second Advent by Bullinger, E. W.
The Speculum of Archbishop Thomas Secker by
Christian Confessions: A Historical Introduction by Campbell, Ted a.
Johannine Faith and Liberating Community by Rensberger, David
Ten Strategies for Preaching in a Multimedia Culture by Troeger, Thomas
Spirit Gifts Leader's Resources by Brown, Patricia D.
Spirit Gifts Participant's Workbook by Brown, Patricia D.
The Thousand Faces of the Virgin Mary by Tavard, George H.
Christliche Unternehmer by
Worship Come to Its Senses by Saliers, Don E.
The Power of Africentric Celebrations Inspirations from the Zairean Liturgy by Egbulem, Nwaka Chris
Seeds of Peace Contemplation and Non-Violence by Shannon, William
The Jesus Prescription for a Healthy Life by Sweet, Leonard
Scripture & Discernment: Decision Making in the Church by Johnson, Luke Timothy
Persons in Communion by Torrance, Alan J.
The Humanity of God by Barth
Tying Rocks to Clouds: Meetings and Conversations with Wise and Spiritual People by Elliott, William
Oru Puliamarathin Kathai by Ramaswamy, Sundara
Restoring the Christian Soul: Overcoming Barriers to Completion in Christ Through Healing Prayer by Payne, Leanne
Process Theology by Cobb Jr, John B., Griffin, David Ray
Solesmes and Dom Gueranger by Soltner, Dom Louis, Soltner, Louis, Dom Louis Soltner
Angels A to Z: A Who's Who of the Heavenly Host by Bunson, Matthew
Black Man's Religion: Can Christianity Be Afrocentric? by Usry, Glenn, Keener, Craig S.
God of Abraham by Goodman, Lenn Evan, Goodman, L. E.
Meditations from a Simple Path by Mother Teresa
A Sense of the Divine - The Natural Environment from a Theocentric Perspective by Gustafson, James M.
Islamism and Secularism in North Africa by Na, Na
Now, That's a Good Question: Answers to Questions about Life and Faith by Sproul, R. C.
Magic and Witchcraft in the Dark Ages by Dukes, Eugene D.
God: A Biography: Pulitzer Prize Winner by Miles, Jack
Thru the Bible Vol. 06: The Law (Leviticus 1-14): 6 by McGee, J. Vernon
Religion and Mass Media: Audiences and Adaptations by Stout, Daniel a., Buddenbaum, Judith M.
Thru the Bible Vol. 08: The Law (Numbers): 8 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 07: The Law (Leviticus 15-27): 7 by McGee, J. Vernon
Mysticism and Vocation by Horne, James R.
The Reformation of the Bible/The Bible of the Reformation by Pelikan, Jaroslav
Events of Grace by Hardwick, Charley D.
The Reality of the Kingdom: Making Sense of God's Reign in a World Like Ours by Clifford, Paul Rowntree
Montanism by Trevett, Christine
Kierkegaard as Religious Thinker by Gouwens, David J. Holmer
God's Just Vengeance: Crime, Violence and the Rhetoric of Salvation by Gorringe, Timothy J.
Christendom and Its Discontents: Exclusion, Persecution, and Rebellion, 1000 1500 by
Contesting the Nation: Religion, Community, and the Politics of Democracy in India by
Christliche Umweltethik: Schoepfungstheologische Grundlagen - Philosophisch-ethische Ansaetze - Oekologische Marktwirtschaft by Lochbühler, Wilfried
Outline of Theosophy by Leadbeater, Charles Webster
Episodes From an Unwritten History by Bragdon, Claude Fayette
Mission of Spiritual Science and of Its Building at Dornach Switzerland by Steiner, Rudolf
Aesch Mezareph or Purifying Fire by
Kabbalah Unveiled by Mathers, S. L. MacGregor
Manresa: or the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius by Catholic Publication Society
Mystic Words of Mighty Power by DeVoe, Walter
Short Account of the Writings of the Late Rev. William Law by Tighe, Richard
Occult World by Sinnett, A. P.
Lectures on Mysticism and Nature Worship by Bjerregaard, Carl H.
Investigations in Occultism Showing its Practical Value in Daily Life by Steiner, Rudolf
Mysteries of Mithra by Cumont, Franz Valery Marie
Christian Science Healing: Its Principles and Practice with Full Explanations for Home Students by Lord, Frances
Identity of the Religions Called Druidical and Hebrew Demonstrated from the Nature and Objects of Their Worship by Nimmo, John
Where Resident Aliens Live: Exercises for Christian Practice by Hauerwas, Stanley
Popular Religion in Late Saxon England: Elf Charms in Context by Jolly, Karen Louise
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment by Steiner, Rudolf
Like a garden by Juengst, Sara Covin
Proclaim Jubilee!: A Spirituality for the Twenty-First Century by Harris, Maria
Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus by Anonymous
Wonders of the World: Trials of the Soul and Revelations of the Spirit by Steiner, Rudolf
Master Key of the Scriptures by Jones, Lloyd K.
Struggle Between Religion and Science by Gauvin, Marshall J.
Poems of the Passing by Rabbani, Ruhiyyih
Animism: The Seed of Religion by Clodd, Edward
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