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Religion General in 2000

Chant of Life: Liturgical Studies Four by
유란시아서: 하나님ㆍ우주ㆍ세계사ㆍ예수&#12 by
Self, God and Immortality: A Jamesian Investigation by Fontinell, Eugene
Move Your Church to Action by Hunter, Kent R.
What Must I Do? by McQueen Sr, Bishop Steven
Doomsday Prophecies: A Complete Guide to the End of the World by Lewis, James R.
Learning in the Way by
Cultos Marítimos y Religiosidad de Navegantes en el Mundo Griego Antiguo by Recio, Mirella Romero
Living Vertically: Gospel Lesson Sermons for Lent/Easter, Cycle C by Brittain, John Neal
Selbstrefelexion und Erkenntnis Gottes by Brachtendorf, Johannes
The Backside Of God: And Other Occasional Sermons by Brittain, John N.
The Word is Near You: Sermons for the Church by Aycock, Don M.
Theosophy and the Secret Doctrine Condensed: The Races of Mankind by Henderson, Harriet L.
Life and Death Responsibilities in Jewish Biomedical Ethics by
Arts in the Religions of the Pacific: Symbols of Life by Moore, Albert
Holy People Holy Lives: Law and Gospel in Bioethics by Eyer, Richard C.
Huguenot Heritage: The History and Contribution of the Huguenots in Britain (Second Revised Edition) by Gwynn, Robin D.
Managing the Church? by
This: Poetry and Prose of Dancing Emptiness by Poonja, Sri H. W. L.
Everyday Simplicity: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Growth by Wicks, Robert J.
Seers of God: Puritan Providentialism in the Restoration and Early Enlightenment by Winship, Michael P.
Topsy-Turvy: Living In The Biblical World: Gospel Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost(Middle Third): Cycle C by Renquist, Thomas a.
The Riddles of Jesus in John: A Study in Tradition and Folklore by Thatcher, Tom
Jesuit Ratio Studiorum of 1599: 400th Anniversary Perspectives by Duminuco, Vincent
The Trespass of the Sign: Deconstruction, Theology, and Philosophy by Hart, Kevin
Trespass of the Sign: Deconstruction, Theology, and Philosophy by Hart, Kevin
With Christ in Prison: From St. Ignatius to the Present by Anderson, George M.
Self, God, and Immortality: A Jamesian Investigation by Fontinell, Eugene
A Reformation Debate: John Calvin & Jacopo Sadoleto by Olin, John C.
Passion for Creation: The Earth-Honoring Spirituality of Meister Eckhart by Fox, Matthew
The Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola in the Western Tradition by Melloni, Javier
Windows For Sermons: Stories And Humor For Inspired Preaching by Yocom, Don R.
Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought by
Please Stop the World, God, I Want to Get Off! by Ball, Daniel C.
The Long Road Called Goodbye by Akin, Charlotte A.
Prayer Book Parallels Volume 1 by Marshall, Paul V.
Enriching Our Worship 2: Ministry with the Sick or Dying: Burial of a Child by Church Publishing Incorporated
God's First Truth: Volume I by Miller, Theron
Bodies of Worship: Explorations in Theory and Practice by
The Once and Future Jesus by Crossan, John Dominic, Borg, Marcus, Funk, Robert Walter
Reclaiming Our Roots -- Volume 2: Martin Luther to Martin Luther King by Ellingsen, Mark
Praying a Book for Children by Roth, Nancy
A Clearer Vision: Lenten Midweek Sermons by Belgum, David
Who They Really Were by Bodo, John R.
Come as You Are: Sermons On The Lord's Supper by Gondola, Alex A.
What's That Supposed to Mean?: Using the Catechism in the 21st Century by Lucas, James A.
Golf in the Real Kingdom by Kopp, Robert R.
Guide to the Study of Religion by
Jesuit Ratio Studiorum of 1599: 400th Anniversary Perspectives by Duminuco, Vincent
The Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing by Johnston, William
Karov L'Chol Korav, for All Who Call: A Manual for Enhancing the Teaching of Prayer by Hoffman, Jeff, Cohen-Kiener, Andrea
Choosing Simplicity: Real People Finding Peace and Fulfillment in a Complex World by Pierce, Linda Breen
Urban Housing and Poverty Alleviation in by Mahanga, Milton Makongoro
Huguenot Heritage: The History and Contribution of the Huguenots in Britain (Second Revised Edition) by Gwynn, Robin D.
The Women's Christian Yearbook by Strack, Hanna
A Wakeful Faith: Spiritual Practice in the Real World by Jenkins, J. Marshall
How Shall We Pray?: Liturgical Studies Two by
A Book of Vigils by Webber, Christopher L.
Minster Churches in the Dorset Landscape by Hall, Teresa Anne
Children's Sermons A to Z by Blair, Brett
Children at Worship: Congregations in Bloom by Fairless, Caroline S.
Lectionary Texts Pew Edition: Various Occasions and Occasional Services by Church Publishing Incorporated
Continuing the Reformation: Re-Visioning Baptism in the Episcopal Church by Meyers, Ruth A.
Occasions of Grace: An Historical and Theological Study of the Pastoral Offices and Episcopal Services in the Bcp by Stuhlman, Byron David
Practical Theology:: Perspectives from the Plains. by Lawler, Michael G., Risch, Gail S.
Songs for the Cycle: Fresh Hymn Texts for Church Years A, B, & C by Hudson, Michael
Bond and Covenant by Cox, R. David
Man, Visible and Invisible by Leadbeater, C. W.
With Christ in Prison: From St. Ignatius to the Present by Anderson, George M.
'Logical' Luther Lee and the Methodist War Against Slavery by Kaufman, Paul Leslie
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians by Incognito, Magus
The Crucial Bridge: The Elijah-Elisha Narrative as an Interpretive Synthesis of Genesis-Kings and a Literary Model for the Gospels by Brodie, Thomas L.
Poems of Grace: Texts of the Hymnal 1982 by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Book of Jasher: A Suppressed Book That Was Removed from the Bible, Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel by
The Sermon on the Mount by Scaer, David
Jornadas de fe: Selecciones de El Aposento Alto by Gaud, Carmen M.
The Origin and Evolution of Religion by Churchward, Albert
Women Officeholders in Early Christianity: Epigraphical and Literary Studies by Eisen, Ute E.
Exempel Und Auslegung: Studien Zu Den Sieben Weisen Meistern by Steinmetz, Ralf-Henning
Autobiography: Chapters in the Course of My Life, 1861-1907 (Cw 28) by Steiner, Rudolf
Services for the Lenten Candles: Based On The Revised Common Lectionary For Years A, B, And C by Jarboe, Robert
The Truth Is by Poonja, Sri H. W. L.
Coffee For One: Devotionals That Inspire by Ringo, Scott Michael
A Theatre of Envy by Girard, Rene
The Gospel According to Peanuts by Short, Robert L.
Play of Consciousness: A Spiritual Autobiography by Muktananda, Swami
Genesis 2000: The Forbidden Initiatic Version Secret Key to Understand the Mysteries of the Origin and Destiny of the Universe Unvei by Simon, Ysatis de Saint
Fire in the Soul: A Prayer Book for the Later Years by Morgan, Richard L.
Reading the Gospel by Dunne, John S.
Seeking the Absolute Love: The Founders of Christian Monasticism by de Dreuille, Mayeul
Prayer Book Parallels Volume II (Paperback) by Marshall, Paul V.
A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. by King, Martin Luther, Jr.
An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church: A User-Friendly Reference for Episcopalians by Slocum, Robert Boak, Armentrout, Don S.
Enriching Our Worship 1: Morning and Evening Prayer, the Great Litany, and the Holy Eucharist by Church Publishing Incorporated
Mushrooms and Mankind: The Impact of Mushrooms on Human Consciousness and Religion by Arthur James
Celtic Spirituality by
How to Heal the Sick by Hunter, Frances, Hunter, Charles
See with New Eyes: The True Beauty of God's Character by Gibson, Ty
The Holy Eucharist Altar by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Art of Practical Spirituality: How to Bring More Passion, Creativity and Balance Into Everyday Life by Prophet, Elizabeth Clare, Spadaro, Patricia R.
The Spirit Filled Life by Finney, Charles G.
Prayers for Pastor and People by
As We Gather to Pray: An Episcopal Guide to Worship by Morris, Clayton L., Haskel, Marilyn L.
El Libro de Oracion Comun: Spanish Language Pew Edition by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Contemplative Heart by Finley, James
Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing by Johnston, William
The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ: Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Christolatry by Massey, Gerald
The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry: Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Human Race by Churchward, Albert
Jesus: God, Man or Myth?: An Examination of the Evidence by Cutner, Herbert
The Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures: Or the Wisdom in a Mystery by Kingsland, William
Expositions of the Psalms 1-32 by Augustine, St
The Pastoral Epistles by Lock, Walter
Barth's Church Dogmatics by Gollwitzer, Helmut, Barth, Karl
Thoughts on the East by Merton, Thomas
Transiciones: Dirija a Su Iglesia a Través del Cambio by Southerland, Dan
Forgive and Live by Kroll, Una
Apocalypse Observed: Religious Movements and Violence in North America, Europe and Japan by Hall, John R., Schuyler, Philip D., Trinh, Sylvaine
Apocalypse Observed: Religious Movements and Violence in North America, Europe and Japan by Hall, John R., Schuyler, Philip D., Trinh, Sylvaine
Erase Una Vez. El Universo, Los Dioses, Los Hombres. Un Relato de Los Mitos Griegos by Vernant, Jean-Pierre
No Bloodless Myth: A Guide through Balthasar's Dramatics by Nichols, Aidan
The Hero with an African Face: Mythic Wisdom of Traditional Africa by Ford, Clyde W.
On Christian Theology by Williams, Rowan
Lay Sanctity, Medieval and Modern: A Search for Models by
Sermon Outlines for Funerals and Other Special Services by
The Child of the Covenant by Taherzadeh, Adib
The Spirit of Intimacy: Ancient Teachings in the Ways of Relationships by Some, Sobonfu
A Genealogy of Dissent: Southern Baptist Protest in the Twentieth Century by Stricklin, David
Nothing But Christ: Rufus Anderson and the Ideology of Protestant Foreign Missions by Harris, Paul William
Western Mysticism by Butler
Psalms: Prayers of the Heart by Peterson, Eugene H.
Stewards in the Kingdom: A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness by Rodin, R. Scott
Far Above Rubies by Lacy, Al
A Magic Still Dwells: Comparative Religion in the Postmodern Age by
The Unity of the Bible: Unfolding God's Plan for Humanity by Fuller, Daniel
Science & Its Limits: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective by Ratzsch, Del
Angela of Foligno's Memorial by Mazzoni, Cristina
Fliegen Die Seelen Der Heiligen?: Muslimische Reform Und Staatliche Autorität in Der Republik Mali Seit 1960 by Hock, Carsten
The Lost Passions of Jesus by Milam, Donald L.
Living Before God: Deepening Our Sense of the Divine Presence by Johnson, Ben Campbell
The Story of the L.M.S. 1795-1895 by Horne M. a., C. Silvester
Lincoln's Sacred Effort: Defining Religion's Role in American Self-Government by Morel, Lucas E.
Psychotherapy & Spirituality: Crossing the Line between Therapy and Religion by West, William
The Early History of Heaven by Wright, J. Edward
Expecting Armageddon: Essential Readings in Failed Prophecy by
The Book of Jasher: A Suppressed Book That Was Removed from the Bible, Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel by
The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry by Churchward, Albert
A Graceful Life: Lutheran Spirituality for Today by Hanson, Bradley C.
Praying the Hours by Guthrie, Suzanne
A Dictionary for Episcopalians by Wall, John N.
My Soul in Silence Waits: Meditations on Psalm 62 by Guenther, Margaret
Lighten Up!: Great Stories from One of America's Favorite Storytellers by Davis, Ken
Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event That Changed History by Ryan, William, Pitman, Walter
The Luminous Web: Essays on Science and Religion by Taylor, Barbara Brown
Mysteries of Faith by McIntosh, Mark
Warranted Christian Belief by Plantinga, Alvin
Theology, Hermeneutics, and Imagination: The Crisis of Interpretation at the End of Modernity by Green, Garrett, Garrett, Green
Medieval Philosophy and Modern Times by
Theology for the Community of God by Grenz, Stanley J.
Running Forward-Looking Back by Seely, Lynn T.
Holy Ghost Sermons by Woodworth-Etter, Maria Beulah
Our Lent: Things We Carry, 2nd edition by Crumm, David
The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus by
Living Issues in Ethics by Nolan, Richard T.
Pascalian Meditations by Bourdieu, Pierre
Reason to Believe by Wiles, Maurice
Psalms in the Early Irish Church by McNamara, Martin J.
The Ironic Christian's Companion: Finding the Marks of God's Grace in the World by Henry, Patrick
Faithful Living, Faithful Dying by End of Life Task Force of the Standing Commission on Nationa
The Malleus Maleficarum by
Spiritual Development In The State School: A Perspective on Worship and Spirituality in the Education System of England and Wales by Copley, Terence
Job: And Death No Dominion by Berrigan, Daniel
Parent as Mystic, Mystic as Parent by Spangler, David
At War with the Church: Religious Dissent in Seventeenth-Century Russia by Michels, Georg B.
Cooperating Congregations: Portraits of Mission Strategies by Avery, William, Waldkoenig, Gilson
Growing in Christian Faith: A Book of Daily Readings by Barclay, William
End of the World and the Ends of God: Science and Theology on Eschatology by
Sacred Institutions with Roman Counterparts by Brown, John Pairman
Sharing Wisdom The Practical Art of Giving and Receiving Mentoring by Wicks, Robert
Spiritual Genius of St. Therese of Lisieux by Guitton, Jean
After Atheism by Lewis, David
Pascalian Meditations by Bourdieu, Pierre
Dark Secrets of the New Age: Satan's Plan for a One World Religion by Marrs, Texe
The Outline Bible by Willmington, Harold L.
Wigglesworth on the Anointing by Wigglesworth, Smith
Teach Me to Pray by Sangster, W. E.
Hey, God, Got a Minute? by Barr, John
Bernard of Clairvaux by Evans, G. R.
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume X: Volume 10 by
Inquiring after God by
Inquiring After God: Classic and Contemporary Readings by
The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology by Patton, John
Exploring the Labyrinth: A Guide for Healing and Spiritual Growth by West, Melissa Gayle
God Matters by McCabe, Herbert
Keeping Hope Alive: For a Tomorrow We Cannot Control by Smedes, Lewis
The Qur'an: An Introduction by Abu-Hamdiyyah, Muhammad
Leading Congregational Change by Herrington, Jim, Furr, James H., Bonem, Mike
The Gospel Working Up: Progress and the Pulpit in Nineteenth-Century Virginia by Schweiger, Beth Barton
Leading Congregational Change: A Practical Guide for the Transformational Journey by Bonem, Mike, Herrington, Jim, Furr, James H.
The Early Humiliati by Andrews, Frances
Fundamentalism, Sectarianism, and Revolution by Eisenstadt, S. N.
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