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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religion General in 2002

The Wheel of Becoming. by Belisle, Augustin
The Glorious Fact of the Resurrection: The second coming of Jesus by McQueen Sr, Bishop Steven
In the Name by McQueen Sr, Bishop Steven
A Book of Prayers by Larson, Edwin R.
Monday Morning Devotions by Crosby, Jim
Royal Conversations by Graves, Shelle
Psychotherapy and Spirituality: Dietary Difficulties and the Autism Spectrum by Schreurs, Agneta, Schreurs, A.
Rejoicing In Life's "Melissa Moments": The Joys Of Faith And The Challenges Of Life by Cauthen, Kenneth
Royal Conversations by Graves, Shelle
Essays in Education and Judaism in Honor of Joseph S. Lukinsky by
Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?: Why Much of What We Teach about Evolution is Wrong by Wells, Jonathan
Now That's Amazing Grace by MacDonald, William
Cuaderno de la Oracion Viviente = Workbook of Living Prayer by Dunnam, Maxie
Reinhold Niebuhr and Non-Utopian Liberalism: Beyond Illusion and Despair by Naveh, Eyal
Metaphors for God's Time in Science and Religion by Happel, S.
Religion, Government and Poltical Culture in Early Modern Germany: Lindau, 1520-1628 by Wolfart, J.
Deleuze and Spinoza: Aura of Expressionism by Howie, G.
Is Nothing Sacred?: The Non-Realist Philosophy of Religion; Selected Essays by Cupitt, Don
The Fountain Light: Studies in Romanticism and Religion Essays in Honor of John L. Mahoney by Barth, Robert J.
Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics by Niebuhr, Reinhold
Changing People's Lives Through Prayer/Transformando Vidas por el by Wober, Felipe S.
So You've Been Asked to Give Devotions? by McCoy, Shirley Stanley
Voyage From a Lady Slipper by Scott, S.
Clarity of Mind: Faith, Science and Mental Well-Being by Wegman, Edwin H.
Story Time at the Altar: 86 Messages for Children by Ward, Elaine M.
Powerful Words to Live by: Inspiration for the Soul by Hamilton, Bernard H.
Journey to the Center of the Soul: Mysticism Made Simple by Francis, Richard Shiningthunder
El Escudero de Dios #2 by Nance, Terry
Sensible Ecstasy: Mysticism, Sexual Difference, and the Demands of History by Hollywood, Amy
Varieties of Religious Experience: Centenary Essays by
Are You Really Free?: Reflections on Christian Freedom by Armstrong, Richard Stoll
The New Way of Living: True Repentance and Faith Toward God by Kreider, Larry
The Prophets and the Powerless by Limburg, James
Ideas for 52 Great Childrens S by Kemp, James W.
Vision Stories, Cycle B by Sumwalt, John E.
Joyful Living by Erdahl, Lowell O.
Lightly Goes the Good News by Papineau, Andre
An Idle Tale Becomes Good News: Messages on Lent and Easter Themes by Sheets, Herchel H.
Life, Death and the Law: Law and Christian Morals in England and the United States by St John-Stevas, Norman
Die Europäische Ökumenische Kommission für Kirche und Gesellschaft (EECCS) als Beispiel für das Engagement des Protestantismus auf europäischer Ebene. by Reuter, Hans U.
The Art of Spiritual Direction: Giving and Receiving Spiritual Guidance by Jones, W. Paul
A Light on My Path: Praying the Psalms in the Contemporary World by Durston, David
Teilhard de Chardin: Reconciliation in Christ by
Dissident Daughters: Feminist Liturgies in Global Context by Berger, Teresa
Identity by White, Vernon
The Life of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque by Bougaud, Emile
Staff Talk: 52 Devotions For Church Staffs by Jackson, Wil I.
Spirituality and Society in the New Millennium by King, Ursula
How to Pray - A Practical Handbook by Pritchard, John
Face to Face: Meditations on Friendship and Hospitality by Wilkins, Steve
Prayers to Share Year B: Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year by Sparks, David
The English Ritual: A Companion to the English Missal by
Papal Ceremonial at Rome in the Twelfth Century by Twyman, Susan
Women & the Historical Jesus: Feminist Myths of Christian Origins by Corley, Kathleen E.
The Power of Personal Prayer: Learning to Pray with Faith and Purpose by Graf, Jonathan
Sailing with Purpose: The pursuit of the dream by Fitzgerald, Jerome W.
P.S. God, Can You Fly?: Heart-Felt and Hope-Filled Prayers of Children by Willis, R. Wayne
Rethinking Philosophy of Religion: Approaches from Continental Philosophy by Goodchild, Philip
Book of Common Worship, Korean Edition by Geneva Press
The Spirituality of the Psalms by
St Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies by Bonner, Gerald
The Magdalene Gospel: Meeting the Women Who Followed Jesus by Ashcroft, Mary Ellen
Life in Biblical Israel by King, Philip J., Stager, Lawrence E.
The Lonely Way - Volume II by Sasse, Hermann
Shaking the Fundamentals: Religious Plurality and Ecumenical Movement by Van Lin, Jan
Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On--A Devotional Prayer Journey by Omartian, Stormie
Gift of the Red Bird: A Spiritual Encounter by D'Arcy, Paula
Arius: Heresy and Tradition by Williams, Rowan
Holy Spirit in the Wesleyan Heritage Teacher Revised by Custer, Chester E.
53 Stories For Preaching: Series 1, Year 1 by
Julian of Norwich: Reflections on Selected Texts by Cooper, Austin
Episcopal Conferences: Historical, Canonical, and Theological Studies by
There's a Place for Us-12 Pk by
Praying Through Our Lifetraps: A Psycho-Spiritual Path to Freedom by Cecero, John J.
An American Bible: A History of the Good Book in the United States, 1777-1880 by Gutjahr, Paul
A Celtic Eucharist by O'Malley, Brendan
With Empty Hands: The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux by De Meester, Conrad
The Origins of the Seder: The Passover Rite and Early Rabbinic Judaism by Bokser, Baruch M.
Each One a Minister: Using God's Gifts for Ministry by Carter, William J.
The Way of Forgiveness: Participant's Book by Thompson, Marjorie J.
The Christian Witness in a Secular Age by Bloesch, Donald G.
You Already Have..All of the Tools That You Need by H. Fuller, Lisa
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by
Being Home: Discovering the Spiritual in the Everyday by Norris, Gunilla
In Lieu of Flowers: A Conversation for the Living by Cobb, Nancy Howard
Children of the Lord's Day: Notes on the Heidelberg Catechism by Veldkamp, Herman
Abuela Necesito Tus Oraciones = Grandma, I Need Your Prayers by Sherrer, Quin, Garlock, Ruthanne
Le Tao Au Jour Le Jour: 365 Méditations Taoïstes by Ming-Dao, Deng
Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion: 300 Terms Thinkers Clearly Concisely Defined by Evans, C. Stephen
The Zippered Heart: Healing for the Secrets We Hide Inside by Meberg, Marilyn
Complete Works St. Teresa of Avila Vol3 by St Teresa of Avila
The Holy Blood by Vincent, Nicholas
Prayer: An Adventure with God by Healey, David
Honey for a Woman's Heart: Growing Your World Through Reading Great Books by Hunt, Gladys
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility by Carson, D. A.
Daily Cornbread: 365 Ingredients for a Healthy Mind, Body and Soul by Oliver, Stephanie Stokes
Benedict's Dharma by
Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living with Fearlessness and Grace by Williams, Angel Kyodo
Lanier's Christian Romantic Love Notes by Lanier, Jonathan
True Wilderness by Williams Cr, H. A.
What Is Opus Dei? by Le Tourneau, Dominique, Le Tourneau, D.
7 Rewards of Problem Solving by Murdock, Mike
On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology of Compassion for Animals by Webb, Stephen H.
Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity by
Social Justice and the Christian Church by Nash, Ronald
Divine Guidance: The Secret Way to an Abundant Life by Overton, Jerry D.
Methoden Mittelalterlicher Arabischer Qur'anexegese Am Beispiel Von Q 53, 1-18 by Forster, Regula
365 Buddha: Daily Meditations by Schmidt, Jeff
The Spirituality of Men: Sixteen Christians Write about Their Faith by Culbertson, Philip L.
Experiencing Christ Within Workbook: Passionately Embracing God's Provisions for Supernatural Living by Edwards, Dwight
Grandma, I Need Your Prayers: Blessing Your Grandchildren Through the Power of Prayer by Garlock, Ruthanne, Sherrer, Quin
Love, Wisdom and Healing by Puntolillo, Todd
Renewal as a Way of Life: A Guidebook for Spiritual Growth by Lovelace, Richard F.
Ernst Troeltsch and Liberal Theology: Religion and Cultural Synthesis in Wilhelmine Germany by Chapman, Mark D.
Science and the Spiritual Quest: New Essays by Leading Scientists by Richardson, Mark, Russell, Robert J., Clayton, Phillip
Religion, Scholarship, and Higher Education: Perspectives, Models, and Future Prospects by
Religion, Scholarship, & Higher Education: Perspectives, Models and Future Prospects. Essays from the Lilly Seminar on Religion and Higher Education by
Ernst Troeltsch and Liberal Theology: Religion and Cultural Synthesis in Wilhelmine Germany by Chapman, Mark D.
Encountering Religious Pluralism: The Challenge to Christian Faith and Mission by Netland, Harold
Healing Violent Men: A Model for Christian Communities by
Intercessors' Insight: 40 Truths about the Ministry of Intercession by Clark, Shirley K.
Conocer a Dios by Chopra, Deepak
Heart Beats and Beats of the Heart by Webb, Gladys
Hardeman's Tabernacle Sermons Volume I by Hardeman, N. B.
Hardeman's Tabernacle Sermons Volume V by Hardeman, N. B.
Generation of Destiny: Understanding Identity and Knowing Purpose by Hanson, Wayne C.
Shenoute and the Women of the White Monastery: Egyptian Monasticism in Late Antiquity by Krawiec, Rebecca
Promise of the Soul: Identifying and Healing Your Spiritual Agreements by Kenny, Dennis
God with Us: The Companionship of Jesus in the Challenges of Life by O'Driscoll, Herbert
Becoming Christ: Transformation Through Contemplation by Taylor, Brian C.
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by
Against an Infinite Horizon: The Finger of God in Our Everyday Lives by Rolheiser, Ronald
An Exorcist: More Stories by Amorth, Gabriele
Prayer Primer: Igniting a Fire Within by DuBay, Thomas
Evil, Good, and Gender: Facets of the Feminine in Zoroastrian Religious History by Choksy, Jamsheed K.
God and Timelessness by Pike, Nelson C.
Psalms for Sojourners by Limburg, James
Journal Keeping: Writing for Spiritual Growth by Budd, Luann
Exhibiting Religion: Colonialism and Spectacle at International Expositions, 1851-1893 by Burris, John P.
Bible Knowledge Commentary (2 Volume Set) by Walvoord, John F., Zuck, Roy B.
The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works by Anonymous
Christianity and Womanhood: Evolving Roles and Responsibilities by Rogers, Wyatt M.
Theology at the Void: The Retrieval of Experience by Kelly, Thomas M.
Lessing's Philosophy of Religion and the German Enlightenment by Yasukata, Toshimasa
Pluralism Comes of Age American Religious Culture in the Twentieth Century by Lippy, Charles H.
A Sure Foundation by McQueen Sr, Bishop Steven
A Little Bit of Philosophy for Living by Oliveira, Issy, Oliveira, Queen Issy
Gifts with Heart: Inspiring Stories, Handmade Crafts and One-Of-A-Kind Ideas by Sammons, Mary Beth
A Dialogue With God by Cobb, Richard
Equipados Para La Batalla by Garrington, Jim
Religion and Politics: A Reference Handbook by Storey, John W.
Personal Knowledge and Beyond: Reshaping the Ethnography of Religion by
Personal Knowledge and Beyond: Reshaping the Ethnography of Religion by
Dive Into Living Water: 50 Devotions for Teens on the Gospel of John by Polich, Laurie
If Jesus Were a Sophomore: Discipleship for College Students by Main, Bruce
Reconsidering Nature Religion by Albanese, Catherine L.
Many Gifts One Lord by Schmitt, Harley H.
Picturing God by Ulanov, Ann Belford
Diary of Daily Prayer, Second Edition by Shepherd, J. Barrie
History of Christian Spirituality by III, Urban T. Holmes
Covenant and Eschatology by Horton, Michael S.
Remembering Your Story: Creating Your Own Spiritual Autobiography by Morgan, Richard L.
A Faith to Proclaim by Stewart, James S.
The Privilege of Love: Camaldolese Benedictine Spirituality by
Christianity Before Christ by John G Jackson
Forgiveness Finding Freedom Through Reconciliation by Clendenen, Avis
Theology and Sexuality by
10 Steps to Fulfilling Your Divine Destiny: A Christian Woman's Guide to Learning & Living God's Plan for Her by Pehrson, Marnie L.
The Power of a Praying Nation by Omartian, Stormie
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene by LeLoup, Jean-Yves
Earthen Vessels: The Practice of Personal Prayer According to the Patristic Tradition by Bunge, Gabriel
African Saints Saints, Martyrs, and Holy People from the Continent of Africa by Quinn, Frederick
Confession: Doorway to Forgiveness by Forest, Jim
Christianity Before Christ Hardcover by Jackson, John G.
Success God's Way: Achieving True Contentment and Purpose by Stanley, Charles F.
Symbols of Jesus: A Christology of Symbolic Engagement by Neville, Robert Cummings
Love Someone Today: Encouragement and Inspiration for the Times of Our Lives by Delilah
Heart: A Natural History of the Heart-Filled Life by Godwin, Gail
Resurrection: The Capstone in the Arch of Christianity by Hanegraaff, Hank
Science and the Spiritual Quest: New Essays by Leading Scientists by Clayton, Phillip, Russell, Robert J., Richardson, Mark
Whitebread Protestants: Food and Religion in American Culture by Na, Na
Karl Barth's Anthropology in Light of Modern Thought by Price, Daniel J.
Reformation, Politics and Polemics: The Growth of Protestantism in East Anglian Market Towns, 1500-1610 by Craig, John
Grandmother Elsie, Book 8 by Finley, Martha
Engaging God's World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living by Plantinga, Cornelius
Listen Daughter: The Speculum Virginum and the Formation of Religious Women in the Middle Ages by
Listen Daughter: The Speculum Virginum and the Formation of Religious Women in the Middle Ages by
Thirty Days with Jesus by Rosage, David E.
Language, Charisma, and Creativity: Ritual Life in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal by Csordas, T.
Elsie's New Relations, Book 9 by Finley, Martha
On Forgiveness: How Can We Forgive the Unforgiveable? by Holloway, Richard
Simple Theology: Theology for the Rest of Us by Kahler, Clay A.
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by
Simple Theology: Theology for the Rest of Us by Kahler, Clay A.
What Would Buddha Do?: 101 Answers to Life's Daily Dilemmas by Metcalf, Franz
Living the Christian Story by Colwell, John
Only One God?: Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah by Becking, Bob, Dijkstra, Meindert, Korpel, Marjo
Toward Alternative Theology: Confessions Non-Dualist Christian by Grant R. S. C. J., Sara
Using Common Worship: Daily Prayer by Myers, Gilly, Fletcher, Jeremy
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