• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religious Biographies in 1999

Circuitous Journeys: Modern Spiritual Autobiography by Leigh, David J.
Circuitous Journeys by Leigh, David J.
Book of Joel, Book II by Russell, Joel Lee
Truth Shall Set You Free: A Memoir by Whitehead, Sally Lowe
Communings of the Spirit: The Journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Volume 1: 1913-1934 by Kaplan, Mordecai M.
Francis of Assisi by de la Bedoyere, Michael
St. Ignatius of Loyola: Founder of the Jesuits by Forbes
Good St. Anne by Anonymous
Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose by Benge, Janet, Benge, Geoff
The Sabbath Journal of Judith Lomax by Lomax, Judith
One Lifetime, Many Lives: The Experience of Modern Hindu Hagiography by Rinehart, Robin
Love Without End: Jesus Speaks... by Green, Glenda
Wittgenstein, Frazer and Religion by Clack, Brian R.
Jim Bakker: Miscarriage of Justice? by Albert, James
Gregory of Nyssa by Meredith, Anthony
Gregory of Nyssa by Meredith, Anthony
More I Could Not Ask Finding Christ in the Margins: A Priest's Story by Peterson, James
Secessionists & Other Scoundrels: Selections from Parson Brownlow's Book by
Thomas More: A Biography by Marius, Richard
Gershom Scholem Und Die Allgemeine Religionsgeschichte by Hamacher, Elisabeth
John Clarke and His Legacies: Religion and Law in Colonial Rhode Island, 1638-1750 by James, Sydney
Joey: An inspiring true story of faith and forgiveness by Girzone, Joseph F.
Confessions by Augustine, Saint
Renegade Monk: Honen and Japanese Pure Land Buddhism by Machida, Soho
Chaplain Davis and Hood's Texas Brigade by
Thomas Cranmer: Churchman and Scholar by
The Empty Mirror: Experiences in a Japanese Zen Monastery by Van de, Van De Wetering, Janwillem
Gift and Mystery: On the fifteth anniversary of my priestly ordination by Pope John Paul II
Under the Influence: The Shocking True Story of Angie Taylor by Fisher, Julia
Dante Alighieri Divine Comedy, Divine Spirituality by Royal, Robert
The Sfas Emes: The Life and Teachings of Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter by Brown, Moshe A.
The Friendship of Florence Nightingale and Mary Clare Moore by
Against the Wind by Rumscheidt, Barbara, Rumscheidt, Martin H.
Polycarp and John: The Harris Fragments and Their Challenge to the Literary Traditions by Weidmann, Frederick W.
The River of Grace: The Story of John Calvin by Press, Greenleaf, McPherson, Joyce B.
How Do We Know When It's God?: A Spiritual Memoir by Wakefield, Dan
Billy Graham Speaks: Insight from the World's Greatest Preacher by Lowe, Janet
Only Believe by Stewart, Don
The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596a 1728 by Middlekauff, Robert
Every Person's Guide to Jewish Philosophy and Philosophers by Isaacs, Ronald H.
Daughter of Destiny: A Spirit Filled Classic by Buckingham, Jamie
The Year Mom Got Religion: One Woman's Midlife Journey Into Judaism by Hendler, Lee Meyerhoff
St Birgitta of Sweden by Morris, Bridget
A Strange Freedom: The Best of Howard Thurman on Religious Experience and Public Life by Thurman, Howard
Mother of Bliss: Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982) by Hallstrom, Lisa Lassell
John Wimber: The Way It Was by Wimber, Carol
Bernadette, Our Lady's Little Servant: Our Lady's Little Servant by Pauli, Hertha
The Diary of James T. Ayers: Civil War Recruiter by
The Presence of Absence: On Prayers and an Epiphany by Grumbach, Doris
On Pilgrimage by Day, Dorothy
Power, Money and Sex: How Success Almost Ruined My Life by Sanders, Deion
Gandhi: A Life by Chadha, Yogesh
Gandhi: A Life by Chadha, Yogesh
Faithful Travelers: A Father. His Daughter. A Fly-Fishing Journey of the Heart by Dodson, James
Eve: A Biography by Norris, Pamela
Faith on the Frontier by Clements, Keith
Paulinus of Nola: Life, Letters, and Poems Volume 27 by Trout, Dennis E.
Thomas Merton and the Monastic Vision by Cunningham, Lawrence S.
Mary Baker Eddy by Gill, Gillian
Bernadette Speaks by Laurentin, René
The Seven Storey Mountain by Merton, Thomas
Little Girl Lost: One Women's Journey Beyond Rape by Joseph, Leisha
Divine Expectations: An American Woman In Nineteenth-Century Palestine by Kreiger, Barbara
The Biblical Personality: A Rabbinic Analysis of Hebrew Scripture by Chapin, Richard S.
Divine Expectations: An American Woman In Nineteenth-Century Palestine by Kreiger, Barbara
Nonviolent Soldier of Islam: Badshah Khan: A Man to Match His Mountains by Easwaran, Eknath
Moses: A Life by Kirsch, Jonathan
Things We Couldn't Say by Eman, Diet, Schaap, James
The Life of Thomas More by Ackroyd, Peter
Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life and Death in the Peoples Temple by Layton, Deborah
Journal of a Soul: The Autobiography of Pope John XXIII by Pope John XXIII
John Chrysostom by Allen, Pauline, Mayer, Wendy
John Chrysostom by Allen, Pauline, Mayer, Wendy
Doctors Who Followed Christ by Graves, Dan
God Knows My Heart by Wicker, Christine
The Convergence by Ross, Frank Cole
Conrad Grebel, Son of Zurich by Ruth, John L.
Conrad Grebel, Son of Zurich by Ruth, John L.
Joan of Arc: The Image of Female Heroism by Warner, Marina
If I Am Found Worthy: The Life of William C. Kruegler, M.M. by Roach, Elizabeth V.
All I Wanted Was an Education: The Epic of a Foreign Student by Nakireru, Omoviekovwa a.
A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965 by Merton, Thomas
African Apocalypse: The Story of Nontetha Nkwenkwe, a Twentieth-Century South African Prophet Volume 72 by Sapire, Hilary, Edgar, Robert R.
St. Gerard Majella: The Wonder-Worker and Patron of Expectant Mothers by Saint-Omer, Edward
Biography and Sermons by Keeble, Marshall, B C Goodpasture
St. Jude Thaddeus: Helper in Desperate Cases by Anonymous
Things Seen and Unseen: A Year Lived in Faith by Gallagher, Nora
The Man in the Desert: Diary of a Freed Addict by Lomas, Tom
I Had No Means to Shout by Hale, Mary Jane Gray
A Wild Country Out in the Garden: The Spiritual Journals of a Colonial Mexican Nun by
The Register of Walter Bronescombe, Bishop of Exeter, 1258-80: II by
Redemption and Responsibility by Alder, George