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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Revolutionary Period (1775-1800) in 2017

The Culper Ring: The History and Legacy of the Revolutionary War's Most Famous Spy Ring by Charles River
The Sons of Liberty: The Lives and Legacies of John Adams, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere and John Hancock by Charles River
Founding Friendships: Friendships Between Men and Women in the Early American Republic by Good, Cassandra A.
Pulpit and Nation: Clergymen and the Politics of Revolutionary America by McBride, Spencer W.
George Washington's Journey: The President Forges a New Nation by Breen, T. H.
Des origines de la république américaine by Binaut, Louis
Mount Vernon: The History of George Washington's Famous Plantation by Charles River
The USA in the Time of George Washington: 1789-1797 by Donovan, Mike
The Society of the Cincinnati: The History of the Hereditary Group Established by the Founding Fathers After the Revolutionary War by Charles River
Valley Forge: The History and Legacy of the Most Famous Military Camp of the Revolutionary War by Charles River
Colonial Williamsburg: The History of the Settlement that Became America's Most Famous Living-History Museum by Charles River
The Revolutionary Writings of John Adams by Adams, John
Town House: Architecture and Material Life in the Early American City, 1780-1830 by Herman, Bernard L.
Fighting Over the Founders: How We Remember the American Revolution by Schocket, Andrew M.
Ben Franklin: Creator of the American Dream by Kovacs, Rachel E.
American Legends: The Life of John Hancock by Charles River
John Adams: Collected State of the Union Addresses 1797 - 1800: Volume 2 of the Del Lume Executive History Series by Adams, John
James Madison: Collected State of the Union Addresses 1809 - 1816: Volume 4 of the Del Lume Executive History Series by Madison, James
Thomas Jefferson: Collected State of the Union Addresses 1801 - 1808: Volume 3 of the Del Lume Executive History Series by Jefferson, Thomas
James Monroe: Collected State of the Union Addresses 1817 - 1824: Volume 5 of the Del Lume Executive History Series by Monroe, James
Shays' Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion: The History and Legacy of Early America's Domestic Insurrections by Charles River
Shays' Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion: The History and Legacy of Early America's Domestic Insurrections by Charles River
Tories, Terror, and Tea by Moore, John L.
The New Republic: The United States of America 1789-1815 by Horsman, Reginald
Enslaved Women in America: From Colonial Times to Emancipation by West, Emily
Great Crossings: Indians, Settlers, and Slaves in the Age of Jackson by Snyder, Christina
The New Jersey Volunteers: Loyalists in the Revolutionary War by Stryker, William S.
Original Intents: Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and the American Founding by Shankman, Andrew
William Smith, Captain: Life and Death of A Soldier of the American Revolution by Hafner, Donald L.
America's Fourteen Unknown Presidents by Gammon, CL
Jefferson's Memorandum Books, Volume 1: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826 by Jefferson, Thomas
Thomas Jefferson, Legal History, and the Art of Recollection by Crow, Matthew
Washington's Immortals: The Untold Story of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution by O'Donnell, Patrick K.
Jefferson's Memorandum Books, Volume 2: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826 by
Jefferson's Memorandum Books, Volume 1: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826 by Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferson's Memorandum Books, Volume 2: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826 by
Major John André: The Life and Death of the Famous British Spymaster during the Revolutionary War by Charles River
Revolutionary Atlantic: Republican Visions, 1760-1830: A Documentary History by Blaufarb, Rafe
History of White, Warren, DeKalb, Coffee, and Cannon Counties. by
Memoir and letters of Captain W. Glanville Evelyn of the 4th regiment by Evelyn, William Glanville, Scull, Gideon Delaplaine
The Formation of a Planter Elite: Jonathan Bryan and the Southern Colonial Frontier by Gallay, Alan
Louisa: The Extraordinary Life of Mrs. Adams by Thomas, Louisa
Most Blessed of the Patriarchs: Thomas Jefferson and the Empire of the Imagination by Onuf, Peter S., Gordon-Reed, Annette
The Narrative of John Blatchford: Detailing His Sufferings in the Revolutionary War by Bushnell, Charles Ira, Blatchford, John
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bailyn, Bernard
The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence by Fathers, Founding
The Sons of Liberty: Men Who Changed History by Palumbo, Karen
Freedom and Resistance: A Social History of Black Loyalists in the Bahamas by Curry, Christopher
Jefferson's Body: A Corporeal Biography by Valsania, Maurizio
Major General Israel Putnam: Hero of the American Revolution by Hubbard, Robert Ernest
Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the Religious Founding by Green, Steven K.
George Washington: A Life in Books by Hayes, Kevin J.
Los masones: Historia de la Masonería, la más famosa de las sociedades secretas by Charles River
Los masones: Historia de la Masonería, la más famosa de las sociedades secretas by Charles River
The American Revolution by Fiske, John
Valiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution by Philbrick, Nathaniel
Summary and Analysis of Alexander Hamilton: Based on the Book by Ron Chernow by Worth Books
The American Revolution: Large Print (Large Print Edition) by Fiske, John
Brothers and Friends: Kinship in Early America by Inman, Natalie R.
The War of Independence by Fiske, John
The Essential Hamilton: Letters & Other Writings: A Library of America Special Publication by Hamilton, Alexander
Quakers and Their Allies in the Abolitionist Cause, 1754-1808 by
The American Constitutional Tradition: Colonial Charters, Covenants, and Revolutionary State Constitutions, 1578-1780 by Brown, H. Lowell
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the British Challenge to Republican America, 1783-95 by Schwarz, Michael
The Martyr and the Traitor: Nathan Hale, Moses Dunbar, and the American Revolution by Anderson, Virginia DeJohn
Avenging the People: Andrew Jackson, the Rule of Law, and the American Nation by Opal, J. M.
Along the Maysville Road: The Early American Republic in the Trans-Appalachian West by Friend, Craig Thompson
La Campaña de Galvez by de Moya Borgella, Walter
Common Sense by Paine, Thomas
Revolution on the Hudson: New York City and the Hudson River Valley in the American War of Independence by Daughan, George C.
Common Sense by Paine, Thomas
Common Sense by Paine, Thomas
American Prayers: From the Founding Decades of the United States of America by Carper, Jay
Defending Hearth and Home: North Carolina's Revolutionary War Heroines by Emmons, Louisa
Creating the Declaration of Independence by Shestokas, David J.
Benjamin Franklin, Natural Right, and the Art of Virtue by Slack, Kevin
John Quincy Adams: Diaries Vol. 1 1779-1821 (Loa #293) by Adams, John Quincy
John Quincy Adams: Diaries Vol. 2 1821-1848 (Loa #294) by Adams, John Quincy
Standing in Their Own Light by Van Buskirk, Judith
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the American Revolution by Schweikart, Larry, Dougherty, Dave
Gentlemen Revolutionaries: Power and Justice in the New American Republic by Cutterham, Tom
History of the siege of Boston and of the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill: With illustrative documents by Frothingham, Richard
Hamilton and Philosophy: Revolutionary Thinking by
Fire and Desolation: The Revolutionary War's 1778 Campaign as Waged from Quebec and Niagara Against the American Frontiers by Watt, Gavin K.
Bravest of the Brave: The Heroic Age on the Upper Ohio by Lobdell, Jared
The Patriotic Preachers of the American Revolution by Moore, Frank
The Hessians: and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war by Lowell, Edward J.
U.S. Founding Documents: Albany Plan, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution by Fathers, Founding, Harris, Jeffrey B.
Heroes and Patriots of the South: omprising lives of General Francis Marion, General William Moultrie, General Andrew Pickens, and Governor John Rutle by Hartley, Cecil B.
The American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence by Smith, George H.
Experiencing Empire: Power, People, and Revolution in Early America by
Quotations of Alexander Hamilton by Hamilton, Alexander
A Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri: The Journal and Description of Jean-Baptiste Truteau, 1794-1796 by Truteau, Jean-Baptiste
Ethan Allen: The Life and Legacy of the Revolutionary War Leader and a Founder of the State of Vermont by Charles River
Ethan Allen: The Life and Legacy of the Revolutionary War Leader and a Founder of the State of Vermont by Charles River
The Prisoners of 1776: A Relic of the Revolution by Livesey, R.
Adventurism and Empire: The Struggle for Mastery in the Louisiana-Florida Borderlands, 1762-1803 by Narrett, David
The Ghost Ship of Brooklyn: An Untold Story of the American Revolution by Watson, Robert P.
Democracy's Schools: The Rise of Public Education in America by Neem, Johann N.
Lincoln County North Carolina Ballards by Miller, Lynne D.
The American Revolution, State Sovereignty, and the American Constitutional Settlement, 1765-1800 by Coleman, Aaron N.
The American Reader: A Brief Guide to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights by Worth Books
The Greatest Revolutionary War Battles: The Siege of Yorktown by Charles River
History in 30: The Life of George Washington by Bennington, Percy
Madison's Hand: Revising the Constitutional Convention by Bilder, Mary Sarah
Shays' Settlement in Vermont: A Story of Revolt and Archaeology by Butz, Stephen D.
Shays' Settlement in Vermont: A Story of Revolt and Archaeology by Butz, Stephen D.
John Jay: Founding Father by Stahr, Walter
The patriot preachers of the American Revolution. With biographical sketches. 1776-1783 by Moore, Frank
Alexander Hamilton and the Development of American Law by Brown, Kate Elizabeth
The Expanding Blaze: How the American Revolution Ignited the World, 1775-1848 by Israel, Jonathan
The Patriot Preachers of the American Revolution: Vol. 2 by Moore, Frank
The Patriot Preachers of the American Revolution by Moore, Frank
Us History: Beginnings to 1840: Beginnings to 1840 by
Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution by Byrd, James P.
Phillis Wheatley: The Life and Legacy of the Slave Who Became Colonial America's Most Famous Poet by Charles River
Phillis Wheatley: The Life and Legacy of the Slave Who Became Colonial America's Most Famous Poet by Charles River
History in 30: The Life of Theodore Roosevelt by Bennington, Percy
The American Treasures: The Secret Efforts to Save the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address by Puleo, Stephen
Historic Highways of America: Volume 3: Washington's Road (Nemacolin's Path) by Hulbert, Archer Butler
A Boston Quartet by Balsam, Alan
Warner Mifflin: Unflinching Quaker Abolitionist by Nash, Gary B.
A Plea for Captain John Brown by Thoreau, Henry David
George Rogers Clark: The Life and Legacy of the Revolutionary War's Conqueror of the Old Northwest by Charles River
George Rogers Clark: The Life and Legacy of the Revolutionary War's Conqueror of the Old Northwest by Charles River
A Plea for Captain John Brown by Thoreau, Henry David
Losing America, Conquering India: Lord Cornwallis and the Remaking of the British Empire by Rosenberg, Chaim M.
The Campaign of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne: And the expedition of Lieut. Col. Barry St. Leger by Stone, William Leete
Killing England: The Brutal Struggle for American Independence by Dugard, Martin, O'Reilly, Bill
The Campaign of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, and the Expedition of Lieut: Vol. 1 by Stone, William Leete
American Revolutions: A Continental History, 1750-1804 by Taylor, Alan
The Rebellion Begins: Westborough and the Start of the American Revolution by Vaver, Anthony
A Little Book of Revolutionary Quotes: People, Power, & Politics by Fielding, A. K.
The Puritans of France: Huguenot Memory and Identity in 19th Century America by Smith, Gregory Michael
Confounding Father: Thomas Jefferson's Image in His Own Time by McDonald, Robert M. S.
George Washington's Secret Spy War by Nagy, John
Francis Marion: The Life and Legacy of the Revolutionary War's Legendary Swamp Fox by Charles River
Francis Marion: The Life and Legacy of the Revolutionary War's Legendary Swamp Fox by Charles River
Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution 1775-1783 by
She Snuffs, Drinks and Smokes: White Pennsylvania Runaways, 1776-1783 by
When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks to God: Spiritual Observances by Congress at the Beginning of America's Federal Government by Flick Ph. D., Stephen a.
American Legends: The Boston Tea Party by Charles River
The Papers of George Washington: 10 March-12 May 1780 Volume 25 by Washington, George
American Legends: The Life of Aaron Burr by Charles River
American Legends: The Continental Congress by Charles River
Robert Love's Warnings: Searching for Strangers in Colonial Boston by Salinger, Sharon V., Dayton, Cornelia H.
The Founders and the Bible by Richard, Carl J.
The U.S. Constitution: Explained--Clause by Clause--For Every American Today by Raphael, Ray
Chaplains of the Revolutionary War: Black Robed American Warriors by Crowder, Jack Darrell
Made in Vermont by Stannard, Phil
Revolution Song: A Story of American Freedom by Shorto, Russell
State of the Union Addresses: John Adams by Adams, John
The Whiskey Rebellion: The History of Early America's Most Famous Popular Uprising by Charles River
Our Troops Are in General Almost Naked: The Delaware and New York Infantry at the Valley Forge Encampment, 1777-1778 by Boyle, Joseph Lee
History of Kentucky: the 7th Edition. by
Virginia MILITIA in the Revolutionary War. by McAllister, J. T.
History of Henderson, Chester, McNairy, Decatur, and Hardin Counties, Tennessee by
Macon County, North Carolina Marriages, 1829-1939. by
Rockingham County, North Carolina Deeds, 1785-1800. by Webster, Irene
History of Carroll, Henry and Benton Counties Tennessee. by
Hardin County, Tennessee Records, 1820-1860. by
History of Montgomery, Robertson, Humphries, Stewart, Dickson, Cheatham, and Houston Counties, Tennessee. by
History of Knox County, Tennessee by
Duplin County, North Carolina Cemetery Records. (Volume A). by Sikes, Leon H.
Duplin County, North Carolina Cemetery Records. (Volume B). by Sikes, Leon H.
Duplin County, North Carolina Cemetery Records. (Volume C). by Sikes, Leon H.
(New Kent & James City Co's) The Vestry Book of Blisland Parish Virginia, 1721-1786. by Chamberlayne, C. G.
History of Central Arkansas. by
Arkansas Gazette Obituaries Index, 1819-1879. by Chism, Stephen J.
History of Kentucky: the 1st Edition. by
Roster of Soldiers from NORTH CAROLINA in the American Revolution. by American Revolution, N. C. Daughters
History of Todd County, Kentucky by Battle, J. H.
History of Fayette County, Kentucky by Perrin, William Henry, Peter, Robert
Dickson County, Tennessee Handbook. by
History of Trigg County, Kentucky by Perrin, William Henry
Barbour County, Alabama Wills & Estates 1852-1856, Abstracts of. by Foley, Helen S.
The Royalist Revolution: Monarchy and the American Founding by Nelson, Eric
Monroe County, Tennessee Records, 1820-1870, Vol. #2. by
Camden District, South Carolina Wills and Administrations, 1781-1787 by Holcomb, Brent
Monroe County, Tennessee Records, 1820-1870, Vol. #1. by
Early Wills of Mecklenburg County, Virginia 1765-1799 by Elliott, Katherine B.
Early Settlers of Mecklenburg County, Virginia. (Volume #1) by Elliott, Katherine B.
North Carolina Land Grants Recorded in Greene County, Tennessee by
American Aristocrats: A Family, a Fortune, and the Making of American Capitalism by Stout, Harry S.
History of Bartow County, Georgia. (Formerly Cass County) by Cunyus, Lucy
Early Missouri Marriages in the News, 1820-1853. by Stanley, Lois, Wilson, Maryhelen, Wilson, George F.
History of Ware County, Georgia by Walker, J. L.
History of Twiggs County, Georgia by Faulk, J. Lanette, Jones, Billy Walker
Virginia Wills before 1799. by Clemens, William M.
Connecticut's Black Soldiers, 1775-1783 by White, David O.
Connecticut Attacked: A British Viewpoint, Tryon's Raid on Danbury by McDevitt, Robert
Self-Evident: Discovering the Ideas and Events That Made the Declaration of Independence Possible by Patrick, Tim
For Liberty and the Republic: The American Citizen as Soldier, 1775-1861 by Herrera, Ricardo A.
History for Kids: The Illustrated Lives of Founding Fathers - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton by Charles River
History for Kids: The Illustrated Lives of Founding Fathers - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton by Charles River
The War of Independence by Fiske, John
A Colonial Williamsburg Love Affair: Tales, Takes, and Tips From a Lifetime of Visits by Bailey, Debra
A Short Biography of Martha Washington by Thompson, Mary
From the Sugar Act to the Shot Heard Round the World: America Before the Revolution, 1764-1775 by Charles River
John & Abigail Adams: America's First Political Couple by Charles River
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