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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Revolutionary Period (1775-1800) in 2023

Washington's Republic: The American Revolution of 1775-1796 by Ingraham, Robert
Brothers in Liberty: The Forgotten Story of the Free Black Haitians Who Fought for American Independence by Tucker, Phillip Thomas
America: The North Star of Humanity by Urtnowski, Michael
Carolina Loyalist: The Revolutionary War Life of Colonel David Fanning by Hairr, John
In Pursuit of Jefferson: Traveling Through Europe with the Most Perplexing Founding Father by Baxter, Derek
America's First Soldiers by McNutt, Amelia
America's First Soldiers by McNutt, Amelia
The Battle of Harlem Heights, 1776 by Price, David
Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, 1792: Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra and the Nootka Sound Controversy by Bodega y. Quadra, Juan Francisco de La
East Florida in the Revolutionary Era, 1763-1785 by Kotlik, George
East Florida in the Revolutionary Era, 1763-1785 by Kotlik, George
American Inheritance: Liberty and Slavery in the Birth of a Nation, 1765-1795 by Larson, Edward J.
Founding Mothers by Rockefeller, Laurel A.
Simon Girty: The White Savage by Boyd, Thomas
Tell Me About the US Revolutionary War by Hupp, Dennis D.
Life and Treason of Benedict Arnold by Sparks, Jared
The American Nation: A History, Vol. 12: The Jeffersonian System, 1801-1811 by
The Brave New World: A History of Early America by Hoffer, Peter Charles
Revolutionary Roads: Searching for the War That Made America Independent...and All the Places It Could Have Gone Terribly Wrong by Thompson, Bob
Everybody's Revolution by Fleming, Thomas
The American Nation: A History, Vol. 13: The Rise of American Nationality, 1811-1819 by
Women of the American Revolution by Wilcoxson, Samantha
Women of the American Revolution by Wilcoxson, Samantha
The Life of Albert Gallatin by Adams, Henry
Life of Adam Smith by Rae, John
The War of American Independence, 1763-1783: Falling Dominoes by Carpenter, Stanley D. M., Delamer, Kevin J., McIntyre, James R.
The War of American Independence, 1763-1783: Falling Dominoes by Carpenter, Stanley D. M., Delamer, Kevin J., McIntyre, James R.
Mourning the Presidents: Loss and Legacy in American Culture by
Mourning the Presidents: Loss and Legacy in American Culture by
North of America: Loyalists, Indigenous Nations, and the Borders of the Long American Revolution by Lennox, Jeffers
North of America: Loyalists, Indigenous Nations, and the Borders of the Long American Revolution by Lennox, Jeffers
The Constitution's Penman: Gouverneur Morris and the Creation of America's Basic Charter by Rasmussen, Dennis C.
Field of Corpses: Arthur St. Clair and the Death of an American Army by Gaff, Alan D.
Reclaiming The American Democratic Impulse by Vass, Laurie Thomas
Colonial Mississippi: A Borrowed Land by Weeks, Charles, Pinnen, Christian
Be Cool and Do Mischief: Francis Marion's Orderly Book by O'Kelley, Patrick
The Papers of James Madison: 3 March 1826-19 February 1828 Volume 4 by Madison, James
American Revolution Inspiring Stories for Kids: A Collection of Memorable True Tales About Courage, Goodness, Rescue, and Civic Duty To Inspire Young by Jemmy, Ennis
Natural Born Citizenry: Who can run for the presidency? by Gard, Robert G.
Natural Born Citizenry: Who can run for the presidency? by Gard, Robert G.
Men of the Maryland 400 (8/27/1776): Courage, Determination, Patriotism, and Love of Country. by Palumbo, Karen
The Odyssey of Phillis Wheatley: A Poet's Journeys Through American Slavery and Independence by Waldstreicher, David
A Tale of Two Cannons: April 19, 1775 from this day will be dated the liberty of the world by Wallace, Jeff
Poor Richard's Women: Deborah Read Franklin and the Other Women Behind the Founding Father by Stuart, Nancy Rubin
How Amazing Is The US Constitution? by Axelman, Elliot Alu
Memoirs of General Lafayette; With an Account of His Visit to America and His Reception By the People of the United States; From His Arrival, August 1 by L. Knapp, Samuel
Memoirs of Aaron Burr (Volume 2) by Burr, Aaron
Memoirs of Aaron Burr (Volume 1) by Burr, Aaron
Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. by Quincy, Josiah
Presidential Health Matters: The Medical History of the United States as Seen Through the Lives of Forty-Six Presidents by Goldberg, Edward Lewis
The Lionkeeper of Algiers: How an American Captive Rose to Power in Barbary and Saved His Homeland from War by Ekin, Des
James Wilson: The Anxious Founder by Taylor, Michael H.
Saving Washington's Army: The Brilliant Last Stand of General John Glover at the Battle of Pell's Point, New York, October 18, 1776 by
Saving Washington's Army: The Brilliant Last Stand of General John Glover at the Battle of Pell's Point, New York, October 18, 1776 by
The Winning of the West, Vol. 1: From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776 by Roosevelt, Theodore
Lost Tribes Found: Israelite Indians and Religious Nationalism in Early America by Dougherty, Matthew
The Early Imperial Republic: From the American Revolution to the U.S.-Mexican War by
The Enemy Harassed: Washington's New Jersey Campaign of 1777 by Stempel, Jim
Seeds of Liberty by Akart, Bobby
Washington's Generals: Questions and Answers on America's Earliest Military Leaders by Elder, Donald
Alexander Hamilton and the Battle of Yorktown, October 1781: The Winning of American Independence by
The Lionkeeper of Algiers: How an American Captive Rose to Power in Barbary and Saved His Homeland from War by Ekin, Des
The Lionkeeper of Algiers: How an American Captive Rose to Power in Barbary and Saved His Homeland from War by Ekin, Des
Alexander Hamilton and the Battle of Yorktown, October 1781: The Winning of American Independence by
Madison's Militia: The Hidden History of the Second Amendment by Bogus, Carl T.
Seven Virginians: The Men Who Shaped Our Republic by Boles, John B.
Saratoga: The Decisive Battle by Furneaux, Rupert
George Mason's America: The State Sovereignty Alternative to Madison's Centralized American Ruling Class Aristocracy: The State Sovereignty Al by Vass, Laurie Thomas
Remembering John Adams: The Second President in History, Memory and Popular Culture by Holdzkom, Marianne
Reviving Our Republic: Asking God to Help by Boggs, James
Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land: How Christianity Has Advanced Freedom and Equality for All Americans by Hall, Mark David
In Their Own Words: Short Stories of Pennsylvanians in the Revolutionary War by Semler, Edward L., Jr.
Writing Early America: From Empire to Revolution by Burnard, Trevor
Writing Early America: From Empire to Revolution by Burnard, Trevor
George Washington and the Irish: Incredible Stories of the Irish Spies, Soldiers, and Workers Who Helped Free America by O'Dowd, Niall
George Washington and the Irish: Incredible Stories of the Irish Spies, Soldiers, and Workers Who Helped Free America by O'Dowd, Niall
Muskets and Masquerades by Fera, Lindsey S.
The German Allied Troops in the North American War of Independence, 1776-1783 by Von Eelking, Max
What Sorrows Labour in My Parent's Breast?: A History of the Enslaved Black Family by Stevenson, Brenda E.
American Inheritance: Liberty and Slavery in the Birth of a Nation, 1765-1795 by Larson, Edward J.
American Inheritance: Liberty and Slavery in the Birth of a Nation, 1765-1795 by Larson, Edward J.
Field of Corpses: Arthur St. Clair and the Death of an American Army by Gaff, Alan D.
Journal of the American Revolution 2023: Annual Volume by
Field of Corpses: Arthur St. Clair and the Death of an American Army by Gaff, Alan D.
The Papers of George Washington: 7 March-5 May 1781 Volume 31 by Washington, George
Historical Essays by Duvall, Edward
Journey Toward A More Perfect Union: Travel to America's Founding to Alter the Constitution! by Schlegel, Ron
Washington's Marines: The Origins of the Corps and the American Revolution, 1775-1777 by Bohm, Jason Q.
Les Français en Amérique pendant la guerre de l'indépendance des États-Unis by Balch, Thomas
The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton by Porwancher, Andrew
Men of Mark in GEORGIA, Volume #3 by Northern, William J.
Abstracts of Early Deeds of Nash County, North Carolina, 1777-1868 by Watson, J. W.
Abstracts of Will Book 1, Nash County, North Carolina, 1778-1868 by Griffin, Margarette G., Williams, Ruth S.
Unfriendly to Liberty: Loyalist Networks and the Coming of the American Revolution in New York City by Minty, Christopher F.
The Age of Atlantic Revolution: The Fall and Rise of a Connected World by Griffin, Patrick
The Age of Atlantic Revolution: The Fall and Rise of a Connected World by Griffin, Patrick
The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Groom, Winston
Who's Your Founding Father?: One Man's Epic Quest to Uncover the First, True Declaration of Independence by Fleming, David
The High Ground: Why Civic Virtue Matters to America by Edgeworth, Dee R.
The High Ground: Why Civic Virtue Matters to America by Edgeworth, Dee R.
Shots Not Heard Round the World: The Assault and Raid on Fort William and Mary by Geanoulis, Michael J., Sr.
Boston Tea Party: The Shocking Event That Triggered the American Revolution (A Modern Editorial on the Boston Tea Party) by Scoggins, Gerald
American Slavers: Merchants, Mariners, and the Transatlantic Commerce in Captives, 1644 - 1865 by Kelley, Sean M.
American Slavers: Merchants, Mariners, and the Transatlantic Commerce in Captives, 1644 - 1865 by Kelley, Sean M.
The Journey Forward by Sagan, James
America's First Plague: The Deadly 1793 Epidemic That Crippled a Young Nation by Watson, Robert P.
The Battle of Upper Sandusky, 1782 by Sterner, Eric
Disunion Among Ourselves: The Perilous Politics of the American Revolution by Merritt, Eli
Our Flag Was Still There: The Star Spangled Banner That Survived the British and 200 Years―and the Armistead Family Who Saved It by McMillan, Tom
First Family: George Washington's Heirs and the Making of America by Good, Cassandra
War of Lies: When George Washington Was the Target and Propaganda Was the Crime by Cook, Jane Hampton
Our Flag Was Still There: The Star Spangled Banner That Survived the British and 200 Years--And the Armistead Family Who Saved It by McMillan, Tom
First Family: George Washington's Heirs and the Making of America by Good, Cassandra A.
Rebels at Sea: Privateering in the American Revolution by Dolin, Eric Jay
The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775; With Numerous Illustrative Notes by Tomlinson, Abraham
Patrick Henry by Tyler, Moses
The Past and the Present Condition, and the Destiny, of the Colored Race by Garnet, Henry Highland
Prisoners of Congress: Philadelphia's Quakers in Exile, 1777-1778 by Donoghue II, Norman E.
The Whiskey Rebellion: A Distilled History of an American Crisis by Crytzer, Brady J.
Vie de Benjamin Franklin, écrite par lui-même - Tome 2); suivie de ses oeuvres morales, politiques et littéraires by Franklin, Benjamin
Vie de Benjamin Franklin, écrite par lui-même (Tome 1); Suivie de ses oeuvres morales, politiques et littéraires by Franklin, Benjamin
Life of Adam Smith by Rae, John
The Charles Asgill Affair. Setting the Record Straight by Ammundsen, Anne
Fourteenth Colony: The Forgotten Story of the Gulf South During America's Revolutionary Era by Bunn, Mike
The Winning of the West, Vol. 2: From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783 by Roosevelt, Theodore
The Winning of the West, Vol. 2: From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783 by Roosevelt, Theodore
The Church of Saint Thomas Paine: A Religious History of American Secularism by Schmidt, Leigh Eric
An American Companion: The Founding Documents of the United States of America and Other Selected Writings: The Founding Documents of the by
Fourteenth Colony: The Forgotten Story of the Gulf South During America's Revolutionary Era by Bunn, Mike
South Carolina Provincials: Loyalists in British Service During the American Revolution by Piecuch, Jim
United for Independence: The American Revolution in the Middle Colonies, 1775-1776 by Cecere, Michael
The Enemy Harassed: Washington's New Jersey Campaign of 1777 by Stempel, Jim
The Enemy Harassed: Washington's New Jersey Campaign of 1777 by Stempel, Jim
American Revolution 1775 to 1781 by Linville, Rich
To the Last Extremity: The Battles for Charleston, 1776-1782 by Maloy, Mark
Memory Wars: Settlers and Natives Remember Washington's Sullivan Expedition of 1779 by Smith, A. Lynn
Victory or Death: Military Decisions that Changed the Course of the American Revolution by Crowder, Jack Darrell
The Story of Yorktown: Told By the Men Who Were There by Crowder, Darrell
Theaters of the American Revolution: Northern, Middle, Southern, Western, Naval by Preston, David, Lender, Mark Edward, Martin, James Kirby
The Continental Dollar: How the American Revolution Was Financed with Paper Money by Grubb, Farley
The Sewing Girl's Tale: A Story of Crime and Consequences in Revolutionary America by Sweet, John Wood
Hessians: Officer, Baroness, Chaplain--Three German Experiences in the American Revolution by Crytzer, Brady J.
Loyalists in East Florida, 1774-1785, Records of their Claims for Losses of Property in the Province. (Volume #2) by Siebert, Wilbur H.
The King's Mountain Men, The Story of the Battle with Sketches of the American Soldiers who took Part by White, Katherine K.
South Carolinians in the Revolution with Service Records and Miscellaneous Data by Ervin, Sara Sullivan
Pitt County, North Carolina Deeds, 1761-1785. (Volume #1) by Ellison, Judith D.
Das Heilige Römische Reich Teutscher Nation Im Kampf Mit Friedrich Dem Grossen: Bd. Joseph Friedrich, Herzog Zu Sachsen-Hildburghausen, Des Heiligen R by Brabant, Artur
A Record of the Dedication of the Monument on Dorchester Heights, South Boston, Built by the Commonwealth as a Memorial of the Evacuation of Boston, M by Lodge, Henry Cabot 1850-1924
The Battle Of Bennington Should Be Called The Battle Of Walloomsac by Locke, Sylvanus Dyer
La Crise Américaine... by Paine, Thomas
The Historical Writings Of John Fiske: The Critical Period Of American History, 1783-1789 by Fiske, John
History of the Western Insurrection...1794 by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
The Federalist, on the new Constitution; Volume 2 by Hamilton, Alexander, Madison, James, Jay, John
The Struggle for American Independence; Volume 1 by Fisher, Sydney George
The Life of Major General James Jackson by
The Ordinance of July 13,1787 by Cutler, William Parker
History of the Federal Government: For Fifty Years: From March, 1789 to March, 1839 by Bradford, Alden
The Story of the Constitution of the United States by Johnson, Rossiter
Orderly Book of Sir John Johnson During the Oriskany Campaign, 1776-1777 by Johnson, John
The Life and Times of Hon. Humphrey Marshall: Sometime an Officer in the Revolutionary War ... Senator in Congress From 1795 to 1801 by Quisenberry, Anderson Chenault
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson; Volume 13 by Bergh, Albert Ellery, Lipscomb, Andrew Adgate, Jefferson, Thomas
American Patriotism Farther Confronted With Reason, Scripture, and the Constitution: Observations On the Dangerous Politicks Taught by Mr. Evans, and by Fletcher, John William
Old Family Letters: Contains Letters Of John Adams, All But The First Two Addressed To Dr. Benjamin Rush by Biddle, Alexander, Jefferson, Thomas, Adams, John
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence; Volume 4 by Waln, Robert, Sanderson, John, Gilpin, Henry D. 1801-1860
Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. A Compilation From the Archives; Volume 8 by
The Ordinance Of 1787, And Dr. Manasseh Cutler As An Agent In Its Formation by Poole, William Frederick
John Connolly, a Tory of the Revolution by Burton, Clarence Monroe
Documentary History of the American Revolution: Consisting of Letters and Papers Relating to the Contest for Liberty, Chiefly in South Carolina, From by Gibbes, Robert W. 1809-1866
A Historical Account of Connecticut Currency, Continental Money, and the Finances of the Revolution by Bronson, Henry
The Irish Contribution to America's Independence by Maginniss, Thomas Hobbs
The City of New York Washington's Inauguration by Smith, Thomas E. V.
The Green Mountain Boys by Thompson, D. P.
A New Historic Manual Concerning The Three Battles At Trenton And Princeton, New Jersey: During The War For American Independence, In 1776 And 1777 by Haven, Charles Chauncy
The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, From 1749 to 1774, Comprising a Detailed Narrative of the Origin and Early Stages of the American Re by Hutchinson, Thomas
Daring Deeds of the Old Heroes of the Revolution by Watson, Henry C.
Revolutionary Reminiscences Of Camden County: (originally Part Of "old Gloucester") State Of New Jersey by Clement, John
Lynn in the Revolution Volume pt.1 by
"evacuation Day", 1783: Its Many Stirring Events: With Recollections Of Capt. John Van Arsdale, Of The Veteran Corps Of Artillery, By Whose Ef by Riker, James
Relations Between Bermuda and the American Colonies During the Revolutionary War by Verrill, A. E. 1839-1926
New Travels Through North-america: In A Series Of Letters; Exhibiting The History Of The Victorious Campaign Of The Allied Armies, Under His Excellenc by 1750-1794, Robin Abbé
Moses Lindo. A Sketch of the Most Prominent Jew in Charleston in Provincial Days by Elzas, Barnett A. 1867-1936
Orderly Book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, From His Entry Into the State of New York Until His Surrender at Saratoga, 16th Oct. 1777 by Burgoyne, John 1722-1792
Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution. pts. 2-4 by Lossing, Benson John
The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: With a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations; Volume 01 by Adams, John, Adams, Charles Francis
Statue Of Colonel Thomas Knowlton: Ceremonies At The Unveiling by Woodward, Patrick Henry, Woodward, Ashbel
Life and Services of Gen. Anthony Wayne: Founded On Documentary and Other Evidence, Furnished by His Son, Col. Isaac Wayne by Moore, Horatio Newton
Correspondence of the American Revolution: Being Letters of Eminent men to George Washington, From the Time of his Taking Command of the Army to the e by Sparks, Jared
The Constitutional History of the United States, 1765/1895: 1788-1861 by Thorpe, Francis Newton
The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution: Being the Letters of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, John Adams, John Jay, Arthur Lee, Willi by Anonymous
Letters of Members of the Continental Congress; Volume 1 by Burnett, Edmund Cody
The Trumbull Papers: Early Miscellaneous Papers Relating To The Narragansett Country. Letters Of William Samuel Johnson. Letters Of Jededia by Huntington, Jedediah, Trumbull, Jonathan
Centennial Orations Commemorative of the Opening Events of the American Revolution: With Other Proceedings, 1874-1875 by
The Washingtoniana by Anonymous
The Siege of Savannah: By the Combined American and French Forces, Under the Command of Gen. Lincoln by Hough, Franklin Benjamin
Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789; Volume 2 by Hill, Roscoe R., Fitzpatrick, John Clement, Ford, Worthington Chauncey
A List of Revolutionary Soldiers of Berwick by Spencer, Wilbur Daniel
Notes On The State Of Virginia: With An Appendix by Jefferson, Thomas
Lynn in the Revolution, Part 2 by Sanderson, Howard Kendall
Lynn in the Revolution by Sanderson, Howard Kendall
Siege and Evacuation of Boston and Charlestown: With a Brief Account of Pre-Revolutionary Public Buildings by Wheildon, William Willder
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