• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian & Former Soviet Union Art in 2020

Dear Tolstoy, Yours Gandhi: A Novel Based on the True Correspondence by Kis-Lev, Jonathan
Dear Tolstoy, Yours Gandhi: A Novel Based on the True Correspondence by Kis-Lev, Jonathan
Avant-Garde and Propaganda: Books and Magazines in Soviet Russia by
Tarot Majors by Mebes, G. O.
Comradely Objects: Design and Material Culture in Soviet Russia, 1960s-80s by Karpova, Yulia
20+ Creative Ways to Decorate Eggs (for Easter or any time) by Gumdrop Press
Alexey Titarenko: Nomenklatura of Signs by
Cinemasaurus: Russian Film in Contemporary Context by
Cinemasaurus: Russian Film in Contemporary Context by
Love's Flower: Haiku by Levin, Simon
Google Drive And Docs In 1 Hour: Beginners Guide to Mastering Google Drive and Docs with Illustrations by Richard, Derrick
MALTROSCHKA - Das Matryoschka Malbuch: Liebevoll gestaltetes Malbuch für Matryoschka Liebhaber und Russland Fans Süße Babuschka Puppen und russische M by Russianlife Designs
The Legend of the Firebird: The Coloring Book of Russian Folk Tales by Tales, Russian Folk
Magda Nachman: An Artist in Exile by Bernstein, Lina
Russian Oil Paintings: Canvases of Insight by Kvamme, Gary Lee
The Russian Budget by
Faster, Higher, Stronger, Comrades!: Sports, Art, and Ideology in Late Russian and Early Soviet Culture by Harte, Tim
The ABC of Russian Art from the State Tretyakov Gallery by Byalik, Valentina
Mikhail Larionov by
Practicing the Good: Desire and Boredom in Soviet Socialism by Chukhrov, Keti
Fade from Red: The Cold War Ex-Enemy in Russian and American Film 1990-2005 by Helena Goscilo, Margaret B. Goscilo
Magda Nachman: An Artist in Exile by Bernstein, Lina
Culture and Communication: Signs in Flux. an Anthology of Major and Lesser-Known Works by Lotman, Yuri
Culture and Communication: Signs in Flux. an Anthology of Major and Lesser-Known Works by Lotman, Yuri
The Lost Pianos of Siberia by Roberts, Sophy
The Lost Pianos of Siberia by Roberts, Sophy
Wholly Esenin: Poems by Sergei Esenin by Esenin, Sergei
Modernism and the Spiritual in Russian Art: New Perspectives by Hardiman, Louise
Modernism and the Spiritual in Russian Art: New Perspectives by Hardiman, Louise
She Animates: Soviet Female Subjectivity in Russian Animation by Mjolsness, Lora, Leigh, Michele
She Animates: Soviet Female Subjectivity in Russian Animation by Mjolsness, Lora, Leigh, Michele
Magnetic Woman: Toyen and the Surrealist Erotic by Huebner, Karla
Renaissance Realm: The Art of Olga Suvorova by Fishel, Michael
Beyond Fabergé: Imperial Russian Jewelry by Betteley, Marie, Schimmelpenninck Van Der Oye, David
Representing Russia's Orient: From Ethnography to Art Song by Issiyeva, Adalyat
Model of a Summer Camp by Argounova-Low, Tatiana, Brown, Alison K., Jansari, Sushma