• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian & Former Soviet Union Art in 2022

Andrei Tarkovsky by Martin, Sean
Fabergé: Romance to Revolution by
Malevich and Interwar Modernism: Russian Art and the International of the Square by Forgács, Éva
Glacier Elegies by Peerna, Jaanika
The Darling and Other Stories The Tales of Chekhov Vol. I by Chekhov, A. P.
Photography and Political Repressions in Stalin's Russia: Defacing the Enemy by Skopin, Denis
Art Judgements: Art on Trial in Russia after Perestroika by Frimmel, Sandra
Building a New World: Communist Propaganda Posters by
The ABC of Russian Art from the State Tretyakov Gallery by Byalik, Valentina
Russian Realisms: Literature and Painting, 1840-1890 by Brunson, Molly
Frédéric Chaubin. Cccp. Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed. 40th Ed. by Chaubin, Frédéric
Fedor Bondarchuk: Stalingrad by Norris, Stephen M.
Ilya and Emilia Kabakov: Paintings about Paintings by
Fast Forward: The Aesthetics and Ideology of Speed in Russian Avant-Garde Culture, 1910-1930 by Harte, Timothy
The Secret Police of Russia: Neglectful Treatment, Cooperation, and Giving in (2022 Guide for Beginners) by Booth, Marc
Soviet Union Spy Operations: Learn About the Soviet Union's Most Notorious Spy Organization and Its Lasting Impact on World History (2022 Guide for by Holt, Roger
Punk Orientalism: The Art of Rebellion by Raza, Sara
Nicholas Roerich: The Artist Who Would Be King by McCannon, John
Encyclopédie des peintres russes et soviétiques. Vol. I: A-D (planches illustrées) by Page, Alexandre
Russian Art in the New Millennium by Lucie-Smith, Edward, Reviakin, Sergei
Picturing Russia's Men: Masculinity and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Painting by Leigh, Allison