• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian History in 1988

Russian Drama of the Revolutionary Period by Russell, Robert
The Emergence of the Modern Russian State, 1855-81 by McCauley, Martin, Waldron, Peter
Soviet Communists in Power: A Study of Moscow During the Civil War, 1918-21 by Sakwa, R.
Those Who Stayed Behind: Rural Society in Nineteenth-Century New England by Barron, Hal S.
The Emergence of the Modern Russian State, 1855-81 by McCauley, Martin, Waldron, Peter
The Making of Three Russian Revolutionaries by Haimson, Leopold H.
Soviet Society Under Gorbachev: Current Trends and the Prospects for Change by Friedberg, Maurice, Isham, Heyward
Stalin: Russia's Man of Steel by Marrin, Albert
Burning Lights by Chagall, Bella
The Anglo-American Winter War with Russia, 1918-1919: A Diplomatic and Military Tragicomedy by Rhodes, Benjamin D.
Stakhanovism and the Politics of Productivity in the Ussr, 1935-1941 by Siegelbaum, Lewis H.
Revolution and Culture by Sochor, Zenovia A.
The Travel Diary of Peter Tolstoi by Tolstoi, Peter
British Intelligence and the Formation Of a Policy Toward Russia, 1917-18: Missing Dimension or Just Missing? by Babiuk, Darvin
Leon Trotsky and the Art of Insurrection 1905-1917 by Nelson, Harold Walter
The Other Europe: Eastern Europe to 1945 by Walters, E.
Nobility and Privilege in Late Imperial Russia by Becker, Seymour
The Soviet Union: Party and Society by
Spetsnaz: The Inside Story of the Soviet Special Forces by Suvorov, Viktor
10. September 1855 Bis 23. Juli 1856 by
For Whom Do I Toil?: Judah Leib Gordon and the Crisis of Russian Jewry by Stanislawski, Michael
Soviet Ideologies in the Period of Glasnost: Responses to Brezhnev's Stagnation by Shlapentokh, Valdimir
The Generation of Power: The History of Dneprostroi by Rassweiler, Anne D.
Stalinism and After: The Road to Gorbachev by Nove, Alec
The Costs of War: The Health Consequences of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by Mazzarino, Andrea
From Privileged to Dispossessed: The Volga Germans, 1860-1917 by Long, James W.
Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution by Stites, Richard
Encyclopedia of Ukraine: Volume II: G-K by
Red Bread by Hindus, Maurice