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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian History in 1996

Russia's Transition to Democracy by Murrell, G. D. G.
Russia's Transition to Democracy: An Internal Political History, 1989-1996 by Murrell, G. D. G.
From Stalinism to Pluralism: A Documentary History of Eastern Europe Since 1945 by Stokes, Gale
Stalin's Peasants: Resistance and Survival in the Russian Village After Collectivization by Fitzpatrick, Shelia, Fitzpatrick, Sheila
Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917 by Hamm, Michael F.
Muscovy and Sweden in the Thirty Years' War 1630 1635 by Porshnev, B. F.
From Tsar To Soviets by Reed, Christopher
The Struggle for Power by Vilkova, Alentina
Zhukov At the Oder: The Decisive Battle for Berlin by Le Tissier, Tony
The Dream That Failed: Reflections on the Soviet Union by Laqueur, Walter
Britain and the Last Tsar: British Policy and Russia, 1894-1917 by Neilson, Keith
The Politics of Industrialization in Tsarist Russia by McCaffray, Susan
Russian Culture At The Crossroads: Paradoxes Of Postcommunist Consciousness by N. Shalin, Dmitri
The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts After Communism (Pulitzer Prize Winner) by Rosenberg, Tina
Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939-1956 by Holloway, David
Between the Fields and the City: Women, Work, and Family in Russia, 1861 1914 by Barbara Alpern, Engel, Engel, Barbara Alpern
The Russian Tragedy: The Burden of History: The Burden of History by Ragsdale, Hugh
The Russian Tragedy: The Burden of History: The Burden of History by Ragsdale, Hugh
The Emergence of Russia 750-1200 by Shepard, Jonathan, Franklin, Simon
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia Volume 4: Crisis and Progress in the Soviet Economy, 1931-1933 by Davies, R. W.
The Tsarist Secret Police in Russian Society, 1880-1917 by Zuckerman, Frederic S., Zuckerman, F.
Remembering Stalin's Victims: Popular Memory and the End of the USSR by Smith, Kathleen E.
A Democracy Of Despots by Murray, Donald
The Russian Far East: A History by Stephan, John J.
The Tsarist Secret Police and Russian Society, 1880-1917 by Zuckerman, Fredric S.
Rulers and Subjects: Government and People in Russia 1801-1991 by Gooding, John
The Lesser Terror: Soviet State Security, 1939-1953 by Parrish, Michael
Tattered Banners: Labor, Conflict, And Corporatism In Postcommunist Russia by Connor, Walter
Russia - Women - Culture by
Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment by Wolff, Larry
A History of Jewish Life from Eastern Europe to America by Meltzer, Milton
The Baltic States: The National Self-Determination of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by
Belarus: From Soviet Rule to Nuclear Catastrophe by Marples, D.
The Early Slavs: Eastern Europe from the Initial Settlement to the Kievan Rus by Dolukhanov, Pavel
Rewriting Caucasian History by Thomson, Robert W.
Proceedings of the Caucasian Archaeographical Commission 1866-1904 Hardback Contents Guide and Proceedings Microfiche Box Set by
The Eastern Question 1774-1923: Revised Edition by Macfie, Alexander Lyon
Laboratory of Dreams: The Russian Avant-Garde & Cultural Experiment by
Eco-Nationalism: Anti-Nuclear Activism and National Identity in Russia, Lithuania, and Ukraine by Dawson, Jane I.
After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent States by Khazanov, Anatoly M.
Stalin's Reluctant Soldier: A Social History of the Red Army, 1925-1941 by Reese, Roger R.
Leninism by Harding, Neil
Russian Imperialism: Development and Crisis by Cohen, Ariel
Religion in the Soviet Union: An Archival Reader by Corley, F.
Religion in the Soviet Union: An Archival Reader by Corley, F.
Stalin's Letters to Molotov: 1925-1936 by Stalin, Josef
Stillborn Crusade: The Tragic Failure of Western Intervention in the Russian Civil War 1918-1920 by Somin, Ilya
Religion in the Soviet Union: An Archival Reader by Corley, Felix
Revolution And Transition In East-central Europe: Second Edition by Mason, David
Central and Eastern Europe, 1944 1993: Detour from the Periphery to the Periphery by Ivan, Berend, Berend, Ivan T.
Power Game: How Washington Works by Smith, Hedrick
The Politics of Punishment by Adams, Bruce F.
Russia's First Modern Jews: The Jews of Shklov by
The Slave Soul of Russia: Moral Masochism and the Cult of Suffering by Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel
Lithuanian Jewish Communities by Schoenburg, Nancy, Schoenburg, Stuart
The Romanovs: The Final Chapter by Massie, Robert K.
The Russian Civil War: Documents from the Soviet Archives by
The French Revolution in Russian Intellectual Life: 1865-1905 by Shlapentokh, Dmitry
A Freeborn People: Politics and the Nation in Seventeenth-Century England by Underdown, David
Ukrainian Nationalism in the 1990s by Wilson, Andrew
Ukrainian Nationalism in the 1990s: A Minority Faith by Wilson, Andrew
Soviet Criminal Justice Under Stalin by Solomon, Peter H., Jr., Solomon, Jr.
Soviet Criminal Justice Under Stalin by Solomon, Peter H., Jr.
Accounting for War: Soviet Production, Employment, and the Defence Burden, 1940 1945 by Harrison, Mark
Torture: An Expert's Confrontation with an Everyday Evil by Peters, Edward
Arctic Mirrors: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History by Slezkine, Yuri
Serbia's Secret War: Propaganda and the Deceit of History by Cohen, Philip J.
Stalinism in a Russian Province: Collectivization and Dekulakization in Siberia by Hughes, J.
The Disintegration of the Soviet Union: A Study in the Rise and Triumph of Nationalism by Fowkes, B.
And Now My Heart is Hardened: Abandoned Children in Soviet Russia, 1918-1930 by Ball, Alan M.
The Soviet Union and Europe in the Cold War, 1943-53 by
'By the Banks of the Neva': Chapters from the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia by Cross, Anthony
Power in the Party: The Organization of Power and Central-Republican Relations in the Cpsu by Gill, G., Pitty, R.
Tolstoy and the Genesis of War and Peace by Feuer, Kathryn B.
Lithuania: The Rebel Nation by Sedaitis, Judith, Stanley Vardys, V., Vardys, V. Stanley
An Ethnic History of Russia: Pre-Revolutionary Times to the Present by Mastiugina, T. M.
A Concise History of the Russian Revolution by Pipes, Richard
The Russian Empire and the World, 1700-1917: The Geopolitics of Expansion and Containment by Ledonne, John P.
Reforming Justice in Russia, 1864-1994: Power, Culture and the Limits of Legal Order by Solomon, Peter H.
Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century by Kivelson, Valerie A.
No Asylum: State Psychiatric Repression in the Former USSR by Smith, Theresa C., Oleszczuk, Thomas
Public Opinion in Postcommunist Russia by Wyman, Matthew
Towards an Intellectual History of Ukraine: An Anthology of Ukrainian Thought from 1710 to 1995 by
Russian Civil-Military Relations by Herspring, Dale R.
Reforming the Russian Legal System by Gordon B., Smith, Smith, Gordon B.
Dostoevsky: The Miraculous Years, 1865-1871 by Frank, Joseph
Women in Russian History: From the Tenth to the Twentieth Century by Pushkareva, Natalia
Shamanic Worlds: Rituals and Lore of Siberia and Central Asia by Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam