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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian History in 1997

Russian Academicians and the Revolution: Combining Professionalism and Politics by Tolz, Vera
Merchants and Markets in Revolutionary Russia, 1917-30 by Banerji, Arup
Decision-Making in the Stalinist Command Economy, 1932-37 by
Security Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent States: The Southern Belt by
From Peace to War: Germany, Soviet Russia, and the World, 1939-1941 by
E.Europe Commonwealth & IND Sta 97 by
Industry, State, and Society in Stalin's Russia, 1926-1934 by Shearer, David R.
Industry, State, and Society in Stalin's Russia, 1926Ð1934 by Shearer, David R.
Scorched Earth: The Russian-German War 1943-1944 by Carell, Paul
Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18th to the Early 20th Centuries by
Time and Revolution: Marxism and the Design of Soviet Institutions by Hanson, Stephen E.
On Ruins of Empire: Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Former Soviet Union by Mirskil, Georgii Il'ich, Mirsky, Georgiy I., Mirskii, G. I.
The Life and Times of Soviet Socialism by Dowlah, Abu F., Dowlah, Alex F., Elliott, John E.
Gorbachev and His Revolution by Galeotti, Mark
A Normal Totalitarian Society: How the Soviet Union Functioned and How It Collapsed by Shlapentokh, Vladimir
After Empire: Multiethnic Societies And Nation-building: The Soviet Union And The Russian, Ottoman, And Habsburg Empires by Hagen, Mark Von, Barkey, Karen
Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961 by Na, Na
The Ambassadors and America's Soviet Policy by Mayers, David
St. Petersburg: A Cultural History by Volkov, Solomon
The Collapse of the Soviet Empire: A View from Riga by Neimanis, George J.
Soviet History in the Yeltsin Era by Davies, R. W.
The Fall of the Romanovs: Political Dreams and Personal Struggles in a Time of Revolution by Steinberg, Mark D., Khrustalëv, Vladimir M.
Comrade Criminal: Russia`s New Mafiya by Handelman, Stephen
Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization by Kotkin, Stephen
Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolchak, 1918 1920 by Smele, Jonathan D.
Afghanistan by Kakar, Mohammed
The Rebirth of Politics in Russia by Urban, Michael E.
The Rebirth of Politics in Russia by Sergei, Mitrokhin, Michael, Urban, Vyacheslav, Igrunov
A Course in Russian History: The Time of Catherine the Great by Kliuchevsky, Vasili O., Shatz, Marshall S.
The Russian Empire in the Eighteenth Century: Tradition and Modernization: Tradition and Modernization by Griffiths, David, Kamenskii, Aleksandr
A Course in Russian History: The Time of Catherine the Great by Shatz, Marshall S., Kliuchevsky, Vasili O.
Religion & Culture by
The Origins of Modern Science by Butterfield, Herbert
Literary Translation in Russia: A Cultural History by Friedberg, Maurice
The Newly Independent States of Eurasia: Handbook of Former Soviet Republics Second Edition by Batalden, Stephen K.
Anatomy of Mistrust: U.S.-Soviet Relations during the Cold War by Larson, Deborah Welch
Russia's Communists At The Crossroads by Urban, Joan, Solovei, Valerii
Lenin Lives!: The Lenin Cult in Soviet Russia, Enlarged Edition by Tumarkin, Nina
The Formation of the Soviet Union: Communism and Nationalism, 1917-1923, Revised Edition by Pipes, Richard
Changing Channels: Television and the Struggle for Power in America by Mickiewicz, Ellen
Democratization and Revolution in the USSR, 1985-91 by Hough, Jerry F.
Who's Who in Russia since 1900 by McCauley, Martin
Who's Who in Russia since 1900 by McCauley, Martin
The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture: From Tongan Villages to American Suburbs by
The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture: From Tongan Villages to American Suburbs by
The Making of Eastern Europe: From Prehistory to Postcommunism by Longworth, Philip
The End of Imperial Russia by Waldron, Peter
Russian-Ottoman Borderlands: The Eastern Question Reconsidered by
Systemwechsel Und Demokratisierung: Rußland Und Mittel-Osteuropa Nach Dem Zerfall Der Sowjetunion by
Three "Whys" of the Russian Revolution by Pipes, Richard
The Bolsheviks in Russian Society: The Revolution and the Civil Wars by
The Russian Intelligentsia by Pipes, Richard
Winter Warfare: Red Army Orders and Experiences by
Winter Warfare: Red Army Orders and Experiences by
Imperial and Soviet Russia: Power, Privilege and the Challenge of Modernity by Christian, David
Imperial and Soviet Russia: Power, Privilege and the Challenge of Modernity by Christian, David
Dead Again: The Russian Intelligentsia After Communism by Gessen, Masha
Russia S Orient: Imperial Borderlands and Peoples, 1700 1917 by
Invisible Allies by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Revolution of the Mind by David-Fox, Michael
The Russian Revolution: 1917-1921 by Kowalski, Ronald
The Russian Revolution: 1917-1921 by Kowalski, Ronald
States of Mind: American and Post-Soviet Perspectives on Contemporary Issues in Psychology by
Diplomacy and Deception: Secret History of Sino-Soviet Diplomatic Relations, 1917-27 by Elleman, Bruce
Bolshevik Women by Clements, Barbara Evans
Politics and Economics in the Russian Far East: Changing Ties with Asia-Pacific by
Russian Talk by Ries, Nancy
Russian Talk by Ries, Nancy
Stalin: The First In-depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents from Russia's Secret Archives by Radzinsky, Edvard
American Diplomats in Russia: Case Studies in Orphan Diplomacy, 1916-1919 by Allison, William
Food in Russian History and Culture by
Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century - And After by Crampton, R. J.
Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century - And After by Crampton, R. J.
Russia's Politics of Uncertainty by McAuley, Mary
The Rebirth of Russian Democracy: An Interpretation of Political Culture by Petro, Nicolai N.
The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949 by Naimark, Norman M.
Intimacy and Terror: Soviet Diaries of the 1930s by
The Russians: The People of Europe by Milner-Gulland, Robin
Inside the Kremlin During the Yom Kippur War by Israelyan, Victor
The Cold War: The United States and the Soviet Union 1917-1991 by Powaski, Ronald E.
The Cold War: The United States and the Soviet Union 1917-1991 by Powaski, Ronald E.
Social Identity in Imperial Russia by Wirtschafter, Elise Kimerling
Romantics, Reformers, Reactionaries by Martin, Alexander M.
Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia: Terror, Propaganda and Dissent, 1934-1941 by Davies, Sarah
Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia: Terror, Propaganda and Dissent, 1934 1941 by Davies, Sarah
Russia's Constitutional Revolution: Legal Consciousness and the Transition to Democracy, 1985-1996 by Ahdieh, Robert
Travels in a Europe Restored: 1989-1995 by Elstob, Eric C.
The Gorbachev Factor by Brown, Archie
Gorbachev's Reforms: de-Stalinization Through Demilitarization by Sternthal, Susanne
Freedom's Ordeal: The Struggle for Human Rights and Democracy in Post-Soviet States by Juviler, Peter
The Last Diary of Tsaritsa Alexandra by Alexandra, Tsaritsa
Education for Decline: Soviet Vocational and Technical Schooling from Khrushchev to Gorbachev by Soltys, Dennis
Bitter Legacy: Confronting the Holocaust in the USSR by
A History of Russia: Medieval, Modern, Contemporary C. 882-1996 by Dukes, P.
Cracks in the Iron Closet: Travels in Gay and Lesbian Russia by Tuller, David
Fighting in Hell: The German Ordeal on the Eastern Front by Tsouras, Peter G.
The Testimony of Lives: Narrative and memory in post-Soviet Latvia by Skultans, Vieda
The Testimony of Lives: Narrative and memory in post-Soviet Latvia by Skultans, Vieda
A Revolution Of Their Own: Voices Of Women In Soviet History by Engel, Barbara, Posadskaya-Vanderbeck, Anastasia
A History of Russia: Medieval, Modern, Contemporary, c.882-1996 by Dukes, Paul
Caught Between Roosevelt & Stalin by Dunn, Dennis J.
Diplomacy and Deception: Secret History of Sino-Soviet Diplomatic Relations, 1917-27 by Elleman, Bruce