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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian History in 2001

The United States Intervention in North Russia - 1918, 1919 the Polar Bear Odyssey by Crownover, Roger
Trade Unions in Russia and Ukraine by Davis, S.
Social Identities in Revolutionary Russia by Palat, Madhavan K.
The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia by Perrie, M.
Writing History in Twentieth-Century Russia: A View from Within by Litvin, A.
A People Born to Slavery by Poe, Marshall T.
Peter the Great Through British Eyes: Perceptions and Representations of the Tsar Since 1698 by Cross, Anthony
Russian Revolution Readings by
The Russian Revolution: The Essential Readings by
Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia: Arabic, Persian and Turkic Manuscripts (15th-19th Centuries) by
Tolstoy by Troyat, Henri
Of Religion and Empire by
Of Religion and Empire by
Crimean War by Sweetman, John
Possessed by Worobec, Christine D.
The Flight of the Romanovs: A Family Saga by Perry, John Curtis, Pleshakov, Constantine V.
Enemy at the Gates: The Battle for Stalingrad by Craig, William
Rewriting History in Soviet Russia: The Politics of Revisionist Historiography 1956-1974 by Markwick, R.
Rewriting History in Soviet Russia: The Politics of Revisionist Historiography 1956-1974 by Markwick, R.
Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution 1914-1921 by
The Russian Labour Market: Between Transition and Turmoil by Gimpelson, Vladimir, Lippoldt, Douglas
Age of Delirium: The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union by Satter, David
America's Secret War Against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920 by Foglesong, David S.
Decades of Crisis: Central and Eastern Europe Before World War II by Berend, Ivan T.
Thank You, Comrade Stalin!: Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold War by Brooks, Jeffrey
Stalinist Reconstruction and the Confirmation of a New Elite, 1945-1953 by Duskin, E.
Grand Delusion: Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia by Gorodetsky, Gabriel
Lenin: The Practice and Theory of Revolution by White, James D.
The Russian-Chechen Conflict 1800-2000: A Deadly Embrace by Seely, Robert
Russia by Tolz, Vera
The Forgotten: Catholics of the Soviet Empire from Lenin Through Stalin by Zugger, Christopher Lawrence
Hidden War: A Russian Journalist's Account of the Soviet War in Afghanistan by Borovik, Artyom
Russian Way of War by Harrison, Richard W.
A Century of Ambivalence, Second Expanded Edition: The Jews of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1881 to the Present by Gitelman, Zvi
Window on the East by Geraci, Robert
Chienne de Guerre a Woman Reporter Behind the Lines of the War in Chechnya by Nivat, Anne
Resistance and Rebellion by Petersen, Roger D.
The Russian Parliament: Institutional Evolution in a Transitional Regime, 1989-1999 by Remington, Thomas F.
Bloody Saturday in the Soviet Union: Novocherkassk, 1962 by Baron, Samuel H.
CIA's Analysis of the Soviet Union: 1947-1991 by
Battle for the Caucasus by Grechko, Andrei
The Russian Album by Ignatieff, Michael
War and Revolution: The United States and Russia, 1914-1921 by Saul, Norman E.
Power and Politics: The Psychology of Soviet-American Partnership by Bernstein, Jerome S.
Bulgaria: The Uneven Transition by Dimitrov, Vesselin
Social Identities in Revolutionary Russia by Palat, Madhavan K.
Estonia: Independence and European Integration by Smith, David
Epic Revisionism: Russian History and Literature as Stalinist Propaganda by
3. März 1855 Bis 29. Mai 1856 by
Crumbling Empire: The German Defeat in the East, 1944 by Mitcham, Samuel
Wings Over the Arctic by Vodopyanov, Mikhail, Vodop'ianov, Mikhail Vasil'evich
Between God and Tsar by Thyret, Isolde
The Struggle Against the State and Other Essays by Makhno, Nestor
Ideologies in Conflict: A Cold War Docu-Story by Adams, Chris
The Making and Breaking of the Soviet System: An Interpretation by Read, Christopher
Gender in Russian History and Culture by Edmondson, L.
Gender, Work and Wages in the Soviet Union: A Legacy of Discrimination by Katz, K.
Eastern Europe Since 1970: Decline of Socialism to Post-Communist Transition by Gokay, Bulent
Intergroup Relations in States of the Former Soviet Union: The Perception of Russians by
The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry by Grossman, Vasily
Days of a Russian Noblewoman by Labzina, Anna
Days of a Russian Noblewoman by Labzina, Anna
The Russian Empire: A Multi-ethnic History by Kappeler, Andreas
Toward the Rising Sun by Schimmelpenninck Van Der Oye, David
The Making of Nagorno-Karabagh: From Secession to Republic by Chorbajian, Levon
The Making of Nagorno-Karabagh: From Secession to Republic by Chorbajian, Levon
Peter the Great by Lee, Stephen J.
The Road to Life: (An Epic of Education), Part One by Makarenko, Anton Semenovich
Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin: Political Leadership in Russia's Transition by
In Search of Legality: Mikhail M. Speranskii and the Codification of Russian Law by Whisenhunt, William Benton
Education and Civic Culture in Post-Communist Countries by
Education and Civic Culture in Post-Communist Countries by
The East European Gypsies: Regime Change, Marginality, and Ethnopolitics by Barany, Zoltan
The East European Gypsies: Regime Change, Marginality, and Ethnopolitics by Barany, Zoltan
Afghanistan: The Soviet Union's Last War by Galeotti, Mark
Tent Life in Siberia by Kennan, George
I Saw a Nation Die!: "Men May Have Dreams" by Buczkowske, Bud
The Soviet General Staff at War: 1941-1945 by Shtemenko, S. M.
Cold War by
Peter the Great by Bushkovitch, Paul
The Conquest of Siberia: An Epic of Human Passions by Semyonov, Yuri K.
Writing History in Twentieth-Century Russia: A View from Within by Litvin, A.
Russia and Eastern Europe: A Bibliographic Guide to English-Language Publications, 1992-1999 by Burger, Robert H., Sullivan, Helen F.
Russia's Chechen Wars 1994-2000: Lessons from the Urban Combat by Oliker, Olga
Refining Russia: Advice Literature, Polite Culture, and Gender from Catherine to Yeltsin by Kelly, Catriona
At the Margins of Orthodoxy by Werth, Paul W.
The Russian Presidency: Society and Politics in the Second Russian Republic by Nichols, T.
Security Cooperation Between Russia and Ukraine in the Post-Soviet Era by Sanders, D.
The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia by Perrie, M.
Women in the Stalin Era by ILIC, Melanie
Women in the Stalin Era by ILIC, Melanie
Afghanistan: A Russian Soldier's Story by Tamarov, Vladislav
Trade Unions in Russia and Ukraine by Davis, S.
Russia and Armed Persuasion by Cimbala, Stephen J.
Failed Crusade: America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist Russia by Cohen, Stephen F.
Catherine the Great by Dixon, Simon
Till My Tale Is Told: Women's Memoirs of the Gulag by
Russia: A State of Uncertainty by Robinson, Neil
Russia: A State of Uncertainty by Robinson, Neil
A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-Making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin by
A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-Making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin by
Year of Stalingrad by Werth, Alexander
Nature's Diary by Prishvin, M.
Story of the Campaign of Sebastopol: Written in the Camp by Hamley, Lieut -Col E. Bruce
Socialism in Russia: Lenin and His Legacy, 1890-1991 by Gooding, J.
Nikolai Sukhanov: Chronicler of the Russian Revolution by Getzler, I.
Socialism in Russia: Lenin and His Legacy, 1890-1991 by Gooding, J.
The Rasputin File by Radzinsky, Edvard
Highlanders: A Journey to the Caucasus in Quest of Memory by Karny, Yo'av
Stories of the Crimean War by Tait, W. J.
The Emergence of the Eastern Powers, 1756-1775 by Scott, H. M.
Enemies Within the Gates?: The Comintern and the Stalinist Repression, 1934-1939 by Chase, William J.
Historical Dictionary of Medieval Russia by Langer, Lawrence N.
The Affirmative Action Empire by Martin, Terry
Stalin's Railroad: Turksib and the Building of Socialism by Payne, Matthew
Russian Masculinities in History and Culture by
After the Breakup of a Multi-Ethnic Empire: Russia, Successor States, and Eurasian Security by Birgerson, Susanne Michele
After the Breakup of a Multi-Ethnic Empire: Russia, Successor States, and Eurasian Security by Birgerson, Susanne
Russia's Revolution from Above, 1985-2000: Reform, Transition and Revolution in the Fall of the Soviet Communist Regime by Hahn, Gordon