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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian History in 2012

Kurma XI, a Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Cemetery on Lake Baikal, Siberia: Archaeological and Osteological Materials by
Western Anti-Communism and the Interdoc Network: Cold War Internationale by Scott-Smith, Giles
Russian and Soviet Diplomacy, 1900-39 by Kocho-Williams, Alastair
Soviet Women on the Frontline in the Second World War by Markwick, R., Cardona, E. Charon
Women in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Lives and Culture by
Berlin 1961: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth by Kempe, Frederick
Molotov's Magic Lantern by Polonsky, Rachel
Kiev 1941 by Stahel, David
The Return: Russia's Journey from Gorbachev to Medvedev by Treisman, Daniel
Russian Jews Between the Reds and the Whites, 1917-1920 by Budnitskii, Oleg
Authority and Control in International Communism: 1917-1967 by Morris, Bernard S.
Cold War: The Essential Reference Guide by
The History of Liberalism in Russia by Leontovitsch, Victor
Les Origines De La Russie Moderne: Ivan Le Terrible... by Waliszewski, Kazimierz
History of Russia from the Earliest Times to 1880, Volumes 2-3... by Rambaud, Alfred
The Elusive Empire: Kazan and the Creation of Russia, 1552a 1671 by Romaniello, Matthew P.
The Cinema of Tarkovsky Labyrinths of Space and Time by Skakov, Nariman
Propaganda State in Crisis: Soviet Ideology, Indoctrination, and Terror Under Stalin, 1927-1941 by Brandenberger, David
Bridge of Spies: A True Story of the Cold War by Whittell, Giles
Iron Lazar: A Political Biography of Lazar Kaganovich by Rees, E. A.
Rank and Style: Russians in State Service, Life, and Literature by Reyfman, Irina
Women in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Lives and Culture by
The Jews in Poland and Russia: Volume III: 1914 to 2008 by Polonsky, Antony
Rockets and People Volume IV: The Moon Race by Chertok, Boris
Letters from the Crimea, the Danube and Armenia: August 18, 1854, to November 17, 1858 by Gordon, Charles George
Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914 1922 by Retish, Aaron B.
Democracy Building and Civil Society in Post-Soviet Armenia by Ishkanian, Armine
Red Heat: Conspiracy, Murder, and the Cold War in the Caribbean by Von Tunzelmann, Alex
The Crimean War: A History by Figes, Orlando
The Invasion of the Crimea: From the Morrow of Inkerman to Fall of Canrobert. 1888... by Kinglake, Alexander William
Noike: A Memoir of Leon Ginsburg by Ginsburg, Suzanne
Keeping Faith with the Party: Communist Believers Return from the Gulag by Adler, Nanci
Le Musée Pittoresque Du Voyage Du Tsar... by Grand-Carteret, John
Everyday Life in Stalinist Estonia by Mertelsmann, Olaf
Reimagining Europe: Kievan Rus' in the Medieval World, 988-1146 by Raffensperger, Christian
Science and Ideology in Soviet Society: 1917-1967 by
The Czech and Slovak Legion in Siberia, 1917-1922 by Mohr, Joan McGuire
Nadeschda Plewitzkaja: Die Hofsängerin des Zaren wird zur Spionin by Hauptmann-Gurski, Almuth
Memorie di Caterina II: La giovinezza - I primi amori by Caterina II
Sibirische Geschichte Von Der Entdekkung Sibiriens Bis Auf Die Eroberung Dieses Lands Durch Die Russische Waffen... by Fischer, Johann Eberhard
Georgy Zhukov: Leadership, Strategy, Conflict by Forczyk, Robert
The Besieged: A Story of Survial by Walton, Caroline
The Great War with Russia: The Invasion of the Crimea; A Personal Retrospect of the Battles of the Alma, Balaclava, and Inkerman, and of the Wint by Russell, William Howard
The War, from the Landing at Gallipoli to the Death of Lord Raglan by Russell, William Howard
General Todleben's History of the Defence of Sebastopol, 1854 5: A Review by Russell, William Howard
Communism, Nationalism and Ethnicity in Poland, 1944-1950 by Fleming, Michael
The Caucasus Under Soviet Rule by Marshall, Alex
Muscovy and Sweden in the Thirty Years' War 1630 1635 by Dukes, Paul, Porshnev, B. F.
Reflections on the Failure of the First West Indian Federation by Springer, Hugh Worrell
Post-Communist Nostalgia by
War of the White Death: Finland against the Soviet Union, 1939-40 by Irincheev, Bair
This Crown Is Mine: History of Pretenders for the Crown, Civil War, and Foreign Invasion in Seventeenth-Century Russia by Levin, Benjamin
Ukrainian Intelligentsia in Post-Soviet L'viv: Narratives, Identity, and Power by Narvselius, Eleonora
The Memoirs of Count Witte: Translated from the Original Russian Manuscript and Edited ny Abraham Yarmolinksy by Yarmolinsky, Abraham
Russian History: A Very Short Introduction by Hosking, Geoffrey
Reconstructing the Cold War: The Early Years, 1945-1958 by Hopf, Ted
Erased Motherland: Manuchar Katchakhidze by Katchakhidze, Manuchar
The Colour Revolutions in the Former Soviet Republics: Successes and Failures by
The Baltic States from the Soviet Union to the European Union: Identity, Discourse and Power in the Post-Communist Transition of Estonia, Latvia and L by Mole, Richard
First Steps toward Détente: American Diplomacy in the Berlin Crisis, 1958-1963 by Williamson, Richard D.
Germany, Poland, and Postmemorial Relations: In Search of a Livable Past by
Germany, Poland, and Postmemorial Relations: In Search of a Livable Past by
From Splendor to Revolution by Gelardi, Julia P.
Motherland in Danger: Soviet Propaganda During World War II by Berkhoff, Karel C.
Siberia and the Exile System by Kennan, George
Siberia and the Exile System - Volume 2 by Kennan, George
Mémoires Du Chancelier Pasquier: Histoire de Mon Temps. 2 (Éd.1893-1895) by Pasquier, Étienne-Denis
Mémoires Du Chancelier Pasquier: Histoire de Mon Temps. 3 (Éd.1893-1895) by Pasquier, Étienne-Denis
Mémoires Du Chancelier Pasquier: Histoire de Mon Temps. 4 (Éd.1893-1895) by Pasquier, Étienne-Denis
Les Emprunts Russes Au Tribunal de l'Europe (Éd.1870) by Sans Auteur
Mémoires Du Chancelier Pasquier: Histoire de Mon Temps. 5 (Éd.1893-1895) by Pasquier, Étienne-Denis
Mémoires Du Chancelier Pasquier: Histoire de Mon Temps. 6 (Éd.1893-1895) by Pasquier, Étienne-Denis
Memoirs of a Revolutionary by Serge, Victor
Mémoires Du Chancelier Pasquier: Histoire de Mon Temps. 1 (Éd.1893-1895) by Pasquier, Étienne-Denis
Histoire Primitive Des Peuples de la Russie, (Éd.1802) by Potocki, Jan
L'Empire Ottoman, 1839-1877. l'Angleterre Et La Russie Dans La Question d'Orient (Éd.1877) by Sans Auteur
Essais d'Histoire Et de Critique: Metternich, Talleyrand, Mirabeau, (Éd.1883) by Sorel, Albert
Kaia, Heroine of the 1944 Warsaw Rising by Ziólkowska-Boehm, Aleksandra
Drei Monate in Sowjet-Russland by Holitscher, Arthur
Soviet Economic Development And American Business: Results Of The First Year Under The Five Year Plan And Further Perspectives by Bron, Saul G.
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture by
Conspirator: Lenin in Exile by Rappaport, Helen
Orthodox Russia in Crisis by Gruber, Isaiah
Energy Dependency, Politics and Corruption in the Former Soviet Union: Russia's Power, Oligarchs' Profits and Ukraine's Missing Energy Policy, 1995-20 by Balmaceda, Margarita M.
Russia's Battle with Crime, Corruption and Terrorism by
Soviet and Post-Soviet Identities by
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture by
Life in Post-Communist Eastern Europe After EU Membership by
Crisis in the Caucasus: Russia, Georgia and the West by
War, Evacuation, and the Exercise of Power: The Center, Periphery, and Kirov's Pedagogical Institute 1941-1952 by Holmes, Larry E.
Lenin's Terror: The Ideological Origins of Early Soviet State Violence by Ryan, James
Relation Du Voyage d'Adam Olearius En Moscovie, Tartarie Et Perse. Vol1 (Éd.1666) by Olearius, Adam
Soviet Communism and Western Opinion, 1919-1921 by Carroll, E. Malcolm
Two Generations of Soviet Man: A Study in the Psychology of Communism by Kosa, John
Prussian Schoolteachers: Profession and Office, 1763-1848 by La Vopa, Anthony J.
Muscovite and Mandarin: Russia's Trade with China and Its Setting, 1727-1805 by Foust, Clifford M.
Ephémérides Daces Ou Chronique de la Guerre de Quatre ANS (1736-1739) (Éd.1880-1888) by Dapontes, Kaisarios Konstantinos
Épisode de l'Histoire de Russie: Les Faux Démétrius (Éd.1853) by Mérimée, Prosper
Mémoires Du Duc de Rovigo, Pour Servir À l'Histoire de l'Empereur Napoléon. T. 1 (Éd.1828) by Savary, Anne-Jean-Marie-René
Les Français En Russie Et Les Russes En France: l'Ancien Régime, (Éd.1886) by Pingaud, Léonce
Twelve Months of a Soviet Childhood: Short Stories by Gousseva, Julia
The Color Revolutions by Mitchell, Lincoln A.
Roads to the Temple: Truth, Memory, Ideas, and Ideals in the Making of the Russian Revolution, 1987-1991 by Aron, Leon
Siberia and the Exile System 2 Volume Set by Kennan, George
Two Shining Souls: Jane Addams, Leo Tolstoy, and the Quest for Global Peace by Cracraft, James
The Demise of the Soviet Communist Party by Ogushi, Atsushi
A Bride for the Tsar: Bride-Shows and Marriage Politics in Early Modern Russia by Martin, Russell E.
The Russian Nanny, Real and Imagined: History, Culture, Mythology by Grant, Steven a.
The Russian Nanny, Real and Imagined: History, Culture, Mythology by Grant, Steven a.
The Decay of Czarism: The Beiliss Trial by Tager, Alexander B.
Academic Encounter: The American University In Japan And Korea by Bronfenbrenner, Martin
The Russian Military and the Georgia War: Lessons and Implications by Cohen, Ariel, Hamilton, Robert E., Institute, Strategic Studies
Organization Change in the Russian Airborne Forces: The Lessons of the Georgian Conflict by Thornton, Rod
Soviet Women on the Frontline in the Second World War by Cardona, E. Charon, Markwick, R.
On Sledge and Horseback to Outcast Siberian Lepers by Marsden, Kate
From Symbolism to Socialist Realism: A Reader by
Russia's People of Empire: Life Stories from Eurasia, 1500 to the Present by
Opposing Jim Crow: African Americans and the Soviet Indictment of U.S. Racism, 1928-1937 by Roman, Meredith L.
A History of Women in Russia: From Earliest Times to the Present by Clements, Barbara Evans
From Symbolism to Socialist Realism: A Reader by
Solidarity: The Great Workers Strike of 1980 by Szporer, Michael M.
Lists Des Francois Et Suisses from an Old Manuscript List of French and Swiss Protestants Settled in Charleston, on the Santee River and at the Orange by Ravenel, Daniel
The USA in the Making of the USSR: The Washington Conference 1921-22 and 'Uninvited Russia' by Dukes, Paul
Post-Soviet States: Two Decades of Transition & Transformation by
Can Russia Reform? Economic, Political, and Military Perspectves by Blank, Stephen J.
Soviet Biological Weapons Program: A History by Zilinskas, Raymond A., Leitenberg, Milton
Symphonie en rouge majeur by Landowsky, Josef
La corte di Caterina II di Russia: I collaboratori Gli amici I favoriti by Waliszewski, K.
Soviet Rule in Russia by Batsell, Walter Russell
Russian Cosmists: The Esoteric Futurism of Nikolai Federov and His Followers by Young, George M.
Rent from the Land: A Political Ecology of Postsocialist Rural Transformation by Stahl, Johannes
十年沧桑:东欧诸国的经济社会转轨与思&#2481 by Jin Yan Qin Hui
Between East and West: The Origins of Modern Russia: 862-1953 by Charques, R. D.
Decision in the Ukraine: German Panzer Operations on the Eastern Front, Summer 1943 by Nipe, George M.
The End and the Beginning: The Revolutions of 1989 and the Resurgence of History by
Russia, Russians, and Russian Art, 1890 by Eugene-Melchior De Vogue, The Vicomte, Child, Theodore
Revolution Besieged, Volume 3: Lenin 1917-1923 by Cliff, Tony
Physical Culture and Sport in Soviet Society: Propaganda, Acculturation, and Transformation in the 1920s and 1930s by Grant, Susan
The Most Intentional City: St. Petersburg in the Reign of Catherine the Great by Munro, George E.
Odessa: Genius and Death in a City of Dreams by King, Charles
Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 by Rybin, Yuriy
Popular Television in Eastern Europe During and Since Socialism by
Moscow, 1937 by Schlögel, Karl
Russian Politics: The Paradox of a Weak State by Mendras, Marie
Fascination and Enmity: Russia and Germany as Entangled Histories, 1914-1945 by
A History of Russia, V1 by Kluchevsky, Vasilii Osipovich
Bridging Divides: Ethno-Political Leadership Among the Russian Sámi by Overland, Indra, Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel
The Great Friendship: Soviet Historians on the Non-Russian Nationalities by Tillett, Lowell R.
Planning Reforms in the Soviet Union, 1962-1966: An Analysis of Recent Trends in Economic Organization and Management by Zaleski, Eugène
Uncertain Empire: American History and the Idea of the Cold War by
Stalinist Terror in Eastern Europe: Elite purges and mass repression by
The Soviet Model and Underdeveloped Countries by Wilber, Charles K.
A History Of Russia, V2 by Kluchevsky, Vasilii Osipovich
A History Of Russia, V5 by Kluchevsky, Vasilii Osipovich
Real and Financial Economic Dynamics in Russia and Eastern Europe by
The Cuban Missile Crisis in American Memory: Myths Versus Reality by Stern, Sheldon M.
The Cuban Missile Crisis in American Memory: Myths Versus Reality by Stern, Sheldon M.
Caviar with Rum: Cuba-USSR and the Post-Soviet Experience by
Caviar with Rum: Cuba-USSR and the Post-Soviet Experience by
A History of the French Labor Movement, 1910-1928 by Clark, Marjorie Ruth
Russia, NATO and Cooperative Security: Bridging the Gap by Ponsard, Lionel
Tolstoy on War: Narrative Art and Historical Truth in War and Peace by
Tolstoy on War: Narrative Art and Historical Truth in War and Peace by
Russia in 1913 by Dowler, Wayne
The Cossack Myth by Plokhy, Serhii
The Romanovs: The Final Chapter by Massie, Robert K.
Peter the Great: His Life and World by Massie, Robert K.
Nicholas and Alexandra: The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty by Massie, Robert K.
Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman by Massie, Robert K.
The Russian Revolution of 1905: Centenary Perspectives by
Building Democracy and Civil Society East of the Elbe: Essays in Honour of Edmund Mokrzycki by Eliaeson, Sven
Tower of Secrets: A Real Life Spy Thriller by Sheymov, Victor
Glasnost' in Action (Routledge Revivals): Cultural Renaissance in Russia by Nove, Alec
Visions of a New Land: Soviet Film from the Revolution to the Second World War by Widdis, Emma
State Secularism and Lived Religion in Soviet Russia and Ukraine by
The Heavens Are Empty: Discovering the Lost Town of Trochenbrod by Bendavid-Val, Avrom
The Russian Avant-Garde and Radical Modernism: An Introductory Reader by
The Russian Avant-Garde and Radical Modernism: An Introductory Reader by
Remembering Katyn by Finnin, Rory, Blacker, Uilleam, Etkind, Alexander
Remembering Katyn by Etkind, Alexander, Finnin, Rory, Blacker, Uilleam
Georgia: A Political History Since Independence by Jones, Stephen F.
Putin's Preventive Counter-Revolution: Post-Soviet Authoritarianism and the Spectre of Velvet Revolution by Horvath, Robert
Narrative of a Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St Petersburgh During the Late Russian Invasion of Khiva: With Some Account of the Court of K by Abbott, James
Narrative of a Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St Petersburgh During the Late Russian Invasion of Khiva: With Some Account of the Court of K by Abbott, James
Modern Occultism in Late Imperial Russia by Mannherz, Julia
Soviet Society in the Era of Late Socialism, 1964-1985 by
Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism by Norris, Stephen M.
Rostov in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920: The Key to Victory by Murphy, Brian
A People Passing Rude: British Responses to Russian Culture by
Cultural Cabaret: Russian and American Essays for Richard Stites by
The Limits of Détente: The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1969-1973 by Daigle, Craig
Hitler's Crusade: Bolshevism and the Myth of the International Jewish Conspiracy by Waddington, Lorna
Eight Pieces of Empire: A 20-Year Journey Through the Soviet Collapse by Sheets, Lawrence Scott
Russian Citizenship: From Empire to Soviet Union by Lohr, Eric
Who Will Pray for Me by Babin, Gregory
Who Will Pray for Me by Babin, Gregory
Davai! The Russians and Their Vodka by Trommelen, Edwin
Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism by Norris, Stephen M.
Moscow, December 25, 1991: The Last Day of the Soviet Union by O'Clery, Conor
The Battle of the Tanks: Kursk, 1943 by Clark, Lloyd
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