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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian History in 2017

October 1917: Workers in Power (None) by Le Blanc, Paul, Mandel, David
The Snake in the Vodka Bottle: Life in Post-Soviet Lithuania by Vince, Laima
Mother of the Church: Sofia Svechina, the Salon, and the Politics of Catholicism in Nineteenth-Century Russia and France by Bakhmetyeva, Tatyana V.
Popular Music in Eastern Europe: Breaking the Cold War Paradigm by
International Communism and the Cult of the Individual: Leaders, Tribunes and Martyrs Under Lenin and Stalin by Morgan, Kevin
From Nomadism to Global Urbanism: the Complex Journey of Kalmyks in America and Russia by Burlakoff, Nikolai
Maria's War: A Soldier's Autobiography by Bochkareva, Maria
East German Intellectuals and the Unification of Germany: An Ethnographic View by Bednarz, Dan
Sincerity After Communism: A Cultural History by Rutten, Ellen
Tsar Nicholas II and the End of the Romanov Dynasty: The History of the Downfall of Imperial Russia by Charles River
Catherine the Great by Dixon, Simon
The Russian Revolution, 1917 by Wade, Rex A.
Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow: Confidential Diplomacy and Détente by Moss, Richard A.
Leninism Under Lenin by Liebman, Marcel
The Balkan Wars from Contemporary Perception to Historic Memory by
Youth and Rock in the Soviet Bloc: Youth Cultures, Music, and the State in Russia and Eastern Europe by
Stalin - The Enduring Legacy by Bolton, Kerry
A People's History of the Russian Revolution by Faulkner, Neil
Pulling Back the Curtain... on Russia by Wilson, Elaine L.
Only One Year: A Memoir by Alliluyeva, Svetlana
Slavonic & East European Review (95: 1) January 2017 by
Rasputin the Rascal Monk by Le Queux, William
The Illegitimate Duchess: A Historical Essay Involving Catherine the Great and Prince Demetrius Gallitzin by Riley, Shelley R.
The Stalinist Dictatorship by
Screening Soviet Nationalities: Kulturfilms from the Far North to Central Asia by Sarkisova, Oksana
The Czech and Slovak Republics: Twenty years of Independence, 1993-2013 by
The Russian Revolution, 1905-1921 by Steinberg, Mark D.
Land of the Shaman: Rituals and Lore of Siberia: Rituals and Lore of Siberia by Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam
Innocent Weapons: The Soviet and American Politics of Childhood in the Cold War by Peacock, Margaret
The Tragic Empress: The authorized biography of Alexandra Romanov by Buxhoeveden, Sophie
The Russian Revolution, 1905-1921 by Steinberg, Mark D.
Out of Latvia: The Son of a Latvian Immigrant Searches for his Roots. by Kerr, David
The Sky Wept Fire: My Life as a Chechen Freedom Fighter by Eldin, Mikail
The Battleship Potemkin: The History and Legacy of the Famous Mutiny aboard the Russian Ship by Charles River
The Battleship Potemkin: The History and Legacy of the Famous Mutiny aboard the Russian Ship by Charles River
The Cold War: Historiography, Memory, Representation by
The Lysenko Controversy as a Global Phenomenon, Volume 1: Genetics and Agriculture in the Soviet Union and Beyond by
Everyday Law in Russia by Hendley, Kathryn
The Girl from the Metropol Hotel: Growing Up in Communist Russia by Petrushevskaya, Ludmilla
Homo Sovieticus: Brain Waves, Mind Control, and Telepathic Destiny by Velminski, Wladimir
The Balkans in the Cold War by
The Jewish Revolution in Belorussia: Economy, Race, and Bolshevik Power by Sloin, Andrew
Communist Daze: The Many Misadventures of a Soviet Doctor by Tsesis, Vladimir A., Field, Deborah A.
Communist Daze: The Many Misadventures of a Soviet Doctor by Tsesis, Vladimir A., Field, Deborah A.
The Jewish Revolution in Belorussia: Economy, Race, and Bolshevik Power by Sloin, Andrew
Stalin's World War II Evacuations: Triumph and Troubles in Kirov by Holmes, Larry E.
When Sonia Met Boris: An Oral History of Jewish Life Under Stalin by Shternshis, Anna
Prospects for Pastoralism in Kazakstan and Turkmenistan: From State Farms to Private Flocks by
The Lysenko Controversy as a Global Phenomenon, Volume 2: Genetics and Agriculture in the Soviet Union and Beyond by
Fascism in Manchuria: The Soviet-China Encounter in the 1930s by Hohler, Susanne
Dangerous Language: Esperanto and the Decline of Stalinism by Lins, Ulrich
The Right to Be Helped: Deviance, Entitlement, and the Soviet Moral Order by Galmarini, Maria Cristina
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society: Violence in the Post-Soviet Space, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2016) by Raymond, Joanne
Stalin and the Scientists: A History of Triumph and Tragedy, 1905-1953 by Ings, Simon
Stalin's British Victims by Beckett, Francis
Kant in Imperial Russia by Nemeth, Thomas
The Baltic World 1772-1993: Europe's Northern Periphery in an Age of Change by Kirby, David
Fyodor Dostoevsky--In the Beginning (1821-1845): A Life in Letters, Memoirs, and Criticism by Marullo, Thomas Gaiton
Aus der Petersburger Gesellschaft - Neue Folge by Eckardt, Julius Wilhelm Albert Von
Historians and Historical Societies in the Public Life of Imperial Russia by Kaplan, Vera
Georgia from National Awakening to Rose Revolution: Delayed Transition in the Former Soviet Union by Wheatley, Jonathan
Russian and Soviet Health Care from an International Perspective: Comparing Professions, Practice and Gender, 1880-1960 by
The Russian-Jewish Tradition: Intellectuals, Historians, Revolutionaries by Horowitz, Brian
Russia's Military Way to the West: Origins and Nature of Russian Military Power 1700-1800 by Duffy, Christopher
Operation Nemesis: The Assassination Plot That Avenged the Armenian Genocide by Bogosian, Eric
Spezialist in Sibirien. Faksimile der 1933 erschienenen ersten Ausgabe by Wolters, Rudolf
Was Revolution Inevitable?: Turning Points of the Russian Revolution by Brenton, Tony
Other Russias by Lomasko, Victoria
Stalingrad Battle Atlas: volume IV by Joly, Anton
Empire of Extinction: Russians and the North Pacific's Strange Beasts of the Sea, 1741-1867 by Jones, Ryan Tucker
Against the Cold War: The History and Political Traditions of Pro-Sovietism in the British Labour Party, 1945-1989 by Lilleker, Darren G.
The History of the Russian Revolution to Brest-Litovsk by Trotsky, Leon
Notes of a Russian Sniper: Vassili Zaitsev and the Battle of Stalingrad by Zaitsev, Vassili
Der Erste Weltkrieg. Deutschland und Russland im europäischen Kontext by
March 1917: On the Brink of War and Revolution by Englund, Will
Knowledge and the Ends of Empire: Kazak Intermediaries and Russian Rule on the Steppe, 1731-1917 by Campbell, Ian W.
Cold War Energy: A Transnational History of Soviet Oil and Gas by
The Russian Revolution, 1917 by Wade, Rex A.
Putin's War Against Ukraine: Revolution, Nationalism, and Crime by Kuzio, Taras
Pri la konstitucio de la USSR de 1936; La USSR en la spegulo de sia nova konstitucio. by Laurat, Lucien, Trocko, Leo, Holz, Hans Heinz
The End of the Cold War: 1985-1991 by Service, Robert
The Russian Revolution by Mavor, James
Broken Heart / Broken Wholeness: The Post-Holocaust Plea for Jewish Reconstruction of the Soviet Yiddish Writer Der Nister by Kotlerman, Ber
The Romance of an Empress: Catherine II. of Russia by Waliszewski, Kazimierz
Environmentalism in Central and Southeastern Europe: Historical Perspectives by
The Geography of Nationalism in Russia and the USSR by Kaiser, Robert J.
The Geography of Nationalism in Russia and the USSR by Kaiser, Robert J.
Iuzovka and Revolution, Volume II: Politics and Revolution in Russia's Donbass, 1869-1924 by Friedgut, Theodore H.
Iuzovka and Revolution, Volume II: Politics and Revolution in Russia's Donbass, 1869-1924 by Friedgut, Theodore H.
Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets by Alexievich, Svetlana
The Cossacks: The History and Legacy of the Legendary Slavic Warriors by Charles River
Eurasianism and the European Far Right: Reshaping the Europe-Russia Relationship by
Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890 to 1928 by Smith, S. A.
Constructing the Narratives of Identity and Power: Self-Imagination in a Young Ukrainian Nation by Korostelina, Karina V.
Stalinism Reloaded: Everyday Life in Stalin-City, Hungary by Horváth, Sándor
Mao and the Sino-Soviet Partnership, 1945-1959: A New History by Shen, Zhihua, Xia, Yafeng
International Dimensions of Authoritarian Persistence: Lessons from Post-Soviet States by
Soviet Heroic Poetry in Context: Folklore or Fakelore by Ziolkowski, Margaret
Reexamining Economic and Political Reforms in Russia, 1985-2000: Generations, Ideas, and Changes by Marganiya, Otar, Gel'man, Vladimir, Travin, Dmitry
The New Exodus: a Study of Israel in Russia by Frederic, Harold
In the Track of the Russian famine: The Personal Narrative of Journey through the Famine Districts of Russia by Hodgetts, E. A. Brayley
Bread Upon the Waters: The St. Petersburg Grain Trade and the Russian Economy, 1703-1811 by Jones, Robert E.
Lamaze: An International History by Michaels, Paula A.
Stalinism Reloaded: Everyday Life in Stalin-City, Hungary by Horvath, Sandor
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism by
La Rusa Revolucio. La Kopenhaga Parolado, Novembro 1932. . by Trocko, Leo
Side-Lights on Siberia: Some account of the great Siberian railroad, the prisons and exile system by Simpson, James Young
Ukraine in Conflict: An Analytical Chronicle by Marples, David R.
The Criminal-Terror Nexus in Chechnya: A Historical, Social, and Religious Analysis by Meyers, Jeff
Slavonic & East European Review (95: 2) April 2017 by
New Trends in Russian Political Mentality: Putin 3.0 by
The Romance of an Empress: Catherine II. of Russia by Waliszewski, Kazimierz
The Battle for Moscow by Stahel, David
The Concept of Neutrality in Stalin's Foreign Policy, 1945-1953 by Ruggenthaler, Peter
Moscow 1956: The Silenced Spring by Smith, Kathleen E.
A Soviet Journey: A Critical Annotated Edition by La Guma, Alex
Demobilized Veterans in Late Stalinist Leningrad: Soldiers to Civilians by Dale, Robert
Music and Soviet Power, 1917-1932 by Frolova-Walker, Marina, Walker, Jonathan
Russia: The Story of War by Carleton, Gregory
Turkey's Fall the Decline of England: A Suggestion and a Warning to Turkish Bondholders and Russian Moneylenders by Wolffers, Baron De
Illness and Inhumanity in Stalin's Gulag by Alexopoulos, Golfo
Russian Antisemitism Pamyat/De by Corey
Return to Moscow by Kevin, Tony
The Last Masters of the Kremlin by Karolinsky, Garri D.
A Treatise on the Principles and Practical Influence of Taxation and the Funding System by McCulloch, John Ramsay
Cinema of the Soviet Thaw: Space, Materiality, Movement by Oukaderova, Lida
The Truth of the Russian Revolution: The Memoirs of the Tsar's Chief of Security and His Wife by Globachev, Konstantin Ivanovich, Globacheva, Sofia Nikolaevna
Historical Dictionary of Latvia by Purs, Aldis, Plakans, Andrejs
Material Culture in Russia and the USSR: Things, Values, Identities by
Tent Life in Siberia: Adventures among the Koraks and other Tribes in Kamtchatka and Northern Asia by Kennan, George
Beau Monde on Empire's Edge: State and Stage in Soviet Ukraine by Fowler, Mayhill
Notes on the Surgery of the War in the Crimea: With Remarks on the Treatment of Gunshot Wounds by MacLeod, George Husband Baird
October: The Story of the Russian Revolution by Miéville, China
Propaganda and Persuasion: The Cold War and the Canadian-Soviet Friendship Society by Anderson, Jennifer
Propaganda and Persuasion: The Cold War and the Canadian-Soviet Friendship Society by Anderson, Jennifer
Stalinismo: Esploro de origino, esenco kaj efikoj by Kozingo, Alfredo
The Cinema of the Soviet Thaw: Space, Materiality, Movement by Oukaderova, Lida
From Empire to Eurasia: Politics, Scholarship, and Ideology in Russian Eurasianism, 1920s-1930s by Glebov, Sergey
Thanksgiving All Year Round: A Memoir by Shapiro, Gavriel
From Empire to Eurasia: Politics, Scholarship, and Ideology in Russian Eurasianism, 1920s-1930s by Glebov, Sergey
Trotsky's Challenge: The Literary Discussion of 1924 and the Fight for the Bolshevik Revolution by
The Romanovs: 1613-1918 by Montefiore, Simon Sebag
The Near Abroad: Socialist Eastern Europe and Soviet Patriotism in Ukraine, 1956-1985 by Wojnowski, Zbigniew
From Under the Russian Snow by Carter, Michelle A.
The Hermitage Museum: The History and Legacy of Russia's Famous Art and Culture Icon by Charles River
Made in Russia: The Holocaust: Companion booklet to the video by Porter, Carlos Whitlock
The Hermitage Museum: The History and Legacy of Russia's Famous Art and Culture Icon by Charles River
Blood Ties and the Native Son: Poetics of Patronage in Kyrgyzstan by Ismailbekova, Aksana
Voices from the Shifting Russo-Japanese Border: Karafuto / Sakhalin by
Governing Post-Imperial Siberia and Mongolia, 1911-1924: Buddhism, Socialism and Nationalism in State and Autonomy Building by Sablin, Ivan
Neutrality and Neutralism in the Global Cold War: Between or Within the Blocs? by
National Identities in Soviet Historiography: The Rise of Nations under Stalin by Yilmaz, Harun
Russia in the Wake of the Cold War: Perceptions and Prejudices by Horsfield, Dorothy
Slav or Saxon: a study of the growth and tendencies of Russian civilization by Foulke, William Dudley
On Stalin's Team: The Years of Living Dangerously in Soviet Politics by Fitzpatrick, Sheila
Vladimir Burtsev and the Struggle for a Free Russia: A Revolutionary in the Time of Tsarism and Bolshevism by Henderson, Robert
Blood Ties and the Native Son: Poetics of Patronage in Kyrgyzstan by Ismailbekova, Aksana
Tent-Life in Siberia: And Adventures Among the Koraks and Other Tribes in Kamtchatka and Northern Asia by Kennan, George
Russia by Wallace, Donald MacKenzie
Uniforms of Russian army in the era of ancient Tzar: From the Reign of Vasili IV to Michael I, Alexis, Feodor III during the XVII th century by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Uniforms of Russian army of Peter I the Great: from the reign of peter I to Catherine I, peter II, Anna and Ivan VI. 1682-1741 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
La Russie sous le tsar Alexandre III by Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole
Theatre, Globalization and the Cold War by
Slav or Saxon: A Study of the Growth and Tendencies of Russian Civilization by Foulke, William Dudley
Russia: History of Russia: Kievan Rus to Vladimir Putin, Tsars and Revolutions - All Shaping Russian Culture and Russian Histo by Maslow, Ian
We Are Jews Again: Jewish Activism in the Soviet Union by Kosharovsky, Yuli
The Nature of Soviet Power by Bruno, Andy
We Are Jews Again: Jewish Activism in the Soviet Union by Kosharovsky, Yuli
Written in Blood: Revolutionary Terrorism and Russian Literary Culture, 1861-1881 by Patyk, Lynn Ellen
Gulag Letters by Formakov, Arsenii
Made in Russia: The Holocaust: Livret d'accompagnement de la vidéo by Porter, Carlos Whitlock
Wall Street and the Russian Revolution: 1905-1925 by Spence, Richard B.
The Lithuanian Family in Its European Context, 1800-1914: Marriage, Divorce and Flexible Communities by Leinarte, Dalia
The Budapest Operation: An Operational-Strategic Study by Soviet General Staff
For the Motherland! for Stalin!: A Red Army Officer's Memoir of the Eastern Front by Roberts, Professor Geoffrey, Bogachev, Boris, Bogacheva, Maria
The State and Revolution: Lenin's explanation of Communist Society by Lenin
Nikolai Bolkhovitinov and American Studies in the USSR: People's Diplomacy in the Cold War by Zhuk, Sergei I.
The Invention of Russia: The Rise of Putin and the Age of Fake News by Ostrovsky, Arkady
Slavonic & East European Review (95: 3) July 2017 by
The Empress and the Cow by Vyroubova, Anna
Beyond the Monastery Walls: The Ascetic Revolution in Russian Orthodox Thought, 1814-1914 by Michelson, Patrick Lally
Soviet Internationalism after Stalin by Rupprecht, Tobias
21st Century Gorshkov: The Challenge of Seapower in the Modern Era by
The Soviet Union and the Horn of Africa during the Cold War: Between Ideology and Pragmatism by Yordanov, Radoslav A.
The Bolsheviks Come to Power: The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd by Rabinowitch, Alexander
The Election Crimes of Donald J. Trump: Evidence of his collusion with Russia by Darnell, Tony
The Soviet Union and the Gutting of the UN Genocide Convention by Weiss-Wendt, Anton
Russia: From Workers' State to State Capitalism by Arnove, Anthony, Cliff, Tony, Shawki, Ahmed
The Pupils of Peter the Great: A History of the Russian Court and Empire from 1697 to 1740 by Bain, R. Nisbet
Jewish City or Inferno of Russian Israel?: A History of the Jews in Kiev Before February 1917 by Khiterer, Victoria
Governance of Biotechnology in Post-Soviet Russia by Novossiolova, Tatyana
Eastern Europe 1740-1985: Feudalism to Communism by Okey, Robin
Gender and Housing in Soviet Russia: Private Life in a Public Space by Attwood, Lynne
Russia's Dead End: An Insider's Testimony from Gorbachev to Putin by Kovalev, Andrei A.
Writing History in the Soviet Union: Making the Past Work by Banerji, Arup
Russian-Speakers in Post-Soviet Latvia: Discursive Identity Strategies by Cheskin, Ammon
The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967-1973: The Ussr's Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict by Remez, Gideon, Ginor, Isabella
Stalingrad Battle Atlas: Volume I by Joly, Anton
Hesitant Histories on the Romanian Screen by Strausz, László
The Tsar's Armenians: A Minority in Late Imperial Russia by Önol, Onur
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