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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian History in 2021

In the Wake of Empire: Anti-Bolshevik Russia in International Affairs, 1917-1920 by Shmelev, Anatol
A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism by Lenin, Vladimir
Courtly Feasts to Kremlin Banquets: A History of Celebration and Hospitality: Echoes of Russia's cuisine by Zakharova, Oksana Y., Pushkaryov, Sergey N.
The Life of Permafrost: A History of Frozen Earth in Russian and Soviet Science by Chu, Pey-Yi
Tribunal: A Courtly Comedy in Three Acts by Voinovich, Vladimir
The Teaching of Charles Fourier by Riasanovsky, Nicholas V.
Civil War in South Russia, 1919-1920: The Defeat of the Whites by Kenez, Peter
Military History of the Cold War, 1944-1962 by House, Jonathan M.
A Reader's Guide to Andrei Bely's "Petersburg" by
Iván el Terrible: Una guía fascinante del primer zar de Rusia y su impacto en la historia de Rusia by History, Captivating
Iván el Terrible: Una guía fascinante del primer zar de Rusia y su impacto en la historia de Rusia by History, Captivating
Political Regimes and Neopatrimonialism in Central Asia: A Sociology of Power Perspective by
Psychologies in Revolution: Alexander Luria's 'Romantic Science' and Soviet Social History by Proctor, Hannah
The Russian Revolution by Fitzpatrick, Sheila
The Russian Revolution by Fitzpatrick, Sheila
Nested Nationalism by Goff, Krista A.
Project Gemini: The History and Legacy of NASA's Human Spaceflight Missions Before the Apollo Program by Charles River
Slavonic & East European Review (99: 1) January 2021 by
How Russia Learned to Write: Literature and the Imperial Table of Ranks by Reyfman, Irina
Selected Games by Romanovsky, Peter
Selected Games by Romanovsky, Peter
La Revolución Rusa: Una Guía Fascinante sobre las Revoluciones de Febrero y Octubre y el Surgimiento de la Unión Soviética Liderada por Vl by History, Captivating
La Revolución Rusa: Una Guía Fascinante sobre las Revoluciones de Febrero y Octubre y el Surgimiento de la Unión Soviética Liderada por Vl by History, Captivating
Understanding Kazakhstan's 2019 Political Transition by
La Russie bolcheviste by Sokolov, Andrei Vladimirovich, Volski, Stanislav
Creating Anna Karenina: Tolstoy and the Birth of Literature's Most Enigmatic Heroine by Blaisdell, Bob
Japan's Russia: Challenging the East-West Paradigm by
How Russia Makes War: Soviet Military Doctrine by Garthoff, Raymond L.
The Cold War and its Origins, 1917-1960: Volume One 1917-1950 by Fleming, D. F.
Soviet Military Doctrine and Western Policy by
Transforming Russia: From a Military to a Peace Economy by Cronberg, Tarja
Endgame: Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asia by Siegel, Jennifer
Кизи и Селегеневы by Жуковска&#11
Place and Nature: Essays in Russian Environmental History by
Unlearning Marx: Why the Soviet Failure Was a Triumph for Marx by Paxton, Steve
Replacing the Dead: The Politics of Reproduction in the Postwar Soviet Union by Nakachi, Mie
The 1929 Sino-Soviet War: The War Nobody Knew by Walker, Michael M.
The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas'ev, Volume III by
Putinomics: Power and Money in Resurgent Russia by Miller, Chris
The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas'ev, Volume III by
Hitler and Stalin: The Tyrants and the Second World War by Rees, Laurence
The Akunin Project: The Mysteries and Histories of Russia's Bestselling Author by
The meeting of The Military Council under the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR June 1-4, 1937: Tukhachevsky - Trotsky Collaboration by
STALIN - Transcripts from the Soviet Archives by
Russian Central Asia in the Works of Nikolai Karazin, 1842-1908: Ambivalent Triumph by Andreeva, Elena
Theological Reflection in Eighteenth-Century Russia by Drozdek, Adam
French Film in Britain: Sex, Art and Cinephilia by Mazdon, Lucy, Wheatley, Catherine
Narrated Empires: Perceptions of Late Habsburg and Ottoman Multinationalism by
Selected Secret Documents From Soviet Archives 1919-1941 by
Truth Behind Bars: Reflections on the Fate of the Russian Revolution by Kellogg, Paul
The State and Revolution by Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
A Journey to Inner Africa by Kovalevsky, Egor
Albaniens Schwerindustrie ALS Zweite Befreiung?: Der Stahl Der Partei ALS Mikrokosmos Des Kommunismus by Nonaj, Visar
Transcripts from the Soviet Archives VOLUME XIII - 1933 by
Transcripts from the Soviet Archives VOLUME XIV-1934 by
Transcripts from the Soviet Archives Volume XI 1931 by
The Cinema of Soviet Kazakhstan 1925-1991: An Uneasy Legacy by Rollberg, Peter
The Beauty and the Beasts: The origin of modern Belarus by Krutikov, Anton
In the Sphere of the Soviets: Essays on the Cultural Legacy of the Soviet Union by Merewether, Charles
From Bessarabia To... by Romm, Ella, Vaysman, Yuliy
Moscou sans voiles by Douillet, Joseph
Operation Dragon: Inside the Kremlin's Secret War on America by Pacepa, Ion Mihai, Woolsey, R. James
Dissident Histories in the Soviet Union: From De-Stalinization to Perestroika by Martin, Barbara
A Ransomed Dissident: A Life in Art Under the Soviets by Golomstock, Igor
Nikolai Gogol: Performing Hybrid Identity by Ilchuk, Yuliya
Russia and the Soviet Union: An Historical Introductionsecond Edition by Thompson, John M.
Narratives and Rituals of the Nightmare Hag in Scandinavian Folk Belief by Raudvere, Catharina
Jews and Poles in the Holocaust Exhibitions of Kraków, 1980-2013: Between Urban Past and National Memory by Gryta, Janek
Russia in War and Revolution: The Memoirs of Fyodor Sergeyevich Olferieff by
Russia MRAPs, Armored Cars, Armored Personnel Carriers & Armored Assault Vehicles by Zanfirov, Alexandre
Historia de Rusia: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Rusia, con eventos como la invasión mongola, la invasión napoleónica, las reform by History, Captivating
Historia de Rusia: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Rusia, con eventos como la invasión mongola, la invasión napoleónica, las reform by History, Captivating
Historia de Rusia: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Rusia, Iván el Terrible, la Revolución rusa y los Cinco de Cambridge by History, Captivating
Historia de Rusia: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Rusia, Iván el Terrible, la Revolución rusa y los Cinco de Cambridge by History, Captivating
Women of the Catacombs by
Mobilizing in Uncertainty by Shesterinina, Anastasia
Women of the Catacombs by
Slavic Paganism Today: Between Ideas and Practice by Shizhensky, Roman
The Russian Revolution: A New History by McMeekin, Sean
Succession to the Throne in Early Modern Russia by Bushkovitch, Paul
The Territories of the Russian Federation 2021 by
Nationalism and the Politicization of History in the Former Yugoslavia by
Putin Confronts the West: The Logic of Russian Foreign Relations, 1999-2020 by de la Pedraja, René
Storm-333: KGB and Spetsnaz Seize Kabul, Soviet-Afghan War 1979 by Galeotti, Mark
We Remember, We Love, We Grieve: Mortuary and Memorial Practice in Contemporary Russia by Warner, Elizabeth
Stalinism in Kazakhstan: History, Memory, and Representation by
Screening Soviet Nationalities: Kulturfilms from the Far North to Central Asia by Sarkisova, Oksana
Taking Risks: A Jewish Youth in the Soviet Partisans and His Unlikely Life in California by Rosenbaum, Fred, Pell, Joseph
Gareth Jones: On Assignment in Nazi Germany 1933-34 by Gamache, Ray
Troubled Lands: The Legacy of Soviet Environmental Destruction by Peterson, D. J.
Identities In-Between in East-Central Europe by
Circles of the Russian Revolution: Internal and International Consequences of the Year 1917 in Russia by
Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders (Routledge Revivals): Building Authority in Soviet Politics by Breslauer, George W.
De Facto States in Eurasia by
Memory, the City and the Legacy of World War II in East Central Europe: The Ghosts of Others by Blacker, Uilleam
Routledge Handbook of Russian Security by
Politically Motivated Justice: Authoritarian Legacies and Their Role in Shaping Constitutional Practices in the Former Soviet Union by Galushko, Artem
"White Russians, Red Peril": A Cold War History of Migration to Australia by Fitzpatrick, Sheila
Zhukov by Chaney, Otto Preston
Russian Public Diplomacy: From USSR to the Russian Federation by Lebedeva, Marina M.
Journey To Ararat by Parrot, Friedrich
Hundred Years of the Russian Revolution: Its Legacies in Perspective by
A History of Eastern Europe 1918 to the Present: Modernisation, Ideology and Nationality by Armour, Ian D.
Whites and Reds: A History of Wine in the Lands of Tsar and Commissar by Bittner, Stephen V.
1837: Russia's Quiet Revolution by Werth, Paul
Nuclear Folly: A History of the Cuban Missile Crisis by Plokhy, Serhii
Slavonic & East European Review (99: 2) April 2021 by
Reise nach Afghanistan und Buchara in den Jahren 1878 und 1879.: Zweiter Band. by Jaworskij, Iwan Lawrowitsch
Journey to Russia by Krleza, Miroslav
The Cable Game: The Adventures of an American Press-Boat in Turkish Waters During the Russian Revolution by Washburn, Stanley
Stalin's War: A New History of World War II by McMeekin, Sean
The Russian Revolution and Stalinism by
The Historiography of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition, 1819-21 by Bulkeley, Rip
The Spy in Moscow Station: A Counterspy's Hunt for a Deadly Cold War Threat by Haseltine, Eric
Soviet Science Fiction Cinema and the Space Age: Memorable Futures by Majsova, Natalija
Chekhov's Letters: Biography, Context, Poetics by
Everyday Belonging in the Post-Soviet Borderlands: Russian Speakers in Estonia and Kazakhstan by Jasina-Schäfer, Alina
Ethnic Minorities in the Red Army: Asset or Liability? by
Gorbachev's Information Revolution: Controlling Glasnost in a New Electronic Era by Dizard, Wilson P., Swensrud, S. Blake
From Lenin to Khrushchev: The History of World Communism by Seton-Watson, Hugh
East-West Conflict: Elite Perceptions and Political Options by
Changes in Soviet Policy Towards the West by Wettig, Gerhard
Gorbachev and the Soviet Future by Lerner, Lawrence W.
Moscow's Evolution as a Political Space: From Yuri Dolgorukiy to Sergei Sobyanin by Glaser, Marina, Krivushin, Ivan
The Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968: The Russian Perspective by
Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship by Wilson, Andrew
Russia's Hero Cities: From Postwar Ruins to the Soviet Heroarchy by Mijnssen, Ivo
Russia's Hero Cities: From Postwar Ruins to the Soviet Heroarchy by Mijnssen, Ivo
Between Two Fires: Truth, Ambition, and Compromise in Putin's Russia by Yaffa, Joshua
Flowers Through Concrete: Explorations in Soviet Hippieland by Fürst, Juliane
Barbarous Soviet Russia by McBride, Isaac
Latvia's Ordeal: Nation Building in War and Revolution by Zazerskaya, Tatiana
Spies, Lies, and Exile: The Extraordinary Story of Russian Double Agent George Blake by Kuper, Simon
From "The Ukraine" to Ukraine: A Contemporary History, 1991-2021 by
Party Leadership under Stalin and Khrushchev: Party Officials and the Soviet State, 1948-1964 by Harris, Jonathan
To See a Moose: The History of Polish Sex Education by Kościańska, Agnieszka
Tsar's Happy Occasion: Ritual and Dynasty in the Weddings of Russia's Rulers, 1495-1745 by Martin, Russell E.
The Universe Behind Barbed Wire: Memoirs of a Ukrainian Soviet Dissident by Marynovych, Myroslav
Russian Conservatism by Robinson, Paul
The Year of Stalingrad by Werth, Alexander
Suwarow's Campaign of 1799: Russia's Victory Over France in Italy & Switzerland During the War of the Second Coalition by Macready, Edward Nevil
Boris Hessen: Physics and Philosophy in the Soviet Union, 1927-1931: Neglected Debates on Emergence and Reduction by
Suwarow's Campaign of 1799: Russia's Victory Over France in Italy & Switzerland During the War of the Second Coalition by Macready
Translated and Visiting Russian Theatre in Britain, 1945-2015: A Russia of the Theatrical Mind? by Marsh, Cynthia
Account Of The Russian Discoveries Between Asia And America; To Which Are Added, The Conquest Of Siberia, And The History Of The Transactions And Comm by Coxe, William
The Revolt of the Potemkin: the Naval Revolt of 1905 Which Heralded the Russian Revolution by Feldmann, Constantine
The Revolt of the Potemkin: the Naval Revolt of 1905 Which Heralded the Russian Revolution by Feldmann, Constantine
Социализмът е мъртъв! Да &#107 by Bombov, Todor
Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face (A New World Order) by Bombov, Todor
The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought by
The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine by Plokhy, Serhii
State and Revolution (Large Print Edition) by Lenin, Vladimir
Soviet Perceptions of the United States by Schwartz, Morton
The Enigma of 1989: The USSR and the Liberation of Eastern Europe by Lévesque, Jacques
The Russian City Between Tradition and Modernity, 1850-1900 by Brower, Daniel R.
The Russian City Between Tradition and Modernity, 1850-1900 by Brower, Daniel R.
The Enigma of 1989: The USSR and the Liberation of Eastern Europe by Lévesque, Jacques
Soviet Perceptions of the United States by Schwartz, Morton
Historia Concisa de la Rusia Imperial: Serie de mapas by Krishchyunas, Alexander
Stalin's Soviet Monastery: A New Interpretation of Russian Politics by Curtis, Jim
Russia And Eastern Europe After Communism: The Search For New Political, Economic, And Security Systems by Kraus, Michael, Liebowitz, Ron
Russia Beyond Communism: A Chronicle Of National Rebirth by Krasnov, Vladislav, Krasnow, W. George
The Glasnost Papers: Voices On Reform From Moscow by Lapidus, Gail W., Melville, Andrei
Ten Days That Shook the World by Reed, John
The Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union by Sawyer, Thomas E.
The Post-Containment Handbook: Key Issues In U.S.-Soviet Economic Relations by Cullen, Robert
The Soviet Union And The Gulf In The 1980s by Saivetz, Carol R.
Short Hist Hungarian Com/h by Molnar, Miklos, Molnar, Joseph J.
Soviet Israel Relations 1947-1949 by
The Tsar, The Empire, and The Nation: Dilemmas of Nationalization In Russia's Western Borderlands, 1905-1915 by
Moscow Under Construction: City Building, Place-Based Protest, and Civil Society by Argenbright, Robert
The Lost World of Russia's Jews: Ethnography and Folklore in the Pale of Settlement by Rechtman, Abraham
Russia's Theatrical Past: Court Entertainment in the Seventeenth Century by Shamin, Stepan, Jensen, Claudia R., Maier, Ingrid
Revising the Revolution: The Unmaking of Russia's Official History of 1917 by Holmes, Larry E.
Revising the Revolution: The Unmaking of Russia's Official History of 1917 by Holmes, Larry E.
Russian Modernism in the Memories of the Survivors: The Duvakin Interviews, 1967-1974 by
Russia's Theatrical Past: Court Entertainment in the Seventeenth Century by Shamin, Stepan, Jensen, Claudia R., Maier, Ingrid
The Lost World of Russia's Jews: Ethnography and Folklore in the Pale of Settlement by Rechtman, Abraham
Operation Barbarossa: The History of a Cataclysm by Dimbleby, Jonathan
A synopsis of Bolshevik Congresses and Conferences 1903 -1952: First through 19th Congress of Bolshevik Party by
Lenin, On Democratic Struggle: Democratic Tasks of Socialists by A, Erdogan
Language and Ethnonationalism in Contemporary West Central Balkans: A Corpus-Based Approach by Ajsic, Adnan
Politburo And The Church Kremlin Archives N. Petrovsky, S.G. Petrov by
Secret Reviews of Monarchists, Anarchists, Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries 1922- 1927 by
Collection of Government Regulation Documents on Education 1920-1921 by
Collection of Government Documents on Workers, 1920-1921 by
Policing Prostitution: Regulating the Lower Classes in Late Imperial Russia by Hearne, Siobhán
Across Cultures and Empires: An Immigrant's Odyssey from the Soviet Army to the Us War in Iraq and American Citizenship by Ibrahimov, Mahir
Communist Morality by Dzerzhinsky, Felix
L'ésotérisme et les sciences occultes en Russie: Aperçu historique et lexiques by Le Guévellou, François
When Sonia Met Boris Orhis P by
Researching Yugoslavia and Its Aftermath: Sources, Prejudices and Alternative Solutions by
On Russian Soil: Myth and Materiality by Erley, Mieka
Routledge Library Editions: Russian and Soviet Literature by Various
Age of Rogues: Rebels, Revolutionaries and Racketeers at the Frontiers of Empires by
Translating England Into Russian: The Politics of Children's Literature in the Soviet Union and Modern Russia by Goodwin, Elena
Writing History in Late Imperial Russia: Scholarship and the Literary Canon by Nethercott, Frances
Esperanto and Languages of Internationalism in Revolutionary Russia by O'Keeffe, Brigid
The Empire of Russia: From the Remotest Periods to the Present Time by S. C. Abbott, John
The Soviet Union's Agricultural Biowarfare Programme: Ploughshares to Swords by Rimmington, Anthony
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