• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian in 2012

Learn Russian Language Through Dialogue: Bilingual Textbook with Parallel Translation for Speakers of English by Tkachenko, Anna, Choinska, Marta
Roma: Vorurteil und Realität in der russischen Literatur by Rybalov, Daria
Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book in German and English by Johnson, Timothy
At the Circus: (bilingual edition) by Kuprin, Alexander
Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book in Mandarin Chinese and English by Johnson, Timothy
Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book in French and English by Johnson, Timothy
Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book in Russian and English by
Implied, but not Stated: Condensation in Colloquial Russian by Hooker, Mark T.
Practical Russian Reader Vol.1: Short Stories in Russian for Intermediate Students by Moreton, Tamara
Russian-English Translators Dictionary: A Guide to Scientific and Technical Usage by Zimmerman, Mikhail G.
Das Erste Russische Lesebuch für Anfänger: Stufen A1 A2 Zweisprachig mit Russisch-deutscher Übersetzung Audiodateien inklusive by Zubakhin, Vadim
Russian Language Studies in North America: New Perspectives from Theoretical and Applied Linguistics by
A Reference Grammar of Russian by Timberlake, Alan
Machtbeziehungen in zwischengeschlechtlichen Lebensgemeinschaften im postsowjetischen Russland: Eine Untersuchung des Wandels der Institution Ehe und by Schnar, Natalie
Russian Vocabulary for English Speakers - 7000 words by Taranov, Andrey
Russian Vocabulary for English Speakers - 5000 words by Taranov, Andrey
Russian Vocabulary for English Speakers - 3000 words by Taranov, Andrey
Russian vocabulary for English speakers - 9000 words by Taranov, Andrey
Ein Besuch in Versen - Achmatovas 'Ja prišla k poetu v gosti' als Antwort auf Bloks 'Kra-sota strašna, Vam skažut': Ein Vergleich der b by Schnar, Natalie
Russian Grammar Workbook by Wade, Terence, Gillespie, David
Second Russian Reader: Bilingual for Speakers of English by Zubakhin, Vadim
Ukrainian vocabulary for English speakers - 9000 words by Taranov, Andrey
Russian Step by Step Beginner Level 1: with Audio Direct Download by Alexandrova, Natasha
A Russian Advocate of Peace: Vasilii Malinovskii (1765-1814) by Ferretti, P.
Semantics of Genitive Objects in Russian: A Study of Genitive of Negation and Intensional Genitive Case by Kagan, Olga
Easy Peasy Russian! Your Russian Phrase Book To Go! by Volkov, Alina
Mr. Nighthingale (Russian Edition) by Omid, Ghazal
Die Dekabristen - Aufstand und Wirken: Von den Geheimgesellschaften zum Dekabristenaufstand by Bayat, Sam