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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Scandinavian History in 2009

Livserindringer / Memories of My Life: A Woman's Life in Nineteenth-Century Denmark by Hertz, Cecilie
The Lure of Fascism in Western Europe: German Nazis, Dutch and French Fascists, 1933-1939 by Orlow, D.
The Lure of Fascism in Western Europe: German Nazis, Dutch and French Fascists, 1933-1939 by Orlow, D.
Arne Garborg: En Livsskildring Med Billeder Og Breve (1914) by Lie, Erik
Adam Oehlenschlager: Et Mindeskrift (1879) by Nielsen, Rasmus
Forme Du Gouvernement De Suede, Ratifiee Par Le Roi Et Les Etats Du Royaume, A Stockholm Le 21 Aout 1772: Avec Les Discours (1772) by Sweden
Fra Liv Og Literatur: Syv Foredrag (1887) by Schmidt, Rudolf
Histoire De Charles XII, Roi De Suede (1732) by Voltaire
Charles XII (1879) by Fredrik, Oscar
Lapland And Its Reindeer (1835) by Anonymous
Land of the Olympians by Corfe, Robert
Erindringer Fra Mit Liv (1900) by Beck, Vilhelm
Lad And Lass: A Story Of Life In Iceland (1890) by Thoroddsen, Jon
Lad And Lass: A Story Of Life In Iceland (1890) by Thoroddsen, Jon
Stories Of The Norsemen (1854) by Kidder, Daniel P.
Memoirs And Correspondence, Official And Familiar, Of Sir Robert Murray Keith V1: With A Memoir Of Queen Carolina Matilda Of Denmark (1849) by Keith, Robert Murray
Skovsti Og Markvej (1905) by Skytte, Jens
The Norwegian Sailor: A Sketch Of The Life Of George Noscoe (1850) by Noscoe, George
The Hymns Of Denmark (1868) by
The Modern Vikings: Stories Of Life And Sport In The Norseland (1915) by Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth
Nordens Mythologi: Eller Ofversigt Af Eddalaran, For Bildade Man, Som Icke Sjelfva Aro Mythologer (1839) by Grundtvig, Nicolai Frederik Severin
Historie Van Karel Den XII Koning Van Zweden (1733) by Voltaire
Teaterminder: Fra Kristiania Teater (1919) by Reimers, Sophie
Thorwaldsen (1901) by Rosenberg, Adolf
Paradiset (1907) by Janson, Gustaf
The Life Of Charles XII, King Of Sweden: Including Memoirs Of Several Of The Crowned Heads Of Europe (1815) by Voltaire
Trolleholm Forr Och Nu (1905) by Trolle-Bonde, Carl Johan
The Life Of Linnaeus, The Celebrated Swedish Naturalist: To Which Is Added, A Short Account Of The Botanical Systems Of Linnaeus And Jussieu (1837) by Carr, Daniel C.
Smaaskrifter Til Oplysning For Kristne (1888) by Nielsen, Frederik
Wasa-Arfvet: Historiskt Skadespel I Fem Akter (1868) by Hedberg, Frans
The Story Of Waldemar Krone's Youth V1 (1867) by Ewald, Herman Frederik
Scandinavian Mythology: The Religion Of Our Forefathers (1892) by Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn
The Genuine Letters Of Baron Fabricius: Envoy From His Serene Highness The Duke Administrator Of Holstein To Charles XII Of Sweden (1761) by Fabrice, Friedrich Ernst Von
Viri Illustris Friderici Adolphi Hansen Ab Ehrencron (1718) by Ehrencron, Frederik Adolph Hansen Von, Hondt, Abraham De
Scandinavian Adventures V2: During A Residence Of Upwards Of Twenty Years (1854) by Lloyd, Llewelyn
Pensees De Monsieur Le Comte D'Oxenstirn Sur Divers Sujets V1-2: Avec Les Reflexions Morales Du Meme Auteur (1774) by Oxenstierna, Johan Thuresson
Struensee (1841) by Fournier, Narcisse, Arnould, Auguste
Versuch Einer Vollstandigen Geschichte Der Schwedischen Bibel-Uebersetzungen Und Ausgaben (1777) by Schinmeier, Johann Adolph
The Life Of Gustavus Adolphus: Surnamed The Great, King Of Sweden (1838) by Hollings, James Francis
Vindt Molle Og Dens Ejere (1887) by Kristensen, Evald Tang
Ved Nytaarstid I Noddebo Praestegaard (1889) by Nicolai, Scharling, Henrik
Runensteine in Schweden by Klos, Lydia
The Winter War: Russia's Invasion of Finland, 1939-1940 by Edwards, Robert
A Voyage To Viking Land (1896) by Steele, Thomas Sedgwick
Augustnaetter (1906) by Mathiesen, Sigurd
Christian Frederik Og Carsten Ankers Brevveksling, 1814 (1904) by Anker, Carsten J.
Anne Louise Hading Paa Hadingborg (1906) by Isaachsen, Asta Lie
Camilla Collett (1902) by Bergsoe, Clara
A Voyage To Viking Land (1896) by Steele, Thomas Sedgwick
Christina, Queen Of Sweden (1890) by Bain, Francis William
The Stories Of Wasa And Menzikoff: The Deliverer Of Sweden, And The Favorite Of Czar Peter (1888) by Gustavus, Menshikov, Aleksandr Danilovich
Bibliotheca Luxdorphiana, Part 2: Sive Index Librorum (1789) by Luxdorph, Bolle Willum
Caracteres Et Anecdotes De La Cour De Suede (1790) by Ristel, Adolf Fredrik
D. C. Danielssen: A Biographical Sketch (1893) by Brunchorst, Jorgen
Comoedier V1: Sammenskrefne For Den Nye Oprettede Danste Skue-Plads (1723) by Mickelsen, Hans, Holberg, Ludvig
Statens Ven (1796) by Boye, Johannes
The Romance Of Diplomacy V1: Historical Memoir Of Queen Carolina Matilda Of Denmark, Sister To King George The Third (1861) by Smyth, Gillespie
Arii Thorgilsis Filii, Cognomento Froda, Id Est Multiscii Vel Polyhistoris (1733) by Porgilsson, Ari, Bussaeo, Andreas
Flora Suecica, Exhibens Plantas Per Regnum Sueciae Crescentes (1745) by Linne, Carl Von
Fauna Suecica Sistens Animalia Sueciae Regni: Quadrupedia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes (1746) by Linne, Carl Von
Christiania Omegns Phanerogamer Og Bregner (1870) by Blytt, Axel Gulbrand
Conspectus Status Ecclesiastici Islandiae Una Cum Designatione Ecclesiarum Et Verbi Ministrorum (1779) by Christian Wilhelm Schneider
An Account Of A Religious Society In Norway, Called Saints: With A Few Letters Written By Some Of Them (1814) by Smith, Frederick
Anecdotes Du Sejour Du Roi De Suede A Bender Ou Lettres (1760) by Fabrice, Ernst Friedrich Von
Islandica V8-10: An Annual Relating To Iceland And The Fiske Icelandic Collection In Cornell University Library (1917) by
Two Views from Christiansborg Castle Vol I. A Brief and Truthful Description of a Journey to and from Guinea by Rask, Johannes
ACTA Archaeologica Supplementa X: Nordic World Prehistory to Medieval Times by Randsborg, Klavs
Analecta Septentrionalia: Beiträge Zur Nordgermanischen Kultur- Und Literaturgeschichte by
Folk Fra Dalen (1897) by Bull, Jacob Breda
Hans Brochner Og Christian K. F. Molbech: En Brevvexling, 1845-1875 (1902) by Hoffding, Harald, Brochner, Hans
Caroli Aurivillii Dissertationes Ad Sacras Literas Et Philologiam Orientalem Pertinentes (1790) by Aurivillius, Carolus
De Eddis Islandicis: Seu Veterum Septemtrionalium Mythologiis (1735) by Nording, Olav O., Beronius, Magnus
Folk Fra Dalen (1897) by Bull, Jacob Breda
Erindringer Ved Den Veldommendes Kritik Over Suhms Moraler (1772) by Suhm, Peter Frederik, Schoenheyder, Johan Christian
Die Nywe Testament Van Ons Heer Jesus Christus (1781) by
Nobel, Prize Donor: Inventor of Dynamite, Advocate of Peace by Evlanoff, Michael
The to Z of the Vikings by Holman, Katherine
Fishing in Utopia: Sweden and the Future That Disappeared by Brown, Andrew
The History Of The Life Of Leonard Torstenson (1855) by De Peyster, John Watts
Thomae Bartholini De Unicornu Observationes Novae (1678) by Bartholin, Caspar, Bartholin, Thomas
The Life Of Carolus Gustavus Of Bavaria, Count Palatine At Kleeburg, King Of Sweden (1688) by Prade, Jean Le Royer
Jesper Svedbergs Life Och Verksamhet (1885) by Tottie, Henry William
Original Memoirs Of The Sovereigns Of Sweden And Denmark V1: From 1766 To 1818 (1895) by Brown, John
Exegesis Historica, Non Minus Aequas, Quam Graves Commemorans Causas, Quibus Amplissimi Ordines Regni Sueciae Provocati (1620) by Chesnecopherus, Nicolaus, Messenius, Johan
Memoires De Dannemark: Contenant La Vie Et Le Regen De Defunt Christierne V (1701) by Crull, Joducus
Memoires De Hambourg, De Lubeck Et De Holstein, De Dannemarck, De Suede Et De Pologne (1735) by Maurier, Louis Aubery Du
De Deense Wysgeer, Part 1-2: Zynde Een Grondig, Of Wysgeerig Onderzoek Van De Deugden En Gebreken Der Menschen (1765) by Holberg, Ludvig
Friderich Julius Sorgenfrey En Omvendt Jodes Liv- Og Levnetslob (1783) by Sorgenfrey, Friderich Julius
Johannis Messeni Chronicon Episcoporum Per Sueciam, Gothiam, Et Finlandiam: Sive Compendium Historiae Ecclesiasticase Suecanae (1685) by Messenius, Johannes
Sex Kirkehistorisk Foredrag (1867) by Nissen, R. Londer
Education and Social Integration: Comprehensive Schooling in Europe by Wiborg, S.
Peter Murbecks Verksamhet I Skane (1904) by Rydberg, Alexander
Lettres Au Prince Royal De Suede, Part 2 (1755) by Tessin, Karl Gustaf
Lettres Choisies De Christine Reine De Suede, Part 1 (1759) by Lacombe, Francois
Logik Eller Den Videnskab At Taenke (1751) by Kraft, Jens
Velmeente Tanker Om Geistlig Gavmildhed (1770) by Thorarensen, Arne
Olavi Rudbeckii Filii Ichthyologiae Biblicae, Part 1 (1705) by Rudbeck, Olof
Rymbegla Sive Rudimentum Computi Ecclesiastici Veterum Islandorum (1780) by Bjornsson, Stefan, Suhm, Peter Frederik
Selecta Diarii V1-2: Nosocomii Regii Fridericiani Hafniensis (1789) by Bang, Frederik Ludvig
Vitis Aquilonia Seu Vitae Sanctorum Qui Scandinaviam Magnam (1623) by Vastovius, Joannes
Prof-Ofwersattning Af Then Heliga Skrift (1782) by Anonymous
Nockrar Hyg Hreysteleger Harma Taulur Efter Gupmunnd Sigurarson, Etc. (1755) by Olafsson, Eggert
Thorvaldsen I Kisbenhavn, 1839-1844 (1856) by Thiele, Just Mathias
Sagan Af Gunnlaugi Ormstungu Ok Skalld-Rafni: Sive Gunnlaugi Vermilinguis Og Ranis Poetae Vita (1775) by Eiriksson, Jon
Memoirs Of Leonora Christina, Daughter Of Christian IV Of Denmark (1872) by Ulfeldt, Leonora Christina
Memoirs Of Lewis Holberg (1827) by Holberg, Ludvig
Richard Lejonhjerta I Historien Och Poesin (1858) by Estlander, Carl Gustaf
Lettres Sur Le Dannemarc V2 (1764) by Reverdil, Elie-Salomon-Francois
Memoirs Of Leonora Christina, Daughter Of Christian IV Of Denmark (1872) by Ulfeldt, Leonora Christina
Absalons By: Kobenhavns Historie Fortalt For Ungdommen (1907) by Rutzebeck, Holger
Axel And Valborg: A Historical Tragedy In Five Acts (1906) by Oehlenschlager, Adam Gottlob
Aminnelse-Tal: Ofver Professoren Herr Torbern Olof Bergman (1786) by Hjelm, Peter Jacob
Muistelmia Joh. Vilh. Snellmanin Elamasta Kuopiossa (1886) by Granit, Bruno
Baldur The Beautiful (1910) by Litchfield, Grace Denio
Glimpses Of Norseland (1889) by Hervey, Hetta M.
Fireside Sketches From Swedish Life (1896) by Baker, Sarah Woods
Diatribe Historico Ecclesiastica De Cognatione Spirituali (1771) by Svefneyjum, Jon Olafsson Fra
Gjennem Lorgnetten: Forste Samling (1896) by Dilling, L.
Axel Porse (1851) by Heilmann, J. E.
Archibald Hamilton (1869) by Baarnhielm, E. W.
Adam Schrader (1879) by Lie, Jonas Lauritz Idemil
Carl Baggers Samlede Voerker (1867) by Bagger, Carl Christian
Carl Pontus Wikner: Hans Lefnad Och Laror (1889) by Aberg, Lawrence Heap
Carl XI, Rabenius Och Hexeri-Processen (1845) by Zeipel, Carl Von
Christen Berg: En Dansk Politikers Udviklingshistorie, 1829-1866 (1896) by Begtrup, Holger
Annals Of An Eventful Life V3 (1870) by Dasent, George Webbe
Axel And Valborg: A Historical Tragedy In Five Acts (1906) by Oehlenschlager, Adam Gottlob
Georg Brandes, 1842-1912 (1912) by Brandes, Georg, Krogvig, Anders, Skavlan, Einar
Madeiras Vegetation (1904) by Vahl, Martin
J. S. Welhaven, Liv Og Skrifter (1898) by Lochen, Arne
Knut Hamsun: The Dark Side of Literary Brilliance (New Directions in Scandinavian Studies) by Zagar, Monika
Sur Une Classe Particuliere D'Equations Aux Derivees Partielles Du Premier Ordre (1899) by Guldberg, Alf
Lunde Domkapitels Gaveboger: Libri Datici Lundenses (1889) by Weeke, Christian
Die Orthopedische Behandlung Der Sattelnase (1892) by Ayrapaa, Matti
Striden Mellem Orsted Og Mynster Eller Videnskaben Og Den Officielle Theologie (1851) by Varberg, Rud P. K.
Le Socialisme En Danemark (1893) by Martinet, Camille
Oehlenschlager Le Poete National Du Danemark: Etude Biographique Et Litteraire (1854) by Deumier, Jules Le Fevre
Die Nordisch Germanische Mythologie Und Der Mythus Von Thor (1882) by Serfling, Gustav
Ener Tuve (1910) by Ansteinsson, Ove Arthur
Morten Luther: En Skildring Af Hans Liv Og Gerning (1902) by Pontoppidan, Morten
Pauli Brev Til Romerne (1841) by Nielsen, Rasmus
Norwegian Life And Literature (1920) by Burchardt, Carl John Birch
Malte Konrad Bruun: En Biografisk Skildring (1871) by Birkedal-Barfod, Fredrik
Legends Of Norseland (1894) by Pratt, Mara Louise
Riksdagen 1527: Historisk Skadespel (1817) by Ling, Per Henrik
Pictures Of Swedish Life: Or Svea And Her Children (1895) by Baker, Sarah Woods
Johannes Evald (1888) by Jorgensen, Adolf Ditlev
Johannes Takanen: Elama Ja Teokset (1888) by Aspelin, Eliel
Sidste Blade: Erindringer Og Bekjendelser (1868) by Collett, Camilla
Stockholm: A Cultural History by Griffiths, Tony
Nordisk Mytologi: I Kortfattet Populaer Fremstilling (1906) by Mortensen, Karl