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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Scandinavian History in 2023

Reimagining Christendom: Writing Iceland's Bishops Into the Roman Church, 1200-1350 by Anderson, Joel D.
Sartorial Practices and Social Order in Eighteenth-Century Sweden: Fashioning Difference by Alm, Mikael
The Västgöta Laws by
Bringing the People Back in: State Building from Below in the Nordic Countries Ca. 1500-1800 by
Performing Power: The Political Secrets of Gustav III (1771-1792) by Berlova, Maria
The Older Gulathing Law by
The Formal Call in the Making of the Baltic Bourgeoisie by Stadin, Kekke
Alva and Gunnar Myrdal in Sweden and America, 1898-1945: Unsparing Honesty by Jackson, Walter a.
The Age of Social Democracy: Norway and Sweden in the Twentieth Century by Sejersted, Francis
Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark by Wollstonecraft, Mary
The Art and Thought of the Beowulf Poet by Neidorf, Leonard
The Greatest Viking: The Life of Olav Haraldsson by Seward, Desmond
The Greatest Viking: The Life of Olav Haraldsson by Seward, Desmond
The Viking Age in Scotland: Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology by
Extreme North: A Cultural History by Brunner, Bernd
A Short History of Finland by Clements, Jonathan
The Last Viking: The True Story of King Harald Hardrada by Hollway, Don
Scandinavia in the Middle Ages 900-1550: Between Two Oceans by Salonen, Kirsi, Villads Jensen, Kurt
Nationalism and Liberty: The Swiss Example by Kohn, Hans
Beyond the Light: Identity and Place in Nineteenth-Century Danish Art by
Scandinavia in the Middle Ages 900-1550: Between Two Oceans by Salonen, Kirsi, Villads Jensen, Kurt
The Norwegian Fjords by Heaton Cooper, A.
Norway by Jungman, Beatrix
Odin statt Jesus!: "Die Geschichte der Wikinger by Georgson, Ulf
Nordische Mythologie: Ein fesselnder Überblick über nordische Mythen, Götter und Göttinnen by Wellman, Billy
Lloyd George: The Man and His Story by Dilnot, Frank
Memoirs of Leonora Christina, Daughter of Christian IV. of Denmark; Written During Her Imprisonment in the Blue Tower at Copenhagen 1663-1685 by Leonora Christina Ulfeldt, Grevinde
Nordische Mythologie: Ein fesselnder Überblick über nordische Mythen, Götter und Göttinnen by Wellman, Billy
Decolonising Medieval Fennoscandia: An Interdisciplinary Study of Norse-Saami Relations in the Medieval Period by Wang, Solveig Marie
(Un)heile Körper im altnordischen Baldermythos by Kößlinger, Irina
History of Finland: A Captivating Guide to Finnish History by History, Captivating
Complexity and Dynamics: Settlement and Landscape from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance in the Nordic Countries (1700 BC-AD 1600) by
Complexity and Dynamics: Settlement and Landscape from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance in the Nordic Countries (1700 BC-AD 1600) by
River Kings: A New History of the Vikings from Scandinavia to the Silk Roads by Jarman, Cat
For the Love of Cod: A Father and Son's Search for Norwegian Happiness by Dregni, Eric
For the Love of Cod: A Father and Son's Search for Norwegian Happiness by Dregni, Eric
Untimely Sacrifices: Work and Death in Finland by Funahashi, Daena Aki
Untimely Sacrifices: Work and Death in Finland by Funahashi, Daena Aki
Visions of the Nordic Model in Northern and Southern Europe (1970s-1990s) by
History of Scandinavia: A Captivating Guide to the History of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland by History, Captivating
Finnsam vinterkonferens i Oslo 4-6 mars 2022: Tema: Carl Axel Gottlund på Finnskogen 1821-2021 by Holm, Ingunn
The History of Finland: From Saunas to Sibelius by Hansen, Einar Felix, Nieminen, Aino-Rita
The History of Denmark: From Vikings to Welfare State by Hansen, Einar Felix, Jensen, Lars-Mica
The History of Sweden: The Heart of Scandinavia by Hansen, Einar Felix, Nilsson, Gustav-David
Viking History: 500 Interesting Facts About the Vikings by Publications, Ahoy
History of the Vikings: An Enthralling Overview of the Viking Age by Wellman, Billy
Jahrbuch Fur Europaische Ethnologie: Schweden. Ambiguitaten Verhandeln. Tolerieren ALS Soziale Und Kulturelle PRAXIS by
The Sinking of the Blücher: The Battle of Drobak Sound, April 1940 by Haarr, Geirr H., Melien, Tor Jorgen
The Teutonic Way: Wotan by Gundarsson, Kveldulf
Elves, Wights & Trolls by Gundarsson, Kveldulf
Scandinavia Since 1500: Second Edition by Nordstrom, Byron J.
Norway's Knitted Heritage: The History, Surprises, and Power of Traditional Nordic Sweater Patterns by Sundbø, Annemor
Skandinavien: Geschichte weltweit by Weltweit, Geschichte
The Making and Circulation of Nordic Models, Ideas and Images by
Sweden, Japan, and the Long Second World War: 1931-1945 by Ottosson, Ingemar, Lottaz, Pascal
The Sámi Narrative Tradition: Cosmopolitans on the Arctic Tundra by Nergård, Jens-Ivar
Understanding Disability Throughout History: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Iceland from Settlement to 1936 by
Viking History and Norse Mythology: An Enthralling Journey of Exploration to Uncover the Secrets of the Vikings along with Nordic Myths, Gods, and God by Wellman, Billy
Hidden Harmonies: Manuscript and Print on the North Atlantic Fringe, 1500-1900 Volume 54 by
Dissonant Landscapes: Music, Nature, and the Performance of Iceland by Størvold, Tore
Saxons vs. Vikings: Alfred the Great and England in the Dark Ages by West, Ed
Memories from Fäbodar in Sweden by Mats, Rune
The Spanish Habsburgs and Dynastic Rule, 1500-1700 by Geevers, Elisabeth
The Spanish Habsburgs and Dynastic Rule, 1500-1700 by Geevers, Elisabeth
Hygge: Entdecke die Kunst des Wohlfühlens by Olsen, Rita Ruth
The Sinking of the Blücher: The Battle of Drøbak Narrows, April 1940 by Melien, Tor Jørgen, Haarr, Geirr
The Sinking of the Blücher: The Battle of Drøbak Narrows, April 1940 by Melien, Tor Jørgen, Haarr, Geirr
Scandinavia Since 1500: Second Edition by Nordstrom, Byron J.
Denmark: A Modern History by Jones, W. Glyn
An Age of Hubris: Colonialism, Christianity, and the Xhosa in the Nineteenth Century by Keegan, Timothy
An Age of Hubris: Colonialism, Christianity, and the Xhosa in the Nineteenth Century by Keegan, Timothy
The Vikings by Raffield, Ben, Price, Neil
Kyrkio-Stadgar För Westerås Stift by Rudbeckius, Johannes
Hakon Hákonsøns Saga Fra Hertug Skules Fald: Brudstykke Af Magnus Lagaboeters Saga: Fortaellinger Om Halfdan Svarte, Kong Harald Haarfager, Hauk Haabr by þórðarson, Sturla
Erkebiskop Henrik Kalteisens Kopibog... by Kalteisen, Heinrich, Bugge, Alexander
Beskrivelse Over Nordlands Amt I Tronhiems Stift: Først Udgivet Under Titel Nordlands Trompet by Dass, Petter
Wäringarna: Historisk Undersökning by Cronholm, Abraham Peter
Norges Historie; Volume 1 by Keyser, Rudolph, Rygh, Oluf
Kong Frederik Den Andens Ungdomskjærlighed: Et Historisk Forsøg by Bricka, Carl Frederik
Historiskt-Politiska Anteckningar für Aren 1743-1796 by Adlercreutz, Henrik Tomas
Familien Rosenkrantz's Historie by 1836-1903, Barner Konrad
Danske Patriciske Slaegter; Volume 1 by Nygaard, S., Elvius, Sofus
Gustavus Iii And His Contemporaries, 1742-1792: An Overlooked Chapter Of Eighteenth Century History; Volume 2 by Bain, Robert Nisbet
Bidrag Til En Historisk-Topografisk Beskrivelse Af Island; Volume 2 by Stiftelse, Arnamagnæanske, Kålund, Kristian
Forordninger Og Aabne Breve Som Til Island Ere Udgivne Af De Hoistpriselige Konger Af Den Oldenborgiske Stamme; Volume 1 by Anonymous
Sakses Danesaga: Svensønnernes Og Borgerkrgenes Tid (1076-1157)... by (Grammaticus), Saxo, Olrik, Jørgen
Socialismen: En Historisk Framställning by Branting, Hjalmar
En Svensk Koloni I Afrika: Eller Svenska Afrikanska Kompaniets Historia... by Granlund, Victor Gottfrid
Patriotiska Testamente, Eller Underrättelse Om Järn, Stal ... by Polhem, Christopher
Peder Oxe et Historisk Billed by Troels-Lund
Skånske Lov Og Eskils Skånske Kirkelov: Tilligemed Andreæ Sunonis Lex Scaniæ Prouincialis, Skånske Arvebog Og Det Tilbageværende Af Knud Den 6.'s Og V by Eskil
Bidrag Till Kännendom Om Göteborgs Och Bohusläns Fornminnen Och Historia, Volume 1, Issues 1-4... by
Gols Gamle Stavkirke Og Hovestuen Paa Bygdø Kongsgaard... by Nicolaysen, Nicolay, Bygdoy, Norway
Bidrag Till Historien Om Sveriges Krig Med Ryssland Åren 1741 - 43, Volume 1... by Tengberg, Niklas
Doedsfald I Danmark, 1761-90 by Richter, Vilhelm
The Scots In Sweden by John, Kirkpatrick, A, Fischer Th
The Norse Discovery of America: A Compilation in Extensó of All the Sagas, Manuscripts, and Inscriptive Memorials Relating to the Finding and Settleme by Anderson, Rasmus Björn, Reeves, Arthur Middleton, Beamish, North Ludlow
Danmarks Krønike by Aagesen, Svend
The Vikings of the Baltic by Dasent, George Webbe
The Norse Discovery of America: A Compilation in Extensó of All the Sagas, Manuscripts, and Inscriptive Memorials Relating to the Finding and Settleme by Anderson, Rasmus Björn, Beamish, North Ludlow, Reeves, Arthur Middleton
Scandinavia Since 1500: Second Edition by Nordstrom, Byron J.
Scandinavia Since 1500: Second Edition by Nordstrom, Byron J.
Safn Til Sögu Íslands Og Íslenzkra Bókmenta Að Fornu Og Nýju: Gefið Út Af Hinu Íslenzka Bókmentafélagi by Bókmenntafélag, Hið Íslenzka
Sveriges Regeringsformer, 1632-1809, Samt Konungaförsäkringar 1611-1800... by Hildebrand, Emil
"Harald Fairhair" and his Ancestors by Howorth, Henry H.
Kristian Den Fjerdes Artilleri: Hans Tøihuse Og Vaabenforraad... by Blom, Otto
Bidrag Till Åbo Stads Historia, Volume 5... by
Íslands Árbaekur Í Sögu-formi, Volume 1... by Espólín, Jón
Den Danske Søe-heldt, Vice-admiral Peter Tordenskiolds Leonet Og Bedrifter, Med Kaabere; Volume 2 by Rothe, Caspar Peter
Matrikel Öfver I Upsala Studerande Norrlänningar, 1595-1889... by
Altnordisches Leben. by Weinhold, Karl
Skilsmisseprocessen Imellem Kong Christian Den Syvende Og Dronning Karoline Matilde by Fjelstrup, August
Voyage En Islande: Fait Par Ordre De S. M. Danoise, Contenant Des Observations Sur Les Moeurs Et Les Usages Des Habitans; Une Description by Ólafsson, Eggert, De La Peyronie, Gauthier
Íslenzkir Annálar: Sive Annales Islandici, Ab Anno Christi 803 Ad Annum 1430 by Suhm, Peter Frederik, Werlauff, Erich Christian
Struensée Et La Cour De Copenhague, 1760-1772: Mémoires De Reverdil ... Précédes D'une Courte Notice Sur L'auteur Et Suivis De Lettres Inédites by Reverdil, Elie-Salomon-François
Norges Konge-Sagaer Fra De Aeldste Tider Indtil Anden Halvdeel Af De 13De Århundrede Efter Christi Fødsel by Sturluson, Snorri, þórðarson, Sturla, Munch, Peter Andreas
Kongl. Svea Hofrätts Presidenter Samt Embets- Och Tjenstemän 1614-1898 by Anjou, Anton Frans Karl
Fornmanna Sögur: Sögur Noregs Konúnga Frá Magnúss Erlíngssonar ... [Útg. Af R.K. Rask] ... 1832 by Sögur, Fornmanna
Sveriges Krig Med Staden Bremen Och Politik I Samband Därmed, Åren 1665-1666 by Lundqvist, Karl Gustaf
Sveriges Krig Åren 1808 Och 1809; Volume 3 by
Gustav II Adolf by Nils, Lövgren
Norway: Official Publication for the Paris Exhibition 1900 by Konon, Sten
Scandinavia; a Political History of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, From 1513 to 1900 by Bain, R. Nisbet 1854-1909
Geschichte Schwedens. by Rühs, Friedrich
Dänische und Norwegische Staatsgeschichte by Holberg, Ludvig
Svenska Statsförfattningens Historiska Utveckling Från Äldsta Tid Till Våra Dagar by Hildebrand, Emil
Biografiska Minnen Af Konung Carl Xii: S Krigare: Samt Andre Embetsmän Och Personer, Under Denna Konungs Tid, Fångne I Ryssland, Flygtige I Turkiet, E by Ennes, Barthold Anders
Histoire De Gustave-Adolphe, Roi De Suède ... by de Parieu, Félix Esquirou
Handlingar Rörande Skandinaviens Historia; Volume 32 by
Orkneyinga Saga Sive Historia Orcadensium a Prima Orcadum Per Norvegos Occupatione Ad Exitum Seculi Duodecimi. Saga Hins Helga Magnusar Eyia Jarla Siv by Thorkelín, Grímur Jónsson, Jónsson, Jón
The Norse Discovery of America: A Compilation in Extensó of All the Sagas, Manuscripts, and Inscriptive Memorials Relating to the Finding and Settleme by Anderson, Rasmus Björn, Beamish, North Ludlow, Reeves, Arthur Middleton
Anteckningar Under En Resa I Finland År 1747 by Ehrensvärd, Augustin
Schweden in Böhmen Und Mähren 1640-1650 by Dudik, Beda
Efterskrift Til Bornholms Oldtidsminder Og Oldsager... by Vedel, Emil
Gamle Christiania-billeder by Collett, Alf
Pictures of Swedish Life; or, Svea and her Children by Baker, Sarah S. 1824-1906
Äldsta Delen Af Cod. 1812 4To Gml. Kgl. Samling På Kgl. Biblioteket I København by Larsson, Ludvig
Geschichte Schwedens by Geijer, Erik Gustaf, Carlson, Fredrik Ferdinand
Norges Helgener by Daae, Ludvig
Hjørring Amt: Beskrevet Efter Opfordring Fra Det Kongelige Landhuusholdningsselskab... by Brinck-Seidelin, L. C.
Die Bekehrung Des Norwegischen Stammes Zum Christenthume, II Band by Von Maurer, Konrad
Guerre Du Danemark En 1864: Equisse Politique Et Militaire... by Lecomte, Ferdinand
Ueber das Werk des koenigl. Daenischen etatsraths und Professors Finn Magnusen, Runamo Og Runerne by Sjögren, Andreas Johan
Handelen Mellem England Og Norge Indtil Begyndelsen Af Det 15De Aarhundrede by Bugge, Alexander
Kortfattet Fremstilling Af Den Ældste Nordiske Runeskrift Og Den I De Ældste Rune-Indskrifter Herskende Sprogform by Munch, Peter Andreas
Noraskogs Arkiv: Berghistoriska Samlingar Och Anteckningar, Volume 4... by Johansson, Johan
Collection Des Écrits Politiques, Littéraires Et Dramatiques De Gustave Iii, Roi De Suède: Suivie De Sa Correspondance ...... by
Gammeldanske Krøniker, Volumes 1-3... by Anonymous
Om Robert Molesworth's Skrift "An Account of Denmark As It Was in the Year 1692." by Brasch, Christian Henrik
Til Jeneseis kilder; den Norske Sibirieskspeditions reise, 1914 by
"Harald Fairhair" and his Ancestors by Howorth, Henry H.
Fyenboen Claudius Claussøn Swart (claudius Clavus): Nordens Ældste Kartograf. En Monografi Af Axel Anthon Bjørnbo Og Carl S. Petersen. Avec Un Résumé by Björnbo, Axel Anthon
Bidrag Till Åbo Stads Historia, Volumes 8-10... by
Rikskansleren Axel Oxenstiernas Skrifter Och Brefvexling; Volume 2 by Oxenstierna, Axel, Styffe, Carl Gustaf, Kungl Vitterhets, Historie Och Antik
Ölands Historia Och Beskrifning; Volume 1 by Ahlqvist, Abraham
Bidrag Til En Historisk-Topografisk Beskrivelse Af Island; Volume 1 by Stiftelse, Arnamagnæanske, Kålund, Kristian
Svearnas Och Göthernas Strid Om Konungavalet: Historisk Af Handling by Ryberg, Sven
Danmarks Boghandlere: En Personalhistorisk Haandbog Af Andreas Dolleris by Dolleris, Andreas
History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway; Volume 2 by Dunham, S. A. D. 1858
Scandinavia, Ancient And Modern: Being A History Of Denmark, Sweden, And Norway...with Illustrations Of Their Natural History; Volume 1 by Crichton, Andrew
Scandinavia, Ancient And Modern: Being A History Of Denmark, Sweden, And Norway by Anonymous
Historische Merkwürdigkeiten, Die Königinn Christina Von Schweden Betreffend: Zur Erläuterung Der Geschichte Ihrer Regierung Und Insonderheit Ihres Pr by Arckenholtz, Johan
Konung Gustaf Iii: S Skrifter, I Politiska Och Vittra Ämnen... by
Samlinger Til Det Norske Folks Sprog Og Historie, Volume 6... by Munthe, Gerhard, Keyser, Rudolph
A Brief History of Valle, Saetersdal, Norway and of Some Families From There by Harstad, Bjug Aanondsen 1848-1933
Scandinavia; a Political History of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, From 1513 to 1900 by Bain, R. Nisbet 1854-1909
Saga-Book of the Viking Club; Volume 3 by
Till Kännedomen Om Skandinaviens Geografi Och Kartografi Under 1500-Talets Senare Hälft by Ahlenius, Karl
Skandinavismen Historisk Fremstillet by Clausen, Julius
Nordboernes Skibe I Vikinge- Og Sagatiden by Guðmundsson, Valtýr
Kong Christian den Fjerdes Egenhændige Breve by Bricka, Carl Frederik, Fridericia, Julius Albert
Danmarks Len og Lensmænd i det Sextende Aarhundrede: 1513-1595 by Erslev, Kr
Norske Magasin: Skrifter Og Optegnelser, Angaaende Norge Og Forfattede Efter Reformationen, Volume 1... by Anonymous
Handlingar Rörande Sveriges Historia by Nordtröm, J. J.
The Scots In Sweden by John, Kirkpatrick, A, Fischer Th
Icelandic Sagas And Other Historical Documents Relating To The Settlements And Descents Of The Northmen On The British Isles ...: Hakonar Saga, And A by þórðarson, Sturla, Saga, Orkneyinga
Diplomatarium Islandicum: Bd. 1245-1491 by Bókmenntafélag, Íslenzka, þOrkelsson, Jón, Sigurðsson, Jón
Norges Historie; Volume 1 by Keyser, Rudolph, Rygh, Oluf
Danske Patriciske Slaegter; Volume 1 by Elvius, Sofus, Nygaard, S.
Historien Om Min Handel Paa Island: Mine Søereiser Og Hendelser I Anledning Af Islands Almindelige Ansøgning Til Kongen Om Udvidede Handelsfriheder M. by Plum, Jacob Severin
Die Njálssage, Insbesondere in Ihren Juristischen Bestandtheilen: Ein Kritischer Beitrag Zur Altnordischen Rechts- Und Literaturgeschichte by Lehmann, Karl
The Historians' History of the World: Scandinavia, Switzerland to 1715 by Williams, Henry Smith
En Krønike Om Kvinesdal... by Daae, Ludvig
La Suède et l'orient, études archéologiques sur les relations de la Suéde et de l'orient pendant l'âge des Vikings by Arne, Tj
Birka... by Schück, Henrik
Ribe Bys Historie Og Beskrivelse Indtil Reformationen: Udgivet Med Understottelse Af Det Jydske Historisk-topografiske Selskab, Volume 1... by Kinch, J.
The Runes, Whence Came They by Stephens, George
Historische Merkwürdigkeiten, Die Königinn Christina Von Schweden Betreffend: Zur Erläuterung Der Geschichte Ihrer Regierung Und Insonderheit Ihres Pr by Arckenholtz, Johan
Norway And The Norwegians by Keary, Charles Francis, Tindall, Eva
The Vikings of the Baltic by Dasent, George Webbe
The History of the Life of Leonard Torstenson: (Lennart Torstenson, ) "The Argus-Eyed, Briarean-Armed," Senator of Sweden, Count of Ortala, Chief of t by De Peyster, John Watts
Norges Historie Efter 1814: Bd. 1823-1830 by Nielsen, Yngvar
Billeder Af Livet Paa Island: Islandske Sagaer, Volumes 1-3 by Horn, Winkel
Heimskringla: Eða Sögur Noregskonunga Snorra Sturlusonar; Volume 3 by Linder, Nils, Haggson, K. A., Sturluson, Snorri
Bidrag Till Kännedomen Om Sveriges Och Nederländernas Diplomatiska Förbindelser Under Karl X Gustafs Regering by Fries, Ellen
Inbjudningsskrifter Till De Högtidlighteter Hvarmed Trehundraårsminnet Af Upsala Möte Kommer Att Firas I Upsala Den 5-7 September 1893 by Universitet, Uppsala, Sundberg, Anton Niklas
Danmark I Valdemarernes Tid, 1157-1375: En Historisk Skildring by Hammerich, Frederik
The Aland Question From a Swedish Finlander's Point of View by Sederholm, J. J. 1863-1934
An Account of Sweden Together With an Extract of the History of That Kingdom by
Norges Kongesagaer: 1914-Utgaven; Volume 4 by Sturluson, Snorri, Jónsson, Finnur
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