• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Screenwriting in 2009

Scriptwriting for the Screen by Moritz, Charlie
The Wicked Wit of the West: Golden Age Screenwriter Irving Brecher Gets the Last Word by Brecher, Irving
Scriptwriting for the Screen by Moritz, Charlie
The Wicked Wit of the West: The Last Great Golden-Age Screenwriter Shares the Hilarity and Heartaches of Working with Groucho, Garland, Gleason, B by Brecher, Irving
The Wicked Wit of the West: The Last Great Golden-Age Screenwriter Shares the Hilarity and Heartaches of Working with Groucho, Garland, Gleason, B by Brecher, Irving
How Not to Make a Short Film: Secrets from a Sundance Programmer by Munroe, Roberta Marie
Film Stories by Roemer, Michael
The Photodrama by Phillips, Henry Albert
The Art and Craft of Screenwriting: Fundamentals, Methods and Advice from Insiders by Frome, Shelly
The Photodrama by Phillips, Henry Albert
Screenwriting: History, Theory and Practice by Maras, Steven
Basics Film-Making 02: Screenwriting by Richards, James, Edgar, Robert, Marland, John
The Cartoonist: Screenplay by Kleist, Jurgen, Hartweg, Petra
California Dreaming: Drehbuch by Kleist, Jurgen
Como escribir GUIONES de CINE y TELEVISION by Tauler, Arnoldo
Como escribir GUIONES de CINE y TELEVISION by Tauler, Arnoldo
The Brothers Coen: Unique Characters of Violence by Doom, Ryan
Socket: The Original Shooting Screenplay by Abley, Sean
Rethinking the Femme Fatale in Film Noir: Ready for Her Close-Up by Grossman, J.
Film Narratology by Verstraten, Peter
Horror Screenwriting: The Nature of Fear by Watson, Devin
Fast, Cheap & Written That Way: Top Screenwriters on Writing for Low-Budget Movies by Gaspard, John
Writing Television Sitcoms: Revised and Expanded Edition of the Go-to Guide by Smith, Evan S.