• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Scuba & Snorkeling in 2018

Dive-Navigator Philippines: Puerto Galera by Dvoretski, Andrei
God & Spies: Based on a True Story Top Secret Operation by Matheny, Garry
Spring Diver: Distinctive Specialty Guide for PADI Instructors by Zellem, Edward, Krawczyk, Edward
Spring Diver: Distinctive Specialty Guide for PADI Students by Krawczyk, Edward, Zellem, Edward
Diving Log Book: Under the Sea by
Divers and Diving by Whyte, Adam Gowans
Deep Into Deco Revised and Updated: The Diver's Decompression Textbook by Salama, Asser
Squalo Tigre: Trenta Anni Di Avventure Di Mare by Motta, Roberto
One Pot Pasta Kochbuch: Die besten One Pot Pasta Rezepte für ernährungsbewusste Menschen. Inklusive ausführlicher Tipps und Tricks für den Ein by Club, Cooking
Freediving to fame and fortune: The astonishing story of a legendary free diver in the early 50s by Buxton, Tony
Death in Number Two Shaft: The Underwater Exploration of Newfoundland's Bell Island Mine by Lewis, Steve
Lonely Planet Maldives by Masters, Tom, Bindloss, Joe
Scuba Fundamental: Start Je Duikavontuur op de Juiste Manier by Pridmore, Simon
Scuba Exceptional: Become the Best Diver You Can Be by Pridmore, Simon
Diveheart Instructor Y Compañero de Buceo Adaptado by Kaufman, Michael, Elliott, Jim
Dining with Divers: A Taste for Adventure by Strike, David, Pridmore, Simon
Reef Smart Guides Florida: Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach: Scuba Dive. Snorkel. Surf. (Best Diving Spots in Florida) by Wagner, Otto, McDougall, Peter, Popple, Ian
Reef Smart Guides Bonaire: Scuba Dive. Snorkel. Surf. (Best Netherlands' Bonaire Diving Spots, Scuba Diving Travel Guide) by Wagner, Otto, McDougall, Peter, Popple, Ian
Diving & Snorkeling Guide to Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands by Rock, Tim
Diving and Snorkeling Guide to Palau and Yap by Rock, Tim
Scuba Travel Log: Diving Is My Passion and I Need to Remember My Dives. by Cullen, William E.