• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sculpting in 2010

Musée Des Monumens Français,: Ou Description Historique Et Chronologique Des Statues En Marbre Et En Bronze, Bas-Reliefs Et Tombeaux Des Hommes Et D by Lenoir, Alexandre
Musée Des Monumens Français,: Ou Description Historique Et Chronologique Des Statues En Marbre Et En Bronze, Bas-Reliefs Et Tombeaux Des Hommes Et D (Large Print Edition) by Lenoir, Alexandre
Body Casting Manual: A complete body casting tutorial explaining in details how to make a realistic, life size and very elegant plaster scu by Duhamel, Olivier O.
Chapu: Sa Vie Et Son Oeuvre by Fidiere, Octave
Catalogue Du Musée Fol ...: Ptie. Mobilier by Fol, Walther
Les Statues de Terre Cuite Dans l'Antiquité: Sicile, Grand-Grèce, Étrurie Et Rome by Deonna, Waldemar
Musée Des Monumens Français: Ou Description Historique Et Chronologique Des Statues En Marbre Et En Bronze, Bas-Reliefs Et Tombeaux Des Hommes Et D by Lenoir, Alexandre
L'Art De Composer Des Pierres Factices Aussi Dures Que Le Caillou (1807) by Fleuret, M.
Die Sculpturen Des Strassburger Munsters, Part 1: Die Alteren Sculpturen Bis 1789 (1894) by Meyer-Altona, Ernst
Bellezza E Civilta O Delle Arti Del Bello Sensibile (1857) by Tommaseo, Niccolo
Peter Vischer Et La Sculpture Franconienne Du Xive Au Xvie Siècle by Reau, Louis
A Collection of Works Illustrative of the Dance of Death: La Danse Macabre, Imagines Mortes, Icones Mortes, Les Images de La Mort (1649) by Sears, George Edward
Terres Cuites Orientales Et Gréco-Orientales: Chaldée, Assyrie, Phéniciè, Chypre, Et Rhodes by Dumont, Albert
Lettere Inedite del Cavaliere Giambattista Guarini by Ariosto, Lodovico, Guarini, Battista
Die Composition Der Aegineten (1878) by Lange, Konrad
Die Entwickelung Des Putto In Der Plastik: Der Fruhrenaissance (1898) by Weber, Siegfried
Bellezza E Civilta O Delle Arti Del Bello Sensibile (1857) by Tommaseo, Niccolo
I Codici Greci Miniati Delle Minori Biblioteche Di Roma (1905) by Munoz, Antonio
Les Monumens Antiques Du Musee Napoleon V4 (1806) by Radel, Louis Petit, Piroli, Thomas
Die Akropolis Von Athen Nach Den Berichten Der Alten Und Den Neusten Erforschungen (1888) by Boetticher, Adolf
Storia Della Scultura Dal Suo Risorgimento In Italia Fino Al Secolo Di Canova V6 (1825) by Cicognara, Leopoldo, Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Antinoos: Eine Kunstarchaologische Untersuchung (1884) by Dietrichson, Lorentz
What Sculpture To See In Europe (1914) by Bryant, Lorinda Munson
Le Terme Di Diocleziano E Il Museo Nazionale Romano (1920) by Paribeni, Roberto
Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture: A Series of Essays on the History of Art by Furtw Ngler, Adolf, Adolf, Furtwangler, Furtwangler, Adolf
Facial Reconstruction for Artists by Flood, Jan