• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sculpting in 2017

How Does It Feel?: Inquiries Into Contemporary Sculpture by
篆刻法 - 世纪集团 by Wu, Yiren
Beschreibung der Bildwerke der christlichen Epoche: 1. Band by Bode, Wilhelm
篆刻跟我学 - 世纪集团 by Wu, Yiren
Lombardische Denkmäler des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts: Giovanni di Balduccio da Pisa und die Campionesen by Meyer, Alfred Gotthold
篆刻自学与欣赏 - 世纪集团 by Tang, Zhaoji
Sculpting: 1-2-3 Easy Techniques to Mastering Sculpting by Landowski, Scott
Jacopo della Quercia: eine kunsthistorische Studie by Cornelius, Carl
Die Bildwerke der königlichen Antikensammlung zu Dresden by Hettner, Hermann
Antike Denkmäler zur griechischen Götterlehre by Wieseler, Friedrich, Wernicke, Konrad, Müller, Karl Otfried
Pastel Drawing & Sculpting: 1-2-3 Easy Techniques to Mastering Pastel Drawing! & 1-2-3 Easy Techniques in Mastering Sculpting! by Landowski, Scott
Sculpting & Airbrushing: 1-2-3 Easy Techniques in Mastering Sculpting! & 1-2-3 Easy Techniques to Mastering Airbrushing! by Landowski, Scott
Oberitalische Plastik im frühen und hohen Mittelalter by Zimmermann, Max Georg
Geschichtliche und künstlerische Erläuterungen: II. Band.: Zu L. Weissers Bilder-Atlas zur Weltgeschichte by Merz, Heinrich
Die Akropolis von Athen: Nach den Berichten der alten und den neusten Erforschungen by Boetticher, Adolf
Beschreibung der Glyptothek König Ludwigs I. zu München by Brunn, Heinrich
Oberitalische Plastik im frühen und hohen Mittelalter by Zimmermann, Max Georg
Sculptural Secrets for Mosaics: Creating 3-D Bases for Mosaic Application by Latimer, Julee
Description Des Ouvrages de la Sculpture Française Des Xvie, Xviie Et Xviiie Siècles,: Exposés Dans Les Salles de la Galerie d'Angoulême . Par M. Le C by Clarac, Frédéric
Shrunken Heads: A Workshop with Russ Adams by Adams, Russ
Japan Tattoo Coloring Books: A Fantastic Selection of Exciting Imagery by Tattoo Coloring Books for Adults Relaxat, Alex Summer
Der Skulpturencyklus in der Vorhalle des Freiburger Münsters: und seine Stellung in der Plastik des Oberrheins by Moriz-Eichborn, Kurt
Why I am a sculptor by Giacometti, Alberto
Der Skulpturencyklus in der Vorhalle des Freiburger Münsters: und seine Stellung in der Plastik des Oberrheins by Moriz-Eichborn, Kurt
Deutsch Tanagra: Porzellan-Figuren des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts:2. Band by Hirth, Georg
Deutsch Tanagra: Porzellan-Figuren des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts:1. Band by Hirth, Georg
Beginner's Guide to Sculpting Characters in Clay by
Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Crete and the Agean Islands by Wroth, Warwick
Les Origines de la Gravure by Delaborde, Henri
Excursions in Greece to Recently Explored Sites of Classical Interest by Perkins, Emma Read, Diehl, Charles
The Best of Proctor's West: An In-Depth Study of Eleven of Proctor's Bronzes by Hassrick, Peter H.
A Manual of Ancient Sculpture: Egyptian - Assyrian - Greek - Roman. Second Edition by Redford, George
Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase Paintings by Huddilston, John Homer
Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase Paintings by Huddilston, John Homer
3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling by Mongeon, Bridgette
Horseshoe Crafts: More Than 30 Easy Projects to Weld at Home by Barbie the Welder
A Manual of Ancient Sculpture: Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek and Roman by Redford, George
Shrunken Heads: A Workshop with Russ Adams by Adams, Russ
Public Sculpture of Lancashire and Cumbria by Cross, David A.
Rodin: THE MAN AND HIS ART: With Leaves From His Notebook by
Auguste Rodin: The Man, His Ideas, His Works by Mauclair, Camille
Stefan G. Bucher's Letterheads: An Eccentric Alphabet by
The Louvre by Beale, S. Sophia