• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sculpting in 2023

Contemporary British Ceramics and the Influence of Sculpture: Monuments, Multiples, Destruction and Display by Gray, Laura
Be a Polymer Clay Pro!: 15 Projects & 20+ Skill-Building Techniques by Tomlinson, Lauren
My Silver Lining: Healing Through Art by Troice, Jennifer
Innovators in Sculpture by Durante, Dianne L.
Clay Sculpting with the Shiflett Brothers by Shiflett, Brandon
Die altchristlichen Goldgläser: Ein Beitrag zur altchristlichen Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte by Vopel, Hermann
I Can Be Myself When Everyone I Know Is Dead...: The Delightfully Dreadful Art of Kamila Mlynarczyk by Mlynarczyk, Kamila
The Private Eye in Public Art by Schwartz, Joyce Pomeroy
Les Adam et Clodion by Thirion, Henri
Über das Odeion des Herodes Attikos by Schillbach, Richard
Portrait Medals of Italian Artists of the Renaissance by Hill, George Francis
The Life And Work Of Auguste Rodin by Lawton, Frederick
Histoire De France Depuis Les Origines Jusqu'à La Révolution, Volume 2, part 2 by Lavisse, Ernest, De La Blache, Paul Vidal, Bloch, Gustave
Die Bestimmung Des Onos Oder Epinetron by Láng, Margarete
Portrait Medals of Italian Artists of the Renaissance by Hill, George Francis
Répertoire De La Statuaire Grecque Et Romaine; Volume 2 by Reinach, Salomon
Griechische Ikonoraphie mit Ausschluss Alexanders und der Diadochen. Erster Teil. by Bernoulli, John Jakob
Guida Di Roma E Suoi Dintorni Ornata Della Pianta E Verdute Della Citta E Corredata Di Tutte Quelle Notizie Che Possono Importare Al Viaggiatore by Rufini, Alessandro
Luca Della Robbia: With Other Italian Sculptors by Scott, Leader
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Sächsischen Skulptur in Der Übergangszeit Vom Romanischen Zum Gotischen Stil by Goldschmidt, Adolph
Collection H. Hoffmann: Catalogue Des Objets D'art Antiques ... by Hoffmann, Henri, Froehner, Wilhelm
Die Vasen-Sammlung der Kaiserlichen Ermitage, erster Theil by Stephani, Ludolf
Modelling And Sculpture: A Full Account Of The Various Methods And Processes Employed In These Arts by Toft, Albert
Excursions in Greece to Recently Explored Sites of Classical Interest: Mycenae, Tiryns, Dodona, Delos, Athens, Olympia, Eleusis, Epidaurus, Tanagra. a by Poole, R. S., Perkins, Emma Read, Diehl, Charles
The Vatican: Its History, Its Treasures by Kennedy, Thomas J., Begni, Ernesto, Grey, James C.
Über das Odeion des Herodes Attikos by Schillbach, Richard
Milet; Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899. Begründet von Theodor Wiegand by Berlin, Staatliche Museen Zu, Wiegand, Theodor
Recueil général des bas-reliefs de la Gaule romaine; Volume 10 by Lantier, Raymond, Espérandieu, Émile
I Gagini E La Scultura In Sicilia Nei Secoli Xv E Xvi: Memorie Storiche E Documenti, Volume 2... by Marzo, Gioacchino Di
L'album De Pierre Jacques De Reims: Dessins Inédits D'après Les Marbres Antiques Conservés À Rome Au Xvi. Siècle by Geffroy, Auguste
Outstanding: The Relief - From Rodin to Picasso by
Inhabiting Stone by Büche, Celestin
Inhabiting Stone by Büche, Celestin
The Lost Tune: Early Works (1913-1930) as Photographed by the Artist by Szukalski, Stanislav
Baccio Bandinelli e le anatomie degli scartafacci by Schiesaro, Jonathan