• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sculpture & Installation in 2011

Edgar Degas Sculpture by Barbour, Daphne S., Sturman, Shelley G., Lindsay, Suzanne Glover
Die Stilisierung der figurativ-mimetischen Skulptur und deren Umsetzung in einem Projekt in der Grundschule by Rückert, Edda
Luisenkult - Das Denkmal der Königin Luise von Erdmann Encke im Berliner Tiergarten 1876-1880 im Vergleich zu weiteren Luisendenkmälern der Kaiserzeit by Held, Trixi
Greek Sculpture and the Problem of Description by Donohue, A. A.
Subodh Gupta: Common Man by
Zur stilistischen Einordnung und Datierung der Otto-Theophanu-Elfenbeintafel in Paris: Byzantinische Elfenbeintafeln als ottonische Vorlagen im Umkrei by Hilbig, Nicole
Mahnmal gegen Faschismus - Alfred Hrdlicka by Kaluga, Katja, Röthig, Peter
Chinese Bronze Ware by Li, Song
Eva Rothschild by
Screen/Space: The Projected Image in Contemporary Art by
Richard Serra: Notebooks Vol. 1 by
Cement Eclipses: Small Interventions in the Big City by
The Heart of Wisdom: Studies on the Heart Amulet in Ancient Egypt by Sousa, Rogério
Ruby: Otherworldliness by
Cheshire and Lancashire by Bailey, Richard N.
Molten Color: Glassmaking in Antiquity by Wight, Karol B.
Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance: The Stone Reliefs at Carchemish and Zincirli in the Earlier First Millennium Bce by Gilibert, Alessandra
Die Goldbrakteaten Der Völkerwanderungszeit - Auswertung Und Neufunde by
Journey Into Fame: The Life of Daniel Chester French by Cresson, Margaret French, French, Daniel Chester
The Audience & Art: What Is The Exchange Between Contemporary Art And The Viewer?... by Patel, Leena
Isuma: The Art and Imagination of Ruben Komangapik by Komangapik, Ruben
Commemorating the Polish Renaissance Child: Funeral Monuments and their European Context by Labno, Jeannie
The Lives of Chinese Objects: Buddhism, Imperialism and Display by Tythacott, Louise
Visualizing Labor in American Sculpture: Monuments, Manliness, and the Work Ethic, 1880 1935 by Dabakis, Melissa
Jim Dine: Night Fields, Day Fields Sculpture by
The Aesthetics of Emulation in the Visual Arts of Ancient Rome by Perry, Ellen
Curing "Burabura" by Millson, James C.
Sculptomania: 25 Years of Sculpting by Ernst, Rudy
The Elemental Works of Dale Rogers by Paganelli, Siobhan, Wheatley, Mark, Rogers, Dale
Royal Statuary of Early Dynastic Mesopotamia by Marchetti, Nicolò, Marchesi, Gianni
The Peeps: Ancoats: the presence of absence by Dubowitz, Dan
Tim Davies by
Various Works by Thayer, Russ
Marmorskulpturen Der Römischen Kaiserzeit Aus Milet: Aufstellungskontext Und Programmatische Aussage by Bol, Renate
Amy O'Neill: Forests, Gardens & Joe's by
Alison Wilding: Art School Drawings from the 1960s and 70s by
The Craft of the Japanese Sculptor by Warner, Langdon
The Autobiography From The Notebooks And Sculpture Of Adaline Kent by Kent, Adaline
Temple Decoration and Cultural Identity in the Archaic Greek World by Marconi, Clemente
Anonymous Sculptures: Video and Form in Contemporary Art by
Eva Schlegel: In Between by
It Happened at Pomona: Art at the Edge of Los Angeles 1969-1973 by
Greek Art by Sparkes, Brian a.
Yves Netzhammer: Das Reservat Der Nachteile/The Refuge for Drawbacks by
Humanitarians for Justice, Nonviolence and Peace: Journey of an Unexpected Sculptor by Censor, Meera
Wolfstein Sculpture Parks At Scripps Memorial Hospitals San Diego by Greve, Gerrit
The Waldorf Panels on Sculpture (1965) by
The Female Portrait Statue in the Greek World by Dillon, Sheila
Emilio Vedova Scultore by
Thomas Stimm: Terra by
Evan Penny: Re Figured by
Tony Cragg: Figure Out Figure in by
Monumenta 2011 by
Bulletin ...... by
Bulletin ...... by
How To Glaze Pottery by Snead, Jane Wanger
Sculpture Journal 20.1 by
John Howard Benson And His Work, 1901-1956 by Hofer, Philip
Sculpture in Britain: The Middle Ages by Stone, Lawrence
The Art of Life by Howard, Sabin, Slatton, Traci L.
The Art of Life by Slatton, Traci L., Howard, Sabin
Contemporary Sculpture: An Evolution in Volume and Space by Giedion-Welcker, Carola Comp
Kurt Schwitters - Das plastische Werk by Schnorr, Nadine
Women and Visual Replication in Roman Imperial Art and Culture by Trimble, Jennifer
The Artists of the Ara Pacis: The Process of Hellenization in Roman Relief Sculpture by Conlin, Diane Atnally
Easy-To-Do Flower Patterns for Woodcarvers by Sutter, Mack
Remaking Race and History: The Sculpture of Meta Warrick Fuller by Ater, Renée
Sculpture and the Museum by
Constantin Brancusi: Sculpting the Essence of Things by Pearson, James
Agrigento by
The Art of Richard Long by Malpas, William
New Voices on Early Medieval Sculpture in Britain and Ireland by
He Named Her Amber by H?ussler, Iris
Monumental Chicago by Krehl, Donald