• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sculpture & Installation in 2012

Bulletin ...... by
Locating Visual-Material Rhetorics: The Map, the Mill, and the GPS by Propen, Amy D.
Locating Visual-Material Rhetorics: The Map, the Mill, and the GPS by Propen, Amy D.
Land Art and Land Artists: Pocket Guide by Malpas, William
Alluring Presence by
Bulletin ...... by
How to Make Masks! Easy New Way to Make a Mask for Masquerade, Halloween and Dress-Up Fun, With Just Two Layers of Fast-Setting Paper Mache by Good, Jonni
Antony Gormley: For the Time Being by
Alina Szapocznikow: Sculpture Undone, 1955-1972 by
Constantin Brancusi: Sculpting the Essence of Things by Pearson, James
Constantin Brancusi: Sculpting the Essence of Things by Pearson, James
Making Ceramic Sculpture: Techniques, Projects, Inspirations by Acero, Raúl
Carving Animal Caricatures by Waltner, Elma
Claes Oldenburg by
Bulletin ...... by
Vulcan's Forge in Venus' City: The Story of Bronze in Venice, 1350-1650 by Avery, Victoria
Tony Cragg: It Is, It Isn't by
The Garden of Forking Paths by
The Art of Richard Long by Malpas, William
Das Reiterdenkmalensemble des Großen Kurfürsten von Andreas Schlüter als Knotenpunkt in den Raumbeziehungen von 1709 by Ranft, Wolfgang
The Planar Head Workbook: Build A Life-size Human Head by Bissett, Robert
Bronze Casting Manual: Cast your own small bronze. A complete tutorial taking you step by step through an easily achievable casting project f by Duhamel, Olivier O.
Venus: To the Venus of Melos... by Rodin, Auguste, Dudley, Dorothy
Steel Sculpture: From Vision To Fine Art by Melton, Gil ''Levi Hawk''
Elspeth Pratt by
Oliver Herring: Task by
Scattered Goddesses: Travels with the Yoginis by Kaimal, Padma
Zorach Explains Sculpture: What It Means And How It Is Made by Zorach, William
Chips from My Chisel: An Autobiography by Turnbull, Grace Hill
Christo: The Paris Sculptures 1961 by
Skulpturales Handeln/Sculptural Acts by
Helfried Hagenberg: Book Sculptures by
Ann Hamilton: Stylus by
Livret Explicatif Des Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Dessin, Gravure Etc. (Éd.1882) by Collectif
Le Monument de Alexandre Dumas, Oeuvre de Gustave Doré Discours Prononcés (Éd.1884) by Leuven, Adolphe
Les Merveilles de la Sculpture (3e Édition) (Éd.1878) by Viardot, Louis
Histoire de la Sculpture Française (Éd.1853) by Émeric-David, Toussaint-Bernard
Manuel Complet de la Sculpture Sur Bois, Découper Et Denteler Les Bois, Procédés Mécaniques (1868) by Lacombe, S.
Généalogie Du Sculpteur Pfaff: Sa Vie, Ses Oeuvres (Éd.1897) by Wignier de Warre, Charles-Arthur Achille
Raymond Gayrard, Graveur Et Statuaire: Biographies Aveyronnaises (Seconde Édition) (Éd.1866) by Duval, Jules
Charges Et Bustes de Dantan Jeune: Esquisse Biographique Dédiée À Méry (Éd.1863) by Andry, Félix
Généalogie de la Famille Wignier, (Éd.1893) by Wignier de Warre, Charles-Arthur Achille
Labyrinte de Versailles (Éd.1679) by Perrault, Charles
Le Livre d'Or Des Métiers., Histoire de l'Orfèvrerie-Joaillerie (Éd.1850) by LaCroix, Paul
Ancient Greek Portrait Sculpture by Dillon, Sheila
Metalsmithing For The Artist Craftsman by Thomas, Richard
Archäologie Und Restaurierung: Die Skulpturenergänzungen in Der Berliner Antikensammlung Des 19. Jahrhunderts by Fendt, Astrid
La Capitale de l'Art (2è Éd.) (Éd.1886) by Wolff, Albert
Histoire Monétaire Des Colonies Françaises: d'Après Les Documents Officiels (Éd.1892) by Zay, Ernest
Inventaire Des Sceaux de la Collection Clairambault À La Bibliothèque Nationale. Vol1 (Éd.1885-1886) by Demay, Germain
Le Livre d'Or Des Métiers., Histoire de l'Imprimerie Et Des Arts Et Professions (Éd.1852) by LaCroix, Paul
Paper Crystals by Mitchell, David
A Host of Devils: The History and Context of the Making of Makonde Spirit Sculpture by Kingdon, Zachary
Tony Feher by
The Art Of Carving by
The Goddess Lajja Gauri origins: On the Footsteps of the Universal goddess of Sexuality by Le Martin, Max
Sculpture and Social Dynamics in Preclassic Mesoamerica by Guernsey, Julia
Evan Holloway by
Les origines de la déesse Lajja Gauri: Sur les traces de la déesse universelle de la sexualité by Le Martin, Max
Thomas Brock: Forgotten Sculptor of the Victoria Memorial by Brock, Frederick
Thomas Schütte: Public Political Works by
Josiah McElheny: The Past Was a Mirage I'd Left Far Behind by
Thomas Hirschhorn: Kurt-Schwitters-Plattform: Untere Kontrolle by
Susan Hiller: From Here to Eternity by
Walter Gilbert: The Romance in Metalwork: An annotated inventory of works by architectural sculptor Walter Gilbert and associates by Medhurst, Phillip
Studies in Byzantine Sigillography. Volume 11 by
Funerary Arts and Tomb Cult: Living with the Dead in France, 1750-1870 by Lindsay, Suzanne Glover
Auke de Vries: Sculptures, Drawings and Work in Public Space by
Josiah McElheny: Some Pictures of the Infinite by
Scott Burton: Collected Writings on Art and Performance, 1965-1975 by
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, Volume X: The Western Midlands by Bryant, Richard
Othoniel: My Way by
Beverly Pepper Monumenta by
Abraham Lincoln Sculpture: created by Avard T. Fairbanks by Fairbanks, Avard T., Fairbanks, Eugene F.
Patinas for bronze sculpture: Step-by-step guide to beautiful patinas by Coryat, Isabel M.
Nancy Rubins: Work by
Cass Sculpture Foundation: 20 Years of Commissioning Large Scale Sculpture by
Piero Gilardi by
Angels of Paris: An Architectural Tour Through the History of Paris by Flannery, Rosemary
Landings: birds in the park by Hengst, Christy
Ed Ruscha: Catalogue Raisonn� Of the Paintings, Volume Five: 1993-1997 by
Statuesque Buffalo by Donnelly, Mark D.
Portraits of Children on Roman Funerary Monuments by Mander, Jason
Bosque Humano by Goldberg, Flora
Land Art in Great Britain: A Complete Guide to Landscape, Environmental, Earthworks, Nature, Sculpture and Installation Art in Great Britain by Malpas, William
Land Art in the U.S.A.: A Complete Guide to Landscape, Environmental, Earthworks, Nature, Sculpture and Installation Art in the United States by Malpas, William
The Erotic Object: Sexuality in Sculpture from Prehistory to the Present Day by Quinnell, Susan
Land Art: Pocket Guide by Malpas, William
Land Art in the U.S.A.: A Complete Guide to Landscape, Environmental, Earthworks, Nature, Sculpture and Installation Art in the United States by Malpas, William
Andy Goldsworthy: Touching Nature by Malpas, William
The Art of Andy Goldsworthy by Malpas, William
Helge Leiberg: Poesie & Pose-Bronzen: Poesie & Pose - Bronzen by
Kienholz: Five Car Stud by