• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sculpture & Installation in 2014

Liliana Moro: Moi by Moro, Liliana
Sculpture Journal, Volume 22.2 by Eustace, Katharine
Learning About the World Through Modeling: Sculptural Ideas for School and Home by Auer, Arthur
Alison Wilding: Vanish & Detail by
An Approach to Greek Sculpture: An Inaugural Lecture by Wace, Alan
Nollekens and His Times: Comprehending a Life of That Celebrated Sculptor, and Memoirs of Several Contemporary Artists by Smith, John Thomas, II
Nollekens and His Times: Comprehending a Life of That Celebrated Sculptor, and Memoirs of Several Contemporary Artists by Smith, John Thomas, II
Sculpture Journal, Volume 21.2 by
Sculpture Journal, Volume 22.1 by
Recovering Place: Reflections on Stone Hill by Taylor, Mark C.
A Space Called Public by
Early Cornish Sculpture by Preston-Jones, Ann, Okasha, Elisabeth
Marc Quinn: Memory Box by
The Praxiteles Marble Group in Olympia by Antonsson, Oscar
New Tribal Labyrinth by Boogerd, Dominic Van Den, Morton, Tom
Marjolijn Mandersloot: Whodunit by Birnie, Annabelle, Onna, Edwin Van
Upper Room by Last, Deborah J.
The Treatises of Benvenuto Cellini on Goldsmithing and Sculpture by Cellini, Benvenuto
How to Understand Sculpture by Thomas, Margaret
A Text Book Of The History Of Sculpture by Marquand, Allan, Frothingham, Arthur
The Art of Rodin by
Norman Sculpture and the Mediaeval Bestiaries by Allen, J. Romilly
The Sculptures of the Parthenon by Murray, A. S.
American Masters of Sculpture: Being Brief Appreciations of Some American Sculptors and of Some Phases of Sculpture in America by Caffin, Charles Henry
Daniel Firman by
Gerwald Rockenschaub: Natural Selection by
Other Primary Structures by McShine, Kynaston, Hoffmann, Jens
America's Garden of Art by
Fernando Botero by
Martin Creed: What's the Point of It? by
Jan Fabre: Stigmata. Actions & Performances 1976-2013 by
Romanesque Sculpture An Ecstatic Art by Marcus, Susan
Romanesque Sculpture An Ecstatic Art by Marcus, Susan
Josiah McElheny: Interactions of the Abstract Body by
Georg Baselitz: Le C�t� Sombre by
Rodin: The Man and His Art by Cladel, Judith
Notes on Greek Sculpture by Walston, Charles
The Sculptures of Chartres Cathedral by Marriage, Ernest, Marriage, Margaret
Early Hellenistic Portraiture by
The Jew, the Cathedral and the Medieval City: Synagoga and Ecclesia in the Thirteenth Century by Rowe, Nina
Gordon Matta-Clark by
Karla Black by
Open-Air Rock-Art Conservation and Management: State of the Art and Future Perspectives by
Ceramic Sculpture: Making Faces: A Guide to Modeling the Head and Face with Clay by Irvine, Alex
Protecting the Male Member by Walters, Gary
The Iconography of the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus: Neofitus Iit AD Deum by Malbon, Elizabeth Struthers
Tilmann Riemenschneider: His Life and Work by Bier, Justus
Sam Noto, Sculptor: A Persistent Curiosity by Rousseau, Claudia
Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum: Volume 1, Archaic Sculpture by Dickins, Guy
Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum: Volume 2, Sculpture and Architectural Fragments by Casson, Stanley
Secret Doll Underground: Japanese Surrealist Dolls from the Yaso Collection, Tokyo by
Oscar Tuazon: Live by
The Bronze Horseman: Falconet's Monument to Peter the Great by Schenker, Alexander M.
Jonathan Meese als Fortsetzung Schillers? Der Aspekt des Spiels in der Kunst Meeses by Gronau, Corinna
Antike um jeden Preis by Schreiter, Charlotte
Sculpture and Touch by
Sculptors and Design Reform in France, 1848 to 1895: Sculpture and the Decorative Arts. Claire Jones by Jones, Claire
Sculpture and Art Work by Bedini, Enrico
HULL - City of Sculpture: A Photographic Survey by Dixon, Robert
The Human Factor: The Figure in Contemporary Sculpture by
Hellenistic and Roman Ideal Sculpture by Kousser, Rachel
Jodice Canova by
William Spratling, His Life and Art by Littleton, Taylor D.
Sculpting Simulacra in Medieval Germany, 1250-1380 by Pinkus, Assaf
Michael Zansky by
Myriam Mihindou: Common Skin: Context Without Walls by
Jason Dodge: What We Have Done by
Jason Middlebrook: My Landscape by
Maarten Sleeuwits: Objects and Recordings by
Anthony James: Morphic Fields by
Enrique Martínez Celaya: Working Methods by
Hans Van de Bovenkamp - Drawings & Collages by Lewandowski, Geralyne, Van de Bovenkamp, Hans
Reza Aramesh: 12 Midnight by
Kirstine Roepstorff: Walking Beside Time by
Not Vital by
Ladislav Z�vr by
Shifting Stones, Shaping the Past: Sculpture from the Buddhist Stupas of Andhra Pradesh by Becker, Catherine
Eva Rothschild by
Calder by Matter by
Recalling Deeds Immortal: Florida Monuments to the Civil War by Gaske, Frederick P., Lees, William B.
The First Sculptor of Seattle: The Life and Art of James A. Wehn by Poyner, Fred, IV
Ernesto Neto: El Cuerpo Que Me Lleva by
AI Weiwei: Disposition by
Carmen Calvo: All the Shadows the Eye Can Take by
Ryan Gander: Culturefield by
Ed Ruscha: Catalogue Raisonn� Of the Paintings, Volume Six: 1998-2003 by
Shore to Shore: The Art of Ts'uts'umutl Luke Marston by Fournier, Suzanne
Strandbeest. the Dream Machines of Theo Jansen by Weschler, Lawrence
Richard Deacon: So, And, If, But: Writings 1970-2012 by
Mark Wallinger: Labyrinth: A Journey Through London's Underground by
Kitty Kraus: Blink of the Eye by
Jaume Plensa: � Bordeaux by
Der Tod Und Die Mädchen: Amazonen Auf Römischen Sarkophagen by Russenberger, Christian
Archaism, Modernism, and the Art of Paul Manship by Rather, Susan
Carving My Life: Volume I by Lyon, Angela Treat
Simón Vega: Tropical Departures by
Phyllida Barlow: Scree by