• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sculpture & Installation in 2016

Expanded Field: Installation Architecture Beyond Art by Berman, Ila, Burnham, Douglas
Per Kirkeby and Lawrence Weiner by
Thomas Demand: Model Studies I & II by
Antony Gormley: Second Body by
Marianne Vitale: Train Wreck by
Ritual and Representation in Chinese Buddhism: Visualizing Enlightenment at Baodingshan from the 12th to 21st Centuries by Kucera, Karil J.
Thomas Schütte: Watercolors for Robert Walser and Donald Young by
Skulptur: Contemporary Sculpture from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden by
Fritzia Irízar by
Transparence: Calder Picabia by
Robert Gober: 2000 Words by
Song Dong by
Facials of the Soul: 30 Years of LifeMasked Sculpture by Learmont, Liz
Masters of Contemporary Fine Art Book Collection - Volume 1 (Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Digital Art) by Art Galaxie by Galaxie, Art
Olivier Leroi: Chronopoétique by
Damien Hirst: For Heaven's Sake by
Richard Deacon: On the Other Side by
Urs Fischer: Yes by
Anne Truitt in Japan by
Jan Schoonhoven by
Nicholas Pope: Drawings by
Listening to Stone: The Art and Life of Isamu Noguchi by Herrera, Hayden
The Woman Suffrage Statue: A History of Adelaide Johnson's Portrait Monument to Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony at the by Weber, Sandra
The Place of Sculpture in Daily Life by Gosse, Edmund
The Iconography of the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus: Neofitus Iit AD Deum by Malbon, Elizabeth Struthers
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, XII, Nottinghamshire by Everson, Paul, Stocker, David
Virginia Overton by
Stuart Haygarth: Strand by
Greek Sculpture by Fullerton, Mark D.
Ann Christopher by
Louise Nevelson: A Passionate Life by Lisle, Laurie
Rodin by Blanchetière, François
Rodin by Blanchetière, François
Numismatic Archaeology of North America: A Field Guide by Bard, James C., Akin, Kevin, Akin, Marjorie H.
Eugene Von Bruenchenhein: King of Lesser Lands by
Heavy Metaling: The Artwork of David Kettler by Kettler, David Alan
Make Build Create: Sculpture Projects for Children by Briggs, Paula
Liz Larner by
Katharina Fritsch and Alexej Koschkarow: Zita, Shchara by
Alexander Calder: Multum in Parvo by
Serpent Column: A Cultural Biography by Stephenson, Paul
Professional Doll Makers Art Guild by Fretto, Cherie M.
Museum of Stones: Ancient and Contemporary Art at the Noguchi Museum by
Recovering Place: Reflections on Stone Hill by Taylor, Mark C.
Images of Lust: Sexual Carvings on Medieval Churches by Weir, Anthony, Jerman, James
Every Basket Begins with a Walk in the Woods: Sculptural Works by Matt Tommey by Tommey, Matt
Alexander Calder & Fischli / Weiss by
Inge Mahn by
Sculpture on the Move 1946-2016: Imposing and Educational: A Digest of Exponents of Contemporary Sculpture by
Gianni Piacentino by
Sasanian Clay Sealings in the Bandar Abbas Museum by Niknami, Kamal Aldin, Naderi, Sona
What is a New Mexico Santo by Martinez, Eluid Levi
Sculpture and Psychoanalysis by Taylor, Brandon
Grown But Not Made: British Modernist Sculpture and the New Biology by Juler, Edward
Sculpture and the Vitrine by
Giacometti: Critical Essays by
India's Biennale Effect: A politics of contemporary art by
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Water Projects by
Eric Hattan: Works 1979-2015 by
Jochen Gerz: Work with the Public by
Sofie Thorsen: Play Sculptures by
ISA Melsheimer: Need for Contrast by
Phyllida Barlow: Mix by
Alfredo Barsuglia: Rosa by
Richard Wentworth: Making Do and Getting by by
Raymond Hains by
La Sculpture Au Salon de 1879 by Jouin, Henry
The Spatial Politics of the Sculptural: Art, Capitalism and the Urban Space by Hong, Euyoung
The Spatial Politics of the Sculptural: Art, Capitalism and the Urban Space by Hong, Euyoung
Intimate Geometries: The Art and Life of Louise Bourgeois by Storr, Robert
Expanded Architecture: Temporal Spatial Practices by
Browere's Life Masks of Great Americans by Hart, Charles Henry
Women and Visual Replication in Roman Imperial Art and Culture by Trimble, Jennifer
Rodin: Photographs by Emmanuel Berry by
Antony Gormley: Field for the British Isles by
The Great Sculptures of France by Macintyre, Robert D.
Masters of Contemporary Fine Art Book Collection - Volume 2 (Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Digital Art) by Art Galaxie: Volume 2 by Galaxie, Art
Professor Heinrich Möller: Ein Meister der plastischen Kunst by Lohse, Reiner
Sheila Reid RADIANCE by Reid, Sheila
Fountains and Water Culture in Byzantium by
Funerary Arts and Tomb Cult: Living with the Dead in France, 1750-1870 by Lindsay, Suzanne Glover
Sculpture and the Museum by
Ugo Rondinone: Becoming Soil by
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Barrels by
Marianne Vitale: From Here to Nowhere by
Robert Rauschenberg by
Anthony Caro: Sculpture Laid Bare by
Doodle Coloring Books for Adults Art Vol.2: Animal and Variety Mandala Design by Linda a. Fidler, Doodle Invasion Coloring Book
Doodle Coloring Books for Adults Art Vol.1: Animal and Variety Mandala Design by Doodle Invasion Coloring Book, Linda a. Fidler
The Terracotta Figurines from Tell Timai: 2009-2013 by Silverstein, Jay, Bennett, James E., Littman, Robert J.
Florals and Animals Mandalas and Doodle Designs: for relaxation Meditation blessing Stress Relieving Patterns (Mandala Coloring Book for Adults) by Stephen J. Mitchell, Mandala Coloring Book for Adults
Florals and Animals Mandalas and Doodle Designs: for relaxation Meditation blessing Stress Relieving Patterns (Mandala Coloring Book for Adults) by Mandala Coloring Book for Adults, Stephen J. Mitchell
Allora & Calzadilla: Puerto Rican Light: (Cueva Vientos) by
Fourth Plinth: How London Created the Smallest Sculpture Park in the World by
Marianne Heier: Mirage by