• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sexuality in 1992

The Emotional and Sexual Lives of Older People: A Manual for Professionals by Gibson, H. B.
Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Committment by Hendricks, Kathlyn, Hendricks, Gay
Light Her Fire: How to Ignite Passion, Joy, and Excitement in the Women You Love by Kreidman, Ellen
Lewd Women and Wicked Witches by Hester, Marianne
Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud by Laqueur, Thomas
Art of the Bedchamber: The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics Including Women's Solo Meditation Texts by Wile, Douglas
Delarivier Manley: 'The New Atalantis' by
Matilde Serao: 'The Conquest of Rome' by
Mary Wollstonecraft: 'Mary Maria' and Mary Shelley: 'Matilda' by
Don't Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction by Carnes, Patrick
Male Subjectivity at the Margins by Silverman, Kaja
Sexuality and War: Literary Masks of the Middle East by
Ladies Almanack by Barnes, Djuna
Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation by Jay, Karla
Love and the Soul: Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth by Gollnick, James
Who Made Me CB by Butterworth, Nick, Inkpen, Mick, Doney, Malcolm
The Psychology of Gender (Vol. 2) by
Adventures of the Mind: The Memoirs of Natalie Clifford Barney by Barney, Natalie Clifford
Sadomasochism in Everyday Life: The Dynamics of Power and Powerlessness by Chancer, Lynn S.
Letters to Penthouse III: More Sizzling Reports from Americas Sexual Frountier in the Real Words of Penthouse Readers by Penthouse International
Men, Sex and Relationships: Writings From Achilles Heel by
Men, Sex and Relationships: Writings from Achilles Heel by
Theories of Love Development, Maintenance, and Dissolution: Octagonal Cycle and Differential Perspectives by
(Sem)Erotics: Theorizing Lesbian: Writing by
(Sem)Erotics: Theorizing Lesbian: Writing by
The Sexually Disturbed: Treating Psychosexual Disorders by Doyle, Averil Marie
Gay Catholics Down Under: The Journeys in Sexuality and Spirituality of Gay Men in Australia and New Zealand by Rosser, B. R. Simon, Simon Rosser, B. R.
The Psychology of Gender (Vol. 1) by
Forbidden History: The State, Society, and the Regulation of Sexuality in Modern Europe by
Freud on Women: A Reader by
The Psychology of Gender (Vol. 4) by
Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women by Moir, Anne, Jessel, David
The Makings of Maleness: Men, Women, and the Flight of Daedalus by Tatham, Peter H.
The Poems of Aphra Behn: A Selection by Todd, Janet
Myths of Gender: Biological Theories about Women and Men, Revised Edition by Fausto-Sterling, Anne
The Interpretation of the Flesh: Freud and Femininity by Brennan, Teresa
The Interpretation of the Flesh: Freud and Femininity by Brennan, Teresa
Women, Love, and Power: Literary and Psychoanalytic Perspectives by Baruch, Elaine
The Art of Lovemaking by Haugt, James A.
Social Bonds and Teen Pregnancy by Ravoira, Lawanda, Cherry, Andrew L.
Dorothy Wordsworth: Selections from the Journals by
Changing Human Reproduction: Social Science Perspectives by
On Pornography: Literature, Sexuality and Obscenity Law by Williamson, Dugald, Saunders, David
On Pornography: Literature, Sexuality and Obscenity Law by Williamson, Dugald, Saunders, David
The Ethics of Reproductive Technology by Alpern
The First Sexual Revolution: The Emergence of Male Heterosexuality in Modern America by White, Kevin F.
Love in the Time of Victoria: Sexuality and Desire Among Working-Class Men and Women in 19th Century London by Barret-Ducrocq, Francoise
The Keys to Happiness: Sex and the Search for Modernity in Fin-De-Siecle Russia by Engelstein, Laura
Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Childbearing by Hayward, Sarah C., Zabin, Laurie Schwab
Mother, Madonna, Whore: The Idealization and Denigration of Motherhood by Welldon, Estela V.