• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sexuality in 1996

Girls! Girls! Girls!: Critical Essays on Women and Music by
Men's Bodies, Men's Gods: Male Identities in a (Post) Christian Culture by Krondorfer, Bjorn
A Sexual Odyssey: From Forbidden Fruit to Cybersex by Maxwell, Kenneth E.
Heterosexual Plots and Lesbian Narratives by Farwell, Marilyn
Heterosexual Plots and Lesbian Narratives by Farwell, Marilyn
Men's Bodies, Men's Gods: Male Identities in a (Post) Christian Culture by Krondorfer, Bjorn
The Fine Art Of Erotic Talk: How To Entice, Excite, And Enchant Your Lover With Words by Gabriel, Bonnie
The Best Kind of Loving: Black Woman's Guide to Finding Intimacy, a by Grant, Gwendolyn G.
Different Loving: A Complete Exploration of the World of Sexual Dominance and Submission by Brame, William, Brame, Gloria, Jacobs, Jon
Reproduction, Ethics, and the Law by
Bisexuality and the Order of Nature / La Bisexualité et l'Ordre de la nature by Aron, Claude
Drawing the Dream of the Wolves: Homosexuality, Interpretation, and Freud's Wolf Man by Davis, Whitney
Theory-Based Assessment, Treatment, Prevention Sexual Aggression by Hall, Gordon C. Nagayama
Sociology of Sex and Sexuality by Hawkes, Gail, Hawkes, Nigel
The Castration of Oedipus: Psychoanalysis, Postmodernism, and Feminism by Ferstman, Carla J., Smith, Joseph C.
The Castration of Oedipus: Psychoanalysis, Postmodernism, and Feminism by Smith, Joseph C., Ferstman, Carla J.
Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving by Dodson, Betty
Common Women: Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England by Karras, Ruth Mazo
Sexualizing the Social: Power and the Organization of Sexuality by
Genders 23: Bodies of Writing, Bodies in Performance by
Debating Gender, Debating Sexuality by
Debating Gender, Debating Sexuality by
Genders 23: Bodies of Writing, Bodies in Performance by
Higher Race Development: A Course of Instructions on the Right Use of Sex by Clymer, R. Swinburne
Science of Regeneration or Sex Enlightenment: A Study of the Sacred Laws that Govern the Sex Forces by Advance Thought Publishing
Sex, Power, Conflict: Evolutionary and Feminist Perspectives by
Fatal Advice: How Safe-Sex Education Went Wrong by Patton, Cindy
Pink Therapy by Davies, Dominic, Davies, Glyn Ed
Masochism and the Emergent Ego by Menaker, Esther
Reproducing Persons: Philosophical Essays by Purdy, Laura M.
Reproducing Persons: Philosophical Essays by Purdy, Laura M.
Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body--New Paths to Power and Love by Eisler, Riane
Love's Virtues by Martin, Mike W.
Love's Virtues by Martin, Mike W.
Postmodern Sexualities by Simon, William
Postmodern Sexualities by Simon, William
The Language of Sex: Five Voices from Northern France Around 1200 by Baldwin, John W.
What's Love Got to Do with It?: The Evolution of Human Mating by Small, Meredith
Outing Yourself: How to Come Out as Lesbian or Gay to Your Family, Friends and Coworkers by Signorile, Michelangelo
Sexualizing the Social: Power and the Organization of Sexuality by
Marte Y Venus En El Dormitorio: Una Guia Para Hacer Durar El Romance Y La Pasion = Mars and Venus in the Bedroom by Gray, John
Queer Studies: A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Anthology by
Representing Bisexualities: Subjects and Cultures of Fluid Desire by
Mastering Slavery: Memory, Family, and Identity in Women's Slave Narratives by Fleischner, Jennifer B.
Queer Studies: A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Anthology by
The Prostitution of Sexuality: The Global Exploitation of Women by Barry, Kathleen
Mastering Slavery by Fleischner, Jennifer B.
Representing Bisexualities: Subjects and Cultures of Fluid Desire by
The Geography of Perversion: Male-To-Male Sexual Behavior Outside the West and the Ethnographic Imagination, 1750-1918 by Bleys, Rudi C.
The Psychologist's Book of Self-Tests: 25 Love, Sex, Intelligence, Career, And Personality Tests by Janda, Louis H.
Stop Blaming, Start Loving!: A Solution-Oriented Approach to Improving Your Relationship by O'Hanlon, Bill, O'Hanlon, Patricia Hudson
Sexual Cultures: Communities, Values and Intimacy by Weeks, Jeffrey
The Other Americans: Sexual Variance in the National Past by Jackson, Charles O., Unknown
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identities Over the Lifespan: Psychological Perspectives by D'Augelli, Patterson
The Other Americans: Sexual Variance in the National Past by Jackson, Charles O., Unknown
Lesbian Friendships: For Ourselves and Each Other by
Motherhood Reconceived: Feminism and the Legacies of the Sixties by Umansky, Lauri
Lesbian Friendships: For Ourselves and Each Other by
For Sex Education, See Librarian: A Guide to Issues and Resources by Cornog, Martha, Perper, Timothy
The Politics of Survivorship: Incest, Women's Literature, and Feminist Theory by
Women for Hire: Prostitution and Sexuality in France After 1850 by Corbin, Alain
The Erotic in Sports by Guttmann, Allen
Premodern Sexualities by
The Art of Sexual Magic: Cultivating Sexual Energy to Transform Your Life by Anand, Margo
Coming Attractions: The Making of an X-Rated Video by Stoller, Robert J., Levine, I. S.
New Ways of Making Babies by
Psychology and Sexual Orientation: Coming to Terms by Bohan, Janis S.
Psychology and Sexual Orientation: Coming to Terms by Bohan, Janis S.
Premodern Sexualities by
Going All the Way: Teenage Girls' Tales of Sex, Romance, and Pregnancy by Thompson, Sharon
The Naked Heart: The Bourgeois Experience Victoria to Freud by Gay, Peter
Philosophy of Sexuality by Jr.
Philosophy of Sexuality by , Don Marietta, Jr.
Genders 24: On Your Left: The New Historical Materialism by
Genders 24: On Your Left: The New Historical Materialism by
Intimate Terrorism: The Crisis of Love in an Age of Disillusion (Revised) by Miller, Michael Vincent
Lesbian Lifestyles: Women's Work and the Politics of Sexuality by Dunne, Gillian A.
Lesbian Lifestyles: Women's Work and the Politics of Sexuality by Dunne, Gillian A.
Problems of Human Pleasure and Behavior: Classic Essays in Humanistic Psychiatry by Balint, Michael
Sexual Aberrations by Stekel, Wilhelm
Coming Out of Shame: Transforming Gay and Lesbian Lives by Kaufman, Gershon, Raphael, Lev
Rethinking Prostitution: Purchasing Sex in the 1990s by
Rethinking Prostitution: Purchasing Sex in the 1990s by
Sex, Morality, and the Law by
Sex, Morality, and the Law by
Live Sex Acts: Women Performing Erotic Labor by Chapkis, Wendy