• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Shakespeare in 2014

Old Spelling Shakespeare: Love's Labors Lost by Furnivall, F. J., Boswell-Stone, W. G.
Bacon's Dial in Shakespeare: A Compass Clock Cipher by Clark, Natalie Rice
Shakespeare In Pictorial Art by Salaman, Malcolm
The Cryptography of Shakespeare V1 by Arensberg, Walter Conrad
Shakespeare Day by Day by
Illustrations of Shakspeare and of Ancient Manners with Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare V1 by Douce, Francis
William Shakespeare: His Family And Friends by Thompson, A. Hamilton, Elton, Charles Isaac
An Impartial Study Of The Shakespeare Title by Stotsenburg, John H.
Shakespeare From An American Point Of View by Wilkes, George
Shakespeare's Books by Andes, H. R. D.
Is It Shakespeare? the Great Question of Elizabethan Literature Answered by Begley, W.
William Shakespeare: A Critical Study by Brandes, George
Shakespeare And Classical Antiquity: Greek And Latin Antiquity As Presented In Shakespeare's Plays by Stapfer, Paul
The Shakespeare Phrase Book V1 by Bartlett, John
Folklore Of Shakespeare by Dyer, T. F. Thiselton
Studies Of Shakespeare: Forming A Companion Volume To Every Edition Of The Text by Knight, Charles
Promus Of Formularies And Elegancies Illustrated And Elucidated By Passages From Shakespeare by Pott, Henry
Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers by Greene, Henry
Shakespeare: His Life, Art And Characters With An Historical Sketch Of The Origin And Growth Of The Drama In England V2 by Hudson, Henry N.
Shakespeare's Theatre by Thorndike, Ashley H.
The Authorship Of Shakespeare by Holmes, Nathaniel
Shakespeare and Politics: What a Sixteenth-Century Playwright Can Tell Us about Twenty-First-Century Politics by
Shakespeare by Nicoll, Allardyce
Romeo and Juliet: Language and Writing by Belsey, Catherine
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Richard III by Shakespeare, William
Brick Shakespeare: The Comediesaa Midsummer Nighta's Dream, the Tempest, Much ADO about Nothing, and the Taming of the Shrew by McCann, John, Sweeney, Monica, Thomas, Becky
Macbeth: Tragedia en cuatro actos de Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet In Plain and Simple English by Shakespeare, William, Bookcaps
Shakespeare's Plants and Gardens: A Dictionary by Thomas, Vivian, Faircloth, Nicki
Shakespeare's Demonology: A Dictionary by Esra, Jo Ann, Gibson, Marion
Macbeth: The State of Play by
Women in Shakespeare: A Dictionary by Findlay, Alison
Music in Shakespeare: A Dictionary by Calore, Michela, Wilson, Christopher R.
Shakespeare's Medical Language: A Dictionary by Iyengar, Sujata
Shakespeare and the Rival Playwrights, 1600-1606 by Farley-Hills, David
Macbeth: The State of Play by
The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare, William
Love's Labour's Lost by Shakespeare, William
The Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare, William
Troilus and Cressida by Shakespeare, William
The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, William
King Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
South African Essays on 'Universal' Shakespeare by Thurman, Chris
Shakespeare: The Art of the Dramatist by Frye, Roland Mushat
Sweet William: A User's Guide to Shakespeare by Pennington, Michael
Twelfth Night: A Version from All Clear! Shakespeare by Kusterer, Eugene
Macbeth: Abridged for Schools and Performance by O'Hara, Kj, Shakespeare, William
Romeo & Juliet by Franz, Susan, Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare's 'Measure for Measure' by Lascelles, Mary
Shakespeare's Last Plays by Tillyard, Eustace M.
Hamlet Closely Observed by Dodsworth, Martin
Shakespeare and the Story: Aspects of Creation by Rees, Joan
William Shakespeare's Hamlet: With Sound! by Sipala, Anita
The Wonderful Words of Shakespeare: Colorful, saucy snippets by Shakepeare by Wallace, Gerry
The Tempest: Critical Essays by
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Interesting Stories to Learn Proverbs by Murthi, R. K.
Women and Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century by Ritchie, Fiona
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Marlowe's Ovid: The Elegies in the Marlowe Canon by Stapleton, M. L.
Romeo Juliet by Romeo Juliet
Til Ka Tad by Til Ka Tad
Romeo y Julieta by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare, Rhetoric and Cognition by Lyne, Raphael
Romeo y Julieta 1597 by Shakespeare, William
The Comedy of Errors: Propeller Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
The Matter of Devereux: The Tragical Historie of Our Late Brother Robert, Earl of Essex by Larson, Edwin R.
Othello: The State of Play by
Othello: Language and Writing by Maguire, Laurie
Twelfth Night: Language and Writing by Dolan, Frances E.
Othello: The State of Play by
Othello: Language and Writing by Maguire, Laurie
Twelfth Night: Language and Writing by Dolan, Frances E.
Shakespeare and Youtube: New Media Forms of the Bard by O'Neill, Stephen
Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, William
Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare, William
The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, William
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, William
Measure for Measure by Shakespeare, William
How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare by Ludwig, Ken
King John by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare Exhumed: The Bassano Chronicles by Matthews, Peter D.
Timon of Athens by Shakespeare, William
Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare, William
Twelfth Night by Shakespeare, William
On King Lear by
Acting and Action in Shakespearean Tragedy by Goldman, Michael
Shakespeare's Mature Tragedies by McElroy, Bernard
The Metamorphoses of Shakespearean Comedy by Carroll, William C.
Shakespeare's Revision of King Lear by Urkowitz, Steven
The Renaissance Hamlet: Issues and Responses in 1600 by Frye, Roland Mushat
Making a Match: Courtship in Shakespeare and His Society by Cook, Ann Jennalie
Shakespeare and the Dramaturgy of Power by Cox, John D.
The End Crowns All: Closure and Contradiction in Shakespeare's History by Hodgdon, Barbara
Crime and God's Judgment in Shakespeare by Reed, Robert Rentoul
King Lear and the Gods by Elton, William R.
Shakespeare and the Greek Romance: A Study of Origins by Gesner, Carol
Shakespeare, Theatre, and Time by Wagner, Matthew
Shakespeare, the Bible, and the Form of the Book: Contested Scriptures by
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 60, Theatres for Shakespeare by
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 61, Shakespeare, Sound and Screen by
New Readings in Shakespeare: Volume 1, Introduction; The Comedies; The Poems by Sisson, C. J.
New Readings in Shakespeare: Volume 2, the Histories; The Tragedies by Sisson, C. J.
The Rape of Lucrece by Shakespeare, William
The Tragedy Of Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare's Possible Worlds by Palfrey, Simon
Romeold and Juliancient: Middle Age in the Middle Ages by Heilizer, Alec Benjamin
The Tragedy of Macbeth: A Play by Shakespeare, William
The Shakespearean International Yearbook: Volume 14: Special Section, Digital Shakespeares by
Marriage and Land Law in Shakespeare and Middleton by Mohrlock Bunker, Nancy
Six Lovers in Florence: The Long Version and The Short Version by Wentzel, Daniel
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Garrick's Folly: The Shakespeare Jubilee of 1769 at Stratford and Drury Lane by Stochholm, Johanne M.
Shylock on the Stage by Lelyveld, Toby
Double Falsehood, or the Distressed Lovers: A Play (1728) by Theobald, Shakespeare, William
Greenes Pandosto, or Dorastus and Fawnia: Being the Original of Shakespeares Winter's Tale (1907) by
Shakespeare for Children: Tales from Shakespeare (1879) by Lamb, Charles, Lamb, Mary, Shakespeare, William
Brookes Romeus and Juliet: Being the Original of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet by Brooke, Arthur
Shakespeares Pronunciation: A Shakespeare Reader in the Old Spelling and with a Phonetic Transcription by Vietor, Wilhelm
Shakespeare's Garden: Or the Plants and Flowers Named in His Works Described and Defined (1864) by Beisly, Sidney
The Birth of Merlin: Or the Child Hath Found His Father (1662) by Shakespeare, William, Rowley, William
Shakespeare and the Digital World by
Shakespeare and the Digital World: Redefining Scholarship and Practice by
Shakespeare Performance Studies by Worthen, W. B.
A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare by Duthie, George Ian
The Voyage to Illyria: A New Study of Shakespeare by Muir, Kenneth
Swearing and Perjury in Shakespeare's Plays by Shirley, Frances a.
The Story of the Night: Studies in Shakespeare's Major Tragedies by Holloway, John
Shakespeare East and West by
Edward the Second by Marlowe, Christopher
Macbeth (Large Print Edition) by Shakespeare, William
Coriolanus by Ormsby, Robert
Shakespeare in 100 Objects: Treasures from the Victoria and Albert Museum by
Romeo and Juliet: (The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare) by Shakespeare, William
Romeo and Juliet: Abridged for Schools and Performance by O'Hara, Kj, Shakespeare, William
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Cymbeline: A Version from All Clear! Shakespeare by Kusterer, Eugene
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Abridged for Schools and Performance by O'Hara, Kj, Shakespeare, William
An Enemy of The People by Ibsen, Henrik
Cymbeline by Shakespeare, William
Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare, William
All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare, William
Measure for Measure by Shakespeare, William
The Merry Wives of Windsor by Shakespeare, William
The Two Gentlemen of Verona by Shakespeare, William
Tales from Shakespeare by Holderness, Graham
Tolstoy on Shakespeare by Tolstoy, Leo
Desire and Anxiety (Routledge Revivals): Circulations of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama by Traub, Valerie
Shakespeare and the Versification of English Drama, 1561-1642 by Tarlinskaja, Marina
Shakespeare and Renaissance Ethics by
Shakespeare, Italy and Intertextuality by
Locrine by Shakespeare, William, Tudor, Roger Martin
To Take Upon Us the Mystery of Things by Lings, Martin
All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare, William
New Romeo and Juliet: A modern rendering of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", in a futuristic Canadian setting by Shakespeare, William, Olaru, Marius
Shakespeare's Puck And His Folklore by Bell, William
Shakespeare's Puck And His Folklore by Bell, William
Shakespeare And The Supernatural: A Brief Study Of Folklore, Superstition, And Witchcraft In Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream And The Tempest by Lucy, Margaret
Outerspeares: Shakespeare, Intermedia, and the Limits of Adaptation by Fischlin, Daniel
Hamlet: A Study in Critical Method by Waldock, A. J. a.
Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare, William
The Visual Spectacle of Witchcraft in Jacobean Plays: Blackfriars Theatre by Ahmed, Shokhan Rasool
The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, William
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
William Shakespeare's 154 Sonnets by Shakespeare, William
The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare, William
Prison Shakespeare and the Purpose of Performance: Repentance Rituals and the Early Modern by Herold, N.
Prison Shakespeare and the Purpose of Performance: Repentance Rituals and the Early Modern by Herold, N.
The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer-Night's Dream' Compiled by Sidgwick, Frank
Twelfth Night: New Critical Essays by
Stanislavski Produces Othello by Stanislavsk, Konstantin, Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare and the Ethics of Appropriation by Rivlin, Elizabeth, Huang, Alexa
Shakespeare and the Ethics of Appropriation by Huang, Alexa, Rivlin, Elizabeth
Was ihr wollt (Großdruck) by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Julio César by Shakespeare, William
Romeo y Julieta by Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare Made Easy - The Tempest by Durband, Alan
The Tempest: A Critical Reader by
The Tempest: A Critical Reader by
Berlioz, Verdi, Wagner, Britten: Great Shakespeareans: Volume XI by
Marx and Freud: Great Shakespeareans: Volume X by Bartolovich, Crystal, Hillman, David, Howard, Jean E.
Shakespeare Made Easy - Othello by Durband, Alan
Shakespeare Made Easy - Henry V by Durband, Alan
Nelson Thornes Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet by Beal, Duncan
Nelson Thornes Shakespeare - Much ADO about Nothing by Green, Lawrence
Shakespeare Made Easy - A Midsummer Night's Dream by Durband, Alan
Shakespeare Made Easy - Twelfth Night by Durband, Alan
Shakespeare Made Easy - Romeo and Juliet by Durband, Alan
Shakespeare Made Easy - Macbeth by Durband, Alan
Shakespeare Made Easy - Hamlet by Durband, Alan
A Yorkshire Tragedy In Plain and Simple English by Shakespeare, William, Middleton, Thomas
Macbeth: New Critical Essays by
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