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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Social Movements in 2002

Communicating with Children and Adolescents: Action for Change by
Family Day Care: International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Quality by Sachs, Robert, Mooney, Ann
Wage Politics in Britain: The Rise and Fall of Incomes Policies Since 1945 by Dorey, Peter
Employee Relations in the Periphery of Europe: The Unfolding Story of the European Social Model by O'Hagan, E.
Global Changes in Asylum Regimes by
Russian Politics in Exile: The Northeast Asian Balance of Power, 1924-1931 by Patrikeeff, Felix
European Socialists and Spain: The Transition to Democracy, 1959-77 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Communist Party of Great Britain Since 1920 by Eaden, J., Renton, D.
Centre-Local Relations in the Stalinist State, 1928-1941 by Rees, E. A.
The Chinese Communist Party During the Cultural Revolution: The Case of the Sixty-One Renegades by Lubell, P.
Embodying Democracy: Electoral System Design in Post-Communist Europe by Birch, S., Millard, F., Popescu, M.
Consumption, Jobs and the Environment: A Fourth Way? by Carr-Hill, R., Lintott, J.
Italy's Social Revolution: Charity and Welfare from Liberalism to Fascism by Quine, M.
Historical Materialism and Social Evolution by
Russian Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Era: Reality, Illusion and Mythmaking by Lo, B.
Social Policy Reform and Market Governance in Latin America by
The Ultimate Revolution by Adam, David
The Work Connection: The Role of Social Security in British Economic Regulation by Grover, Chris, Stewart, J.
Citizenship, Labour Markets and Democratization: Chile and the Modern Sequence by Haagh, s.
Seeking Mino-Pimatisiwin: An Aboriginal Approach to Helping by Hart, Michael
Trade Unions, Immigration, and Immigrants in Europe, 1960-1993: A Comparative Study of the Actions of Trade Unions in Seven West European Countries by
Male on Male Rape: The Hidden Toll of Stigma and Shame by Scarce, Michael
A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Carson, Clayborne, Shepard, Kris
Malcolm X Talks to Young People (Book) by Malcolm X
Early Focus: Working with Young Blind and Visually Impaired Children and Their Families by Pogrund, Rona L., Hess, Catherine L.
Revolutionizing Motherhood: The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo by Bouvard, Marguerite Guzman
Unravelling the Rag Trade: Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Seven World Cities by
Unravelling the Rag Trade: Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Seven World Cities by
Put Your Bodies Upon The Wheels: Student Revolt in the 1960s by Heineman, Kenneth J.
Anarchism: A Collection of Revolutionary Writings by Kropotkin, Peter
Immigration Policy and the Challenge of Globalization: Unions and Employers in Unlikely Alliance by Watts, Julie R.
The Community Economic Development Movement: Law, Business, and the New Social Policy by Simon, William H.
Gay Rights on Trial: A Reference Handbook by Walzer, Lee
A Social Laboratory for Modern France: The Musée Social and the Rise of the Welfare State by Horne, Janet R.
Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays by Althusser, Louis
The Macro Polity by Stimson, James A., Mackuen, Michael, Erikson, Robert S.
PPP and the Poor: Case Study - Dolphin Coast, South Africa. Dolphin Coast Water Concession by Hemson, David
PPP and the Poor: Case Study - Kibera. Small Water Enterprises and Water Provision in Kibera, Nairobi by Munguti, Katui-Katua
PPP and the Poor: Private Sector Participation and the Poor, 1 - Strategy by
PPP and the Poor: Private Sector Participation and the Poor, 2 - Implementation by
PPP and the Poor: Private Sector Participation and the Poor, 3 - Regulation by
Nixon's Civil Rights: Politics, Principle, and Policy by Kotlowski, Dean J.
Against Race: Imagining Political Culture Beyond the Color Line by Gilroy, Paul
Citizenship, Labour Markets and Democratization: Chile and the Modern Sequence by Haagh, s.
Human Rights in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan by Neary, Ian
Place Space New Labor Internat by
Global Justice by
The Law of Internal Armed Conflict by Moir, Lindsay
Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship by
Social Change in Iran: An Eyewitness Account of Dissent, Defiance, and New Movements for Rights by Yaghmaian, Behzad
The Political Writings of William Penn by Penn, William
Black Identity and Black Protest in the Antebellum North by Rael, Patrick
The Political Writings of William Penn by Penn, William
Negotiating at an Uneven Table: Developing Moral Courage in Resolving Our Conflicts by Kritek, Phyllis Beck
Social Assistance Dynamics in Europe: National and Local Poverty Regimes by
Drug Problems: Cross-Cultural Policy and Program Development by
Working at the Bar: Sex Work and Health Communication in Thailand by Steinfatt, Thomas
The Assault on Social Policy by Roth, William, Peters, Susan
Working at the Bar: Sex Work and Health Communication in Thailand by Steinfatt, Thomas M.
The Assault on Social Policy by Peters, Susan, Roth, William
Participatory Governance in Multi-Level Context: Concepts and Experience by
Child Care Policy at the Crossroads: Gender and Welfare State Restructuring by
Child Care Policy at the Crossroads: Gender and Welfare State Restructuring by
Advancing Women's Careers: Research in Practice by
Community Work Approaches to Child Welfare by
Globalization and Catching-Up in Transition Economies by Kolodko, Grzegorz W.
Evaluating Systems of Care: The Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program. A Special Issue of childre by
The New Private Practice: Therapist-Coaches Share Stories, Strategies, and Advice by
Changing Human Service Organizations by Brager, George
Unions and Legitimacy by Chaison, Gary N., Bigelow, Barbara
Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State by Beissinger, Mark R.
Freedom's Daughters: The Unsung Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement from 1830 to 1970 by Olson, Lynne
The Lost Children of Wilder: The Epic Struggle to Change Foster Care (National Book Award Finalist) by Bernstein, Nina
Transforming Technology: A Critical Theory Revisited by Feenberg, Andrew
Italy's Social Revolution: Charity and Welfare from Liberalism to Fascism by Quine, M.
Freelance Counselling and Psychotherapy: Competition and Collaboration by
Protest, Policy, and the Problem of Violence against Women: A Cross-National Comparison by Weldon, S. Laurel
Regarding Equality: Rethinking Contemporary Theories of Citizenship, Freedom, and the Limits of Moral Pluralism by Freeberg, Ellen M.
Global Capital, Political Institutions, and Policy Change in Developed Welfare States by Swank, Duane
Accountability for After-School Care: Devising Standards and Measuring Adherence to Them by Beckett, Megan K.
Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State by Beissinger, Mark R.
Sceptical Essays on Human Rights P/B Edn. by
When Health Care Employees Strike: A Guide for Planning and Action by Kruger, Kenneth F., Metzger, Norman
Whistleblowers: Linking the Old and Young in a Tokyo Neighborhood by Alford, C. Fred
Redeeming the Communist Past: The Regeneration of Communist Parties in East Central Europe by Grzymaa-Busse, Anna Maria
Social Market or Safety Net?: British Social Rented Housing in a European Context by Stephens, Mark, Burns, Nicky, MacKay, Lisa
Indochinese Experience of the French and the Americans: Nationalism and Communism in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam by Dommen, Arthur J.
Working with Young Children in Europe: Provision and Staff Training by Oberhuemer, Pamela, Ulich, Michaela
The Triumph of Evil by Murphy, Austin
Freelance Counselling and Psychotherapy: Competition and Collaboration by
Global Capital, Political Institutions, and Policy Change in Developed Welfare States by Swank, Duane
Women at the Gates: Gender and Industry in Stalin's Russia by Goldman, Wendy Z.
Failed Child Welfare Policy: Family Preservation and the Orphaning of Child Welfare by Sudia, Cecelia E., Hutchinson, Janet R.
Remote Control: Housing Associations and E-Governance by Pearl, Martyn, Scanlon, Martina
Civil Liberties and Human Rights in England and Wales by Feldman, David
Small States in the Post-Cold War World: Slovenia and NATO Enlargement by
The State of Social Welfare: The Twentieth Century in Cross-National Review by
Expectations for the Millennium: American Socialist Visions of the Future by
Burnout Across Thirteen Cultures: Stress and Coping in Child and Youth Care Workers by Savicki, Victor
The Future of Private Sector Unionism in the United States by Kaufman, Bruce E., Bennett, James T.
The Future of Private Sector Unionism in the United States by Bennett, James T., Kaufman, Bruce E.
The CyberUnion Handbook: Transforming Labor Through Computer Technology by Shostak, Arthur B.
Regarding Equality: Rethinking Contemporary Theories of Citizenship, Freedom, and the Limits of Moral Pluralism by Freeberg, Ellen M.
Perspectives on Welfare by Deacon
Radicals Against Race: Black Activism and Cultural Politics by Alleyne, Brian
Radicals Against Race: Black Activism and Cultural Politics by Alleyne, Brian
Urban Livelihoods: A People-centred Approach to Reducing Poverty by Lloyd-Jones, Tony, Rakodi, Carole
Great Quotations on Religious Freedom by
The Concept of Other in Latin American Liberation: Fusing Emancipatory Philosophic Thought and Social Revolt by Gogol, Eugene
Brotherhoods of Color: Black Railroad Workers and the Struggle for Equality by Arnesen, Eric
The Soul of Man Under Socialism by Wilde, Oscar
Redeeming the Communist Past: The Regeneration of Communist Parties in East Central Europe by Grzymaa-Busse, Anna Maria
Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict in the Post-Communist World by Fowkes, B.
The Last Days: A Son's Story of Sin and Segregation at the Dawn of a New South by Marsh, Charles
Corporation as Family by Mandell, Nikki
Two Cultures of Rights by
Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations by
Understanding State Welfare: Social Justice or Social Exclusion? by Lund, Brian
The Iliad as Politics: The Performance of Political Thought Volume 28 by Hammer, Dean
Soviet Wages: Changes in Structure and Administration since 1956 by Kirsch, Leonard Joel
The Transformation of Communist Ideology: The Yugoslav Case, 1945-1953 by Johnson, A. Ross
Gorbachev and Yeltsin as Leaders by Breslauer, George W.
Unarmed Forces by Evangelista, Matthew
Ideology After Poststructuralism by
The Concept of Other in Latin American Liberation: Fusing Emancipatory Philosophic Thought and Social Revolt by Gogol, Eugene
Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported?: Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe by
Constituting Human Rights: Global Civil Society and the Society of Democratic States by Frost, Mervyn
Intervention for Human Rights in Europe by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Gorbachev and Yeltsin as Leaders by Breslauer, George W.
The Making of the Chinese Industrial Workplace by Frazier, Mark W.
The Unmaking of Soviet Life by Humphrey, Caroline
The Future of Nostalgia by Boym, Svetlana
Imagining the Possible: Radical Politics for Conservative Times by Bronner, Stephen Eric
Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement by Adams, Emmie Schrader, Baker, Elaine Delott, Browning, Joan C.
The Political Economy of Work in the 21st Century: Implications for an Aging American Workforce by Sicker, Martin
The Making of a Refugee: Children Adopting Refugee Identity in Cyprus by Hadjiyanni, Tasoulla
Elder Care and Service Learning: A Handbook by Foundation for Long Term Care (N Y )
Discovering the Welfare State in East Asia by
South Africa and the Communist International: Volume 1: Socialist Pilgrims to Bolshevik Footsoldiers, 1919-1930 by
Marienthal: The Sociography of an Unemployed Community by Jahoda, Marie, Lazarsfeld, Paul F., Zeisel, Hans
Working-Class Americanism: The Politics of Labor in a Textile City, 1914-1960 by Gerstle, Gary
A Legacy of Caring: A History of the Children's Aid Society of Toronto by Aitken, Gail, Bellamy, Donald F., Foundation, Children's Aid Society
Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration, and Domestic Work by Parreñas, Rhacel
Facing the Enemy: A History of Anarchist Organization from Proudhon to May 1968 by Skirda, Alexandre
Marx on Globalization by Renton, Dave, Renton, David
Active Citizenship in Schools: A Good Practice Guide to Developing a Whole School Policy by Potter, John
We Are the Poors: Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa by Desai, Ashwin
Abraham Lincoln and a New Birth of Freedom: The Union and Slavery in the Diplomacy of the Civil War by Jones, Howard
Blood, Sweat and Welfare: A History of White Bosses and Aboriginal Pastoral Workers by Jebb, Mary Anne
Our World: Our Future by Karkar, Anil K., Sarkar, Anil K.
Developing a National Mental Health Policy by McCulloch, Andrew, Jenkins, Rachel, Friedli, Lynne
A Do-It-Yourself Dystopia: The Americanization of Big Brother by Carter, Steven
Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000 by Eley, Geoff
Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000 by Eley, Geoff
Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions: International Perspectives by
Labour Relations in the Global Fast Food Industry by
The Russian People and Foreign Policy: Russian Elite and Mass Perspectives, 1993-2000 by Zimmerman, William
International Citizens' Tribunals: Mobilizing Public Opinion to Advance Human Rights by Klinghoffer, A.
From Community Care to Market Care?: The Development of Welfare Services for Older People by Morbey, Hazel, Smith, Randall, Means, Robin
From Community Care to Market Care?: The Development of Welfare Services for Older People by Means, Robin, Morbey, Hazel, Smith, Randall
Beyond the New Paternalism: Basic Security as Equality by Standing, Guy
The Idea of Freedom in Asia and Africa by
Justice Contained: Law and Politics in the European Union by Conant, Lisa J.
Satellites and Commissars: Strategy and Conflict in the Politics of Soviet-Bloc Trade by Stone, Randall W.
Rethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective by Mooney, Gerry, Ferguson, Iain, Lavalette, Michael
Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants by Potocky, Miriam
Tramps, Unfit Mothers, and Neglected Children: Negotiating the Family in Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia by Broder, Sherri
Welfare Reform and Beyond: The Future of the Safety Net by
Institutional Change and Political Continuity in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Power, Perceptions, and Pacts by Luong, Pauline Jones, Jones Luong, Pauline
International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law by Provost, Rene
Civil Rights Policymaking in the United States: An Institutional Perspective by Romero, Francine Sanders
Tough Notes: A Healing Call for Creating Exceptional Black Men by Madhubuti, Haki R.
Bloody Saturday in the Soviet Union: Novocherkassk, 1962 by Baron, Samuel H.
International Fascism, 1919-45 by
Challenging Ethnic Citizenship: German and Israeli Perspectives on Immigration by
International Fascism, 1919-45 by
Challenging Ethnic Citizenship: German and Israeli Perspectives on Immigration by
Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself by Pink, Daniel H.
Marxism at Work: Ideology, Class and French Socialism During the Third Republic by Stuart, Robert
Citizens and Saints: Politics and Anti-Politics in Early British Socialism by Claeys, Gregory
Handbook for Personal Caregivers of the Elderly by Eaton, Shirley, Eaton, MPH Shirley
Sustaining the New Economy: Work, Family, and Community in the Information Age by Carnoy, Martin
Local Heroes: The Political Economy of Russian Regional Governance by Stoner-Weiss, Kathryn
Re-Viewing Fascism: Italian Cinema, 1922-1943 by
Framing a Domain for Work and Family: A Study of Women in Residential Real Estate Sales Work by Wharton, Carol S.
Strikes and Solidarity: Coalfield Conflict in Britain, 1889 1966 by Roy, Church, Quentin, Outram, Church, Roy a.
The Communist Party of Great Britain Since 1920 by Renton, D., Eaden, J.
In Our Own Best Interest: How Defending Human Rights Benefits Us All by Schulz, William
Diversity and Self-Determination in International Law by Knop, Karen
Debating Human Rights in China: A Conceptual and Political History by Svensson, Marina
The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill: On Liberty, the Subjection of Women and Utilitarianism by Mill, John Stuart
Fighting for the Union Label: The Women's Garment Industry and the ILGWU in Pennsylvania by Wolensky, Robert P., Wolensky, Kenneth C., Wolensky, Nicole H.
Between Cross & Crescent by Al-Hadid, Amiri Yasin, Baldwin, Lewis V.
'Who Has the Youth, Has the Future': The Campaign to Save Young Workers in Imperial Germany by Linton, Derek S.
From Liberalism to Fascism: The Right in a French Province, 1928 1939 by Passmore, Kevin
Dialectic of Defeat: Contours of Western Marxism by Jacoby, Russell, Russell, Jacoby
Poverty, Income Distribution and Well-Being in Asia During the Transition by Aiguo, Lu, Montes, Manuel F.
Human Rights in Natural Resource Development: Public Participation in the Sustainable Development of Mining and Energy Resources by
Liberty: Incorporating Four Essays on Liberty by Berlin, Isaiah
Letters on Tactics: A Collection of Articles and Letters by Lenin, Vladimir Ilich
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