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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Social Movements in 2011

Political Economy of Human Rights: Rights, Realities and Realization by de Gaay Fortman, Bas
Escape from Fear: An Eyewitness Report of the Flight of 200,000 Hungarians and Its Aftermath by Bursten, Martin A.
Beside One's Self: Homelessness Felt and Lived by Robinson, Catherine
The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality by
Darker Than Blue: On the Moral Economies of Black Atlantic Culture by Gilroy, Paul
The Legal Protection of Human Rights: Sceptical Essays by
An American Epic V2: Famine In Forty-Five Nations, Organization Behind The Front, 1914-1923 by Hoover, Herbert
Communism: Its Faith And Fallacies by Bales, James D.
An Englishman Defends Mother India: A Complete Constructive Reply To Mother India by Wood, Ernest
Dissent from the Majority Report of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission by Wallison, Peter J.
Working with Children, Young People and Families: A course book for Foundation Degrees by
Child Care: A Comprehensive Guide. 4 Volumes Volume 4--Special Needs and Services: Foreword by Jeanette Watson by Stevanne Auerbach, Auerbach, Stevanne
The Cultural Politics of Female Sexuality in South Africa by Gunkel, Henriette
An Unfinished Revolution: Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln by Lincoln, Abraham
Marxism and Modern Thought by Bukharin, N. I., Deborin, A. M.
Historical Materialism: A System of Sociology by Bukharin, Nikolai
The Distorted World of Soviet-Type Economies (Routledge Revivals) by Winiecki, Jan
Karl Marx (Routledge Revivals): His Life and Work by Rühle, Otto
Anarchy and Christianity by Ellul, Jacques
The Legal Empowerment Agenda: Poverty, Labour and the Informal Economy in Africa by
The Contradictions of Israeli Citizenship: Land, Religion and State by
Mercury Rising: The Caucasian tribe, called the Boer, in South Africa is in mortal danger of being exterminated by various means. by Oosthuizen, Pieter
The Thanks of the Fatherland: German Veterans After the Second World War by Diehl, James M.
Marxism-Leninism Vs. Revisionism by Duclos, Jacques, Dennis, Eugene, Foster, William Z.
Lenin Speaks To The Youth by Lenin, Vladimir
Friedrich Engels and Marxian Political Economy by Hollander, Samuel
Voices of Pineland: Eugenics, Social Reform, and the Legacy of Feeblemindedness in Maine by Murphy, Stephen T.
Voices of Pineland: Eugenics, Social Reform, and the Legacy of Feeblemindedness in Maine (Hc) by Murphy, Stephen T.
A Heart for Africa by Cooke, Moira
The Social Fund 20 Years On: Historical and Policy Aspects of Loaning Social Security by Grover, Chris
Labour Migration from China to Japan: International Students, Transnational Migrants by Liu-Farrer, Gracia
The Human Rights of Children: From Visions to Implementation by Invernizzi, Antonella
Death to the Dictator!: A Young Man Casts a Vote in Iran's 2009 Election and Pays a Devastating Price by Moqadam, Afsaneh
States Without Nations: Citizenship for Mortals by Stevens, Jacqueline
Children's Rights and International Development: Lessons and Challenges from the Field by
Children's Rights and International Development: Lessons and Challenges from the Field by
A Critical Humanitarian Intervention Approach by Butler, K.
Perspectives on the Icrc Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law by
Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers Movement by Bruns, Roger
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Case-Law and Commentary by
Humanitarianism and Suffering: The Mobilization of Empathy by
A Painful Truth - The Entrapment of America's Sick: How chronic illness let to my arrest. by Rector, Nancy
The Governance of Active Welfare States in Europe by
Basic Equality and Discrimination: Reconciling Theory and Law by Smith, Nicholas Mark
Evaluating in Practice by Shaw, Ian
Reviving the Strike: How Working People Can Regain Power and Transform America by Burns, Joe
On The Nature Of Revolution: The Marxist Theory Of Social Change by Aptheker, Herbert
Murder in the High Himalaya: Loyalty, Tragedy, and Escape from Tibet by Green, Jonathan
Leninism, the Only Marxism Today: A Discussion of the Characteristics of Declining Capitalism by Bittelman, Alexander, Jerome, V. J.
The Wisdom of Karl Marx by Marx, Karl
Lenin and International Labor Unity by Manuilsky, D. Z.
Revolution Until Victory!: A Marxist Analysis of the Arab Revolution by Martín, Jorge, Woods, Alan
Unprotected Labor: Household Workers, Politics, and Middle-Class Reform in New York, 1870-1940 by May, Vanessa H.
Privacy: Defending an Illusion by Dowding, Martin
Employee Rights and Employer Wrongs by Kleinberg, Suzanne, Kreimeh, Michael
Are Human Rights for Migrants?: Critical Reflections on the Status of Irregular Migrants in Europe and the United States by
Fighting CPS: Guilty Until Proven Innocent of Child Protective Services Charges by Frontiera, Deborah K.
Labor Law for the Rank & Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law by Lynd, Staughton, Gross, Daniel
The Child as Citizen by
The United States and the European Trade Union Movement, 1944-1951 by Romero, Federico
White Boy by Collum, Danny Duncan
Socialism, Its Growth and Outcome; by Morris, William
Democracy, Trade Unions and Political Violence in Spain: The Valencian Anarchist Movement, 1918-1936 by Purkiss, Richard
The German Ideology by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Beyond White Guilt: The Real Challenge for Black-White Relations in Australia (Large Print 16pt) (Large Print Edition) by Maddison, Sarah
Challenges Are Changes - You Live to Overcome by Agbakwuru, Blessing Chinemerem
Fascism: What It Is, How to Fight It: A Compilation by Trotsky, Leon
Marxist-Leninist China: Military And Social Doctrine by Garvey, James Emmett
Letters To The Secretary Of War, 1812, V6, Part 4: Document Transcriptions Of The War Of 1812 In The Northwest by Knopf, Richard C.
Russian Social Monism and American Social Pluralism by Murvar, Vatro
Private Security Contractors and New Wars: Risk, Law, and Ethics by Carmola, Kateri
Regulating for Decent Work: New Directions in Labour Market Regulation by
Adult Family Homes: A Commentary on Applying the Building Codes in WA State by Neff Cbo, John P.
Zimbabwe My Home My Frustration: Articles of defiance by Pfebve, Elliot
The Human Rights Culture: A Study in History and Context by Friedman, Lawrence M.
The Human Rights Culture: A Study in History and Context by Friedman, Lawrence M.
Talkin' Union by
The Law by Bastiat, Frederic
Employment Policy and the Regulation of Part-Time Work in the European Union: A Comparative Analysis by
Safeguarding Adults in Social Work by
Obama on Energy Independence by Corn, A.
The Left Is Seldom Right by Berdichevsky, Norman
SpitFire: The Makings of a Revolutionary by Ali, Ashanti a. a.
Speeches Of Lenin: Voices Of Revolt V8 by Lenin, V. I.
The Eu and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms: Europa, Europae by Graziano, Paolo
Work-Life Balance in Europe: The Role of Job Quality by
Care Between Work and Welfare in European Societies by
Criticism of Religion: On Marxism and Theology II by Boer, Roland
Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe: Challenges to Social Citizenship by
Politics and Philosophy: Niccolò Machiavelli and Louis Althusser's Aleatory Materialism by Lahtinen, Mikko
Second-Wave Neoliberalism: Gender, Race, and Health Sector Reform in Peru by Ewig, Christina
Underground: The Animal Liberation Front in the 1990s, Collected Issues of the A.L.F. Supporters Group Magazine by
Class Act: An International Legal Perspective on Class Discrimination by Cotter, Anne-Marie Mooney
Evaluating in Practice by Shaw, Ian
Social Policy Review 23: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2011 by
The Communist Party Of Germany Lives And Fights: The Banned Literature Distributed Under The Fascist Hitler Terror by New York Workers Library Publisher
The Critique of Capitalism Democracy: An Introduction to the Theory of the State in Marx, Engels, and Lenin by Moore, Stanley Williams
Individualist Anarchism: The Selected Works of Emile Armand by Armand, Emile
Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network by Snyder, Sarah B.
This Much I Can Tell You by
The Religion of Socialism by Bax, Ernest Belfort
Outlooks from a New Standpoint by Bax, Ernest Belfort
Media and Social Justice by
The Golden Lane: How Missouri Women Gained the Vote and Changed History by McMillen, Margot Ford
Media and Social Justice by
Freedom's Main Line: The Journey of Reconciliation and the Freedom Rides by Catsam, Derek Charles
The Present Epoch And The Creative Development Of Marxism-Leninism by Butenko, A., Pchelin, V.
A New Catechism of Socialism by Bax, Ernest Belfort
Job Matching, Wage Dispersion, and Unemployment by Mortensen, Dale T., Pissarides, Christopher A., Tatsiramos, Konstantinos
The Lenin Heritage by Stalin, Joseph
Essays in Socialism by Bax, Ernest Belfort
Migranten in Der Deutschen Politik by
Brain Gain: Rethinking U.S. Immigration Policy by West, Darrell M.
Twelve Who Don't Agree: The Battle for Freedom in Putin's Russia by Panyushkin, Valery
The Rise and Fall of Communism by Brown, Archie
Ye Wee Italian Bastird by Rossi, Ron
Silence The Impending Threat to the Charitable Sector: The Impending Threat to the Charitable Sector by Snyder, Gary
Silence The Impending Threat to the Charitable Sector: The Impending Threat to the Charitable Sector by Snyder, Gary
Transforming the Dutch Welfare State: Social Risks and Corporatist Reform by Yerkes, Mara A.
Critical Race Consciousness: The Puzzle of Representation by Peller, Gary
Popular Support for an Undemocratic Regime by Munro, Neil, Rose, Richard, Mishler, William
Defeating Authoritarian Leaders in Post-Communist Countries by Bunce, Valerie, Wolchik, Sharon
Gender, Work and Wages in Industrial Revolution Britain by Burnette, Joyce
The Collapse of Communist Power in Poland: Strategic Misperceptions and Unanticipated Outcomes by Hayden, Jacqueline
Worker Absenteeism and Sick Pay by Treble, John, Barmby, Tim
Sojourning for Freedom: Black Women, American Communism, and the Making of Black Left Feminism by McDuffie, Erik S.
Working in the Shadows: A Year of Doing the Jobs (Most) Americans Won't Do by Thompson, Gabriel
Organized Agriculture and the Labor Movement Before the Ufw: Puerto Rico, Hawai'i, California by Valdés, Dionicio Nodín
Youth Gangs and Street Children: Culture, Nurture and Masculinity in Ethiopia by Heinonen, Paula
Institutional Provisions and Care for the Aged by
Revolt! by Asimakopoulos, John
Innocent: Confessions of a Welfare Mother by Morrison, B.
The Threatening Catastrophe And How To Fight It: Little Lenin Library V11 by Lenin, Vladimir I.
The Price of German Unity: Reunification and the Crisis of the Welfare State by Ritter, Gerhard A., Deveson, Richard
The Secession Movement In North Carolina by Sitterson, Joseph Carlyle
The Roosevelt Myth: A Critical Of The The New Deal And Its Creator by Roosevelt, Franklin D., Flynn, John T.
Die Rolle von NGOs im Frauenrechtsschutz by Deitmer, Carolin
On Anarchism by Guillaume, James
Ours to Master and to Own: Workers' Control from the Commune to the Present by
Rallying for Immigrant Rights: The Fight for Inclusion in 21st Century America by
Social Security in Contemporary Japan by Osawa, Mari
Rosa Parks: A Biography by Hanson, Joyce A.
Rallying for Immigrant Rights: The Fight for Inclusion in 21st Century America by
Selected Works by Bernal, J. D.
Cromwell and Communism by Bernstein, Eduard
The Caring Self by Stacey, Clare L.
The Selected Works of Aleksandr Bogdanov by Bogdanov, Aleksandr
Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe by
Trotskyism: Counter Revolution In Disguise by Olgin, M. J.
Atheistic Communism: Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Pius XI by Pope Pius XI
What Is Leninism? by
Which Offers More for the Future? Communism, Socialism, Capitalism by Thomas, Norman, Lescohier, Don D., Nearing, Scott
Vladimir I. Lenin: A Political Biography by Marx Engels Lenin Institute
The Spartacist Uprising of 1919 and the Crisis of the German Socialist Movement: A Study of the Relation of Political Theory and Party Practice by Waldman, Eric
Privacy in America: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
El Manifi esto Comunista (Ilustrado) - Capítulo Dos: La Burguesía by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
The Communist Manifesto (Illustrated) - Chapter Two: The Bourgeoisie by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Le Manifeste communiste (illustré) - Chapitre Deux: La Bourgeoisie by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Das Kommunistische Manifest (Illustriert) - Kapitel Zwei: Die Bourgeoisie by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Child Victims and Restorative Justice: A Needs-Rights Model by Gal, Tali
Globalization and Human Rights in the Developing World by Nault, Derrick M., England, Shawn L.
Marx and Alienation: Essays on Hegelian Themes by Sayers, Sean
Marx and Alienation: Essays on Hegelian Themes by Sayers, Sean
Globalisierte Armut: Die neue arme Armut by Briest, Hans Juergen
War on Words: Who Should Protect Journalists? by Lisosky, Joanne M., Henrichsen, Jennifer R.
Slavery: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Connor Jr, William J.
Confronting Female Genital Mutilation: the Role of Youth and ICTs in Changing Africa by Mottin-Sylla, Marie-Hélène, Palmieri, Joëlle
Religionsfreiheit als Menschenrecht by Lemke, Thomas
Spectacular Rhetorics: Human Rights Visions, Recognitions, Feminisms by Hesford, Wendy
Post-Transitional Justice: Human Rights Trials in Chile and El Salvador by Collins, Cath
The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards Embedded Liberalism? by
Group and Individual Work with Older People: A Practical Guide to Running Successful Activity-Based Programmes by Chia, Swee Hong, Hibberd, Jane, Heathcote, Julie
Selected Works of Louis-Auguste Blanqui by Blanqui, Louis-Auguste
You Can Trust The Communists by Schwarz, Fred
Conflicto armado interno, derechos humanos e impunidad by Gonzalez Ordovas, Maria Jose
What Catalans Want by Strubell, Toni
What Catalans Want (Black/White) by Strubell, Toni
Comparing European Workers 2 Volume Set by
10 Million to 1: Refugee Resettlement - A How-To Guide by Kirk, Jeffrey
Statebuilding in Afghanistan: Multinational Contributions to Reconstruction by
Converging Worlds of Welfare? by
Religious Faith, Ideology, Citizenship: The View from Below by Geetha, V., Rajan, Nalini
East Timor and the International Community: Basic Documents by
Design for Terror: An Analysis of the Organization and Function of the Oppressive Government Systems in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany by Reifer, Arnold
Marching with Dr. King: Ralph Helstein and the United Packinghouse Workers of America by Robinson, Cyril
New Parties of the Left: Experiences from Europe by Thornett, Alan, Bensaid, Daniel, Sousa, Alda
Cheating Welfare: Public Assistance and the Criminalization of Poverty by Gustafson, Kaaryn S.
Letter to the Prime Minister by Siage, Justus
The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America by Canaday, Margot
Marxism (Routledge Revivals): Philosophy and Economics by Sowell, Thomas
Witness to the German Revolution by Serge, Victor
The Archaeology of American Labor and Working-Class Life by Shackel, Paul a.
Palante: Young Lords Party by Young Lords Party
Socialism and Social Science (Routledge Revivals): Selected Writings of Ervin Szabó (1877-1918) by
The Paris Commune: A Revolution in Democracy by Gluckstein, Donny
Tankograd: The Formation of a Soviet Company Town: Cheliabinsk, 1900s-1950s by Samuelson, L.
Personalising Public Services: Understanding the Personalisation Narrative by Needham, Catherine
Personalising Public Services: Understanding the Personalisation Narrative by Needham, Catherine
Nonviolent Revolutions: Civil Resistance in the Late 20th Century by Nepstad, Sharon Erickson
Patriotism: Insights from Israel by Lewin, Eyal
See More