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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Social Movements in 2017

Human Rights Regime Dialogic and Debates by Vatsala, Pratyush
Pagan Prayers, Collected By Marah Ellis Ryan by Ellis, Marah Ryan
Pagan Prayers, Collected By Marah Ellis Ryan by Ellis, Marah Ryan
The Long Way Home by Scondras, David
October 1917: Workers in Power (None) by Le Blanc, Paul, Mandel, David
Civil Rights Division Highlights: 2009 - 2017 Fulfilling America's Promise of Equal Justice and Equal Opportunity for All by U. S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Isis: Kill the Caliph by Power, Brad
Delivering Social Welfare: Governance and Service Provision in the UK by Gray, Ann Marie, Birrell, Derek
Delivering Social Welfare: Governance and Service Provision in the UK by Birrell, Derek, Gray, Ann Marie
Advising in Austerity: Reflections on Challenging Times for Advice Agencies by
Cuba & Angola the War for Free by Villegas, Harry
Forming Welfare by Lotz, Katrine
New Deal for China's Workers? by Estlund, Cynthia
Behind from the Start: How America's War on the Poor Is Harming Our Most Vulnerable Children by Azzi-Lessing, Lenette
The Ministry of Nostalgia: Consuming Austerity by Hatherley, Owen
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist by Berkman, Alexander
Radicalization: Why Some People Choose the Path of Violence by Khosrokhavar, Farhad
Innovative Skills to Support Well-Being and Resiliency in Youth by Nicotera, Nicole, Laser-Maira, Julie Anne
Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing Out of Catastrophe by Loewenstein, Antony
Understanding the Life Course: Sociological and Psychological Perspectives by Green, Lorraine
Why Humanity Needs Government by Freeman, Spooner M.
Truth Decay: How Government Corruption Caused a Political Scandal Victimizing Texas Dentists and How It Could Happen to You! by Villarreal, Juan D.
Human Rights and Gender Politics: Asia-Pacific Perspectives by
The Impact of Minimum Wage Regulations on Educational Incentives for the Youth: An Empirical Analysis for Germany by Kellermann, Kim Leonie
Jalta Global by Raza, MR Daniel
Hard Work Is Not Enough: Gender and Racial Inequality in an Urban Workspace by Davis, Katrinell M.
Hard Work Is Not Enough: Gender and Racial Inequality in an Urban Workspace by Davis, Katrinell M.
Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution by Opie, Frederick Douglass
Disabled Justice?: Access to Justice and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by Flynn, Eilionóir
From Benito Mussolini to Hugo Chavez by Hollander, Paul
From Benito Mussolini to Hugo Chavez by Hollander, Paul
Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution by Opie, Frederick Douglass
Tackling Child Poverty in Latin America: Rights and Social Protection in Unequal Societies by
Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory by Traverso, Enzo
Les Origines du socialisme contemporain by Janet, Paul
Sincerity After Communism: A Cultural History by Rutten, Ellen
Children of Monsters: An Inquiry Into the Sons and Daughters of Dictators by Nordlinger, Jay
Women's Human Rights in Saudi Arabia and U.S.-Saudi Relations by Propst, Leah
La Ciudad del Sol: La utopía del perfecto comunismo by Campanella, Tommaso
Seeing the Myth in Human Rights by Reinbold, Jenna
Active Citizenship in Schools: A Good Practice Guide to Developing a Whole School Policy by Potter, John
Collectively Wrong: An Analysis Of Human Rights In The Age of Technocracy by Johnson, Lisa
Playing for a Winner: How Baseball Teams' Success Raises Players' Reputations by Isleib, Brandon
Rousseau and Dignity: Art Serving Humanity by
Fictions of Dignity: Embodying Human Rights in World Literature by Anker, Elizabeth S.
Gott und der Staat by Bakunin, Michail
The Psychotic Left: From Jacobin France to the Occupy Movement by Bolton, Kerry
Opting Out and in: On Women's Careers and New Lifestyles by Biese, Ingrid
Stalin - The Enduring Legacy by Bolton, Kerry
The Conservative Human Rights Revolution: European Identity, Transnational Politics, and the Origins of the European Convention by Duranti, Marco
Governing from the Skies: A Global History of Aerial Bombing by Hippler, Thomas
Leninism Under Lenin by Liebman, Marcel
Planet of Slums by Davis, Mike
Buda's Wagon: A Brief History of the Car Bomb by Davis, Mike
Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World by Davis, Mike
Against the Grain: The British Far Left from 1956 by
Anywhere Working and the New Era of Telecommuting by
Child Care in Context: Cross-cultural Perspectives by
Fidel Castro y el Directorio Revolucionario by Alvarez Ph. D., Jose
Challenging Territoriality in Human Rights Law: Building Blocks for a Plural and Diverse Duty-Bearer Regime by
Policy Work in Canada: Professional Practices and Analytical Capacities by
In Flight from Conflict and Violence: Unhcr's Consultations on Refugee Status and Other Forms of International Protection by
Take the Ride of Your Life, with The Uber-Groover! by Manley, M. J.
Improving Public Services: International Experiences in Using Evaluation Tools to Measure Program Performance by
Beyond Religious Tolerance: Muslim, Christian & Traditionalist Encounters in an African Town by
Las dos Américas: Democracia y dictadura by Sanchez Berzain, Carlos
A People's History of the Russian Revolution by Faulkner, Neil
The Little Red Book: Sayings of Chairman Mao by Tse Tung, Mao, George, Sharif
The Great Refusal: Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Movements by
Syriza Wave: Surging and Crashing with the Greek Left by Sheehan, Helena
Aristophanic Comedy and the Challenge of Democratic Citizenship by Zumbrunnen, John
Syriza Wave: Surging and Crashing with the Greek Left by Sheehan, Helena
Gun Control in the United States: A Reference Handbook by Lee Carter, Gregg
A Path to Freedom Protected by God by Chichisan, Alice
True South: Henry Hampton and Eyes on the Prize, the Landmark Television Series That Reframed the Civil Rights Movement by Else, Jon
The Idea of Socialism: Towards a Renewal by Honneth, Axel
The Pen and the Sword: The Struggle of the Hispaniola Media by Diederich, Bernard
Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation by Gelderloos, Peter
Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals by Smucker, Jonathan
Just Violence: Torture and Human Rights in the Eyes of the Police by Wahl, Rachel
Just Violence: Torture and Human Rights in the Eyes of the Police by Wahl, Rachel
Privacy, Surveillance, and the New Media You by Lamoureux, Edward Lee
Voting Rights of Refugees by Ziegler, Ruvi
Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) for Fiscal Year 2016 by U. S. Commission on Civil Rights
New Worlds for old by Wells, H. G.
Theorizing Contemporary Anarchism: Solidarity, Mimesis and Radical Social Change by Janicka, Iwona
The Sociology of Political Praxis (RLE: Gramsci): An Introduction to Gramsci's Theory by Salamini, Leonardo
What is Human Rights: A Conceptual Guide for Beginners, Practitioners and Policy Makers by Doctor, Raj
Citizenship Through Secondary History by Kerr, David, Davies, Ian, Arthur, James
Agricultural Labor Relations Act Labor Code Section 1140-1166.3 by U. S. Department of Agriculture
Poor No More: Rethinking Dependency and the War on Poverty by Cove, Peter
Poor No More: Rethinking Dependency and the War on Poverty by Cove, Peter
The Experience of Defeat: Milton and Some Contemporaries by Hill, Christopher
Reinventing Social Democratic Development: Insights from Indian and Scandinavian Comparisons by
The Politics of Humanitarian Technology: Good Intentions, Unintended Consequences and Insecurity by Jacobsen, Katja Lindskov
Asylum--A Right Denied: A Critical Analysis of European Asylum Policy by O'Nions, Helen
On the Frontlines of the Welfare State: How the Fire Service and Police Shape Social Problems by Goetz, Barry
The Ultimate Civil Right: Examining the Hyde Amendment and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act by Subcommittee on the Constitution and CIV
International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect: The Humanitarian Crisis in Syria by
Exploitation: From Practice to Theory by
A Turbulent, Seditious and Factious People: John Bunyan and His Church by Hill, Christopher
Australia's Welfare Wars: The players, the politics and the ideologies, 3rd edition by Mendes, Philip
Green Bans, Red Union: The saving of a city by Burgmann, Verity, Burgmann, Meredith
Bernie Sanders and the Boundaries of Reform: Socialism in Burlington by Conroy, W.
Union Power: The United Electrical Workers in Erie, Pennsylvania by Young, James
Union Power: The United Electrical Workers in Erie, Pennsylvania by Young, James
Accommodating Difference: Evaluating Supported Housing for Vulnerable People by Clapham, David
Micro-Enterprise and Personalisation: What Size Is Good Care? by Needham, Catherine, Allen, Kerry, Hall, Kelly
Micro-Enterprise and Personalisation: What Size Is Good Care? by Hall, Kelly, Needham, Catherine, Allen, Kerry
How Philanthropy Is Changing in Europe by Carnie, Christopher
Romantic Rationalist: A William Godwin Reader by Godwin, William
A Beautiful Resistance: Left Sacred by
Antifascism, Sports, Sobriety: Forging a Militant Working-Class Culture by Deutsch, Julius
Operation Breadbasket: An Untold Story of Civil Rights in Chicago, 1966-1971 by Deppe, Martin L.
Operation Breadbasket: An Untold Story of Civil Rights in Chicago, 1966-1971 by Deppe, Martin L.
Condition Critical: Life and Death in Israel/Palestine by Rothchild, Alice
The Making of International Human Rights by Jensen, Steven L. B.
State Repression in Post-Disaster Societies by Apodaca, Clair
Exploitation: From Practice to Theory by
Citizenship in Question: Evidentiary Birthright and Statelessness by
Citizenship in Question: Evidentiary Birthright and Statelessness by
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex by Incite!, Incite! Women of Color Against
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex by Incite!, Incite! Women of Color Against
La Revolución Personal de Facundo Marval by Marquez, Luis Carlos
Time to Make History by Journals, Royanne
The Pillars of Unitism by Crawford III, Daniel H.
Retrotopia by Bauman, Zygmunt
State Repression in Post-Disaster Societies by Apodaca, Clair
Antisemitism and the Left: On the Return of the Jewish Question by Spencer, Philip, Fine, Robert
Marx and Foucault: Essays, Volume 1 by Negri, Antonio
The Joy of Revolution by Knabb, Ken
Rethinking Utopia: Place, Power, Affect by Bell, David M.
Towards a Refugee Oriented Right of Asylum by Juss, Satvinder, Westra, Laura
Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe by
Gramsci (RLE: Gramsci): And Italy's Passive Revolution by
We Are No Longer in France: Communists in Colonial Algeria by Drew, Allison
Immigration Detention: The migration of a policy and its human impact by
Welfare and the Well-Being of Children by Currie, Janet M.
Nordic Cooperation: A European region in transition by
Trouble on the Far Right: National Strategies and Local Practices Challenging Europe by
When the Welfare People Come: Race and Class in the Us Child Protection System by Lash, Don
Workers and Nationalism: Czech and German Social Democracy in Habsburg Austria, 1890-1918 by Benes, Jakub S.
States of Discipline: Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Contested Reproduction of Capitalist Order by
Surveillance, Privacy and Trans-Atlantic Relations by
Le Socialisme dans l'Amérique du Sud by de Mazade, Charles
The House of Governors - A New Idea in American Politics Aiming to Promote Uniform Legislation on Vital Questions: To Conserve State Rights, to Lessen by Jordan, William George
Restorative Responses to Sexual Violence: Legal, Social and Therapeutic Dimensions by
North Korea: Building of the Monolithic State by Scalapino, Robert a., Lee, Chong-Sik
The Long Détente: Changing Concepts of Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1950s-1980s by
A Safety Net That Works: Improving Federal Programs for Low-Income Americans by
A Safety Net That Works: Improving Federal Programs for Low-Income Americans by
Atlanta and the Civil Rights Movement: 1944-1968 by Sims-Alvarado, Karcheik
Health Care as a Right of Citizenship: The Continuing Evolution of Reform by Almgren, Gunnar
Health Care as a Right of Citizenship: The Continuing Evolution of Reform by Almgren, Gunnar
The Thatcherite Offensive: A Neo-Poulantzasian Analysis by Gallas, Alexander
East-Asian Marxisms and Their Trajectories by
Austro-Marxism: The Ideology of Unity: Austro-Marxist Theory and Strategy. Volume 1 by
Gramsci's Pathways by Liguori, Guido
The Politics of Transindividuality by Read, Jason
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity: Core Issues and Cases by Fagan, Andrew
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity: Core Issues and Cases by Fagan, Andrew
The Utopia Reader by
The soul of man under socialism by Wilde, Oscar
The Orangeburg Massacre by Nelson, Jack, Bass, Jack
The Utopia Reader by
A Truly Golden Handbook: The Scholarly Quest for Utopia by
Manifest der kommunistischen Partei by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Economies of Favour After Socialism by Henig, David
States of Discipline: Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Contested Reproduction of Capitalist Order by
Advancing the Civil Rights Movement: Race and Geography of Life Magazine's Visual Representation, 1954-1965 by Dibari, Michael
The Mess We're In: Managing the Refugee Crisis by Bennetts, Andrew
An Appeal to Heaven by Diamond, John D.
Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2015: Report to the Congress by Department of Homeland Security, U. S. Department of Health and Human Serv
National, International, and Human Security: A Comparative Introduction by Neack, Laura
National, International, and Human Security: A Comparative Introduction by Neack, Laura
Antisemitism and the Left: On the Return of the Jewish Question by Spencer, Philip, Fine, Robert
Religious Leaders and Conflict Transformation by Sandal, Nukhet A.
Listen, We Need to Talk: How to Change Attitudes about LGBT Rights by Michelson, Melissa R., Harrison, Brian F.
Unexpected Bride in the Promised Land: Journeys in Palestine and Israel by Keltz, Iris
The Right to Dissent: A guide to international law obligations by Leslie, Lois M.
'I Find That Offensive!' by Fox, Claire
Marx and the Common: From Capital to the Late Writings by Basso, Luca
Under Siege: Religious Freedom and the Church in Canada at 150 (1867-2017) by Hutchinson, Don
Direct Action: Protest and the Reinvention of American Radicalism by Kauffman, L. a.
The Slave's Cause: A History of Abolition by Sinha, Manisha
Studies on Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production by
Money and Totality: A Macro-Monetary Interpretation of Marx's Logic in Capital and the End of the 'Transformation Problem' by Moseley, Fred
The Power of Emotion in Politics, Philosophy, and Ideology by Kassab, Hanna Samir
Hugo Grotius and the Modern Theology of Freedom: Transcending Natural Rights by Geddert, Jeremy Seth
The Role of the Judiciary in the Violation of Human Rights in Ecuador by Rubianes Morales, Fabricio, Vintimilla Saldana, Jaime, Zavala Egas, Jorge
Libertarianism: Pro and Con by Ingham Ph. D., George R.
Human Trafficking: A Reference Handbook by Aronowitz, Alexis A.
The Changing Face of Western Communism by
Bob Crow: Socialist, Leader, Fighter: A Political Biography by Gall, Gregor
Union Retreat and the Regions by Wills, Jane, Martin, Ron, Sunley, Peter
Gendered Work in Asian Cities: The New Economy and Changing Labour Markets by Brooks, Ann
An Ecological Approach To the Study of Child Care: Family Day Care in Israel by Rosenthal, Miriam K.
Les Sociétés communistes aux États-Unis by Bentzon, Thérèse
Justifiable Homicide?: The Radical Scheme to Destroy a Race by Bolchoz, A. C.
Protracted Displacement in Asia: No Place to Call Home by
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