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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Social Movements in 2019

Among the Adivasis by Vohra, Gautam
In Women's Words: Violence and Everyday Life During the Indonesian Occupation of East Timor, 1975-1999 by Loney, Hannah
Declaration of the Rights of Human Beings: On the Sovereignty of Life as Surpassing the Rights of Man by Vaneigem, Raoul
Prison Papers: A Companion to Prison Torture in America by Singh, Paul
Breathing: Chaos and Poetry by Berardi, Franco Bifo
The Class Ceiling: Why It Pays to Be Privileged by Friedman, Sam, Laurison, Daniel
Kritisk by / Critical City by
Race, Space and Youth Labor Markets by Stoll, Michael A.
The Changing Meanings of the Welfare State: Histories of a Key Concept in the Nordic Countries by
Only the People Can Save the People: Constituent Power, Revolution, and Counterrevolution in Venezuela by Kingsbury, Donald V.
Because We Are Human: Contesting Us Support for Gender and Sexuality Human Rights Abroad by Burack, Cynthia
Religious Zionism and the Settlement Project: Ideology, Politics, and Civil Disobedience by Susser, Bernard, Hellinger, Moshe, Hershkowitz, Isaac
Citizens' Power in Latin America: Theory and Practice by Lupien, Pascal
States of Grace: Utopia in Brazilian Culture by Vieira, Patrícia I.
The Cambridge Handbook of Organizational Community Engagement and Outreach by
Representations of European Citizenship Since 1951 by Pukallus, Stefanie
Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: A Twenty-First Century Agenda by
Women's Work and Politics in Wwi America: The Munsingwear Family of Minneapolis by Olsson, Lars
Homicide Survivors: Misunderstood Grievers by Bucholz, Judie
Welfare States by Lindert, Peter H.
Devoted to Life: A 365 Day Devotional to Restore America's Greatness by Young, Leslie H.
Police Science: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice by
Burnt Out: How 'The Troubles' Began by McCann, Michael
Marxist Glossary by Gould, L. Harry
Sexual Violence and Effective Redress for Victims in Post-Conflict Situations: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Sikulibo, Jean de Dieu
La Guerra Híbrida Rusa Sobre Occidente by San Martín, Hugo
Social Movements and the Change of Economic Elites in Europe After 1945 by
Profesión E Innovación En Un Contexto Flexible by Borlido, Claudia, Cabral, Paola, Blanco, Cecilia
Movement-Driven Development: The Politics of Health and Democracy in Brazil by Gibson, Christopher L.
The Popular Front Novel in Britain, 1934-1940 by Taylor, Elinor
Humanitarianism and Mass Migration: Confronting the World Crisis by
Humanitarianism and Mass Migration: Confronting the World Crisis by
Cooperativism and Democracy: Selected Works of Polish Thinkers by
Human Rights and Radical Social Transformation: Futurity, Alterity, Power by McNeilly, Kathryn
Citizenship Agendas in and beyond the Nation-State by
Jefferson Healthcare Hospital District Commission Transcripts of Dialogue: 2014-2019 by Ready, Matthew William
Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and Change in the Mediterranean Area by
Bad Faith: Teachers, Liberalism, and the Origins of McCarthyism by Feffer, Andrew
The Class Strikes Back: Self-Organised Workers' Struggles in the Twenty-First Century by
Heading Home: Motherhood, Work, and the Failed Promise of Equality by Orgad, Shani
Movement-Driven Development: The Politics of Health and Democracy in Brazil by Gibson, Christopher L.
King and the Other America: The Poor People's Campaign and the Quest for Economic Equality by Laurent, Sylvie
Marx and Social Justice: Ethics and Natural Law in the Critique of Political Economy by McCarthy, George E.
Bad Faith: Teachers, Liberalism, and the Origins of McCarthyism by Feffer, Andrew
King and the Other America: The Poor People's Campaign and the Quest for Economic Equality by Laurent, Sylvie
Workers on Arrival: Black Labor in the Making of America by Trotter, Joe William
Edge of Anarchy by Kelly, Jack
Marxists in the Face of Fascism: Writings by Marxists on Fascism from the Inter-War Period by
The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America's Most Vulnerable Citizens by Hatcher, Daniel L.
Administrative Burden: Policymaking by Other Means by Herd, Pamela, Moynihan, Donald P.
New Critical Spaces in Transitional Justice: Gender, Art, and Memory by
New Critical Spaces in Transitional Justice: Gender, Art, and Memory by
Social Rights in Europe in an Age of Austerity by
Institutional Change and Power Asymmetry in the Context of Rural India by Patnaik, Amar
Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice by
The Communist Manifesto by Marx, Karl
The Gender Pay Gap and Social Partnership in Europe: Findings from "Close the Deal, Fill the Gap" by
Under Education in Africa: From Colonialism to Neoliberalism by Hirji, Karim
Why Bother? by Stokes, Susan C., Aytaç, S. Erdem
Why Bother? by Stokes, Susan C., Aytaç, S. Erdem
Mexico's Human Rights Crisis by
Global Insurrectional Politics by
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh by
Between Memory and Forgetting: Massacre and the Modi Years in Gujarat by Mander, Harsh
Quality of Secondary Education in India: Concepts, Indicators, and Measurement by Prasad, Narayan, Jain, Charu
Boycotts Past and Present: From the American Revolution to the Campaign to Boycott Israel by
American Racism: Being Brown in Trump's America by Justice, Ck
The Rise of Precarious Employment in Europe: Theoretical Perspectives, Reforms and Employment Trends in the Era of Economic Crisis by Livanos, Ilias, Papadopoulos, Orestis
Statebuilding and State Formation in the Western Pacific: Solomon Islands in Transition? by
Considering Class: Theory, Culture and the Media in the 21st Century by
Winning Hearts and Votes: Social Services and the Islamist Political Advantage by Brooke, Steven
Universal Citizenship: Latina/o Studies at the Limits of Identity by Guzmán, R. Andrés
Accessible America: A History of Disability and Design by Williamson, Bess
Sex in Public: The Incarnation of Early Soviet Ideology by Naiman, Eric
Comparable Worth: Is It a Worthy Policy? by Sorensen, Elaine
Comparable Worth: Is It a Worthy Policy? by Sorensen, Elaine
Sex in Public: The Incarnation of Early Soviet Ideology by Naiman, Eric
The Autobiography of Mother Jones by Mother Jones
The Government of Time: Theories of Plural Temporality in the Marxist Tradition by
The Autobiography of Mother Jones by Mother Jones
Marx's Theory of the Genesis of Money: How, Why, and Through What Is a Commodity Money? by Kuruma, Samezō
Free All Along: The Robert Penn Warren Civil Rights Interviews by
In the Web of History: Old Russia and Soviet Union: With Unique Insight into Nikita Khrushchev's Politically Formative years as a Communist P by Gladky Verro, Olga
In the Web of History: Old Russia and Soviet Union: With Unique Insight into Nikita Khrushchev's Politically Formative Years as a Communist P by Gladky Verro, Olga
Aging and Disabilities: Seeking Common Ground by Callahan, James J.
American Racism: Scalping the Red Man by Justice, Ck
Labor/Management Relations Among Government Employees by Kershen, Harry
Institutionalization and Alternative Futures by Hendricks, Jon
Mapping Precariousness, Labour Insecurity and Uncertain Livelihoods: Subjectivities and Resistance by
Popular Politics and the Quest for Justice in Contemporary China by
Guns & Roses: Comparative Civil-Military Relations in the Changing Security Environment by
Children, Young People and Care by
The Struggle over Human Rights: The Non-Aligned Movement, Jimmy Carter, and Neoliberalism by Hercus, Courtney
Dynamics of Transformation, Elite Change and New Social Mobilization: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen by
L'évolution, la révolution et l'idéal anarchique by Reclus, Élisée
Sexuality After War Rape: From Narrative to Embodied Research by Močnik, Nena
Kosovo: The Politics of Identity and Space by Kostovicova, Denisa
Psychology and Social Policy by
Politicizing Sex in Contemporary Africa: Homophobia in Malawi by Currier, Ashley
The Fight for Time: Migrant Day Laborers and the Politics of Precarity by Apostolidis, Paul
Supported Decision-Making by Martinis, Jonathan, Shogren, Karrie A., Wehmeyer, Michael L.
Social Welfare Policy in South Africa: From the Poor White Problem to a "Digitised Social Contract" by Mazibuko, Ntombifikile, Chitonge, Horman
Web by Carneiro, Nehemias
The Legacies of Matthew Shepard: Twenty Years Later by
Rights, Bodies and Recognition: New Essays on Fichte's Foundations of Natural Right by Rockmore, Tom
Supreniro kaj pereo de la reala socialismo: Okaze de la 100-a datreveno de la Oktobra Revolucio by Kozingo, Alfredo
Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive by Stephanie Land (Author) and Barbara Ehrenreich (Foreword) notebo by Land, Barbara
Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive by Stephanie Land (Author) and Barbara Ehrenreich (Foreword) notebo by Land, Barbara
Everyday Economic Survival in Myanmar by Thawnghmung, Ardeth Maung
Everyday Soviet Utopias: Planning, Design and the Aesthetics of Developed Socialism by Alekseyeva, Anna
Human Dignity and Human Rights by Gilabert, Pablo
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present by Treuer, David
We Want to Negotiate: The Secret World of Kidnapping, Hostages and Ransom by Simon, Joel
Charlottesville: White Supremacy, Populism, and Resistance by
Manifest der kommunistischen Partei by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
The Art of Protest: Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Present by Reed, T. V.
Human Rights in the Media: Fear and Fetish by
Disability, Society and Assistive Technology by Ravneberg, Bodil, Söderström, Sylvia
Arabs at Home and in the World: Human Rights, Gender Politics, and Identity by
A History of Human Rights Society in Singapore: 1965-2015 by
Right to Die Versus Sacredness of Life by Kaplan, Kalman
Disability and Rurality: Identity, Gender and Belonging by
Service Dog Coaching: A Guide for Pet Dog Trainers by Sanchez, Veronica
Governing (Through) Rights by Sokhi-Bulley, Bal
Disabled People and Employment: A Study of the Working Lives of Visually Impaired Physiotherapists by French, Sally
The Changing Japanese Labor Market: Theory and Evidence by Teruyama, Hiroshi, Kitagawa, Akiomi, Ohta, Souichi
Sexual Violence and Effective Redress for Victims in Post-Conflict Situations: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Sikulibo, Jean de Dieu
Leadership with Impact: Preparing Health and Human Service Practitioners in the Age of Innovation and Diversity by Araque, Juan Carlos, Weiss, Eugenia L.
Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by Lenin, Vladimir
Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by Lenin, Vladimir
Maternity Policy and the Making of the Norwegian Welfare State, 1880-1940 by Peterson, Anna M.
Cuba En 1958. El Colapso de la Dictadura Militar Abrió Paso a Un Asalto Marxista by Chao, Raul E.
From Policy to Practice by Rein, Martin
Six and a Half Years on a Dunghill: Life in Specialist Disability Accommodation (Large Print Edition) by Gibilisco, Peter
The Refugee Woman: Partition of Bengal, Gender, and the Political by Chakraborty, Paulomi
In-Transit: The Story of a Journey by Vernon, Sadie
Paths for Cuba: Reforming Communism in Comparative Perspective by
Antisemitism: Here and Now by Lipstadt, Deborah E.
The Politics of Minimum Income: Explaining Path Departure and Policy Reversal in the Age of Austerity by Natili, Marcello
Class and Community in Provincial Ireland, 1851-1914 by Casey, Brian
Pointless Conversations: The Collection - Volume 2: The Expendables, The Fifth Element, and The Big One by Tierney, Scott
Russia: A Thorny Transition from Communism by Lukin, Alexander Research Fellow
Impossible Refuge: The Control and Constraint of Refugee Futures by Ramsay, Georgina
The Institutions of Human Rights: Developments and Practices by
Radical Utopianism and Cultural Studies: On Refusing to be Realistic by Storey, John
Radical Utopianism and Cultural Studies: On Refusing to be Realistic by Storey, John
Understanding the Mixed Economy of Welfare by
Understanding the Mixed Economy of Welfare by
Gadget Consciousness: Collective Thought, Will and Action in the Age of Social Media by Hands, Joss
William Godwin: A Political Life by Thomas, Richard Gough
Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe by
Balkan Blues: Consumer Politics After State Socialism by Jung, Yuson
Balkan Blues: Consumer Politics After State Socialism by Jung, Yuson
Marxist Literary Criticism Today by Foley, Barbara
Prison Papers: A Companion to Prison Torture in America by Singh, Paul
Prison Torture in America: Shocking Tales from the Inside by Singh, Paul
Rights in Transit: Public Transportation and the Right to the City in California's East Bay by Attoh, Kafui Ablode
Prison Torture in America: Shocking Tales from the Inside by Singh, Paul
Constitutional Knowledge and Its Impact on Citizenship Exercise in a Networked Society by
Rights in Transit: Public Transportation and the Right to the City in California's East Bay by Attoh, Kafui Ablode
Marxist Literary Criticism Today by Foley, Barbara
No Bs (Bad Stats): Black People Need People Who Believe in Black People Enough Not to Believe Every Bad Thing They Hear about Black Peopl by Toldson, Ivory A.
From Crisis to Communisation by Dauvé, Gilles
Occult Features of Anarchism: With Attention to the Conspiracy of Kings and the Conspiracy of the Peoples by Lagalisse, Erica
The New Labor Radicalism and New York City's Garment Industry: Progressive Labor Insurgents During the 1960s by Benin, Leigh David
The French and Italian Communist Parties: Comrades and Culture by Guiat, Cyrille
The Right to Food Guidelines, Democracy and Citizen Participation: Country case studies by Cresswell Riol, Katharine S. E.
Wolfe Tone by Elliott, Marianne
Gendered Harm and Structural Violence in the British Asylum System by Canning, Victoria
English Radicalism (1935-1961): Volume 3 by Maccoby, S.
English Radicalism (1935-1961): Volume 6 by Maccoby, S.
Female Corporate Culture and the New South: Women in Business Between the World Wars by Carroll Gilligan, Maureen
Routledge Library of British Political History: Volume 1: Labour and Radical Politics 1762-1937 by Maccoby, S.
Routledge Library of British Political History: Volume 2: Labour and Radical Politics 1762-1937 by Maccoby, S.
Participation in Health and Welfare Services: Professional Concepts and Lived Experience by
Ecrire nous-mêmes la Constitution (version France): Exercices d'entraînement pour préparer un processus constituant populaire by Chouard, Etienne
History Teaches Us to Resist: How Progressive Movements Have Succeeded in Challenging Times by Berry, Mary Frances
A History of the Ideologies of the Welfare State: with Special Reference to Canada by McFaul, Dave
Employment and Development: How Work Can Lead from and Into Poverty by Fields, Gary S.
Navigating Assisted Living: The Transition into Senior Living by Stalder, Kristi
Making Change: Youth Social Entrepreneurship as an Approach to Positive Youth and Community Development by Kruse, Tina P.
Power to the People: The Right to Information Story by Roy, Aruna, Mkss, Collective
The New Freedom: A Collection of Woodrow Wilson's Speeches Published in 1913 by Wilson, Woodrow
Historical Geographies of Anarchism: Early Critical Geographers and Present-Day Scientific Challenges by
Free Speech in the United States (1967) by Chafee, Zechariah, Jr.
How to Be a Feminist: A Womans Guide to Fighting for Rights & Equality by Alexa, Lauren
Digital Feminist Activism: Girls and Women Fight Back Against Rape Culture by Mendes, Kaitlynn, Ringrose, Jessica, Keller, Jessalynn
Unequivocal Justice by Freiman, Christopher
Community Paralegals and the Pursuit of Justice by
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Holocaust: An Endangered Connection by Morsink, Johannes
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Holocaust: An Endangered Connection by Morsink, Johannes
Gambling Policies in European Welfare States: Current Challenges and Future Prospects by
Direct Action Gets the Goods: A Graphic History of the Strike in Canada by Graphic History Collective
1919: A Graphic History of the Winnipeg General Strike by Graphic History Collective
Reframing Global Social Policy: Social Investment for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth by
Animals, Disability, and the End of Capitalism: Voices from the Eco-ability Movement by
The Pilgrim's Progress: Original unabridged version by Bunyan, John
Don't Shush Me: Bedtime Stories for Adults: Tuskegee Experiments by Kerekes, Devette
The Church and Foster Care: God's Call to a Growing Epidemic by Degarmo, John
Worker Correspondents by Dunne, William F.
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