• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 1998

The Fall of Che Guevara: A Story of Soldiers, Spies, and Diplomats by Ryan, Henry B.
Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics: Bahia, 1790s-1990s by Kraay, Hendrik
Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics: Bahia, 1790s-1990s by Kraay, Hendrik
Chile in Focus: A Guide to the People, Politics and Culture by Caistor, Nick
Peru in Focus: A Guide to the People, Politics and Culture by Holligan, Jane
Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America: Images and Realities by
Cochabamba, 1550-1900: Colonialism and Agrarian Transformation in Bolivia by Larson, Brooke
Cousins and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1850-1930 by Moya, Jose C.
Cousins and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1850-1930 by Moya, Jose C.
Women, Feminism and Social Change in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, 1890-1940 by Lavrin, Asuncion
Colonial Spanish America: A Documentary History by Taylor, William B., Mills, Kenneth
The Spears of Twilight: Life and Death in the Amazon Jungle by Descola, Philippe
A Culture of Its Own: Taking Latin America Seriously by Falcoff, Mark
Freedoms Given, Freedoms Won: Afro-Brazilians in Post-Abolition São Paolo and Salvador by Butler, Kim D.
A Bahian Counterpoint: Sugar, Tobacco, Cassava, and Slavery in the Recôncavo, 1780-1860 by Barickman, B. J.
Beyond the Pale of Pity: Key Episodes of Elite Violence in Brazil to 1930 by Rose, R. S.
The Independence of Spanish America by Rodríguez, Jaime E.
At Home in the Street: Street Children of Northeast Brazil by Hecht, Tobias
The Independence of Spanish America by Rodr Guez, Jaime E., Jaime E., Rodriguez, Rodriguez, Jaime E.
The Politics of Memory: Native Historical Interpretation in the Colombian Andes by Rappaport, Joanne
The Confederados: Old South Immigrants in Brazil by
Garcilaso Inca de la Vega: An American Humanist, A Tribute to José Durand by
Garcilaso Inca de la Vega: An American Humanist, a Tribute to José Durand by
The Andean Cocaine Industry by Clawson, Patrick, Lee, Rensselaer
Latin America: Politics and Society Since 1930 by
Salsa: A Taste of Hispanic Culture by Falcn, Rafael, Falcon, Rafael
Latin America: Politics and Society Since 1930 by
A Miracle, a Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers by Weschler, Lawrence
Secret Cities of Old South America: Atlantis Reprint Series by Wilkins, Harold
Pathways of Memory and Power: Ethnography and History Among an Andean People by Abercrombie, Thomas A.
Torture in Brazil: A Shocking Report on the Pervasive Use of Torture by Brazilian Military Governments, 1964-1979, Secretly Prepared by t by Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brazil
Women Through Women's Eyes: Latin American Women in 19th Century Travel Accounts by
Sweat of the Sun, Tears of the Moon: A Chronicle of an Incan Treasure by Lourie, Peter
The Faces of Honor: Sex, Shame, and Violence in Colonial Latin America by
A Cultural History of Latin America by
A Cultural History of Latin America: Literature, Music and the Visual Arts in the 19th and 20th Centuries by
Shining and Other Paths: War and Society in Peru, 1980-1995 by
The World Upside Down: Cross-Cultural Contact and Conflict in Sixteenth-Century Peru by Ramírez, Susan Elizabeth
Voices of the Survivors: Testimony, Mourning, and Memory in Post-Dictatorship Argentina (1983-1995) by Foster, David W., Evangelista, Liria
Facundo: Or, Civilization and Barbarism by Sarmiento, Domingo F.
State Under Siege: Development And Policy Making In Peru by Mauceri, Philip
Deepening Democracy?: The Modern Left and Social Movements in Chile and Peru by Roberts, Kenneth M.
Orpheus and Power: The Movimento Negro of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil 1945-1988 by Hanchard, Michael G.
Historia de Grecia by Clogg, Richard
Culture and Customs of Argentina by Lockhart, Melissa, Foster, David, Lockhart, Darrell
History of the Inca Realm by de Diez Canseco, Maria Rostworowski, Canseco, Maria R., Rostworowski de Diez Cans, Maria
History of the Inca Realm by Canseco, Maria R., Rostworowski de Diez Cans, Maria, de Diez Canseco, Maria Rostworowski
The Unedited Diaries of Carolina Maria de Jesus by Meihy, Jose Carlos Sebe Bom, Levine, Robert M.
Chapters of Brazil's Colonial History 1500-1800 by Capistrano De Abreu, Jo?o, De Abreu, Joao Capistrano, Capistrano De Abreu, Joao
Voices of Resistance by
Modern Latin American Revolutions by Selbin, Eric
Ceramic Production and Distribution in the Chavín Sphere of Influence (North-Central Andes) by Druc, Isabelle C.
The Inkas - Last Stage of Stone Masonry Development in the Andes by Menotti, Francesco