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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2005

The Colonial History of Paraguay: The Revolt of the Comuneros, 1721-1735 by Lopez, Adalberto
Politics and Urban Growth in Santiago, Chile, 1891-1941 by Walter, Richard J.
The Politics of Social Policy Change in Chile and Uruguay: Retrenchment versus Maintenance, 1973-1998 by Castiglioni Nunez, Rossana
Lima: A Cultural History by Higgins, James
Elusive Peace: International, National, and Local Dimensions of Conflict in Colombia by Rojas, C., Meltzer, J.
Bananas and Business: The United Fruit Company in Colombia, 1899-2000 by Bucheli, Marcelo
The Language of the Land: The Mapuche of Chile and Argentina by Ray, Leslie A.
The Ecological Native: Indigenous Peoples' Movements and Eco-Governmentality in Columbia by Ulloa, Astrid
Family and Frontier in Colonial Brazil: Santana de Parnaíba, 1580-1822 by Metcalf, Alida C.
The Profits of Extermination: Big Mining in Colombia by Cuellar, Francisco Ramírez, Chomsky, Aviva
The Profits of Extermination: Big Mining in Colombia by Cuellar, Francisco Ramírez
South American Life by
Patterns of Protest: Politics and Social Movements in Bolivia by Crabtree, John
The Dispossessed: Chronicles of the Desterrados of Colombia by Chomsky, Aviva, Molano, Alfredo
Far Away and Long Ago: A History of My Early Life by Hudson, W. H.
Cruzeiro Do Sul, a History of Brazil's Half-Millennium: Vol 1 New World Epic by Hufferd, James
Ruy Barbosa: Brazilian Crusader for the Essential Freedoms by Turner, Charles W.
Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America by McSherry, J. Patrice
Falklands War by Boyce, George
The Condor Years: How Pinochet and His Allies Brought Terrorism to Three Continents by Dinges, John
Political Cultures in the Andes, 1750-1950 by
Imagining Brazil by
To Feed and Be Fed: The Cosmological Bases of Authority and Identity in the Andes by Ramírez, Susan Elizabeth
To Feed and Be Fed: The Cosmological Bases of Authority and Identity in the Andes by Ramírez, Susan Elizabeth
History of the Conquest of Peru by Prescott, William H.
Cultural Landscapes in the Ancient Andes: Archaeologies of Place by Moore, Jerry D.
The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, Volume 2: War and Diplomacy by Freedman, Lawrence
The Case of the Ugly Suitor & Other Histories of Love, Gender, & Nation in Buenos Aires, 1776-1870 by Shumway, Jeffrey M.
Confessions of an Argentine Dirty Warrior: A Firsthand Account of Atrocity by Verbitsky, Horacio
Evita by Peron, Eva, Peraon, Eva
Paisajes arqueológicos: Un estudio comparativo de diferentes ambientes patagónicos by Bautista Belardi, Juan
Lula and the Workers' Party in Brazil by Kucinski, Bernardo, Branford, Sue
Wars and Conflicts in Prehispanic Mesoamerica and the Andes by
Cruzeiro do Sul, A History of Brazil's Half-Millennium: Vol 2 O Provo (The People) 19th & 20th Centuries by Hufferd, James
The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, Volume 1: The Origins of the Falklands War by Freedman, Lawrence
The Archaeology of Guyana Bar 1400 by Plew, Mark G.
An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru by Yupanqui, Titu Cusi
Children of the Father King: Youth, Authority, and Legal Minority in Colonial Lima by Premo, Bianca
Shadows of Empire by Garrett, David T.
Language, Authority, and Indigenous History in the Comentarios Reales de Los Incas by Zamora, Margarita
Native Capital: Financial Institutions and Economic Development in São Paulo, Brazil, 1850-1920 by Hanley, Anne G.
Valverde's Gold: In Search of the Last Great Inca Treasure by Honigsbaum, Mark
U.S. Intervention in British Guiana: A Cold War Story by Rabe, Stephen G.
Courage Tastes of Blood: The Mapuche Community of Nicolás Ailío and the Chilean State, 1906-2001 by Mallon, Florencia E.
Complementing Latin American Borders by Merrell, Floyd
Crafting Civilian Control of the Military in Venezuela: A Comparative Perspective by Trinkunas, Harold A.
Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity by Garcia Canclini, Nestor
Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chavez Talks to Marta Harnecker by Chavez, Hugo, Harnecker, Marta
Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chavez Talks to Marta Harnecker by Chavez, Hugo, Harnecker, Marta
Envisioning Brazil: A Guide to Brazilian Studies in the United States by
The Door of the Seas and the Key to the Universe: Indian Politics and Imperial Rivalry in Darién, 1640-1750 by Gallup-Diaz, Ignacio
The Guaraní Under Spanish Rule in the Río de la Plata by Ganson, Barbara
The History of Chile by Rector, John L.
A Short History of the World by Wells, H. G.
Humboldt by Ingersoll, Robert G.
The Peru Reader: History, Culture, Politics by
Chimneys in the Desert: Industrialization in Argentina During the Export Boom Years, 1870-1930 by Rocchi, Fernando
La Arqueología Social en el Perú by Aguirre-Morales Prouvé, Manuel
Social Pluralism and Lithic Economy at Cerro Baúl, Peru by Vining, Benjamin R.